^4^ ^ >■ /;r - ■i. .■* -, f.A-. ;■ •• ;iri> ’.■•-•,>?/ NET PRESS RUN. # THE WEATHER \ ' * AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULA'rtOX ., '• ‘ :7 ■ ' '■/■ ^brew .t b r V.- S..-Wootl|«r.Bsveira. for the month of June, 1 9 ^ . ■.. New Haven r * ■‘‘Ai 5,141 - - ■ 47g 5rt. Siiowerp tonight and probably member ot the Andit Ilarenn of ■ >,. ■ ■;;■ •;■■ ;ri‘'7 7 ■'■■‘■■'t'.; ■- 131 'Saturday morni^. ' .. '.v ;;■’ ..■'S’ l Clrenlatlons ' A - . - ■ ■'■;^"‘N r ■' ■ . ■*• i^onnr s ^ e U b r * ^ VOL. XLIL, NO. 255. (Classified Advertising on Page 16>. , MANCiJESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1928. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) , PRICE THREE CENTS rrr-' PRINCE OF WALES SAYS HE STARTED TOO EARLY STILL THE^ €HAMPION GOLDEN WEST TO BE A GOOD BOXER DAVIS AND COX Glasgojv, Scotland, July 27.— The Prince of Wales, on his own WELCOMES ITS admission, is no boxer. He ex­ TO HELP PARTY plains that he had the fighting spirit knocked out of him w’hen he was young. F A V m SON Entering the ring at a boys’ WITH SPEECHES boxing display here, the Prince * congratulated the youngsters on their prowess. Pacific Coast Stages Big Re­ “ I am glad,’’ he said, “ you did National Standard Bearers not ask me to have a few BLODGEH INSISTS Manchester Lad One of Trio of Victims of Upset of rounds. I should have got beat­ In Previous Campaigns ception for Hoover— To en. I tried boxing many years Crowded Plantation Transport on RockviUe Road; ago, but I was beaten sever.nl times, and I got a bit discour­ Call on Chairman Raskob Parade Through a Dozen aged. Others Were From Hartford— -Rapidly Moving Vehi­ "I think it must have been Cities- that I started fighting too to Offer Sfervicei early.” Keeps Up His Criticism of cle FiUed With Child Crop Workers Climbs Bank, Stanford University, Calif., July New York, July 27.— Democratic Waterbury's Odd Way^of Turns Over and Is Consumed by Fire; Thirty or More 27.— The Golden West h^d a be­ campaign managers toda.y answered lated welcome home celebration to­ KIDDIES’ REVUE the incipient “ bolt movement” in Financing. Injured. day for Herbert Hoover, the first the south with the announcement <$>■ Californian ever nominated for the j that two national standard bearers SCORES REAL HIT of previous years had enlisted “ for Hartford, Gonn., July 27.— “ I in­ Manchester’s most picturesque I undertaking establishment of F. H. presidency. .,1 Burke, A dozen west coast cities, led by ! the duration of the war” in the sist as tax commissioner of the industrial activity took on the i . front ranks of the aggressive state that assessors and collectors somber color of horrifying tragedy 1 Diificnlt Clieck-qp San Francisco, decorated their j There was the greatest difficulty streets, hired bands and prepared Jack Sanson Highly Compli­ Smith-Robinson forces. and others dealing with tax money when, last evening, one of the I in discovering from a check-up of to pay tribute to the states new They are James M. Cox, of Ohio, comply with the terms of the char- many truckloads of tobacco work­ the survivors, who the dead boys and John W. Davis, of 'West Vir­ j ter and with the letter, of the char- ers which daily go to and return were. Many of the little fellows, “ favorite son.” The celebrations mented «on Success of ginia, Democratic presidential nom­ were to start in San Francisco at j ter relating to those subjects in from the scores of outlying tobacco wildly excited, ran away from the inees of 1920 and 1924, respectiv^- , ^ . scene of the accident to obtain noon and continue throughout the i ly. * every point-where it is possible to plantations in this case consisting | treatment for injuries or to escape day, until Hoover gets back to bis Third Venture. Davis told Chairman John J. Ra.s- do so.” So William H. Blodgett, almost entirely of young hoys from the horror of their experi­ home here about dusk. kob at national headquarters here The 1 epublican noruinee will go slate tax commissioner, declared were suddenly flung into the face ence. Some of them did not return that he is subject to call for any t-oday in ,a letter he sent to the Wa- to their homes for hour?. Nor was to San Francisco on. a forenoon part the national executive commit­ of death by the overturning and train to participate in a parade By Herald Representative terbury Democrat following his re­ burning of their vehicle 300 yards it possible to obtain anything like Jack Sanson, manager of the tee may select for him in the cam­ through the streets of that city and south of Ogden’s Switch, between an accurate list of the passengers State Theater, director of “ The Girl paign. cent