Flora of China 5: 21-73. 2003. MORACEAE 桑科 sang ke Zhou Zhekun (周浙昆)1; Michael G. Gilbert2 Trees, shrubs, vines, or rarely herbs, frequently with milky or watery latex, sometimes spiny. Stipules present, frequently caducous. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite; petiole often present and well-defined; leaf blade simple, sometimes with cystoliths, margin entire or palmately lobed, venation pinnate or palmate. Inflorescences axillary, frequently paired, racemose, spicate, capitate, or rarely cymose, sometimes a fig or syconium with flowers completely enclosed within a hollow receptacle. Flowers unisexual (plants monoecious or dioecious), small to very small. Calyx lobes (1 or)2–4(–8), free or connate, imbricate or valvate. Corolla absent. Male flowers: stamens as many as and opposite to calyx lobes (except in Artocarpus), straight or inflexed in bud; anthers 1- or 2-loculed, crescent-shaped to top-shaped; pistillode (rudimentary sterile pistil) often present. Female flowers: calyx lobes usually 4; ovary superior, semi-inferior, or inferior, 1(or 2)-loculed; ovules 1 per locule, anatropous or campylotropous; style branches 1 or 2; stigmas usually filiform. Fruit usually a drupe, rarely an achene, enveloped by an enlarged calyx and/or immersed in a fleshy receptacle, often joined into a syncarp. Seed solitary; endosperm present or absent. Between 37 and 43 genera and 1100–1400 species: widespread in tropical and subtropical areas, less common in temperate areas; nine genera and 144 species (26 endemic, five introduced) in China. Economically, the most important species are those of Morus and Maclura associated with the production of silk. Some species in Broussonetia, Maclura, and Morus are important for paper making; some species in Artocarpus, Ficus, and Morus have edible fruit; and some species of Artocarpus and Broussonetia are used for furniture or timber. Chang Siushih, Wu Chengyih & Cao Ziyu. 1998. Moroideae. In: Chang Siushih & Wu Chengyih, eds., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 23(1): 1–219. 1a. Herbs, without latex; inflorescences a lax cyme ................................................................................................................... 1. Fatoua 1b. Trees, shrubs, or vines, with latex; inflorescences usually very compact, occasionally spikelike, very rarely a cyme. 2a. Inflorescences a fig with many minute flowers completely enclosed within a hollow receptacle opening by an apical pore closed by scale-like bracts ............................................................................................................................. 9. Ficus 2b. Inflorescences a capitulum, spike, or raceme, rarely a cyme, or with flowers inserted on a discoid receptacle. 3a. Material with male flowers. 4a. Stamens straight in flower buds, rarely inflexed. 5a. Male flower calyx tubular .................................................................................................................... 6. Artocarpus 5b. Male flower calyx lobes free or nearly so. 6a. Plants often armed with axillary spines, at least when young, often climbing, sometimes a small tree; flowers in a globose head .......................................................................................................... 7. Maclura 6b. Plants unarmed, a large freestanding tree; flowers inserted on a discoid receptacle ........................ 8. Antiaris 4b. Stamens inflexed in flower buds. 7a. Plant sometimes spiny, particularly on juvenile growth; bisexual inflorescences sometimes present; pistillode absent ........................................................................................................................................ 5. Streblus 7b. Plant unarmed; bisexual inflorescences absent; pistillode often present. 8a. Male flower calyx lobes imbricate ........................................................................................................ 2. Morus 8b. Male flower calyx lobes valvate. 9a. Leaf blade clearly 3–5-veined at base, often lobed, margin conspicuously toothed .......... 3. Broussonetia 9b. Leaf blade strictly pinnately veined, never lobed, margin entire or inconspicuously toothed ........................................................................................................................................ 4. Malaisia 3b. Material in fruit or with female flowers. 10a. Inflorescences with an involucre of several overlapping bracts. 11a. Large tree; infructescences with a single (rarely 2) drupe ± enclosed within a fleshy receptacle ..... 8. Antiaris 11b. Climber; infructescences with drupe clearly exserted from an almost cupule-like infructescence .. 4. Malaisia 10b. Inflorescences subtended by a few bracts, very small relative to flowers, or without any bracts. 12a. Inflorescences 1–8-flowered; mature drupe usually surrounded by persistent, ± free sepals ............ 