THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Tuesday, October 31, 2017 (269th Session) Volume XII, No.07 (No.01-15) Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad Volume XII SP.XII(07)/2017 No.7 15 Table of Contents 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran ................................................................ 3 2. Questions and Answers ............................................................................ 3 3. Leave of Absence .................................................................................. 135 4. Admissibility of Adj. Motion No.1(6-269/2017-M moved by Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh regarding Free Trade Agreements with China .................................................................................................... 136 5. Presentation of report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges on the question of breach of privilege of the House due to provision of incorrect information in reply to Starred Question No.8 raised by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini ............................................. 137 6. Presentation of report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges on the question of breach of privilege of the Senate by the Ministry of Finance and National Bank of Pakistan by not acting upon the Ruling of the Chairman Senate of dated 4th November, 2016, by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini ......................................................................... 138 7. Presentation of report of the Standing Committee on Interior on The Prevention of Witchcraft Bill, 2017, by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini 138 8. Presentation of report of the Standing Committee on Interior on The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2017, by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini .............................................................................................. 139 9. Presentation of report of the Standing Committee on Interior on The Child Marriage Restraint (Amendment) Bill, 2017, by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini ............................................................................... 139 10. Motion under Rule 204 moved by Senator Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, Leader of the House regarding appointment of a Special Committee to examine the overall working of Sports Federations in the country ....... 140 11. Calling Attention Notice by Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi regarding misappropriation in purchase of horticulture machinery and equipment by the Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad ...................... 141 Mr. Muhammad Tallal Chaudhry, MoS for Interior ...................... 143 Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati ....................................... 144 Senator Mushahid Ullah Khan ...................................................... 145 Senator Taj Haider ........................................................................ 147 12. Discussion on the visit of the US Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs . 149 Senator Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah ............................................ 149 Senator Sehar Kamran ................................................................. 152 Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati ....................................... 155 Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi ............................. 157 Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh ..................................... 160 Senator Nasreen Jalil .................................................................... 162 i Senator Taj Haider ........................................................................ 164 Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini ................................................... 168 Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi ............................................... 173 Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar ..................................... 176 Senator Farhatullah Babar ........................................................... 178 Senator Saud Majeed ................................................................... 183 Senator Saleem Zia ....................................................................... 186 13. Clarification by the honourable Chairman Senate with regard to his remarks on a point raised by Senator Sassui Palijo ............................... 188 14. Distribution of equipment gifted to the Parliament by the Speaker of Chinese Upper House ........................................................................... 189 Senator Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari ................................. 191 15. Motion under Rule 157 (2) moved by Mr. Zahid Hamid regarding Annual Report of State Bank of Pakistan .......................................................... 191 Senator Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari ................................. 