Wrestling Junkie’s Story made Tech Wrecks Pack in Atlantw ~9de ' :1 . tie (‘orey tells the world how he became the wrestl- Etlg junkie he is today. Happenings Page 6- Volume LXXI, Number 45 it ‘ Wednesday, January 17, 1990 Raleigh, North Carolina Ema Editorial 737.. ’.tsfilt"“ill‘V-ztm \‘l Unity is IFC e ‘; goal Tanksley hopes to help student senate By Shannon Morrison Assistant News may l)a\td 'l‘anksle). lltc .ccczt.l clcctcd lntcrftutctntt} ('t- .. ll piss. ident. has set the lllltll- .tttott at greck \UClClV at N.(‘, Stan- to tn- ‘.. adrninistratton's key goal. ”At least." he said. “I hop. ... establish a united Crct-t. muttztt Tanks‘ley. a brother at Stgttta ( “i said ideally all creeks \sttlllil b' represented on tltc Ultlltcll .tttd ‘ the “(I the l’art~llelctttc. and lit National l’art-llclcnic .ottn. it would all retain their separate tdvt. ltttcs. Alpha Phi Alpha ts thc only int temity that is a member ot both tli‘ WC arid the National Pan llk‘lt'itlt council. he said. "They (Alpha Phi :‘slphat do a: excellent job ttt support ot ll-t'." Tankslcy said. “We hope they play a \tldl roll-f he said, "in bringing the ott'ant/a tions together." One ttttntcdtatc stcp bctnt' takci» Women on the prowl to improve relations ts thc littltl t publication of a newsletter, llt' said Other goals of the ll (' tank-.le'. Ms. Wuf and another beautiful lady pack backer watch the NC. State women’s basket- fans still got to \(‘(3 some of the nation's best basketball ar'tion, the next home game for said. included llllleH'tl lt‘ldlltttt'. ball team take on the University of Virginia Sunday. State lost in a close game but the the ladies is January 24 at 7p.tn. against UNC-(il l. It will be televised on Wl’s'l‘ l Tl'V 4t). With the Society of \lllcdll Arttcrican ('ttltuic. “1 want to ttttprovc boilt it.- put ltc relations and the public tttta. With the untvctstt) and thc H'lllltttt Teachers to study U.S.S.R., political changes titty." he said. 'lttttkslc) said ltc also usatttcd "t entrance the role ll-(' Ldll play tn My Bill Holmes to develop a curriculum that reflects stop in Moscow. Tbilisi, Leningrad. in the modern comnutnist system group will he iii the Soviet Union. hclp student government." tut Hot Staff Writer the recent economic and political and Tallinn. have made widely used social stud- Following the tour. the teachers will He explained he "would ltkc ti changes in the Soviet Union. The mission is possible because of ies textbooks outdated. There has return to NCSU to develop curricu» ltclp student government ttttplt The N.(‘. State Humanities The teachers will be in the Soviet the NCSU Humanities Extension's also been a noted increase in the lum materials. tttcttl tltctr plans." llc also said in l't‘ttgl‘illll is helping to thaw the Cold Union for two weeks. lntourist, the Outreach program. said Joseph number of requests for classes deal- The ttew curriculum is expected to wants to encourage more gtccks to ‘J‘t’ar between the Soviet Union and Soviet Union’s official tourist Mastro. an NCSU professor of ing with the Soviet Union. be introduced as soon as midfall on parttL'tpate in student powtttntcttt tie United States. bureau, is conducting the tour. political science and co—dircctor of To prepare for their assignment. the sixth grade level. Secondary Along Willi Student Attotnt the program will sponsor an During their stay. the group will Humanities Extension. Outreach is teachers will study rclevent current education units will be developed (ieneral ('hrts Wyr'tck. 'l'attkslr information gathering mission to be allowed to see sights, such as funded by NCSU's Humanities infomtation. ()n .lttrte 30. the teach- later. The units will contain student said he was planntnt! another erect. the Soviet Union for l7 history and collective farms and ctory cooper- Foundation and Glaxo inc. ers will arrive on N(‘SU's campus guides. teacher tttatiuals and emerging issues forum. ;«lt.‘l1ll studies teachers front across atives, that are not usually accessi- Mastro said there was a special for a week of planning arid instruc- instructional videotapes for each This one. he said. would pla- the state. The group's assignment is ble to tourists. The group will also need for the project. Recent changes tion. Front July 6 to July 2|, the grade level. tttotc emphasis on ccrtatn issucs. Staff misses Preiss chosen to head co-worker Chemical Society 'iy Atny Coulter Special to technician cal education at the high \clttHIl it "t sws iditor and beyond. Donald Preiss, professor of tttatertals The AFS tcptcscttts tllttll‘ than Funeral services were held Saturday at 2:30 pm. science arid engineering arid industrial I Httltfl thctttists and tiltcnttt .tl t’ll“! mt Lottgettia (‘lco Allen Canady, housekeeping extension specialist at N.