·~---- u!VCL-A5S !FlED ' \ UN ARCHIVES ,EASE RETAIN A p ~<.....- 2-oo '1 lGINAL ORDER SERIES s-1 11-o BOX ~3 FILE __.;...\ _ ACC. I "'"' "!.f o-z.-, 8 ... MAR-29-1994 21:34 · FROM U.N. HQS 371-4360 TO 01125084266 P.0~ 9 0 3 ( ,).Y /r; .. ·· rgR PflOR!!liTI!lN QP tm~8!l Jllll"rlO!!S S~l: ~} - :29 March 1994 Ahmad Fawzi, Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary ener.al.....-began--toela.y..!..S---­ noon briefing by announcing that Secretary-General B tros SoutrosaGhali had met with his senior aides at 10 a.m. At 11 a.m., the Secretary-General had met with dame Danielle Mitterand, First Lady of Prcee and ·President:. of the J.'ondation trance Liberte . M.:1da.m.e Mitterand was accompanied by Ms. Betty Williams~ a 1~78 Nobel laureate. They presented the Secretary-GE!neral with an appea~, on half of Nobel laureates, about the deterioration of the situation in the Kurd sh Provinces in TUrkey. The Secretary·General bas promised to study the appe 1 with care, said Mr. Pawsi. Copies of the appeal had been made a:va.ilable to correspondents during a pr.ess conference held by Ma<lame Mitterand at 11:30 a.m •. At 11:45 a.m. 1 the Secret.ary·General had :recei~d. Norway• s Minister of tl@fense, Jo~:c. Koramo. At 12:15 he would meet C. v ·tarasimha.n, f'ormel" 'O'nder·Secretary-General of the Gnited Nations. This a£ternoon, at 4:30 p.m. I he would meet wit:h S.R. Insarut.lly; President o£ the eral Assembly. At s: 15 pym.., h• would 111o0et with Lawr.ene..- P4!'dtzullo, thQ Onited States State t>epartment Speoial Representative. on Haiti; and at 6 15 p.an., Charles Lotfi, President. of the "f6dfiration naoionale des entit4s L bano-uresiliennes". Mr. Fa.•.si then amlotUlded that: the Seoreta:ty·~en . ral had appointed Major-General Mob.a.amed Abdus Salata of &angladesh as lie new f'oroe Commander of t.he Onit.ed !f:ltiODa oporatd.on .i.a Hoaambique CUNOMOE). with eff•ct £rom 2l March 1994. Ma.jor-General Adbue salam bad already arrived in Maputo. He had replaced Major-General I.elio Rodrigues Goncalves da ilva of srazil, who had ret~d to rsatiCDOl sen-ice in his CO'Wlt~. "Tho S.cJ:'Ota.z;y-General takes chis opportunity to pay t:.ribut.e t:o General da Silva~o:r hi. a veJ:Y professional and dedicated service in his difficult assignment wi h ONDMOZ•, said Mr. Fawzi. CO.ts:eep~1ts .,ere infon1ecoi tba.t a biogr«p col. note em Majo:z:o-Geaes:al Abdus Salam .as available in t:.he $p0kesmaa's office. Mr. Fawci then read the :f'o11owi.ng statesueut at.;t; J.wt..~l'!# '-u .a .SpoJI.esmcin for the Secrete.ry-General: wA c~ :or ehe signa~ure or ~wo ag~em$nts and a jo1nc scacement between the Govermuept of Guatemala and the Unida.d volucionar!a Nacional Guatemal1:eca ("CRNG) will take place at 4 p.m. local ime {S p.m. New York time} in Mexico City at the Ministry of Foreign 1\t'i:a rs in TlateJ.oloo. ftl.e Agreement on Human tights, which is the outcome of t:to years ot negotiations,. includes a request to the seeret:ary•General for the ~ly establishment of an international ve:s:ification mission. There is also agreement on a timetable for further talks culminating with the signing of a · inal peace agreement at t.he end of tbia year. Finally,. the parties. vill si a. joint statement ou further negotiations on the issue of human rights vi lations 41.u:i.dg the Ulll9d oonfliot.• .. ·. ·.- (more) .· 469'7B l'lAR-29-1994 21:35 FROM U.H. HQS 371-4360 TO 01125084266 P.04 ~1 F 181 9-03 Daily Press arie~ing - .3 - 29 March 1994 Asked if a review by_the Secretary-General oft Chain of command in UNPROFOR was finished, Mr~ Fawzi said that he was nod avare o£ a review which 1 hQ.d reS~ultad in a chan~ i.n t'.hP. chain of <::ommand. Secretary-General had authorized Mr. Yasusbi Akashi, his Special Represent tive for the former Yugoslavia, to order close air support or air stikes if needed, and that re:Minc.ci 'UX1cha.Agod for the ~·~Q baing. Where was Mahmoud Mestiri, the head of the spec' 1 mission to A£gh:miota.n, atLd whGU would additional in:Eormttt{ort av...ilable on the situation in Afghanistan? asked a correspondent. Mr Fawzi said that Mr. Mestiri should have arrived in Islamabad last we kend. He w-as unsure if he had olrOQcly gcmc to l<abul. As part of hill miDsio ·' whieh w:t~ 4!!!xpP.cted t:o take three to four weeks. Mr. Meatiri would be commu ing between several regions of Afghanistan and lsla.mabe.d. A report was ot expected until he