SCARE UP ACGOOD TIME Jj ^ E T Y O U R VV-BALLFIX ON-JTHEGO I Rnd out wheh aand where to CSI and pnirep state^ Familyy movesi onto TU/t / have some Halalioween fun. ^flH^tournamentt previews.'’^ ^ J ^ ' Columbnbla, Ecuador.^^B iMr« 1^ 's e e s p oJRTS. r B l “ SEE: CCCOMUNIOAD. 03 Good-Morning * Hl<ri:63 THURSDAY U»k 39' / T ' * ^ October 25,200i07 Partly clouity and mild. ^ 75 cen ts lMallK84 i m < e s - ] N e WS ■ j ] 71 .............. EPAta in Falls constnI UCtion!sites widthfineiS ^ s T W igcncy inspcctcd Agency probe & nstructlon sites in "After six years ofooutreach and id num erous vio- inspections in Idalaho, we were 13 companies finds ed to national May a nd foundrules. Tlie agcncy , d isiappointed a C to see soI rmany violations.” in violation latlons relatedmsthiction crews ^ g sediment, oil, — Kim Ogle,, ian EPA compliance offlceleer storm -w atcr ruli tn ththe agent's regional offlcflee ByMatlCtoWtKMii discovered consncrctc washout to Tlm<»Newi w ritr were allowing• actions that can grease and concirways and may total of $4S41.500 for the viola- werere disappointed -to see siso Federal Inspectors_________ run off site —[ireats at to workers tions, whhvhich occurred at sbc mailany violations,” said Kin<im found IVln Falls dcvi pollute waterw.residents. Some constructioction sites. ERA ofllcials Ogliglc, an EPA com pliance officeleer a nd construction contra<>rs have pose health thrcre citcd for falling said theyy arcar frustrated with the in\ tthe agcncy’s r^lonai officcIce. violation of environmentlevclopers and nearby ralres environm ental fines becau:causc they've worked to “Co'ompl>1ng with the permlm it during a rcccnt series ofi tractors In developers werec beginning i con- inform contractorscor about the hel]dps to ensure thnt Idaho'lio's A li p direction employees«s tito the Jayco paridng lot it frsmed tions, nnd now, the buildicntallaws to secure federal i rules for' severalse\ years. strcrcam s rem ain healthy.” “ paying the pricc. y has fined 13 “After sixSix years of outreach cotittncUoD eqolpmeot WedWedoeuliy afternoon at tbe »He ofrtbe tl ofinspec- permits beforc b Please see FINES, Page The federal Envlroniiildcrsare struction. id contractors a and Inspecpections in Idalio, wc A3 new Jayco building oa Haalililalilni R ud In Tirin Falls. The agcncy : onmental developers and Canyon Vi temporari/lew ^ 1 s s s v « closes rily | \l | o m l o r e g u c v o r k[ adolescent iders must Sex< offendelers lit Offendowon 3d dots indicate homes whe'here the Twin program i^lls County Sheriffs office:e Ihas Identi- ed sex offenders. Blue dots)ts are central^---gj^ By Nito Poppino stay loiween locations around Twinin f^lls.I Tlme»New« writer_______ fidtttan / j y g J K Hallow — E i ____ , i?S5k otk Isej Hanging on the wall fS writer Z l l Robert Stuart Junior HIHigh School k Canyon View Fsychiatt--------------- ByCraFcM n ^ - J i 6*4 Caswell Ave,vo. w . m k . ""ir n uElT Addiction Services loblrail in th e T lm e»^ew stp orchcs I TWin Falla High School promise to always proviclatric and ' lights off, J 161S Filer Ave. E. good” carc. obby is a Those rsj tliat stay ____ .,JThn farillty mmw p«rl jvlde "very virtth theirite ll{ PBpeoted" I Luke's Magic Valley R< totally bogus X JiTJimraJB Mcdical Center, has had a those doors i -shut despitea Halloween tient adolescent progran Regional knocks —toi .......- - th c d ay .it was built Inidaninpa* 19 news on usually.a ............... - ____ faced witli a low patient;ram i sincc night. should rest assured that tion and a piogram th l - r ' - ' . il9 8 5 .B u t-: ..-T liat is. usjregistered sex offenders who10 becoming the opposite c n t popuia- Parents nshi Falls County have been g ood,” Bill Southwlcic. cncouragcd to keep th a t w as about 145 rej iw yfcwiiii .......... director, and tiis staff led o o f "very live in TWinh Flights olT and not I ^ adolcsccnt program :k.in facility ' strongly cmsir doors for trick- for a six-moritl) trial closedpei the their porchI. authoritiesii say. a nd possibly longer. in August answer ihclr/cn't had prob- / f b& JQ i The decision was perioda — or-ut!aters,1C ai past and wc / between serving a ncc “Wc haver2SCC any this " i maintaining scrvice. Thea battle lems in theI,” ] said Nancy “ the program means needtec and don't foresespokeswoman '' needing the highesclevellie loss of Halloween,”In Fails C ounty V?" . 