ConnectingJazzLovers CPFJ Newletter withEachOther July/Aug. 2012 &theMusic! Issue #7 32nd Annual Thursday, August 16: CONCERT AND PRESS EVENT CENTRAL PA Strawberry Square 11:30-1:30p.m. Central PA Youth All-Star Band FESTIVAL directed by Ron Waters - FREE! AUGUST 16-19, 2012 RIVERBOATCRUISE Jazzin' on The Pride 5:30-9p.m. Pride of the Susquehanna - City Island Dock Chuck Long (trpt) - Tom Colgan (piano/voc) Mark Ryan (guit) Friday, August 17 JAZZWALK Hilton Harrisburg Patio/Bar, Bricco, Pints Bar, MoMo's BBQ Crawdaddy's and other downtown Harrisburg venues... 5:30 - 11pm Saturday, August 18 CPFJ PICNIC 2 - 7:30PM Cibort Park in Bressler PA (Steelton) Featuring: The CPFJ Youth All-Star Band directed by Ron Waters Zeropoint Big Band from State College PA & violinist John Blake, Jr. w/ Larry Marshall (dr) Steve Meashey(bass) and Tim Brey (piano) Sunday, August 19 JAZZ BRUNCH 11am-2pm Hilton Harrrisburg - Raspberries Restaurant Call the Hilton for reservations 717-233-6000 LOOKINSIDETHEVIBE! LISTENING TO AMERICA'S PULSE Exec.Dir.Letter-pg.2 A LECTURE ON JAZZ 3pm JazzCampphotos/Donorlist-pg.3 Musicalinsight from saxophonist/composer Cent.PAJazzFestival/Tickets-pg.4&5 Jonathan Ragonese Concert&Clublistings-pg.6&7 FallConcertSeries/Tickets-pg.8&9 CPFJ ALL STAR JAM SESSION 6-9:30pm MusicatGretna-pg.8 GalleryStage - Apalachian Brewing Company PhillyJazzFest-pg.10 50 North Cameron Street Hbg, PA (717) 221-1080 Membershipdrive-pg.11 Jonahan Ragonese - Tony Miceli - Jim Miller Kirk Reese - Larry Marshall & friends! TicketsavailableinthisissueofTheVIBEoronlineatournewwebsitewww.friendsofjazz.org TheVibeispublishedmonthlyattheCentralPAFriendsofJazz,5721JonestownRoad,HarrisburgPA17112 CentralPennsylvania Summertime... FriendsofJazz Dear Friends, 5721JonestownRoad HarrisburgPA17109 June wasa highly successful month! TEL:717-540-1010 The 2012 CPFJ Youth Jazz Camp wasattended by 50 students ranging in age from 8 to 21. Thatis the highestattendance in the history of the Camp. CyrusChestnut WEB: and Jonathan Ragonese provided inspiration and guidance asthe Camp'sguest www.friendsofjazz.org EMAIL: instructors along with facultymembers, JeffStabley, Steve Meashey, Kirk Reese, [email protected] Paul Bratcher, and Mitchell Stowman. The students received individual and small group instruction during the camp and concluded with a student/facultyconcert Steve&AndreaRudolph on Friday evening, June 15. It wasan amazing eventwith generousapplause, ExecutiveDirectors cheering, and standing ovations. Thanks to the Olewine Family Fund for underwriting the camp, Penn National Insurance, The Hall Foundation, Phoenix CPFJBoardofDirectors: Design, and several private donorsfor their scholarship funds, all of the talented students who attended the Camp, and to our outstanding guestinstructors and WilliamAnderson facultymembers. Well done! (Membership) JazzFest 2012, held atthe Ware Center in Lancaster on June 15-17 wasa success TroyBallard aswell, with headliners flutistAli Ryerson, jazz, and vocalist J. D. Walter wowing (Marketing) audience members. AmyBanks (President) Jam Sessions atThe Green Room in Carlisle, The Hilton Harrisburg, and M.J.'s GeraldBennet Coffeehouse in Annville have