5. Streblus 12b. Inflorescences many-flowered; fruit enclosed within a syncarp or fleshy perianth. 13a. Leaf margins clearly toothed, rarely subentire and then with a long, slender infructescence. 14a. Stigmas 2, equal (rarely subequal); calyx lobes imbricate .................................................. 2. Morus 14b. Stigma solitary or with a vestigial second lobe; calyx lobes valvate ....................... 3. Broussonetia 13b. Leaf margin entire or shallowly crenate. 1 Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Heilongtan, Kunming, Yunnan 650204, People’s Republic of China. 2 Missouri Botanical Garden, c/o Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AE, England, United Kingdom. MORACEAE 15a. Trees to 40 m high, rarely less than 8 m, without spines; bracteoles and perianth without glands; mature syncarp (3–)5–15 or more cm ............................................... 6. Artocarpus 15b. Plants climbing or if erect, a shrub or small tree less than 7 m high, often with axillary spines, at least when young; bracteoles and perianth with yellow glands; mature syncarp 1.5–2.5(–5) cm ................................................................................................... 7. Maclura 1. FATOUA Gaudichaud-Beaupré, Voy. Uranie, Bot. 509. 1830. 水蛇麻属 shui she ma shu Herbs, annual or perennial, without latex; monoecious. Stipules free, lateral, caducous. Leaves alternate, distichous; leaf blade margin toothed. Inflorescences axillary, usually bisexual, cymose, racemose, or spicate, shortly pedunculate, bracteate. Male flowers: calyx campanulate, 4-lobed, valvate; stamens inflexed in bud. Female flowers: sessile; calyx boat-shaped, 4–6-lobed, valvate; ovary free; style lateral; stigma 2-branched, filiform. Fruit free, not fleshy. Achenes small, oblique globose, ± compressed, enclosed by an enlarged calyx. Seed with a membranous coat; endosperm absent; cotyledon wide; embryo incurved. Two species: Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands; two species in China. 1a. Annual herbs; petiole puberulous; leaf blade membranous, base decurrent; style 1–1.5 mm ......................................... 1. F. villosa 1b. Perennial herbs; petiole hairs spreading; leaf blade papery, base not decurrent; style 2–2.5 mm .................................... 2. F. pilosa 1. Fatoua villosa (Thunberg) Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 41: 2. Fatoua pilosa Gaudichaud-Beaupré, Voy. Uranie, Bot. 509. 516. 1927. 1830. 水蛇麻 shui she ma 细齿水蛇麻 xi chi shui she ma Urtica villosa Thunberg, Syst. Veg., ed. 14, 851. 1784; Herbs, perennial, to 60 cm tall. Stem branched; branchlets Fatoua japonica Blume; U. japonica Thunberg. densely pubescent. Petiole 4–5 mm, hairs spreading; leaf blade triangular-ovate, 2.5–7.5 × 0.8–4 cm, papery, abaxially spread- Herbs, annual, 30–80 cm tall. Stem erect, few branched or ing pubescent, adaxially with sparse appressed hairs, base trun- unbranched, green when young, dark with age, puberulous. Petiole puberulous; leaf blade ovate to broadly ovate, 5–10 × 3– cate to ± cordate and not decurrent on petiole, apex acuminate 5 cm, membranous, appressed hirsute, base cordate to truncate to acute; basal veins 2, secondary veins 4 or 5 on each side of and decurrent on petiole, margin crenate-toothed, apex acute; midvein. Inflorescences 1 or 2 per axil, cymose, ca. 6 mm wide; secondary veins 3 or 4 on each side of midvein. Inflorescences peduncle ca. 4 mm. Flowers green. Male flowers: pedicel short; bisexual, cymose, ca. 5 mm wide. Male flowers: calyx lobes ca. calyx campanulate, sparsely covered with short pubescence, 1 mm; stamens exserted. Female flowers: ovary ± depressed lobes triangular boat-shaped; anthers globose; pistillode conic. globose; style filiform, 1–1.5 mm, 2 × as long as ovary. Female flowers: sessile; calyx pubescent; ovary globose, Achenes ovoid, 3-angled, ca. 1 mm. Fl. May–Aug. oblique, somewhat depressed, apically 3-ridged; style 2–2.5 mm, 3–4 × as long as ovary. Achenes reddish brown, compres- Scrub, grassy areas in wastelands, trail sides, rocks. Anhui, Fujian, sed, 3-angled, ca. 1 mm. Fl. Jun–Nov. Guangdong, Guangxi (Longzhou), Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Yunnan (Bijiang), Zhejiang [Indo- Grassy areas in wastelands, trail sides. Taiwan [Indonesia, New nesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Guinea, Philippines; Australia]. Guinea, Philippines; Pacific Islands (New Caledonia)]. 2. MORUS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 986. 1753. 桑属 sang shu Trees or shrubs, deciduous, with latex; monoecious or dioecious. Winter buds with 3–6 bud scales; scales imbricate. Stipules free, sublateral, caducous. Leaves alternate; leaf blade simple to deeply palmately lobed, margin toothed; primary veins 3–5 from
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