IC SEPTEMB. 22, 1969; FIFTY CENTS The dynamic medium An in-depth look at journalism forged under fire THESE RE SOME OF THE 343 TOP QUALITYCOLUMBIA FEATURES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN SHOWN ON NETWORK Fr, HerKeye, to ternityOfLife, TheTheEddyLast Duchin St oTELEVISIONry. Thome Full , Man, Angry Operation Mad Ball, Middle Of The Night, Bell, Book and Candle, All On The The Kings Men, f' Waterfront, The Caine Mutiny, Born Yesterday, The Last Hurrah, They Cordura, All The Came To Young Men, Fire Down Below, Member Of The Wedding, The Man Laramie, Jeanne Eagels, From Miss Sadie Thompson, Phffft!, The Harder They Fall, The Long 1Grey Line, The Four I. " Poster; The Juggler, The Wild One, It Should Happen To You, My Sister Eileen, The Strange One, Abandon Ship, The , 1pened Solid Gold Cadillac; Salome, It Hap- One Night, Lost Horizon, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. .' THESE ARE SOME OF THE STATIONS WHO WILL SOON BE SNOWING THEM IN T WOR-TV New EIR MARKETS York, WABC-TV New York, KTTV Los Angeles, les, WPHL-TV Philadelphia, KABC-TV Los Awe - WFIL-TV Philadelphia, WHDH-TV Boston, WNACi Indiana University Boston, CKLW-TV Detroit, KGO-TV San V Francisco, Francisco, KEMO-TV San Francisco, KTVU an WTTG Washington, D.C., WKBF-TV S E P 2 91969 WPGH-TV Pittsburgh, Cleveland, WUAB-TV Cleveland, WTAE-TV Pittsburgh, KDTV Dallas, WFAA-TV Dallas, Hartford, WNHC-TV New Haven, WHWT Library Atlanta, KDNL-TV St. Louis, WXIX-TV Cincinnati, WATL WLBW-TV Miami, KCRA-TV .*,,...031(wiuxoxx xicox WKBW-TV Sacramento, KVVV Houston, WGR-TV Buffalo, Buffalo, WISN-TV Milwaukee, WSWO-TV IWBNS-TV Columbia, Dayton, WTRF-TV Wheeling, WCTU-TV Charlotte, WKZO-TV Grand Rapids, Orleans, KCIT Kansas City. WVUE New F()R ÁVá ARII ITV MI Vr1, ,n \ A A nvrT . -- KFRE-TV / Fresno WNHC-TV / New Haven -Hartford WFBG-TV / Altoona -Johnstown to the "... heartily commend you on your positIvr .. reflects a forward -looking, community - "I would like to call your attention approach to the problems of drug abuse." minded enterprise." film on the Detroit riots which your Abe Ribicoft, U.S. Senator. organization provided for our use without John Finlator, Associate Director, United any costs. It is one of our most valuable States Department of Justice, Bureau 'If it were not for your rational and positive training aids." of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. approach in the form of editorials and State Police Captain Clifford Yahner, "KFRE Stations are to be commended for newscasting, the citizens of this state Commander at Hollidaysburg Post. their efforts in developing community would certainly suffer a great deal from awareness of the dangers of drug use." lack of tangible human education." "The patient's morale has improved. He is Charles B. Wilkinson, Special Consultant Fred G. Adams, Special Assistant to the 100% surprised and 200% grateful to the President-The White House. ' President, University of Connecticut upon receiving the first tape with a message from his favorite mother. And and Chairman, Connecticut Commission WFIL-TV / Philadelphia Human Rights and Opportunities. a second tape from a special young on has forwardedhll lady had him sitting on top of the world." "Mr. Richardson Dilworth copy of the Worldland Workshop WLYH-TV / Lancaster -Lebanon Bill Garman, 620th Tactical Control describing your pioneer television 'Lancaster City -County Human Relations Squadron, VIETNAM. experiment in reading for three-year.old Committee would like to commend you children. In view of your service for and your organization for the objectivity WNBF-TV / Binghamton local twenty-five years to thousands of childre and restraint shown in handling wish to express my appreciation for the "I in the Philadelphia area via the news during the recent disturbances in cooperation which you gave effective WFIL SCHOOLHOUSE and OPERATION Lancaster ..." the United States District in publicizing ALPHABET produced in cooperation Jr., Lancaster City - to be filed by J. W. deGroot, Court's directive for claims with the public and parochial schools,tft. County Human Relations Committee. who had been overcharged people venture into educational television is drugs." for certain no surprise to us." "Your editorial support ... was very much Louis J. Lefkowitz, Attorney General, of appreciated. It came at a most Mark R. Shedd, Superintendent State of New York. appropriate time, when understanding of Schools, Philadelphia. all the circumstances of the unfortunate is "The mass impact of television of as welt as and hostility "The people of New Jersey incident were at a low state paramount importance to hospitals if they Pennsylvania have benefited greatly from ran high." are to place their problems and services the well-balanced programming of WFIL Keith Spaulding, President, Franklin and before the public. This was done during and especially from your extensive, College. week, and I think very effectively." Marshall last in-depth coverage of current events." C. Stith, Administrator, Charles S. M. Richard J. Hughes, Governor, State of Memorial Hospital. Wilson New Jersey. TRIANGLE STATIONS® Triangle Stations....of course! . .