attracted numerous musicians from many different (1stVicePres. areas to come together, improvise, and make greatmusic! GrantsChair) JohnBungo Mark your calendars! Central PA Jazz Festival is coming, August16-19! It will include (Treasurer-Finance) our annual picnic, River Boat Cruise, JazzWalk and other notable events. BenGoldsborough (YouthCommitteeChair) Our Fall ConcertsSeriesis lined up and we are excited to present Jerry Weldon on TonyaMowery Sept 16, Rufus Reid on Oct 14, and Jackie Ryan on Nov11. More information is (Sectretary) included this newsletter. PaulHaidet This year'sCPFJ SCHOLARSHIP WINNER is trumpeter Andrew Loose, a member of (Newsletter) AndrewLoose our Board of Directors and Youth All-Star Band. We will present the scholarship (StudentBoardRep.) atthe Picnic on August18th. Andrew will be attending SlipperyRock Univ. this fall KeithMohler and studying with trumpetmaster Steve Hawk. (Marketing) WE HAVE A NEW WEBSITE: www.friendsofjazz.org TonyaMowery AND a new e-mail address: [email protected] (Sectretary) Please add these new links to your website and update your addressbook, and KeithThomas please tell your friends of this important change - we need to stayin touch. (2ndVicePresident Concessions) WilliamStowman WE NEED Sponsorsand Concert Partners for our Fall Concert Series. We are also (JazzCamp) going to have a programwith advertising space available for the AugustFestival & TimWarfield Fall Series. If you or any one is interested in underwriting the concert seriesor (Music) advertising in the program, please contact us atthe new e-mail addressor call us at717 540 1010. YouthBandDirector: RonWaters If you would like to volunteer any of your time to helping the Friends of Jazz, please contact our new Volunteer Coordinator, Leslie Beamer [email protected] or TheVibe call the CPFJ Office. PaulHaidet-Editor We are looking forward to seeing you atfuture CPFJ events. We appreciate all of you AmyHall-Graphics who support us and nurture Jazz. We could notexistwithout you, our loyal members, sponsorsand friends. Staycool and have fun! Regards, Support JAZZ - Andrea and Steve Rudolph, Executive Directors the Music of Freedom! TheVibeispublishedmonthlyattheCentralPAFriendsofJazz-5721JonestownRoad,HarrisburgPA17112 DONORS TheHappyCampers! CulturalEnrichmentFund Thankstoallwhocontributedtothesuccessofour DauphinCountyCommissioners CentralPAJazzCampatMessiahCollege. TheOlewineFamilyTrust PennsylvaniaCouncilontheArts Agreattimewashadbyall!! PennNationalInsurance ShearerFamilyFund- R.ScottShearer . CORPORATEMEMBERS DONORCOLUMNAngino&Rovner,P.C. K.EugeneAppleby ArmestoEyeAssociates JeffreyTBitzer LeesaCrnogorac LoisLehrmanGrass TerryMJones TheHallFoundation PerformGroupLLC PremierWealthManagement Michael&LindaShank ConradSiegelAssociates LeeCSwartz WeikInvestmentServicesInc RichardMWeismerMD . DONORS Rosemary Barrett Donald Barber Karen Best A Anthony Bianchi Ronald W Brown Steve & Gretchen Brownley Joseph Bunecicky Cyrus Chestnut Richard Burns Peter B Daubenspeck Joseph & Shirley Dearing Carl "Chick" DeFebo Sr Terry Gaillardet-Fabiano Adrienne Fields Carmen Finestra John Frymoyer Alarie O Fleming Cheryl Faul Gingerich Joe & Joyce Gehl Charles & Mary