^.... » •............. _______ ________ m m n .. ■' ■ . ' r -A lv k : '■••'••■ " ■ ■ J P T I ■iL --■ - - ^ — M ----- ■ H '■ r-: X.. I > _____ : ' w a^o/^/tnyja^iNi tt i # K S Fridayty, Septem ber 27, 2( 50 cc n ts ■ ''tkX3& ^l3RNING ^ BailififFs \y E A tH E R J.S. li d a p B x t a y inks"Iraq,“al-Q)aida '* d o u i b . n t * M actior)ns iMr^'Port- •• ' • idnmshJne. — ^^ h a d bbeen . dis* guish betw«:ween al-Qaida and While the comments appppeared cusseded during Saddam wheilien you talk about the toto announce new proof of such • : | « |Sig h 7 0 ,lo w . , W A taiNGTON o l - Xi^ a series of . K briefing war on terror.•or.” tilties, ad m in istratio n off: I.'.'. -'.'i' ■ Statemenents over the past ^48- . IJATO Wednesdaylay night. White House ofoffered no details to substa w ipeso u t j- .Plj8>2 , hmu%'autbeBiish a^inistradon: ' nse minis- N atio n al SS ecu rity A dviser ththem, leaving what some ofofficials has reigngnited debate, over to needngin Condoleezzaza Rice said al'Qaida acacknowledged was a confusir ^ i u u e i t ^laidasidKweeksago^'^' a saw. .O n captives, “inh particular I some fligh—- ture m of both-the so-ength-ar JS^g ic Vall>LE^ ubejtttlr t h m is evidence of sub' Inesday, rankingdetaitainees, have said tlu t susubstance of the evidence,“tfr-eonvi t e e t i o n — «>-»'• stanove, ongoingoi des between sident Iraq providedled some training to a|. hehave solid evidence of the 20201M (lin^:n>R ve Msgic Qaida amsnd the government of . spoke of Qaida in chemicalcl weapons enence in Iraq of al-Qalda men VedEey re^4 e& ts azeteparto£a ] Irai Pred I danger -... developmentsnt. ... And there are inincluding some membersi-E Conversadadons void $74i^m li«irifbluej(ibjrfbbon? : „ 0 « S *(Mday, » Ditfense Secretaiy al-Qaida . some al-Qaiiaida personnel-who hshave been in Baghdad," \ a O A S e ? R um sfeld'said th ere is' .' io r- iraes an found refugege in Baghdad” after HiHouse spokesman Ari Flei T .F. womiman’s case )^idc Kenptiior&e. ?Wd?n"c?’ce of links between'^al* < d ^ e naiadnes^” s U.S. attacks■s againstt th ^ began Paga'Bl md Iraq, which he said i tersnum’t distin* in Afghanistajctan last October. Please see IRAQ; PageA2Pa TheTlnie»Kewsarrsand TheAseoclatedPrtIPrcM_________ ' C- - W arsa W ed n M oney Pres>ISAGREI ---------- BOISE - The.he Idaho Court of Bush s EMENT Appeals bas void)'oided the drug con- ^ M o n t ^ I “the dl . victions of a TwjTwin Falls County tBnilte 4to*C wuwouswer t woman becausese ofol conversations a IMii reque^t fbrfb flints. - b « o ^ coun baiM hadid with the jury, extension of Saddam's mi In the unanimclimous dedsion, the Paceoe and noted that *Vou can’ three-judge panelpai ruled that because proscctsccutors could not show that th e communicationsct between the bailibailiff and the jury D airy d were harmless,ess, the verdicts against Michelledie Eguilior had to . be set aside undeinder state Supreme Court precedents.nts. Eguillor wasas Iconvicted and given a 3- to 10-year10* sentence after being charglarged with selling marijuana to anin undercoverui infor* mant for the Twiirwin Falls Sheriffs Department in1 2000.20 A search of :l Buriesi^’ i her home tumed ned up more mari- ^^^tiht TTai^iaw Heiiierita^ . .. IH o t *. juana, metbdmpImphetamine and .^twdation reprises"s “The drugi^phemalun a lk . - During the juryjui^ deliberations Ibffetas** startin g to:onight n at that led to her convicdon,con a bailiff ^ King Center. .. - an employee5 of the Twin Falls 'P a g e C l . County Sheriff’s s Office-reported-01 ly spoke to membnnberS of the'jury. The bailiff wasIS notn< id en d fi^ in R B | court records. I''.'.'T' Eguilior’s attorttomey raised the ToiKtfertus- •• issue with Sthh ED istrict Ju d g e sle: Fourth* ; Roger Burdick,c, wiwwl determined r a n l ^ C S I li*. that the bailifff in fact did have b b ^ N o . Wbi}Si unauthorized cont:onract with jurors on three separate-ate occasions. But ZUtah ^ ■ H Burdick nUed thatthai the conversa- VaUey dons.didn’tprejudijudice thejtuY and State in V: -denied Eguilior-an^trial. an ' ' ^ ralleyball. One of the bail Ztiur^day. dons with the juryury involved a pro- P ag ep i ■ m . cedural issue.. ButBu the appeals court said theree wwas no'evidence ■MiMOM/n*Tta ■ V "'^- 'a>- ‘ ' . ■ '•'• ■' taMMt in the record to> indicateinc what the' O p in io n ' M i i t f Q Hutdl i ^ scrapM'tMo cfossr to cow* Is. Quesnell bought property nssrnpi Haieltori to coMOlldateI hlihis three sites Into one dairy -andai other