DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Comprehensive Bibliographies on Primary and Supergene Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralization Associated with Komatiitic and Mafic Intrusions in Australasia, on Layered Mafic Intrusions in Australasia, and on the Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica By Gerald K. Czamanske^, David I. Groves^, John A. Bunting^, and Anthony V. Brown^ Open-File Report 87-412-A Prepared in cooperation with IGCP Project 161 ^U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. ^Department of Geology, University of Western Australia. ^B.H.P. Minerals, Perth, Western Australia. ^Geological Survey of Tasmania, Hobart. Comprehensive Bibliographies on Primary and Supergene Mi-Cu-PGE Mineralization Associated with Komatiitic and Mafic Intrusions in Australasia, on Layered Mafic Intrusions in Australasia, and on the Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica Compiled by Gerald K. Czamanske, David I. Groves, John A. Bunting, and Anthony V. Brown These bibliographies have been compiled at the U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, under the auspices of Project 161 of the International Geological Correlation Program, entitled "Sulfide Deposits in Mafic and Ultraraafic Rocks." Part of a series of bibliographies being compiled for the entire world, they are considered to be complete through 1986. Compilation of the bibliographies was begun by searching the computerized data bases of scientific literature referred to as GeoRef (American Geological Institute) and CA Search (Chemical Abstracts), using two search strategies: A + (B or C or D or E) + F or G + F where A = nickel or cobalt or platinum or pentlandite B = mineralization or ore deposit or dissemination or mine C = ultramafic or ultrabasic or dunite or peridptite or harzburgite D = gabbro or anorthosite or norite E = economic geology F = a geographic region, and G = layered intrusion or cumulate Specifically excluded from the bibliography on mineralized occurrences are references relating to Ni, Cu, or Pt-group-element mineralization associated with other than mafic igneous rocks. References to mafic rocks considered to be ophiolitic in character are excluded from the bibliography on unmineralized layered mafic intrusions, as are references to innumerable occurrences of unmineralized noncumulate gabbroic rocks. The bibliography on unmineralized mafic intrusions complements that for known mineralization; it provides the researcher with contrast and the prospector with potential. The bibliography on nickel deposits of Western Australian includes all relevant references cited in Geological Survey of Western Australia Mineral Resource Bulletin 14, "Nickel Mineralization in Western Australia," by R. J. Marston. This 271-page volume contains a wealth of information, including references to many unpublished reports which we do not cite here. Readers should also be aware that many unreferenced short articles are contained in University of Western Australia Geology Department and Extension Service Publication 7, "Regional geology and nickel deposits of the Norseman-Wiluna Belt, Western Australia," edited by D. I. Groves and C. M. Lesher for IGCP project 91 and 161 field conferences in 1982. We thank the many individuals who helped make these bibliographies accurate and comprehensive. Especially noteworthy were the contributions of Mark Barley, University of Western Australia; D. Russel Hudson; A. L. Jaques; Charter Mathison; and Sue Thornett, B.H.P. Minerals, Perth. Because large bibliographies on mafic intrusions in other parts of the world were being compiled concurrently, time has not been available for inspection and verification of many of the citations; for this we apologize. Users of these bibliographies are encouraged to report any errors to Gerald K. Czamanske so that they may be corrected. In a similar spirit, users are encouraged to send notice of any reports published before 1987 that have been inadvertently omitted. Consistency of citation style has benefited from review by George Havach of the U.S. Geological Survey. The efforts of Pauline C. Bennett during early stages of compilation are gratefully acknowledged. This report is being issued in two forms, representing slightly differing versions. Version A, issued as paper copy, incorporates foreign diacritics. Version B, issued as an IBM-compatible diskette, affords users the great benefit of an online bibliography, but is formatted only in the standard ASCII character set. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON WESTERN AUSTRALIAN Ni SULFIDE DEPOSITS Andrews, P. B., 1975, Spargoville nickel deposits, in Knight, C. L., ed., Economic geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. I. Metals: Parkville, Victoria, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph Series, no. 5, p. 89-91. Anonymous, 1975, The Poseidon story: Western Australia*s Cinderella nickel producer goes on-line with a 1 million-mtpy sulphide flotation concentrator one day ahead of schedule: Engineering and Mining Journal, v. 176, p. 53-62. 