CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE IN HOMŒOPATHY CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. XXI, 2004 Lead me from Untruth to Truth Lead me from Darkness to Light Lead me from Death to Immortality Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28 (This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline- wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.) Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India. © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy QUARTERLY HOMOEOPATHIC DIGEST Year 2004,Vol.XXI INDEX S.No Topic Page. No. 1 QHD Volume XXI, 1, 2004 3 2 QHD Volume XXI, 2, 2004 56 3 QHD Volume XXI, 3 & 4, 2004 111 © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 2 of 216 QUARTERLY HOMOEPATHIC DIGEST Year 2004, Vol.XXI 1. QHD, VOL. XXI, 1, 2004 Part I Current Literature Listing _____________________________________________________________________________________ Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over – India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________________ II. MATERIA MEDICA I. PHILOSOPHY 1. Differential diagnose der Gemütssymptome von Magnesic carbonica und Sepia 1. Anmenkungen zu Hahnemanns reiner (Differential diagnosis of the mental symptoms Symptomenlehre (Observations on of Magnesia carbonica and Sepia ) Hahnemann’s teaching of purity of symptoms) HEE, Hansjörg (ZKH. 47, 1/2003) HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 47, 1/2003) The many similarities between states of With copious references to the source material Magnesia carbonica and Sepia – the anxiety and – Hahnemann’s Introduction to his Fragmenta, irritability, fear and trembling, the bad moods and Organon, Chronic Diseases, Boenninghausen’s excitability as also the extreme tiredness – make it articles as well as Kent’s and Heidegger’s difficult to differentiate. An actual case is Philosophy – two aspects of Hahnemann’s discussed. The emotional symptoms of both evaluation of the purity of symptoms of Provings remedies are listed; however, these two remedies vis-a-vis as of disease are examined. It is pointed are not given as related in the Therapeutic Pocket out that HAHNEMANN dwelt for a short while Book. [If it is difficult to differentiate the ‘mental beyond the scope of science. The possibility of state’, we should apply the other symptom which Homœopathy as a science is discussed. Through should be helpful. GROSS has given very good examination of BOENNINGHAUSEN and KENT differentials in the ‘Comparative Materia it is demonstrated that not each of Hahnemann’s Medica’ edited by HERING = KSS] followers were able to comprehend and preserve the novelty of Homœopathy. 2. Arzneimittelprüfung Carcinosinum (Drug Proving Carcinosinum ). 2. Defining a different tradition for Homœopathy FRIEDRICH, Uwe & VIERECK, Bianca WICHMANN, Jörg (HL. 15, 1/2002) (ZKH. 47, 1/2003) We are trying to make “Homœopathy” appear Carcinosinum was not taken into Kent’s as a ‘Science’ in public. Being ‘Scientific’ seems Repertory although the remedy was known by then. to be regarded as a sign of quality. KENT mentions the remedy in his ‘ Lectures on Materia Medica ’ and also ‘ Lesser Writing’s ’. The point, the author wants to make in this CLARKE, BOERICKE, NEBEL and BURNETT article is that though there are some characteristics have written about this remedy. FOUBISTER of Homœopathy that look scientific at first, worked with the clinical symptoms, TEMPLETON Homœopathy really rests on a totally different made two small provings with two Provers, tradition, which can only be explained as our Art of SOLVEY proved upon himself the 30, 200 and Healing. Only in this context does it makes sense. 1000. MATTISCH and HASLINGER made a This tradition is hermetic, which puts Homœopathy proving published in the Documenta on the same line as Shamanism and Alchemy. Homœopathica , (Vol. 14/1999). The author discusses the various advantages of In the present Proving 10 Provers (6 women this approach. The article is quite relevant. and 4 men) took part. It was in 200 potency. 99 symptoms have been recorded and presented here. [A Proving by Rosario Sánchez LABALLERO ------------------------------------------------------------- et al from Mexico, was presented in the LIGA Conference in 1995 in Oaxaca, Mexico. This © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 3 of 216 QUARTERLY HOMOEOPATHIC DIGEST Year 2004,Vol.XXI Proving collected many symptoms. A complete As a remedy and as a Vaccine Proving data as also a list of ‘peculiar’, ‘striking’ ZAHEER, Rozina A. (HL. 15, 1/2002) symptoms were detailed in the Documenta Homœopathica , Band 20/2000. See QHD 3 & Details about the proving and the symptoms of 4/2002 = KSS.] the remedy are presented and illustrated with 8 cases. 