![IS 3508 (1966): Method of Sampling and Test for Ghee [FAD 19: Dairy Products and Equipment]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 3508 (1966): Method of sampling and test for ghee [FAD 19: Dairy Products and Equipment] “ान $ एक न भारत का नमण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी चराया नह जा सकताह ै”ै Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” 18 : 1501-1_ Indian Standard ~ METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TEST FOR ~ GHBB (BUTTERFAT) Fourth Reprint AUGUST 1990 (Incorporating Amendments No. I and 2 , UDC 637-25: 543"05 o Copyright 1975 BURIAU or INDIAN STANDARDS WANAlt BBAYAN. , BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARO NIW baHl 110002 Jlca, 1961 1113508 .1•• I ndian Standard METHODS OF SAM.PLING AND TEST FOR GHEE(BUTTERFAT) Dairy Industry Sectional Committee, AFDC 12 ChairlrUln Representing DR K. C. SSN Indian Dairy Science Association, BangaJore M~mbtrs AaRlcuLTURAL ~IAaKETINo Directorate of Marketing & Inspection ( Ministry 0 ADVlaS8 TO THB GOVB8NIIBNT Food &. Agriculture), Nagpur 0 .. h'DIA S.al V. Cs A.~Da.MoULY ( Alternate) 5••1 B. R. BSDEICA.R Hindustan Milkfood Manufacturers Limited, Nabha SIQII I. C. E. DAUSON ( Alternate ) 8"1 C. V. CHANDRA SBItHAa T. T. ( Private) Limited, Bangalore S••I S. S. 1\(4:(1 (Allernat,) SOl H. ~I. DALAYA. " Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd, Anand DaJ. D. COSTBACTOR (Alttrnalt) S.al C. D. DASTOOB Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Bombay SRal H. W. RAJICHANDASI ( Alumate ) na N. N. DAITUR National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal DB C. P. ANA.NTAKRI8H~ AS ( Alttrnill, ) S.B' V. A. DATAR Vulcan-Laval Ltd, Bombay SRBI A. DsvAIlIYA ( Altemat« ) DI.ECTOB, MILIT.BY FARMS Directorate of ~filitary Farm" Army Headquarten AaI8TAST DIRECTOR. !\!ILITABY FABII8 ( TECH) (AlttTtUllt) EXECUTIVE HEALTH OnlcBR Municipal Corporation, Bombay MUNICIPAL AN.ALY8T (Al"rnatt) CoL A. G. FBBN.NDu Food Inspection Organization, Quartennaster General's Branch, Army Headquarters Llf'·COL N. G. C. ISNo£B ( Allt,,,,,t, ) 5••1 G. S. GODBOL. Dairy Development Commissioner, Oovernmeet of Maharasbtra S••~Y. v. S"UIl:K•• ( Altt,.,..,,) Da K. K. !YA Minilltry of Food &. Agriculture Saar G. GoPIKATB (Alk",4l1) CoL P. C. KlUX.. Technical Standardization Committee, Foodstuff's (.~t:inistry or Food at Agriculture) Da S. S'. PRAll'oAK (Altemtll,) SIISI A. R. A. K.I••IIAlf Defence Production Orlaniaation [Ministry or Defence ( DGI ) ] SBaz K. P. Smo. ( ~11frMl' ) (C..tUtwi .. /NI" 2 ) BU_AU OF INDI'AN" STANDARDS YANAIt BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUIl SHAH ZAPAR. MARO NBW DBLHI 110002 Ilre_.I9&6 ( dMI~tlf,.", /JIll' I) M""" &"..",., Da A. P. MAIUDPd HlDdUitan Lever Ltd, Bom"y Da K. K.. G. M ••o. (~IImNIII) MILK Oo1IJIII810... Milk Conuniaioner, Madra Smal P. VIRtA1fAftlA M..o. (AlImwJU) S.ar S. N. MJ'U4 Central Food Laboratory, Calcutta SOl B. K. Mua-rBY Indian Aluminium Co Ltd, Calcutta SBJd N. GoJt..u. KaJu.Alf '( AlImMI, ) SBaI B. E. NAJlQJILI Nesde'. Productl ( India) Ltd, "New Delhi SJUd .,: J. llYA1' (it/"""") 5...j. PADJUJrABBA1f The A. P. V. EDgineering Co Ltd, Calcutta SJIJU1. G. BBoWK (AI"",,) S•• S•.a.•.-WAIIY DirectOl'fte General of Technical Development' Da R. S. SUVAftAYA Central Committee (or Food StaDdariis ( MiDiatry 01 Health) S..I P. JAJlAJmAlfA' AIYA. ( AI,,,,..,, ) D. M. SWAIID'ATBAlf Ceutral Food TechDO'ogical R~lrch Institute (CSIR), Mysore SIIBI M. R. CBAlIDBdllKBA•• ( AI",,,.,,) SJIJU.R. H. V....IAV", Polson Limited, Bombay SJDU Be P. P.u.KBJWALLA (AlImNIII ) Da I. S. V..... nairyTechnology Division, National Dairy Research Institute,,·K.rnal 5••1M. R. SJIPQV"'A_ (AllnR1II6 ) SB&J JAil•• N. W....... 10 personal C8pathy (Allah_" A,rleul''''''' /1II'illll6, AUtl1uJbtul ) Da B ••I BBAQWAlf. Director General, lSI (~.f/itt. M,mHr) Deputy Director ( Agri It Food) $.,,111'.1 ~BSI v.s. ~fATB11. Assistant DJreotor (Agri It Food), lSI Methods of Test for Dairy Products Subcommittee, AFDC 12.:4 c...",., DBN. N. Ouru. National Dairy Relearch Institute. Kamal M"""", D. S. C. CBAKBABAaftY Public Analyst, Go,·ernrJient of Wat Ben.al SBN V.CBANDRAMOVLY Directorate or Marketing &: I~ction ( Ministry or Food It Agriculture), Narur SJl1U !vI. R. CBAtm.AaKaA.~ Central Food Technologjca Research Jnititute (CSIR), MYlOre " .. SSRI H. lvl. D~L.y ... Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd, Anand 0. I. M. PAUL (~l"m'" ) (co,,~ .",." 62 ) 2 Da A-VII Ita.-S..Gun. Da R.. S. SalVAftAYA SIIaIJ.uDI N. W..... 62 11.,....\1- CONTBNTS PAoa O. FouwoaD ... .4. 