D-SPECTATOR DECEMBER 31, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS 2009'S BEST MOVIES Bruce Ingram picks his Top 10 films of the year. SEE PAGE 81 FOOD SURPRISE Unusual taste combos perk up your food. SEE PAGE 24 Inside! todays homes Time off for the Christmas break allowed Matthew Nielsen, 15, and hisbrother, Justin, 9, and their sister Courtney, 13, (not shown) a chance to turn the snow on their front lawn onJonquil Terrace in Nues, into Look for it in the centerof TALL, SearchChicago-Autos ICED a 7-foot snowman. Matthew said the snowman tookabout Z hours to build. (Allen Kaleta/for STM) Start here with a health care career. Attend free Health Career Information Sessions. Monday, January 11,2010 Health Information Technology, at 1p.m., Room 2846 oc-$'TL09 1I s-iiN IS HOI>1'0 t" 0969 Nursing, Associate Degree, at 6p.m., Room 1604 .LSIQ ANBI1 DIl8fldS1IN isla AU?J5I1 DIlSflcI SB1IN For more information, ca/i 847.635.1629. ,,,..,,a. fl$t r.nr on 6DO-3iO1±P* 1600 East Golf Road, Des Plaineswww.oakton.edu community couege ¡ "'r 2 www.pioneerlocal.com NITHURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2009 CoNTAcT: Matt Schmitz, Assistant Manaqing Editor iewskA0E3 p: 700.524.4433 e:mschmitz®pioneerioCal.Cofll Start the New Year with a New Smile from ClearChoice ILLINOIS TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ti Dental Implants & Beautiful New Teeth In Just One Day* Half-million- dollar Your smite .it's one ofthe first thingu pcop!e notice about you. : ClearChoice. lt svas clear that the stalïworked closely together : But ifyon have poor quality or missing teeth, your smile muy be to insitre a seamless standard of care. Industry Ieadershp one ofthe first things you want to hide from the world. Now is TiteClcarChoicefacilityisequipped with modem the time io stop hiding. state grant to extend What was nearly impossible juSt a short time ago, ClearChoice tretment and recovery rooms for your comfort, 3D CAT now makes happen thousands oftimes each yearl , Scanning tecimology for preciso imaging, anda fully Now that the holidays att here, ii may be time to stati thinking equipped on-site implant lab for maximum convenience about how you start tite new year with a bright new smile. And . ,- all ntate-of-the.art. remember, ifyou or a member ofyour family has a flex spendingAll-in-one treatment centers Milwaukee Ave. work account, you can use that to itclp you get new teeth in a dayla Patients receive complete, fusi, and convenient treatment all Your dental implant treatment isdelivered by qualified in one location. Each Cleatchuice Dental Imptant Center Itas npcCiuliuts, including an oral aurgeon to place your implants By TONY BERTUCA pt'oject, which has expon- scheduled to take place in- When Dnrrald Starling of Cleveland, 01-I met his svifc Tracy, an experienced team ofdental professionals, 3D CAT scanning . and a restorative dentist io placc your new teetlt and cnsum [email protected] enced several delays, was elude new sidewalks, cross- she was a fun loving young lady who loved to umile. But aller technology, and a specialized On-site Dental Implant Lab, that your umile injust elglst. Ouch has npceiai cupirtise and only planned Lo occur be-walk improvements and in- scvcml years oldenlal trauma, the woman ite fell in love ssifltwhich sets ClearChoiee spart from traditional dental treatntent can be trusted to deliver high quality Implant cate. Nues was t'econtly award tween Albion and Nova ay- tersoction lights at Harts started to change. Her conventional dentist removed alt of her providers. ed a $520,000 transporta- dn'hos and is scheduled tobe Road and Milwaukee Avenue, teeth and at 29, she was wearing full dentures. Site refused to completed in June. and enhancements at tise smile, never laughed. She didn't even want to leave her home.CleatChoice is ose of the select few dental implant Lion grant from the state of Starling was living a life of pain and shame -until the couple centers in the world to use 3D CAT Scans for diagnosis Illinois to continue vos'k ils But tise recent state gs'ant, Veterans Memorial Watet' came to CleasChoice where Tracy got a new set of implatits and treatment planning. Only taking approximately 20 Miiwaukeis Avenue Beautift- combined with the $475,000Fall Plaza, and beautiful teeth tltat were fixed in place. Her life citangedseconds, tite scan supports u higher level ofpalient care. cation pt'ojcct. federal gt'rsnt obtained for Tise Illinois Transportatioti dramatically. 