A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. - Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) Parshas Eikev CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA Teshuva - Seize The Moment “And now, what does Hashem ask of you…” (10:12) The Ohr HaChaim explains that since after a person transgresses one of Hashem’s commandments, he or others may believe that their way back to repent and return is either sealed or distant, and would be a very daunting journey. Therefore the pasuk uses the word, VeAta, meaning, ‘And now.’ As Chazal explain in Medrash Rabba, VeAta refers to teshuva. We must seize the moment and take the opportunity to do teshuva, to repent and return, right now. The Ohr HaChaim thus rereads our pasuk as saying, “And if you sinned and transgressed against Hashem, and now, what does Hashem ask of you?” And now — at this moment, when you wish to repent and return to Him and do teshuva — how do you rectify this matter and fix your wrongdoings? Answers the pasuk: “By fearing Him.” This alone is sufficient to now appease Hashem and reconcile with Him once again. “And to walk in his ways…” - 1 of 29 - Our pasuk continues, adding this second condition. The Ohr HaChaim here brings a Chazal from Vayikra Rabba: “If you have done bundles and bundles of transgressions, then do bundles and bundles of mitzvos to outweigh them.” In order to explain this, the Ohr HaChaim now cites the Rambam, who introduces a novel insight in his commentary to the Mishna at the end of Meseches Makkos: If a person angers Hashem with sin and transgression, then even if he does just one single mitzvah, yet fulfills it to its utmost potential, that single mitzvah has the power to give him merit both in this world and the next. The Ohr HaChaim then clarifies the idea further by bringing the following mashal: There were once two servants who served the same king. One of them was a faithful servant, whose perfect actions caused him always to find favor with the king; in fact, the king never had reason to be angry with him, ever. One day, this faithful servant came before the king bearing a gift, an offering of a beautiful turtledove! The second servant, however, was not faithful. He did not serve the king properly, neglecting his duties and angering his master. One day, he, too, showed up with a gift for the king: a large, fat ox. Now, whose offering was more pleasing to the king? Naturally, we can imagine that the king shall rejoice and be happier even with the small, white, pure dove than with the fat ox, simply because of the nature of all the grief and anger that the second, unfaithful, neglectful servant caused the king in the first place! This, says the Ohr HaChaim is why the pasuk tells the Baal Teshuva, “Walk in His paths, perform bundles of mitzvos” — because you angered Hashem when you transgressed, now, in order to do teshuva, you need bundles and bundles. Praises for the Ohr HaChaim Hakodosh Rav Yitzchok Isaac of Komarna tells us that the Baal Shem Tov had taught that the soul of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh had the Ruach of Dovid HaMelech, from the supernal realm of Atzilus. The Holy Baal Shem Tov, himself, had the soul of the Nefesh of Dovid HaMelech from the supernal realm of Atzilus. This is why the Baal Shem Tov desired very much to meet the Ohr HaChaim. Had they met, this nefesh and ruach would have joined together, which would have drawn down and revealed the next higher soul levels of of Atzilus (Neshama and Chaya), and then the final redemption would have come (Nesiv Mitzvosecha, 1:9). - 2 of 29 - The Beis Avrohom of Slonim, in the name of the first Slonimer Rebbe, author of Yesod HaAvoda, explains this lofty concept with a little more detail: The holy Baal Shem Tov’s derech avoda was based on Tefilla, prayer, and he had the nefesh of Dovid. The holy Ohr HaChaim had the ruach of Dovid, and his derech avoda was through Torah. Had they met, then together they could have drawn down the soul level of Nishmat Dovid (the neshama of Dovid), and if this Neshama level would have joined with the nefesh and ruach of the Baal Shem Tov and the Ohr HaChaim, respectively, then Moshiach Ben Dovid would have arrived (Beis Avrohom, Shavous, p161). Gedolim Be'misasm Yoser Yahrzeits For Parshas Eikev Rav Mordechai Ashkenazi His father, Reb Chaim Peretz, was a shochet in (Ha'Mordechai) (Av 22) Horensteipel. When Ren Chaim Peretz was 60 Rav Eliyahu Hakohen Dushnitzer years old, his wife died, leaving him with three (Mashgiach Lomza Yeshiva Petach Tikva, daughters. He asked his rebbe, Rav Mordechai Nachlas Eliyohu) (Av 22) Dov, the son-in-law