Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41587-3 - The Red Cross and the Holocaust Jean-Claude Favez Index More information Index `administrative prisoners' 69 Austrian Red Cross 17 and the effects of the Liberation 252 aerial bombardment, ICRC draft appeals Bachmann, Hans 47, 52, 66, 95, 154, 228, against 85, 87 263, 270 Agency for Miscellaneous Civilian Balfour, Arthur 5 Internees 30±1 Bank of International Settlements 93 aid and assistance (ICRC during World Banyai, Mihaly 236 War II) 91±104 Barbey, FreÂdeÂric 36, 61, 62, 137, 151 to the Jews 71±2, 78, 92, 98, 99±104 Bartov, Omar ix see also Parcels Scheme Bavier, Jean de 110, 234±5, 236, 243, 248 Albrecht, Eric 254 Becher, Kurt 247 Allies, Allied countries Belgian Red Cross 158 aid to populations of occupied Europe 80 and the Liberation 252±3 appeal (17 December 1942) 88 Belgium 155±9 declaration on Jewish massacres (1942) civilian internees 256, 261 66 and the effects of the Liberation 252±3 Altenburg, Ambassador 169 hostages/political prisoners from 156±7 American Jewish Congress 79 ICRC aid and assistance to civilian American Jewish Joint Distribution population 93 Committee 32, 34, 95, 98, 103, 104, ICRC Berlin delegation 27 105, 277 Jews deported from 157±8 and Hungarian Jews 250 Benuzzi, Valerio 225±6 and Polish prisoners 138 Benvenisti, Misu 207 American Polish Relief Committee 142 Berber, Fritz 243, 256, 262, 263, 266 American Red Cross Society 20, 98 Beretta, Dr Bruno 219, 220, 221±3, 224 Amman, Jean d' 167, 170 Bergen-Belsen (concentration camp) 119, Antonescu, Marshal Ion 72, 206±7, 208 120, 254, 255 Antonescu, MihaõÈ 72, 110, 203, 204±5, and Hungarian Jews 245, 246±7 206, 207, 208, 210, 212, 214 liberation of 269, 270 Arlberg meeting (12 March 1945) 262±6 Berlin delegation (of the ICRC) 27, 75 Arolsen, International Search Service at Berlin Wall, fall of the (1989) xi 272 Bernadotte, Folke 238, 262, 265, 278 Artukovic, Andrija 180 Birkenau (concentration camp) 74 Auschwitz 5 Blasys, Biaggi de 227 and antisemitism 13 Boegner, Pasteur 153 evacuation of 269 Boehringer, Robert 28, 94, 95, 178 and Hungarian Jews 236, 237 Boesch, Emil 269 and the ICRC 27, 28, 36, 74 Boetto, Mgr., Cardinal Archbishop of knowledge of exterminations at 44 Genoa 226 parcels sent to 97, 99 Bohemia-Moravia Rossel's information on 42±3, 44 evacuation of Jews from 32 Austrian Nazis in concentration camps, and the ICRC 27±8 ICRC visits to 17±19 Boissier commission 277 342 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41587-3 - The Red Cross and the Holocaust Jean-Claude Favez Index More information Index 343 Boissier, Edmond 88 and the ICRC Bon, Hans 8, 225, 226±8, 262 Coordinating Committee 48 Bonna, Pierre 26, 86 presidency 51 Bordier, Mlle 48, 88, 94 standing at the end of the war 90 Boris, King of Bulgaria 72 and the Jews 78, 79, 101±2, 103, 277 Born, FreÂdeÂric 52, 115, 192, 236, 237, emigration 114, 118±19 238, 240, 241±2, 243, 248, 249, 250, in France 148, 150, 154 281 Greek 170 Bosshammer, Fritz 221±2, 223, 227 Hungarian 243, 249 Brazil, Germans in 163 interview with regarding Jewish Brenni, Franco 225 persecutions 293±4 Briquet, Jean 269 Italian 225 Britain Polish 35, 144, 145, 149±1 and civilian internees exchanges 116 prisoners of war 61, 122±3 and ICRC aid to Greece 166 status of 129, 259 and Jewish emigration to Palestine Transnistrian deportees 202 108±9, 110±11, 114, 115, 243, 244 and the Joint Aid Commission 50 and Norwegian civilian internees 171 and the Joint Aid Committee 94 British Jews, and protection passports 120 mission to Berlin (1940) 55 British Red Cross, and information about and Norwegian civilian internees 171 the Jews 35, 39, 280 and Polish prisoners of war 135 Browning, Christopher 23 and political prisoners in Greece 167 Bruggmann, Karl 127 and RavensbruÈck 256 Brunel, Robert 137, 198 role in the ICRC 52 Brunner, AloõÈs 189 and Switzerland 278±9 Buchenwald (concentration camp) 20, 75, visits to Germany 29 76 Burckhardt, Nicolas 171 Dutch internees 159±61 Burckhardt, Roger 72 food parcels sent to 94, 97, 99 Burkhardt, Dr Rene 168±9, 216 Norwegian internees 174 Bulgaria 8, 215±18, 254 Cassulo, Mgr. 202 ICRC aid to 218 Central Agency for Prisoners of War 27, ICRC mission to (1943) 72, 109, 31, 48, 49, 54, 57 215±16 Capuisat, Edouard 27, 42, 71, 72, 88, 109 and Jewish emigration 216±18 biographical notes on 287 Bulgarian Red Cross 216, 218 in Bulgaria 72, 215±16, 218 Burckhardt, Carl J. 6, 9, 18, 21, 24, 25, 27, and Croatian Jews 180 28, 29 and emigration of Jews from Bulgaria 217 aid scheme 93 and Hungarian Jews 72, 234 and awareness of the Final Solution 38, and Slovakian Jews 186 39±40, 41, 43, 45 and Transnistrian deportees 202±3, 205 biographical notes on 284±5 