1. SCOPB 5 2. SAMPLING ••• 5 3: Q,UALITY 0. RBAOBNn 10 PHYSICAL MlTHODI 4. DBURIIIKATION o. MoJlTUllB CoNTain' 10 5. DBTBIlMINATION OP COLOU& 11 6. DBnaloNATION oplUnAcnva IND.X 13 7. DaTBIUdNA.TlON OJ'TIT.. 15 8. DBTBIUIINATIOK OP MKLTlMo POIMT (Sup POINT) 19 9. SeoRB CARD Foa GBU :.. 20 CHIMICAL MITHODS JO. DauIUIINAT10N 0' INSOLUBLE IIIPVRmu 20 II. DBUlUIINATION OP ACIDITY 21 12. DaUlUIlNATION OP SOLU.U AND INIOLUBLB VOLAftLa ACIDI ( RBiCHERT-MEISIL, POLBNIO AND KIRSCHIfBR VALU') ... 22 13. DSTBIUIINATION 0' SAPONIPICATION VALUE 29 14. DBT...IIi_ATlON 01' IODUCB VALUE (WI)S' MBTBOD) 30 15. DBTBIUIINATION 01' UNIAPOMlPIABU MAna ••• ~34 16. naTBUlilfATlOK OP VITAMIN A 36 ,17. DSTBIUIDfATION OP TOCOPIIBIlOL ••• 59 18. DaT&cmON AJlQ DIITaaImIATION O. D.oLYBD Sa,w 41 19. Daa.....A11OJf 01' AImoxIDAK'n ••• 42 20. ».uan0ll o. V..TAIIU FAT 'IN G••• BY THa Pa.... '!'UYL A.caTA.... Tur •.. 52 21 DaftalaNATIOM O. PaUBNca o. SBIAIm OIL (1A1JDOUIIf TUT) •.• ••. •.. ••. ••• 5& 22. _ftOK o...... PaaoXIDa VALUB 56 23. DnaUIIICAftOM o. IJIOIC CoNT~1ft 59 3 11.3511·1111 I ndian Standard METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TEST FOR GHEE (BUTTERFAT) o. FOR EWO RD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 16 September 1966, after the draft finalized by the Dairy Industry Sectional Committee had been approved by the Agricultural and Food Products Division Council. 0.2 Ghee (milk-fat, butterfat, butter-oil), is the most important dairy product which enters inter-state trade. Due to variation in its composition from region to region and season to season, depending on the type of animal and the food given, the establishment of its purity often involves elaborate analysis, as well as tests for its keeping quality. The present standard describes the methods of sampling and quality control generally needed for such analysis and facilitates the interpretation of results. 0.3 In the formulation of this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from the following publications: FIL-IDF 6 Acidity of butterfat. International Dairy Federation. FIL-IDF 7 Refractive index. International Dairy Federation. FIL-IDF 8 Iodine value. International Dairy Federation. Directorate of Marketing and' Inspection ( Ministry of Food and ARri- culture). Methods of sampling and testing of butterfat (gir,,) and butter under agmark. 1953. B.S. 627 : 1953 Sampling fats and fatty oils. British Standards Institu­ tion. B.S. 684: 1958 Methods ofanalysis ofoils and fats. British Standards Institution. Standard Methods of the Oils and Fats-Dh:ision of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. 1964. Butterworths, London'. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricul. tural Chemists, 9th ed. WashingtoJ3. ~5t U.S.A. 0.3.1 Full use has also been made of the valuable information received from the National Dairy Research Institute, Kamal. '.4 In reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or calculated. is to be rounded oft; it' shall be done in accordance with IS: 2.1960-. -Rula (orroUDdi"-.aumerleal n1ueI ( __). 4 1.lCOd 1.1 This standard prelCribes' the methods of "lDpJing, abalysis' anW __ generally used for evaluating the qualitVor ,hee. The specific methoc!l''to be used would depend on the object of the analysis. · 2. SAMPLING 2.1 Sampling shall becarried out by an mtperieqeed ~n. It C&IIDOt be too Itron~ly empha,i~ed that correct sampling is a. Clifticult problean aad ODe ,vhich requires the mosl careful attention to details if the .-bsequent analysis is to be ofvalue. A. "1Dple which is representative of the bulk ~ asemial and is particalarly difficult to obtain from a consig~ent CODIiat­ in-, ora large number of packages. Ho,,·ever,·u. guide to the sdectioa of samples, useful information may be found in documents and certi&cata normally accompanying the consignments and usually include claai&cation markings. It is recommended that the method given should be adhered to wherever practicable. Particular circumstanees may render solDe m0di­ fications of the recommended method n~ry. 2.2 leale of S..pU., 2.2.1 lA, - All the containers irra single consignment belongm,-to the same batch ofmanufacture shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. If a consignment is declared to consist of different batches ofmanufacture, the batches shall be marked separately and the group ofcontainers in each batch shall constitute separate lots. 2.2.2 The number ofcontainers to be selected for sampling shall tlepald upon th~ lot size and shall be in accordance with Table I.
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