113 Ham AVB. w. chlatric care must nowteenagers u Howell, spc)fflcc. “Dut wc \ a I l \ Boise, Idaho Fails or even parents to go on vel o f psy* for the 1\vin 1 C v i O'LMry Junior Hlch Scho«iooF d'A lene to find the tre< V travel to Sheriff's Oflly's sex offender . they desperately need. $ ^ Bliabeth Bool. ven Coeur encourage> pa see where offend* \ J i W treatment the county'scatcd and not allow Wanted: patleirts Web site toIrcn s< .to trick-or-trcat at 1 ~ T ers are locatcs.” lliclccd one block < their childrcialls County Web site called watdatchsys- U A ddison Avenue in TWir those homes,maps out where sex offendersrs residen Canyon View containsk a off o f ATWin Fallsmile of a stated locat•cation. ad u lt Vkring and a 12>bed t Win Falls, tcm s.com mochdog.us offers maps of whci/here y&aCSQZKtPff cont wing. Slate standar; a 16-bed within ' a sexi offenders work and live the two populations;d adolcs* FamllywatchcMagicVallcy. allowed to mix. an impdards say registered riff’ssc office has also recom* requirement. Southwlcicis aren't across th e Melat of^ccrs visit the county's1 f • ™ ^ \ M i On thithe Web unfortunate results.mportant The sheriff before storting their T he adolcsccnt wing,rick w said, mended thatnight patrols, Howell said. ( u L l ^ magicva1ley.com for a mapping never full, held 30 pcrcc:'S. Web siteIs C ounty Sheriff's Staff Sgt. • Of#|ngon TtaB EIeinantary School offenders In tho Magic Valley. patients In 2006 than thew hich is Halloween denni] regularly updates the 660 Parle Ava. W. Ills County residents, go to ■—N, 6us year. A similar droprcent less TWin Falls, w ( hich Is m ore reliable tlian alchsystcms.com/ld/twin- beginning of 2007 left theth( prevl- Doug Sugdci 10 find rogistercd sex offend- age daily padcnt populatop at th e registry list,iple, w offenders arc prohibhed ng within a mile of your 1.7. the aver- guesswock.J closer than 500 feet fromn a N jp j C^milywatchdog.us also Illation at For cxampl posts mafmaps of sex offenders' where- Please see TEENS, B from living cPlease see On^EKOE15,.PagegeA3 i ^ ^ ^1 ^ abouts In the Magic VallejQlley. i. Page A4 ; C a i VlflLDFIRES LaBRocco’scamiipalgngainining attention1 ALIFORNIA Vlf Winds give 1 hance to fightitback as garnered extra attention CaniSen. Craig - and not for the way he On the Web ; file crews ell blazes IMQID mlade ad cheddar. Go to maglcval- Investigators weary rcsl* IIW IU scancidal widen LaRocco Is seeking the ley.com to against some olace In an M.\( firefightersers heading I to _ :at currently held by-Sen. s e e an inter- looldng into arson Wednesday, a n d weihopcj Just California to battlebat blazes. D e i l l l ury Craig, who In Augustt view with n n . dents could take solejdfromthe ■ ■ ■ - 11 to a scandal Involving a Democratic as cause of one fir overriding sign of h( Seopocaa ca C l as’chances? •X sting arrest. Craig says he Senate csndi- to 22 dead ByJandS scxson't seek re*dcction. d a te Lany B y E M S p w l _ fire liar ni«gni* a mlllion peoplepie — 10 times Ttmas41« won'Meanwhile,. LaRocco has'i LaRocco. Prt— wfittf That contrasts toI vt4illo the th e num ber mtcuatedevai four lawa wrtter__________ mdnuedMi to cross the state " I fiom a Ore o f slmilai3betalUed yeaisdga When conc1 a blue-collar ‘Working SAN DIEGO — A merdJ_____ tude in 2003. Andes, w officials "They are morem deter* candldatn DemocrdUc Senate onr sIdaho” campaign that INSIDE: easing of the winds fiiell final toll h as yet tomtomated. b mined that peopleped leave," last visitate Larry LaRocco forts seen1 him collect garbage Craig hired lawyer beforeI Southem CaUfomlalnpiavtrdfiul from this w e e n files,ng system said Steve Lmtlvstlk. who got helpedsited n IWin Falls, he .hassid fill in os a m inor league a rrest in sex sting. Ing wildfire* finally mvelellng fl wiere crediting an autlie orderiy S Glanbiamake I cheesc at the and I crews a chance 10 flghtiiawl- ba reverse 911 callinge th a n half Please see FIRB,FIR Page A3 ' Sincea Foodst p la n t Please se e RACE. Page A4 S M p i f e C S « flre that prompted the ! then, his campaign PI baiJc evadiatlonofmoretl................68 Conilci......... .............................EW Horoseopa ... M ...................................C3. C7 sStocJca ..........................................02D ...........E12 cemunuid.................................s a JumtM .....................................EB Movlat ...........................C2 SullXHKua ..........................................£4£ ............ M' C m m era............................ ........... E7 Mi|)eVM% . 0 0 ..... .....................>6.7 vvWaattter ........................................e,.B4 8«ntc« directory.. ............................E6 0bltuar)« II ......... El-U . OM fA^..................- ............... E9 Monty......................................... u OpMon.t a ....................................BM wW orld..........................................C7'B7-8 I i i i i ................................... 01 sporu . l l g OaMttMi '.'.7.'.'.'.’,’.’.'.'. _ _ ^ ..... ....... ■ V > i _ _ ^ __ *0 ' . .i A2 1M n0dstar^»0707 1ta»Nin,1MiFA,ld.Idita TODAY’S FORECECAST T oday 1Tonight Flic l o i » i i i i 6 $ U E ^FING ^ AROUNNDTHEWORLED a speech at Indiana offeiffer from yahoo Inc.
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