('. State, has ticcrs lit the l' S attd abroad, ot "about .I‘ sisittnt for the University Student Center, who died been elected chairman of the North about UK)“ tcstilc tlt 'N'orth (‘ttllilttta in Jatt. 6 at Rex Memorial Hospital. Carolina Section of the American (‘hartcd itt l‘H7 by (‘onytcss ltl A native of Nash County, Canady moved to Raleigh Chemical Society (AC5). public tntcrcst, the sot‘tctt is the lam itlt her family about l0 years ago. She had been Preiss, who heads the plastics cxtcn organt/aiton tn the world tlctotctl in tnployed by the Student Center maintenance depart- sion effort at NCSU. succeeds Alvni single scientific discipline .tetti for the past 16 years. Canady battled lung can- Crumbliss. professor of L'lttlltlsll’) at Somc of the continuing interests of IP‘- t-t‘ for the past year and had been receiving treat- Duke University, who was section Lllllll'~ A(,'S are chemical L'tlllkilllttll. ptot' aettts for six to eight weeks. She was admitted to man irt WW). sionttl assistance to chcnttsts, and pt - Wake Memorial Hospital two weeks before Founded in lX‘)o_ the NL‘, section ol motion of chemical sttlct‘v and cnvito: . tttisttnas attd then was transferred to Rex Memorial ACS includes among its membership mental improvement Hire ot the it'spmi ~tt Jan. 3. more than L601) chemists. chemical stbilitics set forth iii the socrctx (‘ttnady was highly praised by everyone at the engineers and btochcttttsts in the (‘ortgr‘esstonttl (‘hartct is to ptovt ti- vltltlcttl ('ettter, by both students and staff alike. Research Triangle Park and neighboring tnfortttatton to thc govctntttcnt and 5.. tttong tltose who were closely associated with her, counties. The section holds monthly the American people on ttt.tllt‘r\ |lt\t'l. .t Worker V. Lillie Judd said that “she was a fine meetings during the academic year. tng science trt general and theitttsits ,.'tsott to work with." chcntt thllllLllllll. “'l'ltctt: was nothing in the world like her," said Among its particular t'ottcctns l\ attttdy‘s supervisor. Herbert Strickland. of the indent ('cnter maintenance department. “i can't say trough int c things ahottt her. She was trustworthy State goes to Antarctica llll hottt'st," he said. Spocri! to il‘thtri“ tort flight to \l..\lltliltt Station, the l Itotttta Robbins. Student (‘enter secretary. said that Naval base Ill :\ttt.tttttt .t. .tttady was “well liked" by all the students and f. 1? A gcocltctntst and three graduate stu 'l‘hc t'littl ol lltc l('\('.ll\ll l\ to ‘. ,,, till Robbttts and other staff members frotn the busi— ? dents .tt \'.(‘. State will sail the It) more about the rttttttcnt t x: lcs oi . art at \llllt‘t' ptcscttlcd (‘ztnztdy with her certificate for waters olt Antarctita ncxt tnottth col dltll stltton and their ttlltltldlt‘ ltllt‘ n 'v. ‘..tltllll\ tl'lttt'lllt‘tll. sipncd by (iovcrnor Jim Martin. :5 lecttitt: sediment ltottt the nutrient lltll global \llllldll' .tttd thc “s'tccttl: v ‘tltltt' hct Itospttalt/ation. Ross Sea. cllctt " lltcs also ltopt' to obtain .1 r it iti-tt-tt'ttd l-rattk Stttnttti-i'field officiated the services David lJt'Mastet. pttrtttpal tnvcsttpatot ittrntan It‘tliltl ot _l.'ldtl.ll .ttttstt wt l ll/.ll‘t‘lll ltapitst (lunch in Spring Hope. (‘anady Andrew tteplns/Slott lot the nutrient c_\t lt' prop-ct aitd assott kllllldlll. Lbangrcs tit tlic past . tints-d .ti ltt'ittltV Mtddlcscx Memorial (iardetts .ttc ptotcssot ot.ttt.tttttc. t'dtlll and atom 'l ltt' Ndltnttttl St tt‘tttt' lllllli'l.lll"ti tttt'lt‘l » Ill \lttltllt'st's. sphettc sctcntcs and \(hl' t'tadttatc txsl-i 1c ptottdtttt' .‘t Stout)”: mot t .. .tttJIl‘. t. .Itl‘. tat-d by her husband. Rotttas (‘anady students Rolu-tt l’tipt'. Stephen lldltlt'lt lllt‘ llltt‘t' Scat tt'st'altlt tilittt‘tl llll‘ tit»! liulv'lf'll. as tlttliltctt. Rotttas ('itttady Jr. (ilorta Sing out loud and Susan Hochnti' “Ill llj. to put is part ot tltc \Sl"s l nut-d \latt ., ‘tt M. |’.ttttt t.t ('ttttadv and l.tlltl.l lotklcat of ('ltttstt but. it. Ncu /c.tlitnd, I“ Luv \tttat. ll\ l'tttptant, ssltttlt this \i'at “ |"ll f.ttoltn \llltllt‘ll ol l‘atli'tsott, N l, and tit 'tlalt' liltt‘vt'l ill‘, ( butt". stittiatto .tl ti ‘lilt‘. it i l .i' ‘tt it” vl i titlttll lli’tk’llllk'l tn: llikll": ‘Ht it‘scattlt tc.ttits along sstttt 'lit . llt'tl-ilt oi \lttltlll".t'\ N“ Htltt-t ll\'lll)1ll‘lil l-vt' t 'l.llt", oi itpt otittttt; t (Hit i its i tilt ltt' :.. a .l,lll .til t‘’it 't‘Hlt'l thru'll litiattl ill 8 ttit lli‘ll‘ Ill t'iarttlt lttldtt'n .ttttl two ,'\ irks il.t\\ ldll‘l i 5‘ tl.lttllllt‘ll .tt tt lllxl’tlll plam lot lltt‘ llllil it‘lll 2 January 17, 1990 Technician News distribute applications for the 1990 you achieve academically.
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