Van Buren Local School 217 South Main Street Van Buren, Ohio 45889 Volume: 35 No. 1 August 2014 Knightly News Published nine times per year. Superintendent's Office — 299-3578 High School — 299-3384 Elementary — 299-3416 HIGH SCHOOL 15th ANNUAL OPENING KNIGHT Van Buren High School will be hosting our 15th Annual Opening Knight, which VAN BUREN MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE will be held on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, beginning at 6:30 P.M. Parents and Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade Opening Knight orientation and open house students are asked to enter the school through the front doors closest to the high for parents and students will be held on Thursday, August 14, 2014. During school offices. The schedule provided below has been developed in an attempt to Opening Knight, students and their parents will have the opportunity to do the increase the efficiency of the evening and also to allow students and their parents following: the opportunity to meet with teachers before the start of classes. During Opening ● Get school pictures taken (Please be sure your child is dressed in appro- Knight, students will have fall pictures taken (students must wear a school appropri- priate school attire - ALL students will have their picture taken for school ate shirt/blouse), pay school fees for the year, receive required forms, pick up their identification purposes.) schedules and pick up their school sponsored Netbooks. Parents are invited to at- ● Pay student fees tend a meeting to meet with the principal and to review important school procedures ● Receive student schedule and locker assignment and policy changes for this year. Schedules will only be available the evening of ● Process Medical Authorization, Procedure Card, and Technology Form Opening Knight and only after student pictures and school fees have been paid. If, ● Students are issued their school netbook computer for some reason, you are unable to attend on August 13, you will need to pick up ● Students 'move-in" to their lockers your schedule on the first day of classes, Monday, August 18, 2014. Parents are ● Visit your child’s classrooms and meet our school staff welcome to tour the building or socialize with the staff and friends throughout the evening. After student pictures, payment of fees, and schedule pick up, students When arriving, please use the auditorium doors. The schedule for the evening are welcome to do the same. is as follows: • 6:30 Seniors and Juniors and parents begin to get their pictures taken, pay school fees, pick up schedules, and receive their school sponsored Net- 6th Graders 5:30 P.M. –– Meeting in auditorium books. Seniors (ID Cards only) and Juniors will have pictures taken in the 7th Graders 6:00 P.M. –– Meeting in auditorium community room and then move on to pay school fees, get their schedules and Netbooks. (Mr. Brand and Mr. Zender will be in the Auditorium Lobby 8th Graders 6:30 P.M. –– Meeting in auditorium to answer any questions about the upcoming school year.) • 7:30 Sophomores and Freshmen and their parents begin to get their pictures th taken, pay school fees, pick up schedules and receive their school spon- Students entering 7 grade must have the Tdap vac- sored Netbooks. Both groups will have their pictures taken in the Com- cination prior to the start of school. The middle school munity Room and then move on to pay school fees, get their schedules office needs a record of the immunization. and Netbooks. • 8:30 New school year information will be presented to Sophomore and Fresh- men parents in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome to attend. Van Buren Elementary Parents Association Join the Academic Boosters OPEN HOUSE The start of school is just around the corner and we would like to invite you to Friday, August 15, 2014 — 6:00 - 8:00 PM attend and participate in the Academic Boosters. We meet the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the Home Economics Classroom (Room 121) located You will be able to meet the teachers, drop off supplies, pay student fees, apply next to the high school office. Our meetings last no more than one hour and our main money to lunch cards (remember the cafeteria will be strictly cashless), and so purpose is to support our students as they strive for academic success. Please visit much more! Mr. Newcomer will have a brief welcome in the cafeteria prior to us during the High School and Middle School Opening Knights. We will be serving going to classrooms @ 6:30. We hope to see everyone there! the punch and cookies and looking forward to meeting you. Van Buren Local School Nonprofit Organization 217 South Main Street U.S. POSTAGE Van Buren, Ohio 45889 PAID Published by Van Buren Local School Van Buren, Ohio Address Service Requested Permit No. 3 Page 2 Knightly