ETNOLINGWISTYKA PROBLEMY JÊZYKA I KULTURY ETHNOLINGUISTICS ISSUES IN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 28 MARIA CURIE-SK£ODOWSKA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF HUMANITIES ETHNOLINGUISTIC COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL SLAVIC COMMITTEE ETHNOLINGUISTIC SECTION OF THE COMMITTEE OF LINGUISTICS, POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Editor−in−Chief JERZY BARTMIÑSKI Assistant to Editor STANIS£AWA NIEBRZEGOWSKA-BARTMIÑSKA Secretary MARTA NOWOSAD-BAKALARCZYK Translators ADAM G£AZ (project coordinator), RAFA£ AUGUSTYN, KLAUDIA DOLECKA, AGNIESZKA GICALA, AGNIESZKA MIERZWIÑSKA-HAJNOS Scientific Council DEJAN AJDAÈIÆ (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine) ELENA BEREZOVIÈ (Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia) WOJCIECH CHLEBDA (University of Opole, Poland) ALOYZAS GUDAVIÈIUS (Šiauliai University, Lithuania) ALEKSEJ JUDIN (Ghent University, Belgium) JACEK MICHAEL MIKOŒ (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA) HANNA POPOWSKA-TABORSKA (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland) ZUZANA PROFANTOVÁ (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) SVETLANA TOLSTAJA (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) ANNA WIERZBICKA (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) KRZYSZTOF WROC£AWSKI (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland) ETNOLINGWISTYKA PROBLEMY JÊZYKA I KULTURY ETHNOLINGUISTICS ISSUES IN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 28 Lublin 2017 Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University Press Reviewers MACIEJ ABRAMOWICZ (University of Warsaw), DEJAN AJDAÈIÆ (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), NIKOLAJ ANTROPOV (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus), ENRIQUE BERNÁRDEZ (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), WOJCIECH CHLEBDA (University of Opole), MACIEJ CZERWIÑSKI (Jagiellonian University in Kraków), DAVID DANAHER (University of Wisconsin-Madison), LUBOV FROLAK (Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University), IZABELA GATKOWSKA (Jagiellonian University in Kraków), ROMAN GAWARKIEWICZ (University of Szczecin), ALOYZAS GUDAVIÈIUS (Šiauliai University), MARIOLA JAKUBOWICZ (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw), ALEKSEJ JUDIN (Ghent University), JAN KAJFOSZ (University of Silesia), HENRYK KARDELA (Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University), MA£GORZATA KARWATOWSKA (Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University), EWA KO£ODZIEJEK (University of Szczecin), ALLA KOZHYNOVA (Belarusian State University), HALINA KUREK (Jagiellonian University in Kraków), BARBARA LEWANDOWSKA-TOMASZCZYK (University of Lodz), PRZEMYS£AW £OZOWSKI (Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University), MARZENA MARCZEWSKA (Jan Kochanowski University), SVETLANA MARTINEK (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv), EWA MAS£OWSKA (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw), AGNIESZKA MIKO£AJCZUK (University of Warsaw), ALICJA NAGÓRKO (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), ALEKSANDRA NIEWIARA (University of Silesia), HANNA POPOWSKA-TABORSKA (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw), SERHIY POTAPENKO (Nizhyn Gogol State University), BARBARA RODZIEWICZ (University of Szczecin), ELENA RUDENKA (Belarusian State University), IRINA SEDAKOVA (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), PETAR SOTIROV (Maria Curie-Sk³odowska University), VASYL STARKO (Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University), SVETLANA TOLSTAJA (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), ANDRZEJ SZOSTEK (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin), ANNA TYRPA (Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków), JAMES W. UNDERHILL (Université de Rouen), W£ODZIMIERZ WYSOCZAÑSKI (University of Wroc³aw), JÖRG ZINKEN (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim) Issue Editor ADAM G£AZ Cover and front pages design JERZY DURAKIEWICZ Typesetting ARTUR DROZDOWSKI Electronic version available at: journals.umcs.pl/et Publication of this issue financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project "English edition of the journal Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury in electronic form" (no. 3bH 15 0204 83) © MARIA CURIE-SK£ODOWSKA UNIVERSITY PRESS, LUBLIN 2017 ISSN 0860−8032 e−ISSN 2449−8335 MARIA CURIE-SK£ODOWSKA UNIVERSITY PRESS pl. Marii Curie-Sk³odowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, tel. 81 537 53 04 www.umcs.lublin.pl/wydawnictwo e-mail: [email protected] Table of Contents From the Editors . 7 I. Research articles 1. Jerzy B a r t m i ń s k i (UMCS, Lublin, Poland), Ethnolinguistics in the Year 2016 9 2. Farzad S h a r i f i a n (Monash University, Australia), Cultural Linguistics . 33 * 3. Teresa L i s z c z (UMCS, Lublin, Poland), Human work: A commodity or an ethical value? . 63 4. Arkadiusz Bagłajewski (UMCS, Lublin, Poland), Work in contemporary Polish literature . 85 5. Marius S m e t o n a, Irena Smetonien˙e (Vilnius University, Lithuania), Darbas ‘work’ in selected Lithuanian discourses . 