severe criticism of Waterbury of the truck, who, a number of the in a reception at the City Hall. Cox a Caller city officials in which he declared Talcottville and RockviUe in the . Then, he will head a motor caravan from Home,” this year’s edition of town of Vernon. Three lads, one of cooler headed boys declare, must down the .coast, with stops sched­ the Kiddies Revue startled the Cox, who came to New- York tiiat city was on a “ financial joy­ have numbered nearer sixty than Manchester theatergoers with the them a Manchester boy, were pin­ uled at Daly City, San Bruno, primarily to see the Tunnoy- ride.” ned under the overturned truck and thirty. superiority of this year’s show over Heeney financial disaster. wa.s a Survivors made their way to Burli'game,. San Mateo, San Carlos, “ Evasive statements and alibis their bodies burned. More than' and Redwood City. His old home any similar revues presented at t'.ie caller at headquarters today. Ras­ Rockville and Manchester in rrqlley theater in the past. A musical are no longer to be employed to t-wenty suffered more or less seri­ town, Palo Alto, will complete the ■3^ kob indicated clearly that he had a ous injuries. The number of pas- cars and automobiles. Several were dramatic presentation in which the major role in the campaign select­ befuddle and confuse those who de­ circle of greetings! sire to ascertain the facts in rela­ sengers in the truck is in dispute, j treated at the Rockville hospital Scenes of His Youth dance routines arranged by .C'lr. SMILING GENE TUNNEY ed for the former Ohio goyernor, the driver and owner, a transporta-^^od several at Manchester Memorial Sanson ran so smoothly and with but declined to reveal the nature of tion to Waterbury’s financial af­ in On his motor tour. Hoover, will fairs,” the commissioner said and tion contractor, declares that there . hospital, while doctors’ offices visit the scenes of his youth and such a finesse that it seemed almost the job. were not more than thirty persons both towns Were beseiged. impossible that the cast could be Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was then related the circumstances lead­ school days. He will travel the ing up to his participation in the i aboard. Some members of the party Identify Wells Boy same highways he rode or walked entirely composed of children. The Cox’s running mate in 1920, is a close of each act brought such i MandelhJMsappointed controversy now raging. I moioi.insist thatluc-.i theLUC numberuumuci was«aa I.UUOJU-jconsid- ' That one of the three boj's who alo/ig before he made his mark in member of the executive commit­ erably larger. Many of the boys, in- j E. Wells, rounds of applause from a morel tee. His Request the world. than pleased audience that*the cur-' eluding one of the dead, were from 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. There will be a dramatic back­ Gov. Albert C. Ritchie, of Mary­ Commissioner Blodgett pointed Manchester, others from Hartford. ground to the .San Francisco cele­ tain was held up from five to eight land, who was himself a presiden- out that he had sent all boards of Harry A. Wells of 40 Hawthorn minutes each time. Over Jmrme^is Boxing I tial candidate against Smith in the relief in the state a request for a street, was determined by the evi­ bration.. It Was from the City of THE DEAD Golden Gate that Hoover went The theme of' the show tells of Houston convention, was a third report as to supplemental tax lists dence of Roberts, and several boys the rise of a poor little East side party stalwart ,to enlist in the including all taxable property omit­ Robert E. Wells of Manchester. who were in a position to know. He forth, thirty years ago," to seek his Samuel Mezzei of Hartford. New York girl to a feature dancer j By SAMMY MANSELL >^work' is- nothing to write home campaign today. ted during the regular sessions of was seen to be pinned under the fortunes in Australia. lie laid aside Dominick Meucci of Hartford. a nestegg in the Antipodes, return­ in show business. Her success as a Lightweight Champion of the World about. He knows how to back pedal “ My fir.st job will be to carry these boards. Waterbury’s boavrl left side of the truck and Roberts ed a year later, married, the girl of dancer raises her socially so that but that’s about all. j Maryland for Smith and Robinson,” replied that the local practise had and the driver tried to lift the eventually she meets members of j Ritchie said, “ But I am subject to been to have the Board of Alder- IN,TUBED truck’s weight while William Obria­ his heart and sailed again from the social set.
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