Se Anuncian Lis Ganadores Del Concurso de Pintura 1987 San Antonio, I x -1 os utdores participaron en la compctencia, hispanos. sino tambien extender Mexican American Legal Defense del concurso art Ist ico hi spa i . dc los quc Sc escogieron 20 obras cl reconocimicnto dc las and Educational Fund, at "I 9K7 'ear ol the I—I pana I'u>ter pari lo hunores principalcs. Los contribuciones y los exitos dc Ia 512 24-5476. Cottpeution" cclebrando 19N7 costos del programa lucron mujcr hispana. EI concurso Establccido cn 1980, Centro como el anu dc la mujcr hupana, patrocinados por un donativo dc artistico, declarando 1987 eI ano Cultural dc las Artcs dc lucrttt altunciados cccientcrnCntc S7.500 dc parse dc Anheuser- dc la mujcr hispana, olrece gran Guadalupe sa dedicado a por Ia organiiarion Ccntro Busch Companis) su subidiaria oportunidad cii rcconocimiento lomeutar cl interes en cl arte Cultural de las Artgis dc local, Rainbo Baking Company. dcl logro dc la mujcr y el talento hispanu que ittcluyc los campus dc Guadalupe. "El concurso artistico para la artistico ambos, no del todo drama, tcatro, litcratura, artcs La obra ganadora luc Ia pint ura compctencia con cl tema separadus," isuales ) musica. Ia (ialcria dcl del artista dc San Antonio, 1 omas dcclaratiso, "1987-Ano dc la "Este concurso es unu dc I catro Guadalupe estt localizada Vasquez, a quiets se Ic presentaron Mujcr Hispana," puntualize las nuestros muchos eslucrzos para al 1 301 Guadalupe Street, en San los $1.000 del printer pretnio. La grander y di ^ ersas imügenes dc la hacer promocidn al desarrollo Antonio. pintura sera presetttada en el mujcr hispana en nuestra tanto personal como prolesional Anheuser-Busch Companies es cartel olicial dc Ia primera sociedad," dijo Kathy Vargas, dc Ia mujcr Hispana dc -1cxas," la empresa matrix dc Anheuser- conferenciia hispana de mujeres directora de Artes Visuales para Ia cxplicö el cjecutivu. "La Busch. Inc., claboradora dc organizada por Ia Asociaciön dc galeria dei teatro Guadalupe. onlercncia dc Ia Mujcr Hispana, Budwciser, M ichclob y otras linas Mujeres Hispanas dc lcxas en el 'N ucstra habilidad para prescntar que sc aproxima en '1 exas sera la cerscias; Campbell'Iaggurt, Inc., Colony Park Hotel dc Dallasei 21 cstc programa tan especial no marca dc tin cvento principal para labricante del pan Rainbo } Earth de nos iembrc. hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo cl desarrollo de una red de apoyo a Grains ) dc los panccillos Break N uese jueces representativos dc de nuestros patrocinadores." Ia mujcr al nisei dcl estado. Cake Snacks, productos dc nucces disersas entidadcs scleccionaron Jim Lstrada, gerente dc Estamos mu)' orgullosos de y otros antojitos; Anheuser-Busch lo, obras dc los tres primeros Rclaciones Corporativas para nucstra inversion en la mujcr Be%crags Group, productor dc Ios lugares. EI segundo y terccr lugar Anheuser-Busch Companies, hispana proyue es una inversic n Sinus relrescantes Dcs cy Stevens lucron ganados por Jenny Finch, indices, "Es cspccialmente grato para cl luturo de 'l exas." Premium Light Wine Cooler, los 57511, \ Maureen O'Malley, S500, sinus de barril Master Cellars, para nosotros no Solo eI dar a Para mäs inlormaciön Bobre Ia tambicn de Sau Antonio. Leltzcr Seltzer, agua mineral conocer los taletttos de artistas, Red dc Miijeres Hispanas dc Mäs de 50 concursantes Saratoga y a Santr Sparkling actores. müsicos y autores l exas, consultc con Dora T os ar. \ atcr; y otras subsidiai ias. I he pride and detciInivatm , tu l tuda)'s Hispauuc 55untan is c.upttuu cd iu the su eking portrait created hN San ,\utuniatt I pumas \ asyue us Ito urcenth} %\ au top honor, in the 19137 Hisp:uta festes of the• 1 ear Compeltuuu. I heeontpetitiouuas Pu esented h} the (ttadahupe Cultural Arts Center and Sponsoicd b) ,\epee>rr-L3u>Lh Luntl,anir.. I'resentinga SI,000 LEL EDITOR cash annatd tu I human \ a,yuci., right, ate Juni L,trada, Irrt. Celebrating A Decade of Service to Texas 1977-1987 C %'rpuiate Relations manager lux Anitcusci -Resch Celebrando Una Decada de Servicio a Tejas 1977-1987 C umpauuies, and Lhuc,i Kiehl C lark, center, board mctober at the C,uada ^ upc C ultwai Art, ( ortex. S.P.C. Celebrates 30 Years (rl. \ \(..:() \leek of hc.