two convciiversations were tbs'opsrstlon, but ■eme neighbor N o g ^ exposures;'!i t t t e Please see BAIUFF.I Page A2 Sierra'Qub^ loc^ can not.impress Magii if ^ d e n t ^ t^ o y % e ^^ tc Ha:izeltonrc SOppOS(le dairy fproposal,1 Suit see;eks ^ y s - Ps«eA6 ByJannltarSfSandmann Q n .dating played into thehe dedsion. appealapp to the county commis: rswrttsr bi oday the In the dairyiry's county permit NowNov they ore challenging a ZZw damage;es in -------------------------^------ wsdl bn hls telry MsrTwtn Fall*,herd of application,, thetl Quesnells'out* ri^ri^ t transfer still n e e d ^ by r T p ...HAZELTL T O N -A new 2,000- iborsui are protesting the move.I out on lined ■ why rheyt chose th e dairy.dai: A hearing is schedu ' (S O M IN O U. milldng-cowow-dalry-per^tted by^ th Hazelton site. It is todaytod: in Jerome. They alsoH! Canyon»n View bouncy has a few neigh- .. fa iifechurcKgrowttd ■ rural but only challengingchai the county permin it in t • i d i i ^ & S Sihgto'stopitland^oog ' th Wefeellikelfecatt^oJ abouti 3 miles SthSth District Court. their argumluients is the proposed at south of the NeighborsN Scott an d Oii shootingng dairy’s prO]roximity to’the Snake esidents\e aicroadmieiit ofihe Greenw\ ood exit Breeding,Bre Gerald Huettig.i River canyoiyon. dl off Interstate 84, EvanEvs Khotz are represent QuesneU family tradition.iry ofTb'iu Falls, zve | » There areiren’t many neighbors in diback to the early 1900s. Toe an d still w ithin :hemsclvesthei in the appeal. ] th e area,t, w hich is why th e ofdairy operates with a nnothi expand isshem we comi m uting dis* . HolperHol| of Jerome is Joiidng thi Q u e s n ^ femilyt o daily chose the .re tan ce fo r dairy 'Mike'M Quesnell said the 'chS-cl t w in fall\L L S . - A under 500 cows spread ( are rig/if now.’ \ nan who was shot I location theChat reaches to within threefo sites. A new ■ , workers who live len(cnges come with the territ«itory Massachusetts man less than1 ta. half mile of the M . In1 surro u n d in g ijeurlyNea every water right tran lost year by a TwiTwin Falls police- ,- farin would allow ■■■•“ kiagic officer during a confrontadoncon at a canyon. Tbebe QuesneDs have been sathemtoansoUdate ‘11 communides. And loughtsou( by a dairy in th e Ms sincedie 1940s south of- -MikcQuesnisll, aj couple o f.th e /alleyVall is protested, he said. psychiatric hospitallital deserves com- S^ValleyBibleCht end expand. ^ f suf. pensation and damaamagcs, a c co r^ g ^^jthe^w^ dty ni"Growth in the bn expanding to a neighboringi fanns TheTi dairy would nearly i . .vHIl sh are a o u i l d i ^ - : hasreachedi hav e ag reed to rouround Khotz’s 11 acres. He lilives B lawsuit filedled by the m an’s dairy industry is fit\new site in Jerome t id, to anomey in U.S. DistrictDist Court *'; Srtlm ^ II “We feeld like because of the bedirectly the result. ^ take manure for therhere and had plans, he said len t of the d ty of Twin - si) their fields. rebiebuild a historical rock hoiQuse Police and staffff at Canyon View : ' TIm Him »N «w i of dairy farmers CQTit Councy ‘ Psychiatric andand Addiction FaUs, we cacannot expand where Atreaping less profit . But a few neigh: . and;nd sel] it for profit. ' we are rightht now,” &Uke Quesnell .mi —--------^ ^ ^• bors\ aren’t sup* “1“I love the area, but it’s gogoing Services were neglijegligent in letting for milk per cow.” ■Jle 50 David A Smilii,, 48, be taken out ', -.said. Mikeda Quesnell portive. They lost to0 make m it much less desirable QuesneUlU and his son. Matt, Tvgy{^, part.to in their opposositio n before the liveive here,” I he said. of restraints and wanderwai about the hospital on May' 10, 2001, accord- ar DS operate IH arvey Q uesneU thi Expansion plan- > ross the Jero m e Countinty Planning and f Inc. .Dair^ng is a ri^ nmission and on Please see PROPOSAL. PageIge A2 ing to the lawsuit. factors Zoning Comc ' jB & ifi^ £ ^ 1 6 . Nasbar n in g . an d ' site Smith later founound two butter searching have . $ m lc s';^ :. .El. -Nationaxes .i 32 I knives - the typtyped used by %iwswoid Q7 Obttuarie been underway for ^ 1 ^ padents for o rdingnary meals - and M^JB-7 A ANerfelk,Hk, six years, he said. q|MrAbt)]| B7 Opinion ■ Five5 die duriling bantiV confronted policelice officer Tim ts D15 Nsb.,poBee About li^months of Green and others,irs, according to rtDfoscopf J 7 Sportsr>er J\2 - oflletrand aB .moratoriums, on.-------- police reports.
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