wompleted hia traYel. L Regarding the ·report of the Commission of !nqui. into events itt Somalia, a correspond.ent as.ked i·f.i~ w~e a ~ull rep~rt an~ i£fat repor~.c woul~ thon be iasu.ecl as a document by the Security Counc1l, whi(lh ld be made available to correspondents? Mr. Faw$i said he did not know. Asked if the Secretary General would be visi.tin! Burope, the Deputy · Spokesman said that he would be visiting Burope in e 'rly April. He' would be emb&~lting on an. excensive three-~eek tou: that would iu~.:ludl:!. vlsit:.s to the Russl.an Federation, Bela:xua, spa.1n (Madn.d and Barca ona) and Germany. More infor.mation would be provided to correspondents at t~rrow's noon briefing. A correspondent asked why i e had taken three welks for the report on Somalia to be sent to the Security Council. Mr. Faw!i said that the Secretary-General deter.mined when such reports were *ent to the Security cow;cil. Such reports .wer.. e u.. sually studied by the S!cretacy-General and his adv1sera before being tran~tted to the council. , . Was the Ccmaniasion of Inquiry report submitted long with another report "'· ··~ prepa.reel by the .. secr.etar~at, which assesse~ the or.i~cl re.port, or was only the original report submitted to the Secur1ty Counc1 1 a correspondent asked. M:r. Fawzi reiterated tbat tbe report of the Commissi of Inquiry had besn transmitted to.the Security Council. I In response to a question about idlether the ing of Tu~la ai3::port required a Se~ity Council resolution, the D~puty kesman said that the Secretary·General's report requested approximately 1 0 troops and personnel to reopen 'l'uzla airport for humanitarian flights. !f a · tional resources were required. Security Council approval and another reso ution were necessary. However~ the current opening of the ai~rt for UNP FOR flights did not require a resolution. When would the Secretary·General have another p esa conferenae at Headquarters? asked a correspondent. Was the Secret ·General more cornfottahla holdinq press confuanoes away from Head · :rters? Mt:. Fawzi s.aid that it was ,not a question o£ comfort" but it was u mal for the seeretary-General to hold press conferences in the tries he paid official visits to. H~ did intend to hold m10t:hP.r press aonf renee at Headquarters aud (more) 468?B ~AR-21-1994..... 22:01 FROM U.N. HQS 371-4360 TO 1994 Joe Sills# Spokesmen for the Secreta~~~lellel~al correspondents at the neon briefing- that:. s;~-.l"t ....4!11,...., rv·-G~~n.t~ra Boutros Boutros•Ghali had returned to Headc~Etrt~er~s visits to Argentina and Chile. He had met then, at 10:15 a.m., had hal.d a 45•minute Tudjman, President of the Republic of ,...,.~"A .. Mr. Sills said the aooting bad been ~~-,~~ in a very friendly atmosphere and. that all matters related to former Yugoslavia were discussed, with specific reference to situation in Croatia. The Secretary-General bad co:llt):UJ!Kiltt•~d Pre~idont 'I'udjman on the agreement signed in D.C., on 18 :March on the establishment of a confederation the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Croats and. imc in 8oGDia and Herzeqovina. President Tudjman reconfirmed Government's agreement to the extension of the mandate the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROPOR.) and pledged hia 's .full cooperation with UNP.ROPOR in the impl ·of the Vance Plan and relevant security Council resolutions. Secretary-General vcloamed the favourable olimate ~a~ had created by tbe conclusion of the Washington agreements and the :full cooperation of the united Nations in process. - Continuing' with tbe Secretary-General' a.ppul..ut.meuts, Mr. Sills said that the secretary-General bad addressed the solemn meeting in observance of the J:nt.elmct'tll~onta 1 for the Elimination o£ Ren.:1o1 DlacrimJ..n.ation in the council Chamber. The text of that stat:eaant would later in the day. At noon, the Secretary-General ha4 ...... ~..r; Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq. He would .uord. owen . and Tnorva.lcl 51;01'Cenberg, the Co·-atlajLr.&len steering comaittee·of the International can~ert~nc~ Yugoslavia .. The Spokesman's offioe bad received a nbllbE~r this morning on the deaths of two Italian jc:Um~1.lJ.s Mogad.ishu, Mr. Sills oontinuec:l. The ",...,. .... _ (more) ·• TO 0i125084265 P.04 I I 1 MSF 1557-03 I ! Daily Press Briefing - 3 ..
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