105 6. Izabela G a t kow s ka (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland), Dom ‘house/home’ in empirical lexical networks . 121 * 7. Barbara R o d z i e w i c z (University of Szczecin, Poland), Values, their hierarchy and understanding among Polish, Russian, and German students . 141 8. Roman G awa r k i e w i c z (University of Szczecin, Poland), The archaeology of linguistic awareness of Poles and Russians. Comparative analysis of Polish and Russian associative dictionaries. 153 9. Aline Viviand-Esik (University of Wrocław, Poland / Université Paris IV Sorbonne, France), Europeans, Poles, Germans, French. Conceptualisation and evaluation of images . 169 10. Aleksandra S t a r z y ń s ka (Olomouc, Palacký University, Czech Republic), Sibir’ (Siberia) in the Russian language system . 185 * 11. Stanisława Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska (UMCS, Lublin, Poland), Sym- bolism of fertility in Polish folklore . 203 12. Katarzyna P r o r o k (UMCS, Lublin, Poland), Folk ways of augmenting the fecundity of plants. Green peas and cabbage . 225 13. Zuzanna K r ó t k i (University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland), From the history of Polish lexical items kabała ‘Kabbalah/cabala, future-telling’, stawiać kabałę ‘to tell future’, and others . 245 14. Giedr˙e B u i v y t ˙e (Vilnius University), The dualism of the ‘sacred’ and the ‘profane’ in the poetic narrative of The Lay of Skirnir and Lithuanian wedding songs.......................................................................... 257 * 15. Dariusz C z a j a (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland), Cain’s sin: New interpretive contexts. 277 II. Reports 16. Jerzy Bartmiński Iwona Bielińska-Gardziel, Fifteen years of the EUROJOS project 297 From the Editors The journal Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury [Ethnolinguistics. Problems of language and culture] has been appearing on an annual basis since 1998, published by the Faculty of Humanities, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin, Poland. The journal’s founder Jerzy Bart- miński, in his Introduction to vol. 1, defined its scope in broad terms, in alignment with the idea of ethnolinguistics as a trend in contemporary language sciences that is concerned with “language in its complex relation- ship to culture. The relationship thus embraces the language system as an institutionalised social product in the whole richness of its varieties, variants, and styles, as well as in the diversity of its uses, in relation to culture as a patterning of human endeavours, along with the models and values inherent therein, as well as to culture as a product of these activities” (p. 5). The journal was conceived of in connection with the work on the Dictio- nary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols, with a view to discussing the specific issues of cultural and cognitive linguistics, especially those connected with the linguistic worldview, linguistic stereotypes, and value terms. It has seen the publication of fieldwork data and preliminary analyses to be then in- cluded in the dictionary, extending its scope in time onto national stereotypes and nationwide axiological concepts, such as EQUALITY, TOLERANCE, US/THEM opposition, etc. Recently an international committed circle of authors has emerged associ- ated with the journal, working within the open framework of the EUROJOS project, especially on comparative analyses of linguistic worldview and the semantics of value terms (cultural concepts). This circle of authors has engaged in collaboration with Western ethnolinguistics, especially in English-speaking countries. In 2004, Etnolingwistyka became the organ of the Ethnolinguistic Commission of the International Slavic Committee, as well as of the Ethnolinguistic Section of the Linguistic Committee, Polish Academy of Sciences. In twenty-eight volumes of the journal that appeared in the years 1988–2016, 161 articles out of the total of 365 (ca. 44%) have been au- 8 From the Editors thored by scholars from abroad, mainly from Russia. Indeed, it is fair to say that Etnolingwistyka has become an important platform of Polish-Russian scholarly cooperation, especially between the Lublin- and Moscow-based ethnolinguistic teams (the latter being supervised by Nikita and Svetlana Tol- stoy). Russian is also the most common language of publication in the journal besides Polish. All articles, however, are accompanied by English abstracts. Volume 28 of the journal is the first one to also appear in English, thanks to financial support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Programme for the Development of Humanities (module 3.b “Internationalisation”), project titled “English edition of the journal Etnoling- wistyka. Problemy języka i kultury in electronic form” (no. 3bH 15 0204 83). The English translations have been produced by Rafał Augustyn, Klaudia Dolecka, Agnieszka Gicala, Adam Głaz, and Agnieszka Mierzwińska-Hajnos. The team worked under the supervision of Adam Głaz, who also copy-edited the entire volume.
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