{. + . - BEST TELEVISION SPOT NEWS COVERAGE IN 13 SOUTHEASTERN STATES R.T. Ñ: D:A:. AWARD Where are your news spots tonight? KTRK-TV HOUSTON, TEXAS CAPITAL CITIES BROADCASTING CORPORATION REPRESENTED BY BLAIR-TV. Television Ape, September 22, 1969 3 " Ríp and read" won't get ít anymore.... SEPTEMBER 22, 1969 Television Age 25 LOCAL BOYS MAKE GOOD Sophisticated choke and treatment of subjects, multi personnel, and -skilled higher production values are among key trends in local news 28 LOCAL NEWS: EXPENSIVE BUT EXPANSIVE Hour-long station You -produced news reports multiply because they have to be are found profitable and practical INVOLVED! 30 1969-THE DARKEST For all of our YEAR 16 years WRBL- Incoming president TV has dominated of Radio Television News Directors Asso- television ciation tells news in this area of why he's pessimistic about outlook for broadcast Georgia journalism and Alabama. Even with twice -daily editorials we recog- nize the need for in-depth pro- 32 NETWORK NEWS: PAST IMPERFECT, gramming which encourages PRESENT TENSE, FUTURE citizen CONDITIONAL involvement in the af- The years that were and the fairs of the one that is, through the eyes of the cities and towns network news we serve. presidents Two regularly -scheduled series, "Viewpoint" and "Project 3," 34 ALL -NEWS RADIO SAYS IT NOW probe vital subjects of the day. Stations formatted to nothing but new find their specialisation The dedication of WRBL-TV to costly but rewarding when it's done right this concept has led to the cre- ation of a separate Public Af- fairs Department. Working 36 THE HOMETOWN ANGLE with our full-time news staff, The Washington bureau chief for WGN Continental Broad- it gives fulfillment to lief.. our be- casting tells hazy to find it "YOU HAVE TO BE INVOLVED" 85 STATION AWARD WINNERS IN NEWS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Sc DEPARTMENTS 8 Publisher's Letter 40 Film/Tape Report Report to the readers Round -up of news 10 Letters to the Editor 51 Spot Report ;d The customers always write Digest of national activity 15 Tele -scope 53 One Seller's Opinion nines The other side of the coin GEORGE GINGELL JACK GIBNEY behind the scenes Director of Director 59 Public Affairs of News 17 Wall Street Report Business Barometer The Measuring the trends financial picture 91 In the Picture 21 Newsfront A man in the news WRBL The way it happened 93 Inside the FCC 39 Viewpoints Exclusive report front Ni3 A no -holds -barred column. Iashington r e A CBS AFFILIATE Television Age is published every other Monday by the television Editorial Corp. Publication Office: 34 N. Crystal St., E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Address mail to editorial, adver- COLUMBUS, tising and GEORGIA circulation offices: 1270 Avenue of the Americas, Rockefeller Center, New York, N. Y. 10020. PL 7-8400. Controlled circulation postage paid at New York, N. Y. 4 Television Age, September 22, 1969 A woman's got a right to the news. The minute the kids get off to school. have full - Vhen you your hands try And that's what people get on like Vietnam, crime, the weather, and a Ito feed the kids and get them off to WINS, in New York, KFWB in Los the traffic...people pay attention. Even clol, you certainly don't have time to Angeles. And KYW in Philadelphia. when the news stops and the commer- p,l up with what's happening in the Not the same news over and over. cial goes on. ad. But new news. Constantly up -dated. And since the news keeps happen- dot until they're on their way, can And not just a handful of headlines. We ing, they keep listening. r,isit down and listen to what's hap - give you commentary. Analysis. Edi- The way we see it, there's no reason id to the world since you woke up. torials. So you can make some sense of why you shouldn't have news the min- what you can expect for the rest of this crazy world. ute you want it. ntlay. But the way we broadcast is only History doesn't wait for you. t Group W we believe everyone has part of what makes us different. You shouldn't ha!e to wait for it. ;ht to the news. Whenever they It's also the way our audience listens. 'at it. When you're talking about things News the minute you want it. 7. o - -=,. ° é J 3 . i 1 , , s l- 1! 1 tEf 4 iSs . any¡ i[I 1-' ° o 1r P. r t r , .+ z ,.,.a,!'1ti NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA LOS ANGELES WINS KYW KFWB ALL NEWS. ALLTHE TIME.
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