1978, Prospecting for nickel; Western Australia: Geological Survey of Western Australia Information Pamphlet 6, 20 p. 1969, The nickel finds around Kalgoorlie: Australian Mining, v. 61, no. 3, p. 59. Arndt, C. D., 1980, Carnilya Hill Ni-mineralization, Yilgarn Block, W.A.: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 12, p. 171-173. Baker, M., and Dawson, P. E., 1980, Nickel ore mining at Redross, W.A., by Anaconda/CRA, in Woodcock, J. T., ed., Mining and metallurgical practices in Australasia: Parkville, Victoria, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph Series, no. 10, p. 559-560. Barker, W. W., Bussel, M., Fletcher, A. B., Hill, R. E., Hudson, D. R., Nickel, E. H., Ramsden, A. R., and Thornber, M. R., 1975, Nickel deposits: Australia: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Minerals Research Laboratories Annual Report 1974-75, p. 12-14. Barrett, F. M., Binns, R. A., Groves, D. I., Marston, R. J., and McQueen, K. G., 1977, Structural history and metamorphic modification of Archean volcanic-type nickel deposits, Yilgarn Block, Western Australia: Economic Geology, v. 72, p. 1195-1223. Barrett, F. M., Binns, R. A., Gunthorpe, R. J., McQueen, K. G., and Marston, R. J., 1976, Metamorphic modification of Archean nickel deposits, Western Australia: International Geological Congress, 25th, Sydney, 1976, Abstracts, v. 1, p. 111. Barrett, F. M., Groves, D. I., and Binns, R. A., 1976, Importance of metamorphic processes of the Nepean nickel deposit, Western Australia: London, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Transactions, sec. B, v. 85, p. 252-273. Barry, J., 1974, Geochemistry of the Scotia nickel deposit in relation to exploration: Adelaide, South Australia, University of Adelaide, Ph.D. thesis, 99 p. Bavinton, 0. A., 1979, Interflow sedimentary rocks from the Kambalda ultramafic sequence; their geochemistry, metamorphism and genesis: Canberra, New South Wales, Australian National University, Ph.D. thesis, 196 p. Bavinton, O. A., 1981, The nature of sulfidic metasediments at Kambalda and their broad relationships with associated ultramafic rocks and nickel ores: Economic Geology, v. 76, p. 1606-1628. Bavinton, O. A., and Keays, R. R., 1978, Precious metal values from interflow sedimentary rocks from the komatiite sequence at Kambalda, Western Australia: Geochiraica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 42, p. 1151-1163. Bayer, H., and Siemes, H., 1971, Zur Interpretation von Pyrrhotin-Gefugen: Mineralium Deposita, v. 6, p. 225-244. Bennett, C. E. G., Graham, J., Parks, T. C., and Thornber, M. R., 1972, New observations on natural pyrrhotites. Part II. Lamellar magnetite in monoclinic pyrrhotite: American Mineralogist, v. 57, p. 1876-1880. Bennett, C. E. G., Graham, J., and Thornber, M. R., 1972, New observations on natural pyrrhotites. Part I. Mineragraphic techniques: American Mineralogist, v. 57, p. 445-462. Besson, M., 1976, Le chimisme des roches ultrabasiques mineralisees en sulfures de nickel d*Australie occidentale: France, Bureau Recherches Geologiques et Minieres Bulletin, ser. 2, sec. 2, no. 2, p. 185-213. Besson, M., Meyer, G., and Treuil, M., 1980, Approche geochimique; Caracterisation et discrimination geochimiques des ensembles favorables et defavorables; VI, Elements traces et terres rares dans quelques metapicrites d f Australia occidentale [Geochemical approach; geochemical characterization and discrimination of favorable and unfavorable complexes; VI. Trace elements and rare earths in Western Australian metapicrites]: France, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres Memoir 97, p. 159-166. Billington, L. G., 1984, Geological review of the Agnew nickel deposit, Western Australia, in Buchanan, D. L., and Jones, M. J., eds., Sulfide deposits in mafic and ultraraafic rocks: London, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, p. 43-54. Binns, R. A., and Champness, P. E., 1985, Analytical electron microscope study of red-brown olivines in ultraraafic rocks from the Yilgarn Block, W. A., in Morris, R. C., and others, eds., Research review 1985: Canberra, New South Wales, CSIRO Division of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, p. 32-33. Binns, R. A., and Groves, D. I., 1976, Iron-nickel partition in metamorphosed olivine-sulfide assemblages from Perseverance, Western Australia: American Mineralogist, v. 61, p. 782-787. Binns, R. A., Groves, D. I., and Gunthorpe, R. J., 1977, Nickel sulphides in Archaean ultramafic rocks of Western Australia, in Sidorenko, A. V., ed., Correlation of the Precarabrian (Korrelyatsiya dokembriya): Moscow, Nauka, v. 2, p. 349-380. Binns, R. A., Gunthorpe, R. J., and Groves, D. I., 1976, Metamorphic patterns
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