Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1996 Daily Egyptian 1996 11-21-1996 The Daily Egyptian, November 21, 1996 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1996 Volume 82, Issue 66 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1996 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1996 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .,Inside: Glyph inY,estiga~es Stµdem: Progra,mrping Council's :rble-.in campLis'entertainment Ii. November Thu rs~-. _YB_ ~-. _Daily gyptian . 1996 &:, iL Southern llhno1s University at Carbondale · : . ···· · ~-- · Vol. 82, No. 66, 12 pages H· I Prov:ost finalists vie for position during meeting ·By William Hatfield· "We have to ask;our.;clv1!$ what Daily Ei;yplian Reporter' we have lo offer lo freshmen:• Winters said. "We need lo explain the differ­ S1udcn1 Affairs anti Academic ences from our competitors 1ha1 Affairs should work 1ogc1hcr lo should make the Uni\·crsily anmc• solve University-wide problems. ti\·c lo undergraduates and their par• two canditlalc.s fo~ SIUC vice chan­ cnls." - ccl ltir of Academic ,\ffairs and Jackson agreed that Stutlenl provost said as they were inlcr­ Affairs and Academic Affairs need vicwcJ in an open meeting to work togc1hcr much more olicn. Wednesday · •·Mv views arc we have become Margaret E. Winlers. a.ssucialc much.to J1..-cornpa1tmen1alizl-tl. and I vice cham:ellor for- Academic think Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. anti John S. Jackson Ill. Affairs have pn:11y much gone their dean oflhe College of LihcrJI Ans. own way without nearly enough holh p-Jrticipall-tl in lhe second tlay ctxiperation:· Jack.son said_ of open m1..'Clings in the selection fi.ir ··11 is ridiculous for one hand not vice chancellor for Academic know what lhc 01hcr hand is doing. Affairs and pm,·osl. 111erc arc four And I think 10 some cxtclll. wc·vc canditlalcs including Winlcrs and Jone 1ha1:· Jackson with m1..'Clings this Wl'Ck. The m1..'Ctin"s allowed lxilh can• This was Jackson·s second m1..-cl• Jidates 10 !ell their au,!knl-e.~. about ing. 40 people each. their vision stale• Winlers said Academic Affairs mcnl and philowphy of atlrninistra• and Student Affairs should work lion. Canditla1es then answered 1ogether more often in_n..-cruilment anti rc1ei11ion. see MEETING, page 6 Mayor urges SiUC students to fulfill civic duties on board By Jennifer Camden Commilll"C. a group of communily Daily E)\yptian Reporter members that advises the Car\mnJale City Council. a USG member said. Al a community rnee1ing a few Bl-cause of 1ha1. Dillard saiJ·he Jays af1cr last mon1h·s riols on ha.\ made a note 10 remind the orga­ P1101os BY PAT M4110,i - TIM' o.,ily [~n>li,111 Soulh Illinois Avenue. scvcrJI slU• nization 10 stall ltxiking. Yuka Kojima, a St'llior ill !,iological scit·11ct-s Jmm Japall, n•t·ars a ki11101w madt· by /ra gmmfmol/rcr at tlenls accused ci1y leaders of being USG President Tmy Alim !>aid he Exotic Japm1 IVt•dm•s,iay i11 //r1• Sl11dt•11/ Ct'11/a Ballroom. E.i:olir Japan 11•as a 011t••1ft1y Jt1/lfl11t'SC c11//11ral unresponsive 10 their Ol'l-tl., anti l"Oll· and other sena1ors have met wi1h Ci!t'lll Iha/ was 11111 Oil b_11 lllc Japallt'St' S/11tft•11/ AsSt1Ciatitm. Tilt' /apm1t-st• le/las, tl'/rid, spt•/1 Daily ccrns. city officials al lea.,1 three times this Egypliall, wm· ll'rillt·11 by Masayuki Mils11yas,,, a St'llior ill illlt'rllalio1111I mmmgt'lllt'III from Japan. However. Mayor Neil Dillard. semesler lo discuss how 10 work who appoints ci1i1.cns In some of lhc togelhcr. Howe,·cr. he said USG ci1y", :,_-; advisory hoards anti l"Om• .and the city arc not working on any missions. said srudcnts should lake pmjl-cls 1oge1h.:r. civic rc.,ponsihili1y upon 1hcmsclv1..'S ~lark Terry. Gradua1e and and fill two open scats on the Profc.\sional Student Council pn..'Si­ 'Exotic Japan' Ci1izens ,\J,·isory Commiucc. tlcnl. said that al Dillaru·s n..'<jUC.\I, ""We really want lhe members 10 he ha.s hl'Cn 1rying 10 find a graduate be divcr..c.•Wc try lo Jo lhat, but we sr11Jcn1 to scl'\·c on 1he commiuce ' · Students experience oragami, "Chanoyu" tlo depend on volunteers:· he said. sinl-c Oc1ohcr. but no one ha.