NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRE,TARIAT ORDERS OF THE DAY for thc meeting ol'thc National Assembly to be held on Tuesdal. the 3'd August. 2021 ar 4:00 p.m l. Tilmrut, llodith. Naul and national anthem. CALLING ATTENTION NOTICE 2. MS. NAFEESA INAYATULLAH KHAN KHATTAK MS. ZILLE HUMA MS. NUSITAT WAHID MS. UZMA RIAZ RAI MUIIAMMAD MI'RTAZA IQBAL to invite aftention of the Minister for Interior to a matter ol urgcnt public importance rcgarding increase in the cases of pollen allergy in Islamabad, causing grave conccrn amongst the public. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS 3. MR. AMJID ALI KHAN to urove for leavc to introduce a Bill to provide lor the establishment olan International lnstitute o1'Science. n rts and Technology [1-hc International Institute of Science, Arts and 1'echnologr tlill. 20211. 4. Also to introduce the Bill, if leave is granted. 5. SARDAR AYAZ SADIQ to movc for leavc to introducc a Bill lurther to amend the Pakistan Penal Code. 1860 and the Code of Criminal Procedure. 1898 ['fhe Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2021 l.(Scction- 4ti9lf and Schcdule- II) 6. AIso to introduce thc llill. iflcave is granted 7. MS. NAFEESA INAYATULLAH KHAN KHATTAK to move for leave to introduce a Bill to providc fbr the resoue. protective custody, care and rchabilitation ofdestitute and neglected children in the Islamabad Capital 'l'erritory ['l'he Islamabad Capital Territory Destitute and Neglected Children Bill, 20211. 8. Also to introduce thc llill. il'leavc is granted. 9. MS. NUS|iAT WAIIID to move for leave to introduce a Bill further to amend the Constitution of thc Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 202 l]. (Amendrnent in Article-27) 10. Also to introduce thc Ilill. ifleavc is granted. ll. SARDAII AYAZ SADIQ to movc for lcave to introduce a Bill t'urther to amend the Pakistan Penal Codc. 1860 ll'hc Pakistan Pcnal Codc (Amendmcnt) Bill,202ll. 12. Also to introduce the Bill. if leave is granted. 13. SARDAR AYAZ SADIQ to move for leave to introduce a Bill to repeal the Recusant Witnesses Act. 1853 [1'he Recusant Witnesscs (Repeal) Bill, 2021]. l{. Also to inl.roducc the Uill. if leave is granted. 15. MS. SAJII)A BEGUM to move for leave to introduce a Bill further to amcnd the Tradc Organizations Acr.20l3 ['fhe Trade Organizations (Amendment) Bill. 2021]. 16. Also to introduce the tlill. if leave is grantcd. ,l tfit\ 17. MR. .IAI ]'ARKASH to move for lcavc to introducc a Bill furthcr to amcnd thc Constituti,rn of the Islamic Republic of P,rkistan ['l'he Constitution (Amendment) tsill,2021]. (Amendment in Arlrckr.:!9) 1E" Also to introduce the Bill, ifleave is granted. 19. MS. UZMA IiIAZ to move for leave to introduce a Bill lurther to amend the [)rug Rellulatory Authority Act. 2012[The Drug Rcgulatory Authority (Amcndmcnt) Bill, 2021]. 20. Also to introduce rhe Bill. if leave is granted. 21. MR. IQBAL \{UHAMMAD ALI KHAN to movc for lcavc to introducc a Ilill to provide for the establishnrent of the Mcmon University at lslamabad [The Mt:mon University a1 lslarrirbad Bn,20211. 22. AIso to introdrrce rhe Bill. illeave is granted. 23. MS. UZMA I.LIAl.L to move fbr icave to introduce a Bill Iurther to amend the Pakistan Medical C,:mmission Act, 2020 [The Pakistan Medical Commission (Amend nent) Bill,202ll. 24. AIso to introduce lhe Bill, if leave is granted. 25. MS. UZMA RIA:L to move lor leave to introduce a Bill t.o provide for registrat on of contractors and lor relatecl matters [The Contractors Rcgistration Bill, 2021]. 26. Also to introduce r,he Bill, if leave is granted. 27. SARDAR A'I'AZ SADIQ to move for leave to introduce a tlill to amend the Chit,lren (Plt:dging ofLabour) Act. 1933 [The Children (Pledging of I-abour) (Amcndrncnt) 8i11.2021]. 28. Also to introdLrce r.hc Bill, if lcavc is granted. 29. MR. MOIISIN D.\WAR to rlove for leave to introducc a Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Isl,:rmic Republic of Pakistan ['l'he Constitution (Amendment) Bill. ;t02ll. (Arrendment in Article-54) 30. AIso to introduce r he Bill, if leave is granted. MOTION 31. MR. ALI NAlliAZ AWAN to move under sub-rule (7) of rule 154 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct ol Busines:; in the National Assembly, 2007, thal the Islamrbad Capital Territory Jrood Saf:ty Bill. 2020, as ;rassr:d by the National Assembly and not passed by the Scnatc within ninety da Ts of its laying in the Senatr:. bc referred to the Joint Sitting for consideration and passage. LE,GISLATIVE, BUSINESS COMMENCED BUSINES 32. Fufther consideration of the following motion moved by Jam Abdul Karim Bijar on 13.7.2021:- "that the Bjll fr-rrther to amcnd the Civil Servants Act, 1973 ['l'he Civil Servants (Amendrlent) Bill, 20201, as leported by the Standing Committcc, be taken into consideration at oncc.'' 33' JAM ARDUL KI\RIM BIJAR to move that the Bill further to arnend the Civil Servants ,\ct- 1973 [The Civil Servants iAmendment) Bill, 2020], be passed. 