DIS. Dis. DI,N Gag. xv ff. ttelin- stirsx jurlnn 'to be pcr- 1) to:lun ((I-) Intrans. Ileo. N./i\. fr. tu:l-; fi~mted'Sun. ~ggr.4. used only in the phr. tolun (a:y) 'the full D tilen- (d-) Refl. f. of tile:-; s.i.s.m.l., in moon'; a:y sometimes omitted; s.i.s.m.l., in SW An., Osm., 'Tkrn. dilen-, usually mean in^ SW Osni. clolun. Xak. xr tolun ay 01-hadr 'the 'to ask for (something) for oneself. to beg'. full moon' Kay. I. 402; I 82 (to:lun a:y); 1288, Uyg. vnr ff. Civ. men Kiinbbrmig Sagunda F (to1u:n); 111 33, 14(to:lun): KB qiyHmatta tilengti 01 'he must ask me, Kunb6rmig S. (for korgit tolun teg yuzi 'show his face like a the payment)' USp 35, 4: Xak. XI em sem full moon on the day of resurrection' 48: agar tilenip 'I sought for (!alabtrr) a remedy tolun bolsa tolsa 'when (the moon) becomes (Ifend.) for it' Kag. 1407. 28; tilengil 'seek' full and is full' 732: XIII(?)Tef. tolun ay 309: I11 43, 20; n.m.e.: KR Iki aJun tilen 'seek for xv If. tolun plrr zva mnnrlti' 'full, filled'; cab both worlds for yourself' 443: KIP. XIII kodda tolun ay badr-i kzmil 'the full moon' San. mina'l-kudya 'to beg' ti1e:n- Hou. 43, 10: xrv 184v. 22 (quotn.): Xwar. xrv tolun uy ~ohnd~zditto dilen- Uul. 5ov.: xv jahatn ditto Qutb 182; MN 5, etc.: KIP. xllr nl-badr ay (kovala-lkov-/)tilen- Trrh. zrb. 9. jolun that is qonlur fnal'n'n Hou. 5, 4: xrv (tol- to he full'; hence) tolun ay/folu ay 'the moon D tilin- (d-) Refl. f. of til-; n.0.a.b. Xak. filled with light' fd. 66. XI teri: tilindi: 'the hide split lengthways (inyoqqn trila(n)) like straps' (al-qidd) Kay. I1 tulug 'thc temples' (anatomical); hence 'the 149 (tilintir, ti1inmc:k): Gag. xv ff. tilin- hair on the temp!es', and later more generally yarlta yarjza buridn pdan 'to be cut in slices' 'a lock of hair'. Survives meaning 'a lock of hair', sometirnes specifically over the temples, Sun. 199r. 4. in NE, most dialects, tulug; NC I<lr., Kzx. Tris. V. DLN- tulum SC Uzb. tolim/tulim; NW Kaz. tol~m;I<k., Nog. tulrm; SW xx Anat. D tu1ugla:- Den. V. fr. tulug; properly 'to dr~lum/dulun/tulun/tulupSDU 472, 1396. strike on the temples'. Xak. xr 01 kul~n tu1ugla:dl: raakaaohu '016 lahyahi rcn toht IJyR. VIII ff, Civ. tulu:gr sanqar 'he has a ~tdrrihi'he struck (his slave) on the chin and splitting headache' TT VlII 1.4: Xak. XI tulug nl-yrm@ 'the temples': tulu~'a small belolv the ear' Kas. III 409 (tulugls:r, tulug- component (hmm) in a horse's bridle, its 1a:ma:k). position is helow the hrlrsc's ear, and the D tilagur- pec. to Uyg. and noted only in the temple and head straps are passed through Infin. mhich seems to mean 'eloquence'; it'; hence one says yiigiin tulugl: tnlzi'atrc'l- morphologically obscure, hut ultimately der. f. -1icn'nr 'bridle fittings' Kaf. I11 371; tulun ti]. Uyg. vrrr ff. Bud. tr1a:gurma:k TT VIII 'the temples' in one of the two dialects G.II ; U I 17, 9; Hiien-ls. 1986; USp. 59, 18; (lrr~ntaj~r~);and the small component of a Suv. 506, 13. bridle which is on the temples to the right and left is called tulun I401: Xwar. xlv tulul) Dis. DLR 'hair on the forehead' Qtctb 185: Kom. xrv VU?I) tiler ITap. leg.; the name of some kind 'a lock of hair' tulum CCG; Gr.: Klp. xrrr of insect; Mullcr suggests 'the praying mantis', a!-&jrn 'a lock of hair' tulum Ilnrr. 19, no doubt regarding it as the Aor. of tile:- used 20; (VU) a/-fard run htczan'l-ftmd,# tulun (sic?, a5 a Noun. Uya. vlrr ff. Bud. ('dogs, tortoises, vocalized mltn) do. 22, I : xrv tul119 ('with -9') snakes, violent evil animals with fangs and 01-sridg id. 46: xv gndt (tanlay Mon~.I.+.; in talons, birds, fliec) tller, (ants, beetles, etc.') marpin) (ulun Ttrh. aza. 3: Osm. XIV ff. U I1 35, 20-24. dulug, less often tului), 'temples' in several texts TTS1227; 11323; I11 zrr ; IV244. Tris. DLR 1.: tilgeg See te1ge:k. VU(D) tolursuk the second vowel has been read as a fat!ta but looks more like a dnmma; Dis. V. DLN- survives in NC Klr. tolarsak R 111 1193, in 1) telin- (d-) Refl. f. of tel-; survives in SW Yud. tolorsuk 'a small bone which links the Osm. delin- 'to be perforated, worn through'. knuckle bone to the shinbone in the leg of a Tiirku vrrr iize: tegri: basmasar asra: y8r quadruped'; there is a related Kzx. word tellnmeser 'if the sky does not press down tilersek translated 'shin bone' in R JII 1383 from above, or the earth be pierced beneath' and 'Achilles' tendon' in Illnil 361. Rlorpho- (who can harm the Tiirku people?) I E 22, I1 logically obscure, but hardly a baslc word. Xak. XI tolursuk 'the heel' (al-'aqib), usually E 18: Uyg. VIII ff. Bud. U 111 37. 