FEBRUARY 18, 2018 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 1 INSIDE THE HERALD Lent and the Number 40 ANNUAL LENTEN SOUP SUPPER The number forty in the Scriptures is usually associated Sunday, February 18, 6:00R8:00 PM, Parish Hall with an opportunity for people to experience God’s Enjoy a wonderful meal of soups, salads, and transforming power. In the Liturgical Year, the Season desserts all donated by parishioners and local of Lent provides forty days as a me of retreat to reflect businesses. All proceeds to benefit Capuchin Soup upon our lives and to become more like Christ8888page 3 Kitchen and Robert Matchen Nutrion Center. Reservaons not required. Suggested minimum 88888888888888888888888888888888888888 donaon $8.00 per adult, $4.00 per child (12 and Fasng Guidelines for Lent page 7 under) $25.00 per family. LENT SCHEDULE88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888page 8 Congratulaons Confirmandi8888888888888888888888888888888888page 9 Tuion Angels News Thanks to the generosity of Tuion Angels donors, the Tuion Angels Commiee has been able to grant EVENING PRAYER AND ORGAN RECITAL awards to twentyRfive children, assisng in keeping Sunday, February 18, 2018, 7:00 PM, Stone Chapel them part of the St. Hugo School community.8888page 11 Men’s Chant Schola and students from the University of Michigan. Fr. George Hazler, presider. WWW.STHUGO.ORG 2 ST. HUGO OF THE HILLS | BLOOMFIELD HILLS DIRECTORY PARISH OFFICE 248R644R5460 FAX 248R644R1758 2215 OPDYKE ROAD, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, 48304 Pastor Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Tocco SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Associate Pastor Rev. Timothy Wezner Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance Pastoral Associate & RCIA Sr. Barbara Rund, OP by contacng Pay Sinta at the parish office: Senior Associate Rev. Joseph Szewczyk 248R644R5460 ext. 2212 or [email protected]. Senior Priest Rev. George Hazler, I.V.Dei SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Senior Priest Rev. Joe Grimaldi Arrangements must be made by contacng Stephanie Weekend Associate Rev. Mark Wendling, SOLT Spinale at the parish office: 248R644R5460 ext. 2202 or Permanent Deacon Rev. Dc. Michael T. Smith [email protected]. Bapsm preparaon Permanent Deacon Rev. Dc. Oscar Brown takes place once a month, usually on the first Wednesday at Business Manager Brian Bartkowiak 7:00 PM. Celebraon of Bapsms take place on the second Parish Accountant Ms. Carol Pates and fourth Sundays at 1:30 PM. Accounts Receivable Coordinator Ms. Cathy Seifert HOLY EUCHARIST FOR THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND Music Director Mr. John Siard Contact the parish office at 248R644R5460. Fr. Joseph Associate Organist Mr. Mitchell Garcia visits sick parishioners in the hospital, nursing home or Carillonneur Mr. David Enos private home. Maintenance Team Leader Mr. Tom Crane HOLY HOUR (EXPOSITION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST) Marriage Prep. Coordinator Mrs. Pay Sinta Monthly: Adoraon is held on the first Tuesday of the month Parish Administrave Assistant Ms. Ruth Whitesell beginning a er the 8:30 am mass and will connue unl Infant Bapsm Coordinator Ms. Stephanie Spinale a er the Holy Hour at 7:30 in the Chapel. Weekend Administrave Assistant Mr. Mason Brown Daily Exposion of the Holy Eucharist: A er 6:10 AM Mass Youth Minister Ms. Chelsea Wilde unl 7:00 AM MondayRFriday (Chapel). Bullen Coordinator Mr. Bryan Clifford ROSARY R R MondayRSaturday immediately following the 8:30 AM Mass. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 248 642 6062 Parish Catechecal Leader Mrs. Barbara BacciRYugovich REGISTRATION Rel. Educaon Administrave Assistant Mrs. Angela Venos All new parishioners are encouraged to register in the parish SCHOOL 248R642R6131 office. Address changes, moves or deleons may be reported in person, by phone, by fax or by eRmail. Principal Mr. Joe Vincler Assistant Principal Mrs. Nicole Regenk FORMED: CATHOLIC VIDEOS ON DEMAND Office Manager Mrs. Kelly Ryan www.FORMED.org Password: WH3XEC CONVENT 248R642R8331 CLOTHES CLOSET and FOOD PANTRY 248R646R0920 MASS SCHEDULE Winter Hours: Mon T Tuesday 8AMV1PM ; Wed 9AMV1PM SAINT HUGO HERALD [email protected] SATURDAY WEEKDAY Deadline for submissions is Mondays by 4 PM via email only 8:30 AM CHAPEL MONRFRI 5:00 PM VIGIL CHURCH 6:10 AM CHAPEL YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] 8:30 AM CHAPEL* WEB www.sthugo.org/youthRministry SUNDAY *During the school year SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) 7:00 AM CHAPEL WED Masses in Church Saturday a ernoon 3:30 R 4:30 PM 8:00 AM CHURCH Before and a er each weekday 6:10 AM Mass. 10:00 AM CHURCH 12 NOON CHURCH HOLY DAY ST. HUGO CHURCH WIRFI 5:00 PM CHURCH 6:10 AM CHAPEL Network: St.Hugo Guest Network Password: sthugoguests 9:00 AM CHURCH 12 NOON CHURCH 7:00 PM CHURCH INDEX Sr. Barb 3 Online Giving 11 Fr. Tim 3 Religious Ed 12 