\ ml• Dcspile Dillard"s tic.sire lo place untccrcJ to serve. tea ceremony and other Japanese _exhibits students on the commillcc. lhc Aside from the Cilizens Atl,·isory UnJergrJdualc S1udcn1 Government Comminec. Carbondale citizens. By Mika! J. Harris li:1. including the c1x1king nf to kilogr.uns nf rkc. is nol working on finding a rcprc­ Daily E)\ypti.m Reporler began Tuc\tlay nigh!. senlalive 10 lhc Citizens Advisory see URGE, page 6 Milone said she and \<Jilli.' of 1hc other 380 mem­ bers of the organi1.a1ion were nervous and were wor­ n entire year of \ludying Japanese in college ried alxiu1 a hick of inlcrcsl in 1he c,·enl during ils did not gh·e L.:mrie Williams ;1 full appn:ci• 1lm.'C month, of planning. • A ation of Japanese culture un1il \he atlcnJcJ "'Sin1..-c lhi, b the \·cry first •Exotic Japan: we were "'Exotic Japan"' 1his week on campus. Williams says. wondering if many people would corn.: or know ~ports Index "'I per.,onally feel 1he only· way you can aclually aboul the evcn1:· she said. appn:date snmc1hing is lo ac1ually be 1hcre or be The gmup·s pn..'Sidcnl. Keiko Kawamur.1. a senior expo-.cd 10 i1."' Williams. a senior in ho1cl and restau­ in wnrkfon:c l-tluca1ion fmm Japan. said similar l"On• Spikers looking for Opinion ••••• page 4 rant m:magcmenl. said a., she sampled JapaneM! cui­ l'Cms alxiut 1hc evenl 1.."JU\l-J her to wony in a dif• satisfaction with MVC Classifieds •••• p,1ge 7 sine and cullurc fc,11urctl al the evenl. lcrcnl way. tournament win. Comics •••.• page 10 "'Exo1ic Japan.'' an exhibition of Japanese cullurc. "'I l·ouldn·1 sk'Cp (Tuc\tlay) nii;hl. and I had maybe Sports •••••• p:1ge 12 hx>k place in the Student Center Ballnxims fmm Ill three hour:-. a sleep the tlay before:· she saitl. page 12 a.m. In::? p.m. Wl-tlne\tlay. "'Members of 1he_urgani1.a1ion spent a Int of lime The one-Jay event sponsored by the SI UC preparing for this Jay.'" Japanc!--C S1udcn1 As-.ociation wa, an clfon 111 share Milnbe anti KawamurJ said they were plca.-.cd the Campus Weather international cullurc. Sa111lw Mi111bc. 1hc a,,ocia­ event tliJ intl1..'Ctl allmct more 1han 21KI 11','0plc who tion·s vice prc,idenl. said. experienced Japanese cu,toms :-.uch as the ·student Conduct Code Today: -Cloudy "We wanl 111,how Japanc!--C culture 10 members of .. Chanoyu .. tea l-Crcmony anti learned origami. the 1hc Carlxindalc community and lhc s1uJcn1, and foe• . Japanese art of paper folding. to see revisions ulty on carnpu,:· ,he said. Al one exhihi1ion table. Naoki Semzaki sal influenced by the riots. High .. 48 Mitobc. a gr:iduarc ,tudcnt in coun....-ling cdu1..-a- 1ion fmm Japan. \aid pn:par:ition, for lhe lum:h buf- see JAPAN, page 6 page_3 low .· •. 32 ·, . ·~· .... '2)NEWS Thursday, November 21, 1996 Grand Opening c- o,r, ~'® ,1,~:ib/:<'$ Ea~1~':;_cn,~~~~ • . ~ Super Special FREE French & American Manicure TODAY • American Marketing \Valk-ins & Appointments \Vclcome · Association Mock Interview • Volunteers~ 10 assist with Night, Nov. 21, 7:30 10 9:30 p.m., Lynn and Carolyn · Women's Teen Conference, FomteTl:y of La Nails Student Center Ballroom A. Nov. 23, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., John . Contact Erica at 351-1592. Eastgate ·Shopping Center Scheduling an event Mon.-Sat. Sun. A. Logan College. Conr.:ict Jamie al 9.7 11-5 529-0157 C5:?J §I this Spring for your 453-7652. · • Newman Center Pro-Life meeting • planning candlelight / registered student • Organization of Sports :ind prayer vigil for January, Nov. 21, organization? · Exercise Science bake sale, 8 p.m., Student Center Illinois Nov. 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Neckers. ~e1,11ammt Cflair ~11ova{ Beg,nr•ng Monday. Decomber 2. l'l'J6. Room. Contact Courtney at Srudenl Center Sthedul1n~ Mii l.1~0 • SIUC Women's Caucus presen• 529-0524. KAREN DoARDMAS,<:,,,(,J°"""... ~ RSO requests 1a re-serve mcthng · talion • ''Caring for the care giver: Complimentary Consultation & spAice,andso!1c1t.1t,Ofll.tblC11ur The stresses and benefits of caring UPCOMING Spring Si!m~s.1cr. Reqoe~t~ mo~ I,.? for the aging parents," Nov. 21, mJ:JO if! p,:n.nn ~, ;tulMriJcd noon,' Student Center lllinois Room. • Volunteers needed to assist in s.chcJ1JLn~ oft1cet, a1 the Sthe,l.11rt1•1' coordination of paper angels and C.1tr.rmq OU1ce 011 the 2nd 11,~nr ul tin~ • American Indian Association • organfaing gifts for the Angel ,J,!2.Jff S1tHknl CcntcL Prinr lo st~d.1l1og "A perspective of the American Tree, now through Dec. 24, vari­ · (work) 549-8188 or 549-6332 (home) Jn RSO"\ mn\.l rlu:c.._ fat ~ocxJ \IJtlil"..-J Indian medicine wheel," Nov. 21, 'J.l.1tus. w11h Stmlt!nt Oevdo~inei.t ous times, University Mall. .at ~.al..L.I ~u • 71S S. Cei""'nin • D,tw,,a,.,L,k. IL &2901 otftt«rm• OttlfflNT I. J996 I p.m. and 7 p.rn., Student Center ro, more inlo call 5J6·66ll Contact Debbie at 800-993-5854.
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