57 th CONVENTION NOVEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 2, 2016 TOGETHER FOR BC Convention website: convention.bcfed.ca facebook.com/bcfed Twitter: @bcfed #bcfed16 Contents ROSES ON THE STEPS OF THE VANCOUVER ART GALLERY REPRESENTING ONE FOR EACH WORKER KILLED ON THE JOB IN BC. CALL TO ORDER COMMITTEE REPORTS & RESOLUTIONS O Canada and Solidarity Forever ....................4 Community and Social Action ....................105 Rules of Order ........................................................5 Constitution and Structure ..........................113 Statement on Harassment ................................7 Education ...........................................................117 New Delegates Guide .........................................8 Human Rights ...................................................129 CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS .......... 14 Occupational Health and Safety ................143 Political Action ..................................................163 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL REPORT .... 31 Women’s Rights ................................................171 Equity Representatives’ Reports Addendum ........................................................... 73 Young Workers .................................................181 Apprenticeship and Skills Training GENERAL RESOLUTIONS ............ 187 Working Group Addendum ........................... 79 Climate Change Working Group Union Acronyms of BCFED Affiliates ........228 Addendum ........................................................... 86 Resolutions Quick Guide...............................230 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............. 91 Travel Pool Claim Form ..................................231 57TH CONVENTION NOVEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 2, 2016 bcfed.ca convention.bcfed.ca­ facebook.com/bcfed­ ­ @bcfed #bcfed16 Download this book in PDF format at convention.bcfed.ca/materials CALL TO ORDER O Canada O Canada! Our home and native land! From far and wide, O Canada, True patriot love in all of us command. we stand on guard for thee. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, God keep our land glorious and free! The True North strong and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Solidarity Forever When the Union’s inspiration, They have taken untold millions, through the workers’ blood shall run, that they never toiled to earn, There can be no power greater But without our brain and muscle, anywhere beneath the sun. not a single wheel could turn. Yet what force on earth is weaker We can break their haughty power, than the feeble strength of one? gain our freedom when we learn For the Union makes us strong. That the Union makes us strong. CHORUS CHORUS Solidarity forever! We are the women of the union, Solidarity forever! we have just begun to fight. Solidarity forever! We have learned of women issues, we have learned of women’s rights. For the Union makes us strong We no longer will tolerate injustices and wrongs, It is we who ploughed the prairies, For the Union makes us strong. built the cities where they trade, Dug the mines and built the workshops, CHORUS endless miles of railroad laid. In our hands is placed a power We shall never stand outcast from greater than their hoarded gold, all the wonders we have made, Greater than the might of armies For the Union makes us strong. magnified a thousand fold. CHORUS We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old For the Union makes us strong. CHORUS 4 57TH CONVENTION NOVEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 2, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Rules of Order THE RULES OF ORDER OF BUSINESS GOVERNING THE CONVENTION SHALL BE: 1. The president or, in his/her absence or at 9. Should a delegate persist in his/her request, an executive officer, shall unparliamentary conduct, the chairperson take the chair at the time specified at all will be compelled to name the delegate regular and special conventions. In the and submit his/her conduct to the absence of both the president and the judgment of the convention. In such case, designated representative, a chairperson the delegate whose conduct is in question, shall be chosen by the Executive Council. shall explain, then withdraw, and the convention will determine what course to 2. There will be “no smoking” in the pursue in the matter. convention hall. 10. When a question is put, the chairperson, 3. No question of a sectarian character shall after announcing the question, shall ask: be discussed. “Are you ready for the question?”. If no delegate wishes to speak, the question 4. When a delegate wishes to speak, shall be put. he/she shall proceed to one of the microphones provided for this purpose. 11. Questions may be decided by a show of When recognized by the chairperson, the hands, or a standing vote on the basis of delegate shall give his/her name and the one vote per delegate. A roll call vote may organization he/she represents and shall be demanded by one-third of the delegates confine his/her remarks to the question at present. issue. A delegate wishing to speak in favour on a particular resolution must speak at a 12. In the event of a roll call vote, such vote mike labelled “Pro.” A delegate wishing to shall be conducted in accordance with the speak against the resolution must speak Canadian Labour Congress Constitution, from a mike labeled “Con.” i.e., one delegate, one vote. 5. Speeches shall be limited to three minutes. 