3. Erschöpfungszustand – Selenium (Exhausted The author also recommends the remedy as state – Selenium ) prophylactic against AIDS. WEGENER, Andreas (ZKH. 47, 1/2003) 8. The Aurum Group. A 42 year-old man consulted on 24 April 2002. LOUKAS, George (HL. 15, 2/2002) He suffered from a protracted infection from the beginning of the year and since then found it The author has presented the characteristic difficult to go to work and ill. He felt very features of various salts of Aurum , based on the weakened and powerless. Suffered with an irritable scientific work of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN. cough without expectoration. The Materia Medica of some of the different Carbo vegetabilis 200, then M improved the ‘Natronatums’ are also presented. cough. The severe exhaustion still remained, and Selenium M and he improved rapidly from the very 9. Cadmium metallicum - Proving next day. HATHERLY, Patricia A. (HL. 15, 2/2002) 4. Urtica urens The Proving was conducted in 1998 in the 7, 8 FULLER, Diane (HT. 22, 4/2002) and 30 potencies. There were 5 Provers and supervisors. Each Prover was instructed to take the The use of this remedy in Burns, Rheumatism, remedy morning and evening for 3 consecutive Gout and Spleen disease are discussed and also its days or until symptoms began to arise. use as a salad in the Spring cleaning to remove Mind Winter’s accumulation of toxins. Impatient; agitated; restless, frustrated, irritable, quick to anger, worse nightfall; worse 3-8 5. Stimulants – Their homœopathic uses and their PM; worse noise. Tendency to swear; wants to Worthy Rivals argue; revengeful; confused, angry, wants to be left OLSEN, Steven (AJHM. 96, 1/2003) alone; indisposed to talk; content with own company; concentration difficult; mental torpor. Stimulants – Ginseng, Carboneum Indifferent; apathetic; detached; unmotivated; sulphuratum, Ferrum, Lac equinum, Chocolate, bored; lacks purpose; lazy; indolent; desires rest; Kola, Coffea, Saccharum – are discussed. flat; sense of euphoria on waking; centred, calm; experiencing inner strength, Clear mind; mental 6. Meningococcinum concentration good; organized. Thoughts run Its protective effect against meningococcal through the head, evening, in bed, prevent sleep. disease Anxious; apprehensive (s/if: ‘like butterflies in the MRONINSKI C.R.L.; ADRIANO E.J. and stomach’. Delusion: ‘that there will be something MATTOS G. (HL. 15, 1/2002) on the road around the next bend’). Oversensitive to impressions; senses acute ; sensation that there Homœopathy, through the use of Nosodes, are no boundaries; that boundaries have been presents a proposal to control some defined; that boundaries have been invaded; infectious/contagious diseases. This study sensation of anticipatory excitement about the demonstrates the power of this therapy by the future; desire to throw out old belongings to make Meningococcal Disease Control. The use of way for the new. Others seem violent; feels like Meningococcinum 30 in people under twenty in the time has lengthened, that there are more hours in city of Blumenau-SC, Brazil, during a period where the day. Happy, excited, cheerful; feels sorry for there were concerns because of the increase of the self; feels rejected; desires sympathy; desires number of cases, demonstrated a protective effect, company; cries easily. highly significant in helping those who received the Nosode. This effect lasted at least one year. Vertigo Sensation as if intoxicated. 7. Virionum, the Nosode of HIV © Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 4 of 216 QUARTERLY HOMOEPATHIC DIGEST Year 2004, Vol.XXI Head Congestive headache ‘feels like cotton wool’, (pain: ‘pressing’: ‘like brain is enlarged’; ‘outward Nose pressure like a baloon’; ‘vibrating sensation’). Coryza worse warm room; bland, watery From temple to temple, with exhaustion, nausea; discharge, worse right nostril. Sneezing worse air- worse light, warmth facing into the sun, rising, conditioning. Dry, hot feeling on waking worse left motion, laughing, mental exertion, being rushed
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