EXTINCT & THREATENED Known from two records in Swaziland by Compton and ACANTHACEAE AMARYLLIDACEAE Kemp in Mbabane. Duvernoia aconitiflora A.Meeuse Cyrtanthus nutans R.A.Dyer Ceropegia cimiciodora Oberm. Status: EN B1B2cD2 Status: EN A1c Status: EN B1B2c Threats: Urban expansion Threats: Damming Threats: Grazing Distribution: Ingwavuma Gorge (Lebombo District) Distribution: Komati Bridge, Magwya Farm area, Distribution: Ingwavuma Poort Could be in forest or grassland. The closest locality to between Piggs Peak and Mbabane Restricted distribution. In a previous RDL, it is Swaziland is in the southern highveld in South Africa, considered Endangered in South Africa’s former some 100 km away. High human population growth in Haemanthus pauculifolius Snijman & A.E.van Wyk Transvaal. Found in a restricted area. Grazing by cattle the area constitutes a threat. Status: VU C2bD2 is a threat. Endemism: Near-endemic Threats: Damming, grazing Orbeopsis gerstneri (Letty) L.C.Leach subsp. ALOACEAE Distribution: Maguga gerstneri Found along the Komati River. Recently discovered in Status: EN B1B2c Aloe albida Stapf Swaziland from only one locality. In South Africa, it is Endemism: Endemic Status: EN B1B2cde known from only a few localities in fairly close Threats: Habitat degradation, grazing Endemism: Near-endemic proximity to the Swaziland border. Distribution: Ingwavuma Poort Distribution: Malolotja, Piggs Peak One subpopulation said to be in Swaziland, but further Tips into Swaziland from the Barberton area in South taxonomic scrutiny is required. Partial habitat decline Africa. Barberton is the type locality. Apparently only ANACARDIACEAE induced by cattle grazing is a threat. one locality outside Swaziland. Lannea antiscorbutica (Hiern) Engl. Pachycarpus stelliceps N.E.Br. Aloe chortolirioides A.Berger var. chortolirioides Status: EN DB1B2aC2b Status: EX Aloe chortolirioides-A.Berger var. boastii (Letty) Reynolds Endemism: Near-endemic Endemism: Endemic Status: EN B1B2abC2a Distribution: Umbeluzi Gorge (Mlawula) Distribution: Mbabane Distribution: Bulembu area, Barberton Mountains, Previously only known from a single locality in South Only known from the type collection made near Malolotja, Hawane Waterfall, Piggs Peak (gold mine) Africa near the Swaziland-Mozambique border. Mbabane. Reported to be extinct. On rocky open outcops. Is a fire-dependent species. Was listed as Rare for Swaziland in previous RDLs. The red form is found in the Bulemba area. Common between APOCYNACEAE ASPHODELACEAE Bulemba (Swaziland) and Barberton Mountains (South Africa). Generally known from Limpopo Province and Adenium multiflorum Klotzsch Kniphofia tysonii Baker subsp. lebomboensis Codd Mpumalanga in South Africa. Status: EN A2cdB1B2abcC1 Status: CR A2B1B2bceC1C2b Threats: Agriculture Endemism: Near-endemic Aloe dewetii Reynolds Distribution: Near Tambuthi, Big Bend Threats: Collection, alien plant infestation, road Status: EN A1acd Very restricted in Swaziland. One large scattered network Threats: Collection subpopulation. Sugarcane farming and lower Usuthu Distribution: Lebombo (South of Stegi) Distribution: Hlatikulu (Grand Valley) development are threats. Well represented outside Grew in a pan, but a road has been developed near the Listed by WCMC’s RDL as Vulnerable for Swaziland and Swaziland. The species nomenclature is not always locality. High density area. Used for its medicinal previously Rare. Previously found in the Hlatikulu recognised or in use in other countries. properties. Reported to occur in South Africa. (1970s), but could not be found there recently. Is a spotted-leaf aloe eaten by people. Threatened by a high Adenium swazicum Stapf Kniphofia umbrina Codd population density. Status: EN A1acdB1B2abcd Status: CR B1B2ce Endemism: Near-endemic Endemism: Near-endemic Aloe ecklonis Salm-Dyck Threats: Agriculture, damming, collection, alien plant Threats: Habitat degradation Aloe kraussii-Baker; Aloe boylei Baker infestation, habitat degradation Distribution: Mbabane, Forbes Reef, Hwane Status: VU B1B2cD2 Distribution: West of Lebombo, Big Bend area and Confined to small area near Mbabane. Only eight very Distribution: Malolotja area, Forbes Reef, between northwards small subpopulations are known. It is highly Motjane and Oshoek Thorny thicket on brackish plains. This succulent is fragmented and declining due to habitat destruction. Tips into Swaziland. Mainly a South African distribu- protected by legislation. Its habitat is also very tion. Very common and widespread in South Africa. fragmented. Distribution mainly from north of Komatipoort in South Africa to Big Bend in Swaziland. ASTERACEAE Aloe kniphofioides Baker The main threat is urban development. Status: VU A2cB1B2c Aster pseudobakeranus Lippert Threats: Collection, harvesting, grazing, fire, urban