%ember 12- I8, 19x7 Lubbock, Texas 'I he South Plains College is set students, and SPC' alumni to join to celelbratc its 30th Annn ersary us in celebrating 30 years ol. November 21 with a host of - growth attd excellence." activities heir area cite/ens, Kegistratiun for parents, Coalition Holds Fundraiser Sat. & Sun parents, lormer students and Sisitors and lornter students gets friends of the college. underway at I p.m. in the Student 'I he celebration oil the Center. A special campus - 1 he 1 ri-Ethnic Coal iatiou- guilt) of discriminator practices Levelland campus will include a dedication ceremony, recreating L sitar} Status is sponsoring a to call a specified phone number Campus Open House, Parents' the one held in November 1958, Riothon on Saturday and iu order to gnc the Information to Day and 1987-138 Homecoming. A begins at 2 p.m. Special guests for Sunda), I\osember 14 and I5 Coalition member. special Campus Dedication the ceremony will include former through KLL B Radio Station. As )oh kuo', Judge Ceremony is slated for 2 pm that texas Gov. Preston Smith and 'I he Amcricau (il. Forum. a 'l ri- %\ uud\iard ha" signed the consent day. Dr. CC. Culvert, retired professor Ethnic Coalition member, is the decree tiled h) the school district. lt Has 30 years ago this month and consultant for unior college directing the radiothon iu order to 'I his decree pasts ua} lox the that citizens gathered on the administration, Uuivcrsity of raise funds needed to pa} legal school district to be declared Quadrangle of the newly 'I exas at Austin. Both mcn, along lees associated u ith the coalition's unitai : uclr.sur<r1lrurr.s/reru/oll completed Lcvelland campus to with a 10-member citizen's opposition to the Lubbock 'nIt,iii c• u/ a .Ncgrc ,l,'uIiu/ .ii lion! participate in the College's formal committee, were instrumental iii Independent School District's a1 ► lciv ► I Inch• atcluc/c•.% clr.sur'rnrrna- dedication cercmun). 1 exits Gov. lobbying the State Board of premature ututar} status request. liurr uni! eon-qutal niece aiioaal Price Daniel Has on hand to Education to approve the I he radiothon is scheduled from uppurvwur,i . Since the I LC-t, S delis er the dedication adress. Also establishment of South Plains 8:U() am to 5:00 pm nit those tue does ,out-bclic\c that 1.ISD is lice present .► as State Senator Preston College in 1957. days. Beginning at t:()() am on of dlscrimivator} or -tic_grc: ► u\c Smith of 1 ubbock. .I he Campus Open House will practices, it is guuig to light this Saturdays, Dr. Maria Risas trill - 1 he college registcied juts first be held from 3-5 pm A number of pro\ ide information to the public premature bid. I here Hill be a class of students on Sept. I5, 1958, the college's educational regarding the reasons u It) the. I hcartng in I- ebruar) lit order to and all unexpected 536 people programs and departments will be community organizations are drtcrnuuc \% lieu lieu the disc ist u ill signed up for classes, far L7 Sargento Roy Benut•idez Jue int•uado es p holding demonstrations of ecial de el be declared a uiutar\ s ^ ,tem. I he C ornisionado Lliseo .Solis y otros veteranos de Lubbock y la opposed to the L.ISD's being surpassing the expected training and educational Coalttti ^ n uceds to edenbi) people area. LI -Sgt. ßena •ide: Jue ganador de la Medalla de Honor declared a wutar) s)strm. In enrollment for the college's first equipment and providig tours ► i,i the c(lrnmuoit) Hho unuuud be pur su galanleria durance la guerra de I ietnam. La medulla jue addition during the tau days year. through facilities. 55 ill ig to tcsul) artd gt\c rcasous presenluda pur el Presidenle Keagen. Benuvidet es el uksmo through the rad.tothou, the - I here is a lot to celebrate at Homecoming activities get Coalition Hill be asking for and examples as to ssh) EIS!.) oldado presentudo el honor en los Lslados C nidos. South Plains College this Ncar," underway at 6 pst with the SPC indes [duals who ha information .)Irutiicl rrur In' uleuIuicc/ ewuiil r. L)uranie su eslanciu el .Sr. /Senu •rdez ianibien dio said Dr. Marvin Baker, president lad) 'l exans playing Scottsdale ► I Here arc lees associated u ttlt a introducion u .su nuero libro, "Las I res Luerrus de Roy or examples that Indicate that the of SPC since 1961. "We extend a (Ariz.) College in 1 exas Dome. school district is running it court heat umg that must be paid il Harm invitation for all our college Ihr I c.xans will pla} CiscoJuuior benu ►•ide'z. " Uruhu libxo e_uu dc• ► •enta en la lib, erius. segregated school s\Ntcm or is %\c are to hase our da) iu court. 1ruerds, parents of current College at 8 pm. hugixcluuc, please tune in to KLFB Radio StationonSatuida\ arud Sunda). Nosember 14.uid IS Young Parer t Services INS Otorga 114,000 Amnistias and participate b) gis utg a Young Parent Services is an classes will be offered on alternate aptobacsdr o rechaio - rn tau solo cualcs podran sei- mucho mär do uu atuou ui b pro\ idi,ig agency that provides direct Saturday mornings from 9-II \4ashi ii l;su ii , U.C.-- El primer i,tIexnsation regarding this cl 10 u 12c c dc los cries reeibidos d t heiles.' services to pregnant teens and a.m.
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