2 LEGISI,ATI VE BUSINESS 31. SHAZIA MARRI to movc that the Bill furthcr to amend the Child Marriage Restraint Act. 1929 [The Child Marriagc Restraint (Amendment) Bill, 20191, as passed by the Senate. be taken into considcration. (Amendments cntered in a scparate list to be moved) 35. SHAZIA MARRI 10 move that the Bill further to amend the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 [The Child Marriagc Restraint (Amendment) Bill,20l9], be passed. 36. MR. MOIISIN DAWAR to move that the Bill to Control and prevent torture and custodial death ['l hc Torturc and Custodial Death (Prcvention and Punishment) Bill.202l]. as passed by [he Scnale. be takcn into considcration. 37. MR. MOHSIN DAWAR to move that the Bill to Control and prevent torture and custodial dcath f'l'hc'[orturc and Custodial Death (Prcvention and Punishment) Bill, 2021], be passed. 38. MR. MOHSIN DAWAII to move that the Bill to repeal and enact the Law relating to the Postal Services I hc Post Oll'icc Bill. 20201. as passed by the Senate. be taken into consideration. 39. MR. MOHSIN DAWAR to move that the Bill to repeal and enact the l-aw relating to the Postal Scrvices ll'hc Post Oflice Bill,2020l, be passed. 40. MR. MOHSIN DAWAR to move that the Bill to provide for the welfare and integration of communities [The lslamabad Community Integration Bill, 2020], as passed by the Senate, be taken into consideration. 41. MR. MOHSIN DAWAR to move that the Bill to provide for the welfare and integration of communities ['l'hc tslamabad Community Integration Bill,2020]. be passed. 42. SY[,D JAVED HUSNAIN to movc that the Bill further to amend the Limitation Act. 1908 ['l'he Limitation (Amcndment) Bill. 20201. as rcported by the Standing Commiftee. be takcn into consideralion at oncc. IAmcndmcnts cntcrcd in a scparatc list to bc movcdl .13. SYED .IAVED HUSNAIN to movc that the Bill further to amend the l,imitation Act. 1908 ['l'he Limitation (Amcndrnent) Bill. 20201, be passed. 41. DR. NAI'ISA SHAH to move that the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan IThe Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020] (Amendment in Article-25) as reported bl the Standing Committee, bc taken into consideration at once. 45. DR. NAFISA SHAH to move that the Bill lurther to amend the Constitution of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill,2020] (Amendment in Article-25). be passed. 16. MR. RIAZ FATYANA to move that the Bill to provide for thc systematic growh of the agricultural producc lThe Aiwan-i-Zarat Uill. 2021], as rcported by thc Standing Committce, be takcn into considcration at oncc. 47. NlR. RIAZ FATYANA to move thar thc Bill ro provide for lhe systematic growth of the agricultural producc f'l'he Aiwan-i-Zarat Ilill. 20211, be passed. .18. MR. JA),IES IQBAL to move that the Bill further to amend the Pakistan Penal Code. 1860 and rhe Codc of Criminal Proccdure. 1898 [Thc Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill,2020], as rcported b]'the Standing Committcc. be takcn into considcration at oncc. 3 49. MR. JAMES IQBAL to move that the Bill lurthcr to amend the Pallistan l'cnal Code . 1860 and the rlode of Criminal l)roccdure. 1898 [1'he Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020]. be passed. MOTION 50. MIR AMIIR.\LI KHA"ri{ MAGSI. Chairrran Standing Comrrittcc on Maritimc Affai s to move that the delay in thc prcsentation of repon of thc Standing Committee on thc Bill further to a'lend the Port Qasim Authcrrity A,ct, 1973 [The Port Qasim Authority (Amendmcnt) I]ill. 2021, rill todly be con,loned. (moved by Sycd Agha Raltullah, MNA) REPORT OF THE STAIIDING COMMITTEE PRESENI'ATION OF: 51. MIR AMER ALI KHAN MAGSI, Chairman Slanding Committee on Maritime AftraLr':i to present the report of 1,1e Standing Committee on thc Ilill lufther to amcnd thc Pon Qasim Authoritl r\ct, 1973 [The Port Qasim Aurhority (Amendment) Bill. 20211 MOTION 52. MR. SA.IID M[.HDI, Chairman Standing Committee on Sciencc irnd I'cchnology to movc that the Celay in the presentati(rn of rcport ofthe Standing Committee on the Bill lurthcr to amend the Narional Institute ol Oceanographl Ac1,2007 [Thc National lnslitute of Occanograply (Amcndmcnt) Bill.20l9], till today be condoned. (movcd by Mr. Amjid Ali Khan, MNA) REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE PRESEN'I'ATION OF: 53, MR. SAJID I\IEIIDI. Chairman Standing Committee on Sciencc and'lcchnology to present the report ofthe Standing Cornmittee on theBill further to amend the National lnstitute ofOceanographl ,\ct, 2007 [The National lnstitute ofOceanography (Amendment) Bill,2019] MOTION 54.
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