3D CAT Scans allow a detailed look ut cxïstittg teeth, This is the second grant Niles by Congresswoman Jan EnIsancement Progs'am is a bone, nerves, and tissue. Nues has been awas'ded by Schakowsk D-tJth, will allow fedet'aily funded program de- the ?fl'snois Tt'ansportaliotithe village to continue the signed to improve the quali- Tite 3D CAT Sean is a macltinc costing hundreds of Enhancement Program. ToMilwaukee Avenue corridor ty oflife in Illinois by promet- tttottsands of dollars and provides tttree-dimcnsional date the entire Milwaukeeboautilictttion beyond Nova ing alternative transporta- and cross-sectional views that allosv our surgical and lion through streetseape and restorative teatn to: Avenue project has received Avenue. $1.8 million from various "With these additionalbeautiiication projects. Examine the quality and density of the bone that funding sources. grant funds, the project may The federal funds from will anchor tite dental implant, 'The community and thenow continue nos'th as far as Schakowsky are through a In-house Dental Implant Lab . Determine the precise placement of implants, Milwaukee Avenue Beautiti-Oaktan Street," Callero said.Transportation, Communi- .Select the correct type and size oftlte implants, and Yottr ClcarChoice dadora and team itave extensiva cation Committee have The ultimstte goal of tisety and System Preservation experience in dental implant procedurea, anesthcuia, and Milwaukee Avenue project, Project grant designed to im- . worked very hard for over Avoid the nerves and sinuses. custom fabrication. Titey are leaders in the trcatment of live years now," Mayot'ttpproved by tite Village piemont strategies that im- n'mgle, multiple, and full-amis implant Cases in a aingle prove the efficiency of trans- The CicarChoice On-site Dental Implant Lab provides state- RobertCallero said. "We will Board ofTrustees in spring day.* Experience makes a nignificant difference in patient 2008, is to improve the en-portation systems stnd re- Snow job rime elf lar the Christmas break allowed Matthew Nielsen, 15, and his brother Justin, 9, and of-the-art technology and artful, expert crafismansitip that is comfort, results, and satisfaction. soon see portions ofthe beau- Actual tire 5-mile corridor from Al-duce environmental impacta their sister, Courtney, 13, (not shown) a chance Dec. 22 to turn the snow on their front lawn, at 6928 Jonquil needed to ensure the best possible replacement teeth available. titication pian come to Saleta! ClearChoice bion to Greenwood avenues. of transportation. Terrace, Nues, into a 7-foot-tall snow. Matthew said the snowman took about 2 hours to build. (Allen Patient fruitiots by next summet" OurProsthodontists recommend thebestmaterialsfor High-quality results The current phase of the Some of the upgrades Coat ,,tei:t:pionecrlocal.cont br STM) replacement teeth based on the needs and lifestyle of each According io dental rcgulations, nay licensed dentist can patient. They can be made from either u high-grade acrylic resin -legally place implanta and practice implant dentistry. or poreelsin. nüt most people arc nul satisfied with just 'any" dentist performing this type of advanced dental and restorative PULES HISTORICAL SOCIETY Changing lives through dentistry is nothing new to tite team of care, and you thouidn't be satisfied either. And until tite Man charged in robbery dedicated dental professionals at CicarChoice. Whctheryou need Experienced specialists last coupieof years, dental schools have provided no BY TO NY BE RTU CA mask his face. a single implant, a full mouth oftceth oryou are suffering with dental implant training io tiseir general dentist graduates. ClearChoice Oral and Maxillofucial Surgeons are specialists tltat [email protected] Meilal then held a hand- the misety of failing teetit, the team is focused on solving your Monday gun to a cashier's head and treat tite anatomical urea of the mouth, jasvs, face, skull, as well Museum set to reopen dental problems. The word about ClcarChoice is spreading. NFL S Dental implants have become the teeatntctti ofchoiee for robbed the store of $600, as associated structures. They are trained for extractious, dental much the renovations cost, Nues police have charged Hall ofFamer Mike Ditka was so impressed wittt what he foundimplantation, and other surgical techniques. Our Restorative repiaccment of missing teeth, and CicarChoice Dental By TONY BERTUCA an18-year-old according to po- at ClcarChoice that he is telling America about the revolutionaty Implant Centers have become ilse leader in dental implant but said a great deal of the Dentists specialize intIte art and science of implantation, tbertuca@pïoneerlocal.COffl 'qtbeen a long1aiil... but we really Chicago man lico, technology, treatment and team svork at evety center nationwide. treatment delivery. funding came from a fam- aesthetic and reconstructive dentiatty, including dental implants. "Fie was uywho wished to romainwithallegedly The Nues Histot'ical Mu- wanted to do thisfor the community." brought in for anonymous. using a BB gun to Dental Implants and beautiful new ClearChoice Master Lab Technicians um craftsmen and women scum, 8970 N. Milwaukee questioning on with artisticskills to create perfect,natural smiles. Eactt Walter I3eusse, historical Society volunteer While the building vnsrob a local gas teeth in just one day* Ave., was scheduled to station whes'e he (Dec 15)and ClearChoice Dental Implant Center has un On-site Dental scheduled to s'eopen Mon- gave an admis- lt all begins sviten the patient makes the call to ClearChoiceImplant Lab where Master Lab Technicians work svilli the have reopened Monday day, a grand opening willused to be em- and makes an appointment.
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