National Archives and Records Administration National Archives and Records Administration Regional Archives Regional Archives Rocky Rocky Mountain Mountain Region Region Denver Federal Center Denver Federal Center West Sixth Avenue and Kipling Street West Sixth Avenue and Kipling Street Denver, Colorado 80225-0307 Denver, Colorado 80225-0307 1 Cadet Chapel, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1962. RG 461 Shoshone Dam, Wyoming, ca.1904. RG 115 The Regional Archives at NARA's ∎ Unique evidence of the influence of Federal policies ∎ Guide to our archival holdings - www.archives .gov/ and programs in the Rocky Mountain region . rocky-mountain/holdings/ Rocky Mountain Region is : NARA-wide guide to archival holdings -- • Part of the National Archives and Records Administration If you plan to do research • www.archives .gov/research/arc/ (NARA), the Federal agency that, by law, preserves and in original records : provides access to permanently valuable, noncurrent • NARA-wide guide to microfilm holdings - • Call before visiting to assure that records are www.archives.gov/research/order/orderonline/ Federal records with historical, legal, or fiscal value . available-303-407-5740. orderonline.html • One of 14 NARA facilities where the public has access to • Bring identification such as a driver's license, Federal archival records. passport, or student ID so that we can issue you We welcome your inquiries : • A depository and center for research in historical records a researcher's card. • Address : NARA's Rocky Mountain Region from Federal agencies and courts in Colorado, Montana, • Plan on leaving your personal belongings in a locker. P O. Box 25307 New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Laptop computers are permitted. Denver, Colorado 80225-0307 Wyoming. E-mail: denver.archives@nara .gov • A center for genealogical research. Our microfilm holdings are: Phone: 303-407-5740 Fax: 303-407-5709 • Of genealogical interest-Federal population censuses • A sponsor of programs that educate the public about We welcome your visit : archives, history, genealogy, and related subjects . for all States, 1790-1930 ; some pre-1900 military • At the Denver Federal Center, West Sixth Avenue • A partner with colleges and universities, historical and service and pension records, and bounty land warrant , and Kipling Street. Go to Building 46 for microfilm genealogical societies, museums, and other archives . applications; selected passenger arrival records and indexes for vessels arriving at various U.S. ports; research, Building 48 for all other inquiries . • A host for student interns, school groups, and others some naturalization papers and indexes for Colorado, • Weekdays, 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. For Saturday and who want to learn more about archives . Montana, and New Mexico; and some Indian other additional hours, call or check our web site . • A national resource in a local setting . censuses for Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, • Closed Sundays and Federal holidays . We have: South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. We are located : • More than 48,000 cubic feet of historical records dating • Of general historical interest-Territorial papers ; the from 1847 to the 1990s, among them photographs, maps, Mathew Brady Collection of Civil War photographs; • At the Denver Federal Center, close to and architectural drawings, created or received by nearly German records captured at the end of World War II ; West Sixth Avenue and Kipling Street, in the 80 Federal agencies, including Federal courts . records of U.S. diplomatic missions, the Revolutionary Lakewood section of Denver. and Civil Wars, the Government's administration of • About 6 miles west of downtown Denver . Take We serve: Indian affairs, and the U .S. Supreme Court; records Broadway south to Eighth ; Eighth west to Kalamath; • Anyone who needs historical information created or documenting the unexplained loss of Navy flight 19 in Kalamath south to West Sixth; West Sixth about received by the Federal Government-historians, the Bermuda Triangle, 1945; and documentation of the 5 miles to Kipling; Kipling south to Gate 1 of the genealogists, lawyers, scholars, Government officials, Axis Powers' looting of assets, 1933-45 . Denver Federal Center. environmentalists, students, and others . If you plan to do microfilm • Our microfilm research room is in Building 46. Our records are : or genealogy research : • Our main facility is in Building 48 . • Diverse in content, covering the Rocky Mountain States, • Expect to use our self-service microfilm research room If you need photocopies: including homesteading, mining, Indian agencies, with the aid of volunteers and staff. railroads, construction of dams and other reclamation • For a fee, our staff will make or arrange for copies of projects, nuclear energy research, national parks and • Because research is time-consuming, you may need to records and provide certified copies for legal use . forests, naturalizations, the home front during World visit more than once. • You can use self-service copiers for a fee to make War II, and the proceedings of territorial courts. Prepare for your visit by reviewing paper copies from microfilm . • Filled with names of notable places, events, and people, our web site : • Self-service copying of original records may be allowed, depending on the condition of the records . among them -Hoover Dam, Yellowstone National Park, • - Fort-Laramie, Los Alamos, the Denver Mint, and the U .S. Our home page www.archives.gov/rocky-mountain/ Air Force Academy; the Confederate "invasion" of New We encourage you to volunteer : Mexico, the Homestead Acts, and the Colorado gold rush ; • NARA home page - www.archives .gov • To assist genealogical researchers . Pueblo Indians, entertainer "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Chief • Basics for researchers - www.archives .gov/ • To work on archival preservation and other Sitting Bull, and mountain man James Beckwourth . research-room/ historical records projects . /j j j j j jj j c ,j jOlj"'j~ J i#:Tn~ -V1 "pj'O/G) ltlQi .,., ~," ,,"~Qij 3 ltl Q.(p' V1 ItI ---4 e~j~g !:: BQ:.Qt~.~ g:8~'ij~ ~ ~ ; / 3 ';!,jm6,S) ::1.R.'(ii; ~j;;;: \OjRa.r)~~. :) ;;;: ro o z / .~ 'c A n j", ::J":) -.iD/\Oj "'ffi.19.fj> \I\ -.V1 ~ A. 1tI- \O/Qjj!1i~j'"' 39!.;,::Jj jV1::J::J',~- -- ~¥~j:;g; Q' > i. c~V;7(;; ::J (T) 3 '"'" ,F1 n n (") ::J a;c, c < Qia; Q. D. = '3.c ltIV1c Q: cQI ij;c c ~ 3c (;; ":i (;;,~ 0 cV) -..;(") /1) rl ~ Dl c,l<::Jjcg. ~c~:~ -,:)c~.cQ.;\§: ItI~ c~c'ijjmc/~§3< c cj3 5'.'.. ,,",jn/ c ." ItI ~ 3.' ~mg'~ ~ ;. ~ cQJcQJOc:)~j~C:jC~ O./a;c O c ,<;C~j~Qic~j;;:j~Cjj~~ ItIcQJ =?;c'0 ibj <jccrl~cc6g. \l\j V1QJ ~ g. 2: j.'.'c<c"P c-. cO)cQi~ltIcW'.+cOcltI~~cV1c"'-" ",.,~ £jltI';!cV1'" c;"c::J~c~~. 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