북한인권 평화회의 the 3Rd North Korean · 평화회의 Human Rights and Peace Forum the 3Rd North Koreanthe 3Rd North Human Rights and Peace Forum

북한인권 평화회의 the 3Rd North Korean · 평화회의 Human Rights and Peace Forum the 3Rd North Koreanthe 3Rd North Human Rights and Peace Forum

제3회 제3회 북한인권 북한인권 평화회의 The 3rd North Korean · 평화회의 Human Rights and Peace Forum The 3rd North Korean Human Rights and Peace Forum The 3rd North Human Rights and Peace Korean 제3회 북한인권 2015년 10월 1일 (목) 서울대학교 호암교수회관 목련홀 평화회의 The 3rd North Korean Human Rights and Peace Forum 공동주최 주관 후원 주한미국대사관 목 차 1. 일정표 / 5 2. 참석자 명단 / 11 3. 참석자 약력 / 19 4. 세션 1 : UN 북한인권 조사위원회(CoI) 보고서 권고안의 효과적 이행-UN 인권최고대표사무소(OHCHR)와 국제사회의 역할 / 53 1) 발제: Signe POULSEN, UN 북한인권 서울사무소 소장 2) 토론: 국제사회의 역할 - Mattias CHU 주한 스웨덴 대사관 참사관 - Joon Grane HETLAND, 주한 노르웨이 대사관, 1등서기관 - Philip Kendall, 주한 영국 대사관, 2등 서기관 - Sung CHOI, 주한미국대사관 정치과 외교관 - Yoshihiro Makino, 아사히 신문 서울 특파원 3) 토론: 한국의 역할과 시각 - 이태호, 참여연대 사무처장 - 홍성필, 연세대 법학전문대학원 교수, 유엔인권이사회 자의적구금 실무그룹 의장 - 한동호, 통일연구원 북한인권연구센터장 - 김아영, 외교부 인권사회과 사무관 5. 세션 2 : 국회 ‘북한인권(증진)법안’-주요 쟁점과 의미 / 73 1) 김태훈, 한반도 인권과 통일을 위한 변호사 모임 변호사 2) 한기홍, 북한민주화네트워크 대표 3) 이대근, 경향신문 논설위원 4) 박순성, 동국대 북한학과 교수 6. 참고자료 / 95 1) CoI 보고서 요약본 (국문/영문) 2) CoI 보고서 결론 및 권고사항 정리 (국문/영문) 3) 북한인권(증진)법안(여야 합의안) (국문) 4) 울란바토르 프로세스 보도자료 (국문/영문) - 3 - Contents 1. Program / 5 2. Participant List / 11 3. Participants’ Biography / 19 4. Session 1 : Effective implementation of the recommendations of the UN Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report on Human Rights in Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) - OHCHR Seoul Office and Foreign Governments / 53 1) Presenter: Signe POULSEN, Representative, OHCHR Seoul Office 2) Discussion : International Perspectives - Mattias CHU, Deputy Head of Mission, Counsellor (Political Affairs), Embassy of Sweden; - Philip KENDALL, Second Secretary (Political Affairs), Embassy of UK in Seoul - Joon Grane HETLAND, First secretary, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Seoul - Sung CHOI, Political Officer, U.S. Embassy Seoul - Yoshihiro Makino, Seoul Bureau Chief, Asahi Shimbun Newspaper (Japan) 3) Discussion : Korean Perspectives - Taeho LEE, Secretary General, People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), Korea - Sungphil HONG, Yonsei University, School of Law, Chair-Rapporteur of UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions - Dongho HAN, Director, Center for North Korean Human Rights Studies, Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) - Ahyoung KIM, Second Secretary, Department of Human Rights and Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Korea 5. Session 2 : "North Korean Human Rights (Promotion) Act" of the National Assembly - Key Issues and Implications / 73 1) Taehoon KIM, Lawyers for North Korean Human Rights and National Unification 2) Kihong HAN, North Korea Network for North Korean Democracy and Human 3) Daekeun YI, Kyunghyaung Newspaper 4) Sunsong PARK, Dongguk University 6. Reference Documents / 95 1) CoI Report Summary (Korean/English) 2) Key Points of the CoI Report (Korean/English) 3) North Korean Human Rights (Improvement) Bill (Korean) 4) Launch of the Ulaanbaatar Process for Dialogue and Peace in Northeast Asia (Korean/English) - 4 - 1 ⴺ#ⷓ#㨚#+Surjudp, - 5 - - 6 - c D@ $ ( % %'>,-. bbb /013044546 79;<= ; 9 A CD SR" Ic J2 8J PQ T UV,WX3YZ[ ; \] ^<_ J` ab c deIXf-3-g[D hW] ij W h, JW C V, odC p564qrYtuq4abf-3-g %eI d vw hW] ij bb*Ob /0xx50u3y 7 z{| 9 } ~YY4104q-qxt04 7 {J 9 9 ry5t5 .q40tt 7 9O 9 p463yY5 79=<9 Yuy5y51Y/054Y % , ] ij< J A e P , C]_ !e"# ] $ %', T&' ( ) W< e9 *Ob*b PQ O W TX,-[\a 7/ 01< ] W J2 8J *bb odC (2 6 43 < %'5 V 6 78 T:7>9=;< d - 7 - J? @A BC7 DE $ T< O =M bbb D@ $ bObb XA C,[ - 8 - bbb gq65ux10x5Y4 `qtUYTq1qT01u Á1ÂrÃg..WqY46uqYÅyq]51ux-T04g56yxuÃT[0uu0Y10xÈ016qpYxy.Y1q0 /1Â.Z/p46Uytt-T045x5qu.Y1q0r1YXquuY1Z4ux5xxqXY1rq0Uq04a45X5U0x5Y4 bbb px5qu0xpqYtb0x5Y40ta45Yq1u5xW /1Â/013044546rYt5UWfx1q0UyfXX5Uq1r[t5UÃXX051upqUx5Y4aÂpÂËT[0uuWpqYt Z4x1YUx5Y4YX 01x5U5 04xu04r1Y610T06q40 /1ÂÃ4uqtTYÈqqËqUx5YqÁ51qUxY1.Y1q0-T04g56yxu]Y40x5Y4 !" #" $ % & "' ( ( !)