Charles, Prince of Sweden 58 and conditions in concentration camps ChenevieÁre, Jacques 47, 50, 51, 61, 64, 70, 275 75 and the Cracow professors 137 biographical notes on 286 and Croatia 178 and Croatia 178 and the delegation in Berlin 260 and the DAS (Special Aid Division) 95 and draft appeals on human rights and draft appeals on human rights violations 86, 89 violations 86, 89 and Dutch hostages 162±3 on the ICRC's lack of public protest 91 and French and Belgian deportees 257 and the Jews and the German authorities 56, 57, 67, emigration 106 262 in France 150, 153 meeting with Kaltenbrunner 263±6, in Hungary 248 280 in Romania 198±200 and the `handcuffs' crisis 66, 89 and Norwegian civilian internees 171 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41587-3 - The Red Cross and the Holocaust Jean-Claude Favez Index More information 344 Index Churches' Ecumenical Council 24, 25, 35, in Slovakia 186, 188±9 79, 259 see also individual camps; Parcels Scheme and Hungarian Jews 240 Conventions and Polish Jews 144 and the concentration camp population Refugees Aid Agency 41 53±4 Churchill, Winston 79 German occupation and the ICRC 56 civilian internees 14 and the neutrality of the Red Cross 1±2, as `administrative prisoners' 69 4 and Burckhardt's meeting with see also Geneva Conventions (1864 and Kaltenbrunner 263±6 1929) and the CID (Miscellaneous Civilian Coordinating Committee (ICRC) 47, 57, Internees) 49, 76 59, 67 and the CPI (Civilian Prisoners and and aid to deportees 68, 71, 144 Internees Commission) 20, 28, 63±4, and Croatia 176 65 and Hungarian Jews 234 from the Dutch East Indies 55±6 and Jewish emigration 106 German±Palestinian exchanges 116±17 and Norwegian civilian internees 171 and the ICRC and Slovakia 185 aid to 48, 92, 93 Costinescu, Jean 210 appeal on behalf of 90 CPI (Civilian Prisoners and Internees policy towards 30, 53, 82±3, 276 Commission) 28, 63±4, 65, 67 visits to camps of 4, 27, 29 Cracow professors 136±7, 141 Jewish 126±30 Cramer, Dr Alec 37, 61, 64, 88 in France 146±9 and civilian internees in France 146, and the Liberation 251, 253, 256, 259 147, 149, 150, 153 see also individual countries Croatia 175±83 civilian populations ICRC mission to (1943) 72 effect of the war on 61 Jews 176, 179±83 in Greece 165±6 prisoners of war 175 in Poland 54±5 Croatian Red Cross 175, 176, 179, 180, ICRC aid and assistance to 93 183 in Hungary 249±50 Currie, Laughlin 262 in Poland 141±4 Cuza, Alexandru 206±7 ICRC appeals for protection for 85, 87, Czerniakow, Adam 139 89, 90, 91 Clemens, Captain Wilhelm 144 Dachau (concentration camp) Cocatrix, Albert de 269, 270 food parcels sent to 94, 97, 99 communication channels, and the ICRC ICRC parcels to 76 24±8 ICRC visits to 18, 19, 75 Community Aid Service for Emigrants in liberation of 269, 271 France 28 and Polish political prisoners 137 concentration camps 252, 259 DaõÈnow, Flora 117 and allied strategic bombing 1 Danish Jews 74, 278 Croatia 181, 182 Danish Red Cross Society 74 and the DRK (German Red Cross) DAS see Special Aid Division (DAS) 56±7, 274±5 DelbruÈgge, Hans 255 and Dutch prisoners 164, 165 delegations of the ICRC 27±8, 29 and the ICRC attempts to visit concentration camps aid and assistance 68±72, 92 74±5 lack of public protest 91 Berlin 27, 75 visits to 4, 5±6, 16±19, 29, 31, 42±4, discretion enjoyed by delegates 52 73±4 and information about the Jews 34, and international Conventions 53±4 42±4 liberation of 267±72 and Jewish civilian internees 126 in Norway 172±4 and Jewish emigration 115 in Salonika 168±9 role played by delegates 281 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-41587-3 - The Red Cross and the Holocaust Jean-Claude Favez Index More information Index 345 Descoeudres, Pierre 33±4, 52 Federal Council for International visit to Buchenwald 159 Assistance and Cooperation 15 Dieppe Raid `handcuffs crisis' 7, 66, 89, FerrieÁre, Dr Louis 17±18 277 and Jews deported from Belgium 158 Dobrazensky, Countess Mary 58, 233±4 FerrieÁre, Suzanne 18, 19, 24, 29, 35, 39, Dollfuss, Englebert 17 40, 48, 50, 57, 64, 79, 101 Draudt, Paul 17, 18 and appeals against violations of human DRK see German Red Cross Society rights 88 (DRK) biographical notes on 286±7 Dronsart, Edmond 158 and the DRK 57, 58, 59 Duchosal, Jean 47 and the German±Palestinian exchange Dunand, Georges 184, 187±8, 188, 117 189±91, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196±7, and Hungarian Jews 243, 248 250 and the ICRC's aid operation 68 Dunand, Paul 267, 268 and Italian Jews 225, 227 Dunant, Henri 273 and Jewish emigration 107, 108, 115 Durand, Andre 53±4, 271 and Slovakia 186 Dutch prisoners, food parcels sent to 94 Field, Noel H.
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