News August 2014 Van Buren School Information HIGH & MIDDLE SCHOOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Earliest arrival time is 7:40 A.M. School begins at 7:55 A.M. ALL students arriving before 7:45 Beginning Time: (unless for a scheduled activity) A.M. are to go immediately to the school cafeteria area and Middle School First Period begins - 7:50 A.M. remain seated until the bell rings. There are no special activities High School First Period begins - 7:50 A.M. scheduled before this hour. Middle School is at 2:51 P.M. 3:05 P.M. If parents are picking up students, please wait for Dismissal Time: High School is at 2:51 P.M. them at places other than classroom doors. Students are not Students are not to be in the school building after school hours unless to be in the school building after school hours unless they have they have supervision. supervision. $2.50 For Regular Lunch $2.25 (K-5) for the Regular Lunch Cafeteria Prices $2.75 For the Sandwich (Ala Cart) Lunch $0.50 Milk and Procedures: $0.50 Milk Free & Reduced Price Lunch Applications will be available in the stu- Free & Reduced Price Lunch Applications will be sent home with dent's handbook. The completed application should be returned to the all elementary students. The completed application should be Middle School/High School Office for processing. returned to the Elementary Office. High School Class Fees are payable Wednesday, August 13 at Opening Class fees are due by September 24, 2014 - interim report time. Class Fees: Knight. Middle School Class Fees are payable Thursday, August 14 at If you cannot comply with this time line, please make other ar- their Opening Knight. Class fees are due by September 24, 2014 - in- rangements with the Elementary Office. terim report time. If you cannot comply with this time line, please make other arrangements with the Middle School/High School Office. The Board of Education has adopted a policy for Free and Reduced-Price workbook and class fees. Applications will be in the middle/high school office, elementary office, and superintendent's office. Verification of income is needed for approval. Appropriate This is addressed in the Student Handbook. Some of the inappropriate dress includes: (1) Garments with words, designs, or patches that are obscene, disrespect- Dress: ful or suggestive which refer to sex, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs (including advertisements of alcohol, tobacco , or drugs); (2) Clothing that exposes the midriff, cleav- age, and/or backless attire; Shirts/tops should be worn so that no cleavage is visible; (3) Tank tops or other shirts not complying with school dress code may be worn under shirts that do comply with the dress code. Shirts containing less than a three inch band from collar to the shoulders will be considered unacceptable; (4) All shorts, skirts, dresses, etc. shall be at least mid-thigh length or longer. Shorts, skirts, dresses, etc. that are “slit” above mid-thigh are also unacceptable. Mid-thigh length is defined as the midpoint of the area from the top of the inseam to the top of the knee. Clothing that is tight fitting such as spandex, tights, or yoga pants. Sleepwear/pajamas or slippers. Absence If your child is ill (or for any other reason) and will not be attending school, CALL THE SCHOOL between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 8:30 A.M. Lack of infor- Notification Policy mation from you, the parent, may necessitate a MISSING CHILD REPORT. Call the High/Middle School at 299-3384 and the Elementary at 299-3416. Dr. / Dentist If your child has an appointment, advance notice from you, the parent, as to date, time, and place will assure ready pick-up at the school. Please indicate Appointments: pick up time. Middle school and high school students must sign in and out in the High School Office. Elementary office must be notified when an elementary student is picked up. Weather Tune to WFIN, WKXA, WIMJ, WBVI, or WQTL for weather announcements. Should weather favor us with unseasonable climatic conditions, announce- Announcements: ments will be made to accommodate those variances. Bussing: Temporary changes in bussing may be arranged by sending a note from a parent to the Principal's Office for approval. Permission will be granted for family emergencies, for babysitting purposes, or if parents are out of town and the student is staying with another family. This note needs to be approved as early in the day as possible so the appropriate driver can be notified of this change. If you have questions, please call the Elementary at 299-3416 or the High/ Middle School offices at 299-3384. Parking: Due to the limited parking available; students driving to school must complete a Parking Permit Application and turn it into the High School Office.
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