Status: VU D2 expansion ASCLEPIADACEAE Endemism: Endemic Distribution: Malolotja, Forbes Reef, Nyonyane Sisa Distribution: Poliniane River, Ukuthula (Mbabane Ranch, Bulembu, Mbabane, Mankayane Asclepias eminens (Harv.) Schltr. Division), Verdun (Hlatikulu Division) SWAZILAND Grass aloe. Common in Malalotja. Not protected in Status: VU B1B2cD2 Restricted distribution. Forbes Reef. Used in Nyonyane Sisa. Medicinal usage, Threats: Grazing, soil erosion, fire cattle and resettlement are further threats. Widespread Distribution: Mpisi, Malkerns, St. Josephs, Hlatikulu, Helichrysum milleri Hilliard in South Africa. Manzini Status: VU D2 A widely scattered but uncommon species. In Zimbabwe Endemism: Near-endemic Aloe minima Baker var. minima it is a distinct ecotype. Edible plant. Distribution: Barberton Mountains Aloe minima-Baker var. blyderivierensis (Groenew.) Reynolds; On forest margins in grassland. Known mainly from the Aloe parviflora Baker Brachystelma coddii R.A.Dyer Barberton mountains in South Africa. Status: VU A1cB1B2bD1 Status: EN B1B2cC2aD Endemism: Near-endemic? Distribution: Malolotja, Bomvu Ridge, Mbabane, Piggs Threats: Road network Peak CANELLACEAE Distribution: Forbes Reef, Malolotja, Ngwenya, Three records in Swaziland, including from a protected Motjane area, by Compton, Braun and Kemp. Warburgia salutaris (Bertol.f.) Chiov. Scattered. Very small and inconspicuous. In previous Status: CR A1bcd RDLs, considered Rare in Swaziland. Very common in Brachystelma swazicum R.A.Dyer Threats: Collection South Africa (Limpopo Province and Mpumalanga). Status: EX? Distribution: Malolotja, possibly in Lomati Valley Endemism: Near-endemic? Only six trees observed outside protected areas in Distribution: Rocky hills northeast of Mbabane, Swaziland (as reported by conservation authorities in (Malandzela Area, on the road to Maphalaleni) Swaziland). Very few individuals in protected areas, but these are regenerating and are currently not being utilised. 124 EXTINCT & THREATENED Threats: Urban expansion, habitat degradation Ficus sansibarica Warb. CAPPARACEAE Distribution: Mbabane hills Status: CR B1B2cC2a Restricted global distribution. Known only from a single Distribution: Sihoya Bachmannia woodii (Oliv.) Gilg locality in Swaziland. Status: CR B1B2cC2a Distribution: Jilobi Streptocarpus davyi S.Moore ORCHIDACEAE Only one record for this species in Swaziland. Status: VU B1B2bD2 Endemism: Endemic Cheirostylis gymnochiloides (Ridl.) Rchb.f. Threats: Urban expansion, habitat degradation Status: CR B1B2cC2b CARYOPHYLLACEAE Distribution: 40 km around Mbabane (hills), near Threats: Mining Mankaiana, Forbes Reef, Makhosini Hills, Makhaya Distribution: Bomvu Ridge (Ngwenya Mountain— Dianthus mooiensis F.N.Williams subsp. kirkii On peaty soil on granite outcrops and is fragmented. Malolotja) (Burtt Davy) Hooper Known from a number of localities but it is not Appears to be extremely rare everywhere. There is Status: VU C1C2a widespread. Habitat specific in shade and soil. It is apparently only a single collection from Swaziland. Also Threats: Collection uncommon. known from dune forest in South Africa, and as far Distribution: Malolotja, Piggs Peak, Usuthu, Maguga afield as Tanzania and Madagascar. Flowers from August Dam Streptocarpus wilmsii Engl. to September. Iron ore mining is a threat in Swaziland. In South Africa, found in the Magaliesberg and Status: VU B1B2c Witwatersrand (possibly declining over much of its Endemism: Near-endemic Disa intermedia H.P.Linder range). Has horticultural potential. In Swaziland, it is Threats: Urban expansion Status: EN B1B2cC2a used to make the royal soap for the King. The Distribution: Devils Bridge, Kings Forest, Mbabane, Endemism: Endemic Swaziland subpopulations are scattered and locally rare. Hilltop, Ukuthula Threats: Habitat degradation Utilisation is a serious threat. Distribution: Forbes Reef, near Mbabane, Malolotja, near Oshoek HYACINTHACEAE Grows at an altitude of 1,000 m. Was considered to be CRASSULACEAE common at one time, but due to continued habitat Bowiea volubilis Harv. ex Hook.f. destruction, it is rapidly declining. Flowers in January. Crassula vaginata Eckl. & Zeyh. subsp. minuta Status: EN A1d Found in highveld grassland. Eckl. & Zeyh. Threats: Collection Status: CR A1cB1B2ab Being severely depleted in Swaziland. Many extinct Eulophia chlorantha Schltr. Endemism: Near-endemic localities. Used for treating fractures (medicinal). Very Status: EN B1B2cC2a Threats: Urban expansion, habitat degradation common on market places. Known from outside Endemism: Near-endemic Distribution: North of Mbabane (possibly Nkwalini Swaziland. Also heavily utilised in South Africa. Distribution: Mbabane, Waverley Mine, Fonteyn landfill site) Restricted
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