of Rav Chaim Sanzer, Rav Shmuel Meyuchas of Yerushalayim whether he should remarry. On the latter’s (Av 22) recommendation, he married a young woman, and he fathered three sons. The oldest was Rav Yaakov Yisrael. At the age of 11, Rav Yaakov Yisrael was recruited to learn with Rav Yosef Rav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky The Yosel Hurvitz at Novardock. At 19, he was sent Steipler, Kehilos Yaakov (Av 23) by the Alter of Novardock to head a yeshiva at Rogatshov. After a stint in the Russian army, he was appointed rosh yeshiva of Novardock at Pinsk. The Chazon Ish saught him as a husband for his sister. He authored many works, most notably Kehillas Yaakov. His son, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, is a leading Torah authority in Yisrael Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, the Steipler Gaon, author of Kehillas Yaakov (1899-1985). - 3 of 29 - Rav Binyomin Aharon Selnick Ashkenazi Rav Shimon Goldstein (Av 23) Masaot Binyomin (Av 23) Rav Shimon Goldstein (1942-2005). Born in Rav Binyomin Aharon Solnik, son of Rav Williamsburg to Reb Dovid and Rochel Avrohom, was a talmid of the Rema and of the Goldstein, he learned in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, Maharshal, and one of the leadingTalmidei and was orphaned of both his parents at a Chachomim in Cracow. young age. He resided with his grandmother for a few years. After her petirah, he moved After the Rema’s petira, Rav Binyomin Aharon into the Chaim Berlin dormitory as a young moved to Silesia and later to Podheitz. He teenager. He became very close to the rosh corresponded in halachic matters with many yeshiva, Rav Yitzchak Hutner, who had a major Gedolim of his time, notably the Maharam of hashpa’ah on his derech halimud and hashkafa. Lublin; Rav Yosef Steinhart, the Zichron Yosef; Despite his difficult situation, he was one of the and Rav Mordechai Yaffe, the Levush. His sefer happiest talmidim in the yeshiva. After his Mas’as Binyomin includes 112 teshuvos. marriage, Rav Shimon continued learning in the yeshiva, and joined the staff as a rebbi Rav Binyomin Aharon’s sons were all Gedolim. three years later. Rav Shimon never left the His son Rav Yaakov Yukel was the mechaber of koslei bais medrash for any other employment Nachalas Yaakov on Rashi’s commentary on the until the day of his petirah, a beloved eighth Torah. Rav Avrohom was Rav of Tarnopol and grade rebbi for decades. later Rav in Brisk. His son-in-law was Rav Menachem Mann, Rav in Vienna and later Chief Rav of Austria. Rav Tzvi Hirsch Horowitz (Av 23) Rav Binyomin Aharon was niftar on the twenty- third of Menachem Av 5370/1610. Son of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Horowitz, the Chozeh of Lublin Zecher tzaddik livrachah. He was named after his father’s father- in- law, www.hamodia.com/features/day-history-23-ava Rav Hirsh of Lanczut. ugust-19/ His first marriage was to the daughter of Rav Aryeh Leib of Valtshisk. His second marriage was to the daughter of - 4 of 29 - Rav Nota of Chelm. merchant selling coral. He also owned factories in Brody and Vienna. He studied Torah all his When Rav Hirsch MeShares of Rymanow was life and chose Brody as his hometown among ill, he heard of it and visited him saying, our her great scholars and sages. He opened his names are the same: you are named Rav Tzvi own Bais Medrash in his home and paskened Hirsch ben Sprintza and I, too, am Tzvi Hirsh and wrote responsa, corresponding with such ben Sprintza., I hereby accept your decree of Gedolim as the Noda BeYehuda, Rav Refoel death upon myself. He passed away a short HaKohen of Hamburg, the Shaagas Arye, the .and was laid to rest Chasam Sofer and Rav Akiva Eiger תקצ''גwhile later on 23 Av in Rimanov. He was on good terms with the Chassidim and Rav Moshe Yechiel Michel Paket (Av talmidim of the Mezritcher Maggid. 23) Rav Yisroel Charif of Lvov (Av 23) He was counted among the famed Chachomim Rav Dovid Sutton Dabbah (Rav & Av of the Kloiz in Brody and studied Kabbola in the Beis Din of Beunos Aires, Yaaleh Hadas) shteibel with other Mekubolim, next to the (Av 23) kloiz. .תקפח He passed away on 24 Av Rav Efraim Zalman Margolius Mate Efraim (Av 24) Rav Dovid Ortinberg Tehilla L'Dovid (Av He became a talmid of his uncle, Rav 24) Alexander, and of the Mekubol, Rav Yitzchok HaKohen ben Rav Yoel, the Rav of Koretz and later of Ostrog. Rav Efraim also studied under Rav Dovid Ortinberg was the son of Rav Yisrael Rav Yechezkel Landau, the famed mechaber of Tzvi, a descendant of Rav Zev Wolf of Zhitomir, the Noda BeYehuda.
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