Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00919-6 - F. Scott Fitzgerald in Context Spec SD1 Date 26-july Edited by Bryant Mangum Index More information Index 1920s, The: American Popular Culture “Ain’t We Got Fun” (Egan and Through History (Drowne and Kahn), 215, 296 Huber), 321 Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 96 20th Century Fox, 390, 401, 402, 413 Alexandrian Library, The, 57 42nd Street, 402 Alger, Horatio, 186 45 Minutes in Hollywood (Parsons), 413 Ali, Hugh Carden, 39 50 Years of Best Sellers (Hackett), 273 Aliber, R. Z., 367 60 Years of Best Sellers (Hackett), 273 All Quiet on the Western Front 70 Years of Best Sellers (Hackett), 273 (Remarque), 280 80 Years of Bestsellers (Hackett), 273 Allen, Frederick Lewis, 211, 264, 325 Allen, Gracie, 61 Abrams, Mrs. (Tender Is the Allen, Joan, 118 Night), 218 Amazing Stories (Gernsback), 275 Absalom, Absalom! (Faulkner), 218 Ambassadors, The (James), 184 Adams, Henry, 122 America, 67, 72 Adorno, Theodor, 368 American Catholicism, 118 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn American Civil War, 94, 169, 206, (Twain), 170, 171 234, 333 Adventures of Robin Hood, The, 404 American Dream, 176 Aeolian Hall, 308 American Film Institute, 425 African American related, 224, 225, American Language, The (Mencken), 226, 229 58, 60, 245 Great Migration, 226 American literary naturalism, 48 migration, 235 American masculinity, 116 Against the Current: As I Remember F. American Mercury, The, 284, 288, 289 Scott Fitzgerald (Kroll), 84 American Realism, 175 Age of Fable, The (Bullfinch), 59 American Speech, 60 Age of Innocence, The (Wharton), 279, Anderson, Sherwood, 4, 180, 181 280 Andy (“The Last of the Belles”), 141, Aglietta, Michel, 369 155, 157 Aiken, Conrad, 73 Anti-Saloon League, 206 Aikman, Duncan, 72 Aquitania, 333 451 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00919-6 - F. Scott Fitzgerald in Context Spec SD1 Date 26-july Edited by Bryant Mangum Index More information 452 Index Argonne Forest, 141 Barnard School for Boys, 105 Arlen, Michael, 275 Barnes, Djuna, 42 Armistead Building, 365, 371 Barnes, Jake, 40, 267 Armistice Day (1918), 136 Barney, Nathalie, 265 Armory Show, 191 Barron Collier agency, 311 Arnold, Matthew, 56 Barrymore, John, 236, 418 Arnovici, Carol, 109 Barthes, Roland, 35 Arrow Collar man, 318 Bartlett, Dolly, 100 Arrowsmith (Lewis), 275, 280 Basil Duke Lee stories, 100, 111, 115 Art Deco, 358, 360 Batavia, New York, 101 Art Nouveau, 358 Battle of Marne, The, 138 artistic realism, 193 Baxter, John, 402 “Artless Age, The” (Glasgow), 251 Beach, Sylvia, 265 As Ever, Scott Fitz –: Letters Between “Beale Street Blues,” 59 F. Scott Fitzgerald and His Beaulieu, 43 Literary Agent, Harold Ober, Beaumont, Étienne de, 263, 266 1919–1940, 24, 81 “Beautiful Lady Without Mercy, The” Asbury, Herbert, 213 (Fitzgerald), 48 Ashley, Brett, 40 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 47 Astaire, Fred, 403 Beggs, Alabama, 149, 239 Astor dining room (Waldorf-Astoria Belgion, Montgomery, 274 Hotel), 295 Bellamy, Harry, 40 Atlantic City, New Jersey, 192, Belle Epoch period, 137 298, 299 Beloved Infidel (Graham), 417 Atlantic Monthly, The, 246 Benchley, Robert C., 67, 417 Austen, Jane, 351 Benét, Stephen Vincent, 77, 79 avant-garde, 284, 361 Benét, William Rose, 66, 74 Axel’s Castle (Wilson), 60 Benson, Robert Hugh, 48 Bentley, Joseph, 