Goonrey Nancy Gippert Lois Lehrman Grass Warren Guenther Alfred Guion Francis & Joan Haas Paul Haidet John A F Hall The Hall Foundation Dave & Mary Heltzel Larry Hershman Donna & Wilmer Henninger John F Hinkle Jr Ellen L Brody Hughes David & Mary Heltzel Mark Huber Gary Kennedy Joe & Cheryl Kinnaman Keith C Kerns Craig & Gail Llewellyn Dorothy Kirschner Charles Long Fred & Nancy Leuschner Stuart & Marty Malina Ruth, Vince & Andrew Loose Paul Marchetti Laurence Martick Robert Meckley James F Mole Jim & Phyllis Mooney John Mosser Gerald K Morrison Martin L & Lucy Miller Murray Mike O'Keefe Zenora McMorris Owens Steve Perault C DeWitt Peterson Jack & Mary Phillips Jerold Price Robert A Pugliese Matthew Putterbaugh Steve & Andrea Rudolph Ted & Lori Reese Reuel & Lucille Ryman Allen Rosen David Santana Richard & Sydney Ruble Rhea & St. Clair Simmons Kristen M Scofield Wilma Soliday & Stan Shankroff John Thomas Larry L Sheipline Cathy Chemi & Skip Stine Tom & Sherrie Strohman Wehopetoseeyouallnextyear!! John Sygielski Lee C Swartz The2012CentralPAJazzCampwasgenerouslyunderwrittenby Jay Umble Carol Swendsen theOlewineFamilyFundandscholarshipscamefrom Waggoner, Frutiger & Keith Thomas Daub, CPA Aaron Walker PennNationalInsurance,PhoenixDesign,TheHallfoundation Donn & Joyce Whetstone William W Warren Jr andprivatedonors. Doug & Rebecca Wilburne Richard & Madeline Weidner . Ifyouareinterestedinhelpingtosupportnextyear's Adolphus B Williams Adolphus B Williams Erica Wollenhaupt & Emily O Williams JazzCamp,pleasecontacttheCPFJoffice. Paul Van Horn John Wisotzkey [email protected] LeRoy S Zimmerman The32nd AnnualCentralPAFestival th th August16 through19 ,2012 invariousHarrisburgarealocations. The2012FestivalhighlightsmanyofthegreatmusiciansfromCentralPennsylvaniaandwelcomesartists fromNewYork,Philadelphiaandmore.ARiverboatCruise,annualJazzWalk,JazzPicnic,SundayJazzBrunch, andJamSessionhighlightthefourdayevent.TheFridaynightJazzWalkfeatureslivemusicinseveral downtownvenuesincludingBricco,theHiltonHarrisburg'sPatio,MoMo'sBBQ,PintsBarandmore!. JazzviolinistJohnBlakeJr.,aninternationaljazzstarformerlywithGroverWashington&McCoyTyner,will headlineSaturday'sannualPicnicaswilltheZeropointbigBandfromStateCollege,PA.Sundayevents includetheSundayJazzBrunchattheHiltonHarrisburg,aspeciallecturebysaxophonist/composerJonathan RagoneseonListeningtoAmerica'sPulse,andtheFestivalwillclosewithastar-studdedJamSessionatthe ABCBrewery.PleasejoinusfortheweekendandcelebrateAmerica'smusicinbeautifulCentralPA. THEFESTIVALSCHEDULE: Thursday,August16,2012 CONCERTANDPRESSEVENT StrawberrySquare11:30-1:30p.m. CentralPAYouthAll-StarBanddirectedbyRonWaters-FREE! RIVERBOATCRUISE CityIslandDock5:30-9p.m. Jazzin'onThePridew/ChuckLong-Trpt-TomColgan,piano,vocals&MarkRyan,guit.ThePridewillbedocked atCityIsland-musicfrom5:30-9p.m.ForticketscalltheRiverboatsocietyat717-234-6500orvisit www.HarrisburgRiverboat.com $10-writeinthe“comments”sectionthatthepurchaseisforAug.16th JazzFestival. JAZZONTHEPATIO HiltonHarrisburg6:30-10:30p.m. AmyBanks(voc)&SteveRudolph(piano),1N.2nd St.,Hbg. Nocovercharge. Friday,August17,2012 JAZZWALK- DowntownHarrisburgsites5:3011p.m.
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