-- 2510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. MARCH 27, IN SENATE. adverse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed, and t he committee was discharged from the further consideration of the peti­ FRIDAY, JJiarch 27, 1874. tion. ' He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the pet ition Prayer by the Chaplain~ Rev. BYRON Smn)ERLA}i'D, D. D. of John Carter, late private Company H , Fifth United States Infantry, The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. praying for an increase of pension, of 20 per cent., submitted an au­ EXECUTIVE CO)Il\fUl\""ICATION . verse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed, and the com­ The PRESIDJ<~NT p1·o ternpo-re laid before the Senate a letter _of the mittee was discharged from the further consideration of the petition. Commissioner of Agriculture, a king t.hat Congress may authorlZe the Mr. BOGY, from the Committee on Inilian Affairs, to whom was printing of twenty-five thousand copies of the Annual Report of tlw refened the bill (S. No. 205) to auth,orize the Secretary of the Interior Department of Agriculture for that Department; which was referred to discharge certain obligations of the United States to the creditors to the Committee on Printing. · of the Upper and Lower bands of Sioux Indians, reported it without amendment. PETITIO S AND ·:r.mMORIALS. He also, from the Committee on PrivateLandClaims, to whom was The PRESIDENT p?'O tempore presented a petition of citizens of referreu the bill (S. No. 372) to provide for ascertaining and settling ·we t Virginia, soldiers in the late war, praying the enactment of a private land clainls in certain States and Territories, reported ad­ law grantincr $100 bounty to all soldiers, sailors, and marines who en­ versely t.hereon, and the bill was postponed indefinitely. teret'l the se~vice prior to September 23, 1863; which was referred to Mr. PRATT, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was re­ the Committee on Military Affairs. ferred the petition of Nancy Flesher, of 'Vest Virginia, praying to be Ho also presented ·a !otter of the Secretary of 'Var, transmittillg a allowed 1t pension ·on account of the services of her son, James Flesher, petition of officers of the Sixth Infantry, asking that troops serving as a carrier of dispatches, and as a scout during the late war, sub­ on the frontier be placed on a better footing with regard to leaves of mitted an adverse report thereon; which was ordered to be printecl, absence; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. and the committee was discharged from the further consideration of He also pre ented resolutions adopted at a rna meeting of the the petition. citizens of Portland, Ore1;on, in favor of aid by Congress to the Port­ He also, from the same committee, to whom was refeiTed the peti­ land, Dalles and Salt La.Ke Railroad, for which a bill _is now pending tion of Henry Cook, of Wisconsin, prayinO' to b~ a.llowed a pension, before Congress; which were referred to the Committee on Rail­ submitted an adverse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed, l'oads. and the committee was discharged from the further consideration of He also presented a joint resolution of the Legislature of Wiscon­ the petition. sin requestino- Congress at its present session to auopt such mea ures He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill as ~hall secur~ the speedy construction of a ship-canal around Niagara (H. R. No. 2094-t) granting an increase of pension to Mary C. Bell, sub­ Falls; which was refened to the Committee on Commerce. mitted an adverse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed, Mr. CHANDLER presented a petition of citizens of Michigan, late and the bill was postponed indefinitely. members of the Fifth Regiment of Michigan Cavalry Volunteers in Mr. OGLESBY, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was the late rebellion, praying payment of balances claimed to be due referred the bill (S. No.5 1) amendatory of and supplementary to them for services rendereu as second lieutenants; which was refened the act entitled "An act to set apart a certain tract of land lyinff to the Committee on Military Affairs. near the head-waters of the Yellowstone River as a public park,' Mr. SARGENT. ·1 prese-nt to the Senate a petition of citizens of approved March 1, 1872, reported it with amendments:- Round Valley, California, which states at considerable l~n~th the He also, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was 1·eferred circumstances under which settlements were made by them m that the petition of l\Irs. SusanMcGoulrick,praying fora pen ion, reported valley, and also recites the legislation of the 3d of March, 1873, by adversely thereon ; and the committee was discha.rged from the further which Congress provided for the sale at $1.25 an acre, to the actual consideration of the petition. occupants or settlers, of the surplus lands not needed for the purposes He also, from the same committee, to whom wa.s referred the peti­ of an Indian reservation. They state, what I believe to be the fact, tion of Jules L. Williams, late a second lieutenant in the Forty-sec­ l-h at a bill is now pending in Congress to chang~ the price which they ond Regiment United States Colored Troops, praying for an invalid were reqnire<l to pay, and which they have paid, and for which pay­ pension, submitted an a<lverse report thereon; which was ordered to ment they have r eceived duplicate certificates, from 1.25 an acre to be printed, and the committee waa discharged from the further con­ 5 an acre, as they say for insufficient reasons. They allege that it sideration of the petition. would be a measure of oppression, that it would depopulate the val­ He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill ley, that tbe land would 11aBS into the hands of speculators and capi­ (S. No. 578) gTanting a. peusion to Elizabeth Loebrick, submitted an talists, to the iujury of actual occupants who have rights which have adverse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed, and the been recognized by the Government. This petition, which is forcible bill was postponed indefinitely. in its character, both in its fa-cts and in the manner of their presenta­ He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill tion, is signed by about 125 settlers; and in addition to them by (H. R. No. 2356) granting a pension to Edward Jardine, late colonel other prominent citizens of the county to the extent of som~ 12 or 14, and brevet brigauier-general United States Volunteers, reported it inuorsing the statements in the petition and joining with the petition­ with an amendment. ers in urging that Congress rest upon the legislation so far liad. I He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the peti­ move that this petition be referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, tion of George Richards, praying for an increase of pension, submitted which I believe has the other bill before it. an adv.erse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed, and the The motion was agreed to. - committee was discharged from the further consideration of the Mr. CONKLING. I present the memorial of James F. Baldwin, petition. who recites that the people of the United States in 1872 adopted a He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill resolution proposed by the republican national convention, which (H. R. No. ·1948) granting a pension to l\I.ary J. Blood, reported it r esolution related to the matter of bounty to soldiers and sailors, and with an amendment, and submitted a report· thereon; which was which he thinks requires the legislation pointed out in his memorial. ordered to be printed. I move that it be referred to the Committee ou Military Aifairs. He also, from the same committee, to whom wa.s referred the bill The motion wa.s agreed to. (H. R. No. 1945) granting a pension to Juliet E. HaU,·daughter of REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. William Hall, late colonel of the Eleventh Re;,,'iment of Iowa Infantry, 1\Ir. JOHNSTON, from the Committee on the District of Columbia., reported it without amendment, and submitted a report thereon ; to whom was referred the bill (S. No. 616) relating to sales under which was ordered to be printel.l. · deed of trust in the DistriCt of Columbia., asked to be dischargel.l from Mr. WINDOM, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was it further consiueration, and that it be referreu to the Committee on refeneu the bill (S. No. 299) to establish the Bismarck land district, the Judiciary; which was agreed to. in the Territory of Dakota., reported it without amendment. Mr. SPRAGUE, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was l\Ir. HITCHCOCK, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, referred the bill (S. No. 313)to confirm the purchase bytheexecutive to whom was referred the bill (H. R. No. 2423) explanatory of an act department of three acres of land, more or less, in the vicinity of entit,led "An act to provide for the creat.ion of corporations in the Nashville, Tennessee, known as the site of Fort Houston, and to donate District of Columbia by general law," reported it with au amendment. and convey the same to the Fisk University for educational purposes, :NEW LAND DISTRICT IN OREGON.
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