299 Babbitt (Lewis), 208, 280 Benton, Megan, 277 Babbitt, George F., 208, 264, 337 Bergson, Henri, 303 Bailey, Margaret Emerson, 254 Berlin, Irving, 205, 302, 303 Baker Electric automobile, 338 Berlin, Isaiah, 61 Baker, Jordan, 59, 173, 186, 197, 219, Berman, Ronald, 84, 163, 218, 303 220, 309, 338, 354 Bernice (“Bernice Bobs Her Hair”), Bakst, Léon, 263 59, 329, 339, 354 Balio, Tinio, 390 “Big Five” film studios, 390, 402 Ballets Russes, 194, 263 Big Parade, The, 425 Ballets Suédois, 264 Bildungsroman, European, 186 Balzac, Honoré de, 50, 169 Bildungsroman, female, 149, 152 Bankhead, Tallulah, 148 Bilphism, 303 Barbas, Samantha, 414 Biltmore Hotel (New York), 356 Bard, Christine, 262 Bishop, John Peale, 25, 46, 51, 53, 59, Barks, Cathy W., 32, 151 71, 78, 129, 180 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00919-6 - F. Scott Fitzgerald in Context Spec SD1 Date 26-july Edited by Bryant Mangum Index More information Index 453 Bishop Murder Case, The (Van Dine), Bromley, Dorothy Dunbar, 239 280 Bronfman, Samuel, 208 Black, Joseph. See Bloeckman, Joseph Brooke, Rupert, 39, 48, 140 Black Mask (Shaw), 275 Brooker, Jewel Spears, 299 Blackwell’s Island (New York), 186 Brooks, Louise, 326, 328 Blaine, Amory, 36, 67, 93, 96, 97, 99, Brooks, Van Wyck, 58, 60 127, 128, 180, 213, 227, 228, Brothers Karamazov, The 294, 295, 333, 334, 336, 354, 355 (Dostoevski), 50 Bloeckman, Joseph (Joseph Black), Broun, Heywood, 67, 69 217, 220, 229, 305, 404 Brown, Orrison, 365 Bloom, Harold, 46 Bruccoli, Matthew J., 6, 11, 26, 35, 81, “Boatdeck” (Murphy), 194, 195 83, 84, 120, 285, 289, 378, 383 bobbed hair, 247, 254 Bruccoli, Matthew J. and Arlyn Bogart, Humphrey, 403 Collection, location, 17 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 279 Bruce, Barton, 279 Bookman, 35, 68, 273 Brummel, Beau, 294 Book-of-the-Month Club, 277 Bryer, Jackson R., 29, 32, 84, 100, 151 Booth, John Wilkes, 121 Bryn Mawr College, 354 Boston Cooking School Cook Book, The Buchanan, Daisy Fay, 59, 173, 187, 211, (Farmer), 279 230, 296, 308, 315, 327, 332, Bougault, Valérie, 262, 265 346, 350, 354 Bouvard et Pécuchet (Flaubert), 184 Buchanan, Tom, 59, 61, 163, 188, 195, Bow, Clara, 250, 256, 322, 328 211, 216, 218, 219, 221, 224, 230, Boxley, George, 405 258, 264, 297, 308, 318, 337, 356 “Boy Who Killed His Mother, The” Buchanans’ house, 354, 357 (Fitzgerald), 237 Buffalo, New York, 3, 89, 400 Boyd, Thomas, 183, 192, 305 E. R. Thomas Motor Company, 90 Boyd, Woodward, 18 George N. Pierce Company, 90 Brackett, Charles, 266, 394 grain, 90 Bradbury, Malcolm, 265 Lackawanna Steel, 90 Bradin, Edith, 62 Pierce-Arrow automobile, 90 Brady, Cecilia, 360, 426 Thomas Flyer automobile, 90 Brady, Earl, 426 Woolworth’s, 96 Brady, Pat, 232 Bugatti automobile, 331 Braque, Georges, 193, 263 Bullfinch, Thomas, 59 Bremer, Sidney H., 140 Bullock, Heidi, 156, See also Kunz, Bright Star (Keats), 47 Heidi Brimmer, Arthur (The Last Tycoon), Buranelli, Prosper, 279 396, 428 Bureau of Internal Revenue, 205, 211 Bringing Up Father, 106 Burnham, Bertha, 295 “British and American Taste” Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 235 (Belgion), 274 Burton, Beatrice, 252 Broadway, 293 Bustanoby’s on Broadway, 6 Broadway Melody, The, 424 Butcher, Fanny, 76 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00919-6 - F. Scott Fitzgerald in Context Spec SD1 Date 26-july Edited by Bryant Mangum