INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS CERN COURIER VOLUME 43 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003 Bright prospects for Tevatron Run II JLAB Virginia laboratory delivers terahertz light p6 ^^^J Modular and expandable power supplies WÊ H Communications via TCP/IP içert. n_.___910S.CAEN '^^^*aBOKS^^^^ • ÊÊÊ WÊÊÊSêSê É TÏSjj à OPC Server to ease integration in DCS J Directly interfaced to JCOP Framework p " j^pj ^ ^^^^ Wa9neticFie,dand^ ^^HTJHj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E' ' tfHl far IM Éfefi-*il * CAEN: your largest choice of HV & LV )^ H MULTICHANNEL POWER SUPPLIES CONTENTS Covering current developments in high- energy physics and related fields worldwide CERN Courier (ISSN 0304-288X) is distributed to member state governments, institutes and laboratories affiliated with CERN, and to their personnel. It is published monthly, except for January and August, in English and French editions. The views expressed are CERN not necessarily those of the CERN management. Editors James Gillies and Christine Sutton CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Email [email protected] Fax+41 (22) 782 1906 Web cerncourier.com COURIER Advisory Board R Landua (Chairman), F Close, E Lillest0l, VOLUME 43 NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003 H Hoffmann, C Johnson, K Potter, P Sphicas Laboratory correspondents: Argonne National Laboratory (US): D Ayres Brookhaven, National Laboratory (US): PYamin Cornell University (US): D G Cassel DESY Laboratory (Germany): Ilka Flegel, P Waloschek Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US): Judy Jackson GSI Darmstadt (Germany): G Siegert INFN (Italy): A Pascolini IHEP, Beijing (China): Qi Nading Jefferson Laboratory (US): S Corneliussen JINR Dubna (Russia): B Starchenko KEK National Laboratory (Japan): A Maki Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (US): Christine Celata Los Alamos National Laboratory (US): C Hoffmann CERN focuses on LHCp5 TRIUMF builds for the future p30 Science meets art p44 NIKHEF Laboratory (Netherlands): P Mulders Novosibirsk Institute (Russia): S Eidelman Orsay Laboratory (France): Anne-Marie Lutz PSI Laboratory (Switzerland): P-R Kettle News 5 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK): Jacky Hutchinson Saclay Laboratory (France): Elisabeth Locci CERN Council sets the stage for the LHC. Records tumble at KEKB and IHEP, Serpukhov (Russia): Yu Ryabov Belle. J Lab generates high-power terahertz light. DESY and SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (US): N Calder id TRIUMF Laboratory (Canada): M K Craddock agree to collaborate on X-ray free-electron laser development. Superkamiokande resumes operation. J-PARC project is inaugurated. Produced for CERN by Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd LANL develops bespoke cavities for low-energy applications. Canadians Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, Dirac House, Temple Back, L Bristol BS16BE, UK set record for long-distance data transfer. Karlsruhe Grid computing Tel. +44 117 929 7481 centre is inaugurated. UK boosts technology transfer support. ns Email [email protected] Web iop.org 11 Publishing director Richard Roe Physicswatch Publisher Jo Nicholas Art director Andrew Giaquinto Astrowatch 12 Senior production editor Kerry Harding Technical illustrator Alison Tovey Advertising manager Chris Thomas Features Deputy advertising manager/Display sales Jayne Purdy Looking forward to physics at Tevatron Run II 13 Recruitment sales Ed Jost and Debra Wills Advertisement production Katie Graham, Joanne Scriven CDF and DO spokesmen paint an enticing picture Product manager Laura Serratrice-Thomas Supersymmetry reviewed from the past to the future 19 Advertising Chris Thomas, Jayne Purdy, Ed Jost or Debra Wills Jan Louis and Peter Zerwas report from SUSY02 Tel. +44 117 930 1031 Email [email protected] Radiation hard silicon detectors lead the way 23 Fax+44 117 930 1178 Cinzia DaVia' describes recent detector advances General distribution Jacques Dallemagne, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. Email [email protected] In certain countries, to request copies or to make address ASACUSA measures microwave transition in antiprotonic helium 27 changes, contact: John Eades homes in on fundamental symmetries China Chen Huaiwei, Institute of High-Energy Physics, PO Box 918, Beijing, People's Republic of China Germany Gabriela Heessel orVeronika Werschner, DESY, TRIUMF: the home of Canadian subatomic physics 3300 Notkestr. 85,22603 Hamburg 52. Email [email protected] There's more than mesons on offer at the Vancouver laboratory Italy Loredana Rum or Anna Pennacchietti, INFN, Casella Postale 56,00044 Frascati, Roma UK Mark Swaisland, CLRC, Daresbury Laboratory, Keckwick Lane, In a spin at Brookhaven 3333 Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4AD. Email [email protected] Yousef Makdisi and Roderich Keller report from SPIN2002 US/Canada Published by Cern Courier, 6N246 Willow Drive, St Charles, IL 60175. Periodical postage paid in St Charles, IL. Fax 630 377 1569. Email [email protected]. Postmaster: Send CERN summer experience benefits US students 37 address change to: Creative Mailing Services, PO Box 1147, Suzanne Harvey reviews US research experience programme St Charles, IL 60174 Published by European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, People 40 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. Tel. +41 (22) 767 6111 Telefax+41 (22) 767 65 55 Recruitment 49 Printed by Warners (Midlands) pic, Bourne, Lincolnshire, UK Bookshelf 55 © 2003 CERN 58 ISSN 0304-288X Viewpoint Cover: This event display shows jets recorded in the DO detector at Fermilab's Tevatron. Both the DO and CDF collaborations have upgraded their detectors to make the most of Tevatron Run II. The collider is now performing well in excess of its Run I best, and is delivering an increased energy of 1.96 TeV. A recent review took a close look at the enticing physics in store. (pl3). 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India has been an active partner Aymar, director of the International for many years, and in the December Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor meeting, Council granted the country (ITER), to succeed Luciano Maiani as observer status. In the past, India has the laboratory's director-general, to take contributed equipment and technical office on 1 January 2004. Aymar, who teams to LEP, the PS injector complex will serve a 5 year term, will oversee the and fixed-target experiments. This effort start-up of CERN's current major project, was formalized in a co-operation agree­ the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in ment in 1991, extended in 2001 fora 2007. He was previously with the French further decade. Then, in the framework Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), and of the 199ff protocol signed with the directed the Tore Supra - one of the Indian Department of Atomic Energy, world's largest tokamaks, based on The LHC magnet test hall - one area where Indian India became one of the first non- superconducting toroidal magnets- scientists work at CERN. member states to make significant from its design in 1977 through to its contributions to the LHC. Indian scien­ operation in 1988. He is familiar with the Council secured the future of the LHC project tists are also valued members of the ALICE challenges presented by the LHC project, as by unanimously endorsing the new Baseline and CMS collaborations, and Indian IT exper­ he chaired the External Review Committee Plan for 2003-2010, based on a revision of tise is being put to good use in GRID that was setup in December 2001 in the 1996 financial framework for the LHC, computing projects. response to the increased cost to completion which confirms the target of commissioning Recognizing the increasingly global nature of the LHC. Commenting on his appointment, the LHC in April 2007. Most of CERN's of particle physics, and CERN in particular, Aymar said: "I am very honoured by this deci­ resources will be committed to the project, Council also agreed to create an associate sion, and I thank the Council members for the leaving only a very limited non-LHC status for non-European states that wish to confidence put in me.
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