191 16. Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah @ Aajiz regarding illegal immigration ................................................... 198 17. Point of public importance raised by Senator Saud Majeed regarding dryness and recharging of the river Satluj ............................................. 199 18. Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini regarding kidnapping from Quetta and Karachi .................................... 200 19. Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Muhammad Talha Mehmood regarding false statement made by Chairman NHA and lengthy visa procedure by Canadian Embassy ................................................... 201 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Tuesday, the October 31, 2017 ii The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad at three in the afternoon with Mr. Deputy Chairman (Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri) in the Chair. ---------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran ُ ْ ُ ّّٰ ّ ْ ّٰ ّ ْ اَعوذبِاَلل ِہَ ِمنَالشیط ِنَالر ِجی ِم۔ َ ۡ ّّٰ ّ ۡ ّٰ ّ ۡ بِس ِمََالل ِہَالرحَمَ ِنََالر ِحیَ ِم۔ َ ّٰ ُّ ّ ۡ ُ ُ ۡۤۡ ّ ۤۡ ّ ُ ۡ ۡ ۡ ً ّ ۡ ُ ّ ۡ ۡ َوََقضیَربکَالاَتعبدواَ ِالاََ ِایاهَوَبِالوالِدی ِنَ ِاحساناََؕ ِاماَیبلغنَ ِعندکَال ِکبرَ ۤۡ ۤۡ ُ ُ ۡ ّٰ ُ ُ ۡ ّ ُ ُ ّ ّ ۡ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ ّ ُ ۡ ً ۡ ً احدہماََاوَََکِلہماَفلاَتقَلَلہماََا فَََوََلاََتنہرہماَوََقلَََلہماََقولاَکَ ِریماَ﴿۳۲﴾ وَ ُ ۡ ۡ ُ ّ ّ ّ ۡ ُ ۡ ّ ّ ۡ ۡ ُ ّ ّٰ ۡ ۡ ً اخ ِفضَلہماَجناحَالذ ِلَ ِمنَالرحم ِۃََوََقلَََر ِبََارحمہماَکماَربی ِنیَََص ِغیراَ ُ ُّ ُ ۡ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ ۡ ۡ ُ ۡ ّٰ ۡ ّ ۡ ّ ۡ ُ ۡ ً َ﴿ ۳۲﴾ ربکمَاعلمَبِماَف ِیَنفو ِسکمََؕ ِانَتَکونواَص ِل ِنینَف ِانہَََکانَََلِلاوابِینَغفوراَ﴿۳۲﴾ ے ے ے ترج مہ:۔ ا و ر تمہ ا رے تر و رد گا رن ا رشاد فرمایا ےہہک اس ےک سو ا یسک یک اعد ت ن کر و ا و ر ماں یا ت ےک ی ے ے ے ی ت ھ ے ے تم ے شات لائ کر ےن رہو۔ اگر اں یم ےس ا ی یا د ونوں ہ ا رے شانم رتھا ن کو پ جائ نو اں کوااف ے ے ے ے ے ے ـ ے ے ے ے ج ی ن ہکا ا و ر ن ا ہن جرکا ا و ر اں ےس یا ت اد ت ےک شات کریا۔ ا و ر ج زر و نا ر ےس اں ےک ا اےگ ھکے ر ےہ و ے ے ے ت ے ا و ر اں ےک ح یم د عا کر وہک اے تر و رد گا ر جا انوں ن ھجم چ پ ن یم)شفقت ےس( تر و رس ک ا ے ے ے تم تم ےہنو ھب اں ) ےک جال(تر رمح فرما۔ جو چک ہ ا رے ےد لوں یم ےہ ہ ا ر ا تر و رد گا ر اس ےس وب ئ ے ے ے ے و اق ےہ۔ اگر ت ن ےہو ےگ نو وہ ر وجؽ لان و الوں کو ب د ی و الا ےہ۔ سورةََََبنیَاسرائیل) ا ایا ت:23یا25( Questions and Answers ے ی ے ّٰ ّٰ جا ت د پ چر یم: جزاکَاللہ۔َالحمدَللہَربَالعلمینَوالصلوةوالسلامَ ّٰ عل ّٰیَاشرفَالانبیاءَوالمرسلین۔َمحمدوعلیَآلہَوصحبہَاجمعین۔َ ا ت ےہ وقفہ سو الات 3 شر وؽ کرن ے ہ۔ سو ائ صا ح ! سو الات ےک ب ا ا ت کا point of orderےل یل ے ہ۔ ے ے ے ے ے ے 7 ش یپی ٹ ش یپی ٹ ے ے سو ال رن ، شر ان ر محم صا ح۔ رش ان ر محم صا ح موجو د ہن ہ۔ سو ال کا جو ا ت ا نو اں یک ے مر ت ر رھکا ےہو ا تو ر ک ا جایا ےہ۔ (Def.) *Question No. 7. Senator Nisar Muhammad: Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of compensation granted to the heirs of students and employees martyred during terrorist attack in Army Public School Peshawar? Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: As per Special Compensation Package, approved for shaheed students and employees of Army Public School, Rs. 2.0 Million was paid to each bereaved family by Government of KPK ( Annex-A). Similarly Rs. 191.000 Million has been disbursed among 86 legal heirs of 22 Shaheed teaching and administrative staff by Ministry of Defence (Annex-B). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ے ی ے ے ے ے ے ے گ 23 ش یپی ٹ جا ت د پ رچیم: ا لا سو ال رن ، شر ےفرح اہلل یا ترصا ح کا ےہ، انوں ن ے ے ے ے request یک ےہہک وہ صمر وفی ت یک و ج ےس ا ا ج جاضر ہن ےہو ه ےگ، انوں ن گر ا رس یک ی ے ے ےہ ہک مرے ا ا ج ےک سو الات کو deferکر د یا جان۔ ل ا فرح اہلل یا تر صا ح ےک سو الات ے ے ش ے defer یک جان ے ہ۔ اگل اسو ال ر ن153، یپی ٹشر امح سح صا ح۔ (Def.) *Question No. 153. Senator Ahmed Hassan: Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Simli Dam road, Bara Kahu, Islamabad is in dilapidated condition, if so, the time by which the same will be repaired or reconstructed? Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: It is a fact that Simli Dam road is in dilapidated condition due to existence of various private housing societies and movement of heavy vehicular traffic. The repair work is in progress 80% repair work has been completed while the remaining repair / maintenance work of the said road will be ی ے .completed up-to 31-07-2017 ے ی ے ض ے ے جات د پ رچ یم: کوئ منی سو ال؟ ج امح سح صا ح۔ ے ی ش ے ے ی ے یپی ٹ رش امح سح : جا ت رچ یم: وج ا ت یم بایا گا ےہ ہک اس ر و د تر کام 31 جولائ ی ے 2017ی لمکم ےہو جانگا، ا ا ج 31 اکو تر 2017 ےہ۔ کا اس ر ود کا کام لمکم ےہو گا ےہ یا اھب کام کری ا ےہ؟ ے ے ی ے ے ے ی ے جا ت د پ رچ یم: نمرصا ح یک کوں نا ئیگ کر رہا ے ےہ؟ ج لطال جو ےہ ری صا ح۔ ے ے ی ے ے ی ے جا ت محم لطال جو ےہ ری ) و ر ترکلمم تر ان د الخ(: جا ت رچ یم! ا ی کام repair ا و ر د وشر ا لمکم ےہو گا ےہ۔ ے ے م ے ی ے ش ے ے جا ت د پ رچ یم: کام لمکم ےہو گا ےہ۔ اگلا سو ال رن 202، یپی ٹشر محم اظع جاں سو ائ صا ح۔ 13 (Def.) *Question No.
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