##" * + /Yq10xY1 r1YXÂ3y0461Ypf-r1YXquuY1YXZ4xq140x5Y40trYt5x5Uu.Y1q0a45Yq1u5xW I/qT[q1YXab-T04g56yxu3Y4U5tÃY5uY1W3YTT5xxqq r1quq4xq1u /uÂp564qrYtuq4gq 1quq4x0x5Yqf-3-gpqYtfXX5Uq Á5uUuu04xu bb*b /1Â/0xx50u3yÁq xW-q0YX/5uu5Y43Y4uqttY1XrYt5x5U0tÃXX051u[ËT[0uuWYX p_qq4^ /1Âp463yY5rYt5x5U0tfXX5Uq1aÂpÂËT[0uuWpqYt /1Â~YY4104q-qxt04]51uxuqU1qx01WgYW0tbY1_q6504ËT[0uuW54pqYt /1ÂYuy5y51Y/054YpqYtV1q03y5qXÃu0y5py5T[4bq_u 0 q1X~0 04[Â !#'!'(%!)'%$ $01"'0$$(0'1!&'1'! 876(#$% 3542 ÃuuYU50xqr1YXquuY1Y4uq5a45Yq1u5xWpUyYYtYXÈ0_I3y051 g0 Y1xq1YXab`Y15461Y Y4Ã1[5x101WÁqxq4x5Y4u '76#'394#!@!70!"'4'0#'!738&7A$6#0)08 $!)'"0#!'! 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NIBLOCK 국제교류 담당관 미 국무부 55 오선영 사무국장 한국인권재단 56 서수연 팀장 한국인권재단, 아시아민주주의네트워크 57 안선희 간사 한국인권재단 - 14 - No. 이름(영문) 직위(영문) 소속(영문명) Cultural Affairs Policy Outreach Unit, Public Affairs Section, 1 Mark CANNING Officer and U.S. Embassy Seoul. Director Humanities Korea Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at 2 Sung Chull KIM Professor Seoul National University 3 Kyung Seo PARK President UN Human Rights City Promotion Commission The Graduate School of International Studies 4 Chang Rok SOH Professor (GSIS), Korea University 5 Signe POULSEN Representative UN Human Rights Office in Seoul 6 Mattias CHU Counsellor Embassy of Sweden in Seoul 7 Joon Grane HETLAND First Secretary Royal Norwegian Embassy in Seoul Second Secretary 8 Philip KENDALL Embassy of UK in Seoul (Political Affairs) 9 Sung CHOI Political Officer U.S. Embassy Seoul 10 Makino YOSHIHIRO Seoul Bureau Chief Asahi Shimbun Newspaper (Japan) People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy 11 Tae Ho LEE Secretary General (PSPD), Korea Yonsei University, School of Law, Member of 12 Sung Phil HONG Associate Professor UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions The Center for North Korean Human Rights 13 Dong Ho HAN Director Studies of the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) Department of Human Rights and Social 14 Ah Young KIM Second Secretary Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Korea 15 Anselmo LEE Executive Director Korea Human Rights Foundation(KHRF) Lawyers for North Korean Human Rights and 16 Tae Hoon KIM Attorney at law National Unification Department of North Korean Studies, Colleges of 17 Sun Song PARK Professor Social Sciences, Dongguk University Chief of Editorial 18 Dae Keun YI The Kyung Hyang Daily News Board North Korea Network for North Korean 19 Ki Hong HAN Representative Democracy and Human 20 Nam Young YOO Attorney at law Former Standing Commissioner of the NHRCK - 15 - Hubert Younghwan 21 Chief Director Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) LEE 22 Won Woong LEE Professor Dept. of Social Welfare, Catholic Kwandong Univ. the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies 23 Yong Seok CHANG Senior Researcher (IPUS) at Seoul National University (SNU) 24 Yonemura KOICHI Seoul Bureau Chief The Mainichi Newspapers Human Rights 25 Yu KANOSUE UN Human Rights Office in Seoul Officer Maja Elkjær 26 political intern Danish Embassy in Seoul TARPGÅRD 27 Nora CALLANDER Intern Royal Norwegian Embassy in Seoul International 28 Seung Hyun WOO Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy Seoul Relations Specialist 29 Myong Hyun GO Research Fellow THE ASAN INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES 30 So Mi KWON Secretary General Human Asia 31 Eun Kyoung KWON Secretariat ICNK 32 Sung Joong KIM Planning Manager Unification Media Group National Human Rights Commission of 33 Jae Seok KIM Team Manager Korea(NHRCK) 34 Chang Soo KIM Editorial Board Korea

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