3 (~yul-): Civ. sii silleser y6r teliniir 'if he goes on an used for the heel of a quadruped ('nqibu'l- expedition the earth is pierced' (i.e. collapses -dhbba) Kaj. 1502. before or beneath him) TTI 32; (a remedy) telinmez kartka 'for an ulcer that does not Dis. DLS discharge' N I42 (tenilip in do. 43 is an error VU?Ftalas n.0.a.b. ; ?a 1.-w. ; Kay. also men- For telinip): Xak. XI ta:m telindi: 'the wall tions the word a3 a place-name. Xak. XI talas was pierced' (in!aqoba) Kay. II 147 (telinil:r, (lZm unvocalized) 01-maqbah (error for al- te1inme:k): xr~r(?)Tef. telin- to be per- -miqbar) that is 'the cord mhich is stretched at forated, pierced' (of a ship, and pearls) 297: the winning post (a[-gap) for horse races and (competitions at) strik~ngwith a polo-stick' n~rdicval nnnle of thc Sung-kan Itivt-r in A-nj I 366; tasnl 'the Iinurldary (01-mod5 Ch~h-li(NI? China) iIr,\\n \\Iitch thr 'I'iirkii rcn'l-lrndd) which ig set up for (competitions ad\-anced in their raids towards thc sea in late in) striking with a polo-stick'; it is a meta- VII. As they had ncvcr hefore apprr~achrdthe thesis (qolh) of tala:s (sic) (a similar meta- sea they may well havc thutrptlt that it was the thrsis in Ar. is quoted) I 392. (;rcat L,ui River. An early I.-\\-.in Rlona. na dolay (Iloetrisrh 31) perhaps I~r~rro\retldirect \!ti tulas n.0.a.b. Xak. XI nl-rcnchrr'l-sahim fr. Chinese. 'I'he word in 02. helow and Nl:, 'a pale (or emaciated) face' is callcd tulas must dialects, talay R I11 878 and 'I'uv. tlalay yu:z Kof. 1366: KR tumen ytlda berii tul are re-borromings fr. Mong. l'iirku VIII (I erdim tulas 'for countless years I have been campaigned up to the Shantung plain and) a pale widow' 84: Krp. xrrr 01-ttoqir 'humble. ta1u:ykn: kiqig tegmedirn 'just failed to reach despized' (opposite to colil 'illrlstrious') the sea' I S 3; a.o. T 18: v~rrff. (I arn a golden tula:z hot^. 26, 17. eaglc . .) ta1u:yda: yatlpan 'lying hy the sea' IrkB 3: Uyg. VIII ff. h1an.-A. oi taluy 'that Dis. V. DL$- sea' (or lake?) M III lo, 14 (i): Man. emge- I> tala$- (?d-) Itccip. f. of tala:- ; s.i.a.ni.l.p., klig taluyd~nke$urtiir~iia '!-OII have tirought iri SW Az., Osn~.,'I'km. dalag-, with the same us arrciw a sea c~fsufierinp' '1'T I11 51 ; taluy shades of meaning as tala:-. See Doerfer I1 iigiizdeki bal~klar'the fishes in the sea' do. 923-4. Uyg. vlrr ff. Civ. (in a contract for the 90; a.0. do. 163: Bud. ulug talrry Bgiiz 6l(l)igi cession of land; my elder and younger bro- (the Hodhisattva) 'prent ruler of the sea' U I thers, children and rclativcs whoever they may 18, I; 0.n. Strcs. 354, 7 (Btlgslz); Krrott. 177 be) tala~mazunlar'are not to dispute (this (andtk-); U 11 55, 3 (ii); in PP tnluy and cession)' USp. 15, 11-12; bBg yek tala~ur taluy ligiiz, both meaning 'sca', are common: 'live demons fipht one another' TT I 29; n.o. (Xwar. slrr(?) munda itil milren clegen fi. 74 ($a$ut): qag. xv ff. tala$- kcgij kardolr bir clalay bar 4rdi 'here there was a large to nuke war, quarrel' .Yon. 159r 2 (cluotns.): hody of water called "the river (Molig. 1:w.) Xwar, xrv tala$- 'to dispute, ohject, qusrrcl' Vnlga" ' O,@. 1.57; dak! claluy (sic?) dakl Qrrth 169: Kom. stv 'to quarrel' tala$- miiren 'Inkcs and rivcrs' c/o. lor). CCG; Gr.: KIP. stit sZsorrm 'to quarrcl' talav- (Imperat. in ernir -gil) Ilotr. 40, I : sv Mon. DM (whoever speaks) antn bile talaqkaymen ndGvib ma'nhu '1 shall come to blows with him' 1 ta:rn (?d-)originally 'a wall' (hy implica- Kfrv. 27, 10; xasonro (savaq- and) tala$ Tt(i1. ti~)nIxrilt of mud or mud hricks); s.i.a.m.1.p. rga. 3: Osm. sv-xvr dalag- (once talag-) \v. a wide rnnpe of extended mcaninps includ- 'to quarrel'; in two or three texts TTS I 173; ing 'a huilding with earth walls; a hrick-huilt 11254; 11'731.
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