13. Two delegates may appeal the decision of the chair. The chairperson shall then 6. A delegate shall not speak more than once put the question thus: “Shall the decision upon a subject until all who wish to speak of the chair be sustained?”. The question have had an opportunity to do so. shall not be debatable except that the chairperson and the challenger may make 7. A delegate shall not interrupt another an explanation for their decision. except to call a point of order or for a question of privilege. 14. The chairperson shall have the same rights as other delegates to vote on any question. 8. If a delegate is called to order, the delegate In case of a tie vote, he/she shall cast the shall, at the request of the chair, take his/ deciding vote. her seat until the question of order has been decided. TOGETHER FOR BC 5 CALL TO ORDER 15. When the previous question is moved, no 23. Late resolutions that are, in the opinion of discussion or amendment of either motion the chair, of an emergency nature (i.e., it is permitted. If the majority vote that “the deals with a pressing issue that arose after question be now put”, the original motion the deadline for submission of resolutions) has to be put without debate. If the motion shall be referred to the resolutions to put the question is defeated, discussion committee for consideration and be will continue on the original motion. debatable at any time. Late resolutions not deemed to be of an emergency nature shall 16. Committees may combine resolutions or be considered following the completion of prepare a composite to cover the intent of all convention business. Late resolutions the question at issue. Reports of committees require two-thirds majority consent of the are not subject to amendment except such convention. as is acceptable to the committee, but a motion to refer back to the committee for 24. In all matters not regulated by these rules of reconsideration shall be in order. order, Bourinot’s Rules of Order shall govern. 17. A delegate shall not move a motion to refer back after he/she has spoken on the ALTERNATE DELEGATE STATUS question at issue. • An alternative delegate replaces a regular 18. A motion to refer back is not debatable and, delegate. when properly seconded, the question shall be immediately put to the convention. • If an alternate delegate is replacing a regular delegate, the regular delegate must present 19. If the report of a committee is adopted, it his/her badge to the convention office becomes the decision of the convention. before the office can issue an alternate If defeated, it may be referred back to the badge to the replacement. The regular Committee for reconsideration. delegate and his/her replacement (alternate) 20. When a question is pending before the delegate will not be on the floor at the same convention, no motion shall be in order time. except to refer, for the previous question, • If different alternate delegates are attending to postpone for a definite time. If any of the each day for a union, the same procedure foregoing motions is negated, it cannot is followed. Each alternate delegate must be renewed until after an intermediate turn their badge into the convention office proceeding. if they are not returning the following day. 21. A motion may be reconsidered provided the Alternate delegates, once they have replaced mover of the motion to reconsider voted a regular delegate, have full voice and vote. with the majority and notice of motion is given for consideration at the next sitting, and said notice of motion is supported by VISITOR STATUS two-thirds of the delegates qualified to vote. • Visitors are welcome to attend convention. 22. The Executive Council is empowered to They have no voice or vote and are not establish the hours of the convention. allowed on the convention floor. 6 57TH CONVENTION NOVEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 2, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Statement on Harassment THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WILL BE READ AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF ALL BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR CONVENTIONS AND CONFERENCES: Solidarity is the foundation of the labour There is a simple process to follow. movement. 1. Contact the Ombudsperson appointed for Any conduct which undermines that solidarity, the duration of the event. At convention, which undermines the dignity of our fellow you can contact them by approaching any members, and prevents us from achieving our Federation staff member or officer, or you goals. can leave a message for the Ombudsperson at the convention office. Sexual harassment and harassment based on religion, race, sexual orientation, gender 2. The Ombudsperson will investigate and try identity or other grounds, contradict the words to resolve the problem. They may take any of equality and justice that we so often use in action required to stop the harassment and our resolutions and speeches.
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