This Week/ Calendar 4 School News 12 New Parishioners 4 Youth/ YA Ministry 13 Anniversaries 4 AOD 14 Upcoming Meengs 5 NonRParish/RTLRLifespan15 EventsRatRaRGlance 5 Music Notes 16 Parish Mission 6 Military 17 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Fasng Guidelines 7 Prayers for the Sick 17 R V Lenten Schedule 8 Deceased 17 MON FRI 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Confirmandi 9 Gospel/ Meditaon 18 SATURDAY 9:00 AMV5:00 PM Stewardship/ CSA 10 Mass Intenons 19 SUNDAY 9:00 AMV1:30 PM Offertory 10 Ministry Schedule 20 Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of bullen informaon. We offer our sincere apologies for any errors or omissions that may occur. FEBRUARY 18, 2018 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 3 LENT AND THE NUMBER FORTY| by Sr. Barbara Rund, OP Today’s gospel for the First Sunday of Lent speaks about Jesus in the desert for forty days. Jesus is reliving the life of Israel. Israel came through the Red Sea and was tested and tempted for forty years in the desert. Jesus came through the waters of bapsm and was tested and tempted for forty days in the desert. Jesus experienced the same temptaons that Israel faced, yet Jesus resisted the devil. During these forty days of Lent, we can resist our temptaons through prayer, fasng and charity (almsgiving). In the Preface for the First Sunday of Lent we prayed: “By abstaining forty long days from earthly food, he consecrated through his fast the paern of our Lenten The number forty in the Scriptures is usually associated observance and, by overturning all the snares of the with an opportunity for people to experience God’s ancient serpent, taught us to cast out the leaven of transforming power. In the Liturgical Year, the Season malice, so that, celebrang worthily the paschal of Lent provides forty days as a me of retreat to reflect Mystery, we might pass over at last to the eternal upon our lives and to become more like Christ. The paschal feast” (2011 Roman Missal p80). Gospel for Ash Wednesday offers three tools for us to use during Lent: almsgiving or charity, prayer and Next Week: Lent and Prayer fasng. Lent is our opportunity to use these tools to foster transformaon in our lives. Lent is forty days, so let’s begin by reflecng on the number forty. In the Scriptures, the use of forty days or forty years is usually about a crical situaon in life. Below are some examples: • Noah’s flood lasted forty days (Gen 7:17). Pilgrimage with Fr. Tim Wezner • Isaac was forty years old at marriage (Gen. 25:20). • It took forty days for Israel to embalm a body (Gen. 50:2,3). “At the airport...Just • Moses was on Mt. Sinai for forty days (Ex. 24:18). waing to board our • Moses sent spies to explore Canaan (the Promised flight for Istanbul.” Land), and they returned a er forty days (Num. 13:25). • Israel wandered in the desert for forty years, which Fr. Tim Wezner has le for the Holy Land, and you can was long enough for a generaon to die (Num. follow him online via his blog! Join the pilgrimage as 32:13). Fr. Tim walks in the footsteps of Christ and visits holy • Moses prayed for forty days (Deut. 9:25R29). sites of our faith. If you would like to send him specific • Elijah fasted for forty days (1 Kings 19:2,8). prayer intenons, fill out the Contact & Prayer Request • Nineveh was on probaon for forty days (Jonah form found at the top of the website and press submit. 3:4). You may also subscribe to the blog so each update will • King Saul, King David and King Solomon each be automacally forwarded to your email! reigned for forty years (Acts 13:21, 1 Kings 2:11 and 11:42). Please pray for Fr. Tim and his companions • Christ’s was tempted for forty days (Luke 4:1,2). on this incredible experience. • Christ’s ministry a er His resurrecon lasted for forty days (Acts 1:3). Visit: hp://frmwezner.wordpress.com WWW.STHUGO.ORG 4 ST. HUGO OF THE HILLS | BLOOMFIELD HILLS THIS WEEK AT ST. HUGO WEEKLY CALENDAR Rosary following daily 8:30 AM Mass Monday, February 19, 2018 6:10 & 8:30 AM Mass T Chapel 7:00 PM Perpetual Help Devotions T Chapel 7:00 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group T School Library Tuesday, February 20, 2018 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS 6:10 & 8:30 AM MassT Chapel 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group FEBRUARY 7:00 PM SOV Pastoral Council Meeting Roger Vogler 7:00 PM St. Vincent DePaul Meeting Ms. Caroline Cavanaugh Mr. Jonathan Benefiel Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Anthony and Meredith Atrasz and Family 6:10 AM MassT Chapel Ms. Maria Mellis 8:30 AM All School Mass T Church Mr. Tommy Luca 9:15 AM Sunday Readings #2 (Hall B) Ms. Maureen Schmenk 7:00 PM Bible Study T Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart Bryan and Rebecca Powrozek and Family Thursday, February 22, 2018 6:10 & 8:30 AM Mass T Chapel 9:30 AM Bible Study RGospel of John 7:00 PM Gr.
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