Index More information 454 Index Butler, Howard, 380, 381 Cather, Willa, 50, 147, 171 Butler, Jack, 93 Catholic World, The, 70 Butler, Samuel, 47, 48 Catholicism, 105, 106, 108, 116, 117, Buttitta, Tony, 231 207, 215 Byron (George Gordon, Lord Byron), Catskill Mountains, 97 39, 46 Chamberlain, John, 75 Chambers, Robert W., 38 Cabell, James Branch, 288 Chamson, André, 266 Caesar and Cleopatra (Shaw), 57 Chandler, Raymond, 35 Caesar Augustus, 314 Chanel, Coco, 324, 326 “Caesar’s Things” (Zelda Chaney, Lon, 236 Fitzgerald), 149 Chanler, Mrs. Winthrop, 122 Cagney, James, 402, 403 Chaplin, Charlie, 303, 415, 427 Cain, James M., 395 Character and Opinion in the United Calhoun, Ailie, 141, 155, 156, 218 States (Santayana), 57 Calman, Miles, 310 Charles Scribner’s Sons, 7, 8, 19, 20, Cambridge Companion to F. Scott 24, 29, 30, 48, 52, 69, 71, 78, Fitzgerald, The (Prigozy), 84 227, 266, 275, 279, 313, 418, 422 Cambridge University, 47 Save Me the Waltz (Zelda Cambridge University Press, 84 Fitzgerald), 149 Camp Sheridan (near Montgomery), Cheever, John, 16 154 Chesterton, G. K., 48 Camp, Walter, 119 Chicago Daily News, 34 Campbell, Charlie, 371 Chicago Herald, 412 Canby, Henry Seidel, 71, 75, 76 Chicago Sunday Tribune, 19, 148 Cap d’Antibes, 198 Chicago Tribune, 412 Capone, Al “Scarface,” 205, 212 Chicago White Sox, 219 Caramel, Richard, 147, 183 chivalric code, 141 Cardinal Newman’s Oratory School Christian humanism, 118 (England), 117 Chrysler Building, 366 Carnegie Hall, 298, 308 Chubb, Thomas Caldecot, 73 Carraway, Nick, 37, 42, 58, 112, 119, Cincinnati, Ohio, 210 171, 185, 195, 196, 200, 201, 216, Citizen Kane, 393, 418 217, 219, 237, 267, 276, 281, Claremont Avenue (New York), 285 303, 314, 338, 346, 353, 354, 361 Claudius, 366 ironic voice, 147 Claxton, Philander Priestly, 276 judge of character, 164 “Clean Well-Lighted Place, A” military service, 140 (Hemingway), 383 Carter, John F., Jr., 72 Cleveland Plain Dealer, 74 Casablanca, 418 Cleveland, President Grover, 107 Casseres, Benjamin de, 345 Clifton, Col. Charles, 95 Cassidy, Hopalong, 173 Clifton, Dodo (Gorham Clifton), 95 “Cathedral of Commerce” Cocteau, Jean, 8 (Woolworth Building), 356 Cody, Dan, 174 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00919-6 - F. Scott Fitzgerald in Context Spec SD1 Date 26-july Edited by Bryant Mangum Index More information Index 455 Coe, George Albert, 259 Craig House (Beacon, New York), 32 Coghlan, Ralph, 73 Craigie, Sir William, 60 Cohan, George M., 293 Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson Coleman, Arthur, 76 architectural firm, 355 Coles, Joel, 310 Crane, Hart, 381 Collected Writings of Zelda Fitzgerald, Crane, Stephen, 121 The, 148 Crash of 1929 the, 380, 385 College Humor, 149, 258 Crawford, Joan, 250, 256, 403, 418, College of One: The Story of How 424 F. Scott Fitzgerald Educated Cross Word Puzzle Books, The, 279 the Woman He Loved Crowd, The, 425 (Graham), 417 Crown Prince of Siam, 92 Collier’s, 30, 284, 421 Cubism, 63, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, Colonial Exhibition, 263 201, 299, 358 Colonial Exposition, 360 Cugat, Francis, 196 Columbia film studio, 390, 402, 413 Culture and Value (Wittgenstein), 63 Columbia University, 259, 285, 302 Cummings, Edith, 219 Columbus Dispatch, 70 Curnutt, Kirk, 68, 84, 176, 260, 281, Como Park development (St.
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