Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration RUSSIAN FEDERATION (THE) Last Updated: 2006-12-28 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 D 2004P Khabarovsk district/northern location: All B NS 465 47 5323 * Khabarovsk district/southern location: All B NS 415 62 Khabarovsk district/central location: All B NS 718 98 Northern location: SAC B 7.00 - 11.99 NS 19 Southern location: SAC B 12.00 - 16.99 NS 45 Central location: SAC B 12.00 - 16.99 NS 53 All by location and area: Northern: Urban B NS 133 30 All by location and area: Northern: Rural B NS 332 57 All by location and area: Southern: Urban B NS 434 108 All by location and area: Southern: Rural B NS 284 88 L 2003 Dlenegorsk: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 51 37.1 4177 * Kandalaksha: SAC B 7.00 - 11.99 52 43.3 Monchegorsk: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 52 68.4 Severomorsk: SAC B 8.00 - 9.99 54 36.6 Umba village: SAC B 7.00 - 11.99 53 34.7 L 2002P Astrachansky oblast: Astrachan (area A): SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 50 38 46 14 98 24.8 3610a * 1 Astrachansky oblast: Astrachan (area B): SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 61 62 35 5 100 18.8 2 Astrachansky oblast: Astrachan (area C): SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 40 20 45 25 90 32.2 3 Astrachansky oblast: Astrachan (area D): SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 31 30 60 7 97 23.2 4 Astrachansky oblast: Sentovka: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 70 19 64 10 93 30.4 L 2002P Volgograd oblast: Frolovskoye: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 68 80.6 14.9 4.5 100 8.4 3610b * Volgograd oblast: Kalach: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 56 70.6 23.5 7.8 100 15.9 Volgograd oblast: Gorodishe: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 54 72.0 12.0 16.0 100 16.4 Volgograd oblast: Leninsk: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 72 4.2 19.7 59.2 83.1 64.8 L 2002P Krasnodarsky Kray: Aphipskaya: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 50 2426 32 126 3610c * Krasnodarsky Kray: Apsheronsk: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 99 22 44 26 92 45.6 Krasnodarsky Kray: Dinskaya: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 100 01336 49 102 L 2001 Electrostal town: SAC by age B 8.00 - 8.99 46 78 1143 * Electrostal town: SAC by age B 9.00 - 9.99 51 136 Electrostal town: SAC by age B 10.00 - 10.99 60 153 Electrostal town: SAC by age B 11.00 - 11.99 43 174 Electrostal town: PW F NS 61 2 5770 23 5 Electrostal town: Total B 8.00 - 11.99 204 15.1 15.1 * © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration RUSSIAN FEDERATION (THE) Last Updated: 2006-12-28 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 L 2001 SAC by sex F 8.00 - 11.99 104 17.3 17.3 1143 SAC by sex M 8.00 - 11.99 100 13.0 13.0 SAC by sex and age F 8.00 - 8.99 27 14.8 14.8 SAC by sex and age F 9.00 - 9.99 26 19.3 19.3 SAC by sex and age F 10.00 - 10.99 34 11.8 11.8 SAC by sex and age F 11.00 - 11.99 17 23.5 23.5 SAC by sex and age M 8.00 - 8.99 23 13.1 13.1 SAC by sex and age M 9.00 - 9.99 25 12.0 12.0 SAC by sex and age M 10.00 - 10.99 26 11.5 11.5 SAC by sex and age M 11.00 - 11.99 26 15.4 15.4 Electrostal town: PW F NS 61 1.6 3.3 4.9 S 2001 Pallasovka region: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 100 95.8 1222 * Urupinsk region: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 104 58.2 Volgograd region: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 186 78.0 Volzhskiyregion: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 106 63.5 Volograd oblast: SAC: Total B 8.00 - 11.99 1069 14.2 * SAC by region: Pallasovka B 8.00 - 11.99 239 5.4 SAC by region: Urupinsk B 8.00 - 11.99 225 15.5 SAC by region: Volgograd B 8.00 - 11.99 421 19.8 SAC by region: Volzhskiy B 8.00 - 11.99 184 13.0 L 2001P Angarsk: Pre-SAC/SAC B 1.00 - 12.99 NS 66.7 75 498 * Bratsk: Pre-SAC/SAC B 1.00 - 12.99 NS 60.2 85 6 Irkutsk: Pre-SAC/SAC B 1.00 - 12.99 472 86.9 50 7 Ust-Ilimst: Pre-SAC/SAC B 1.00 - 12.99 NS 85.4 50 8 S 2001 Alexeevsk: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 109 64 78 743 * Borisovsk: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 101 136 Graivoron: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 99 128 Yakovlevsk: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 99 144 Shchebekinsk: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 102 65 74 Belgorod oblast: SAC: Total B 9.00 - 11.99 395 26.6 3.8 30.4 * SAC by sex F 9.00 - 11.99 214 26.2 5.1 31.3 SAC by sex M 9.00 - 11.99 181 27.1 2.2 29.3 SAC by sex and age F 9.00 - 9.99 60 28.3 3.3 31.6 SAC by sex and age F 10.00 - 10.99 94 24.5 6.4 30.9 SAC by sex and age F 11.00 - 11.99 60 26.7 5.0 31.7 © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration RUSSIAN FEDERATION (THE) Last Updated: 2006-12-28 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 S 2001 SAC by sex and age M 9.00 - 9.99 55 30.9 1.8 32.7 743 SAC by sex and age M 10.00 - 10.99 76 25.0 2.6 27.6 SAC by sex and age M 11.00 - 11.99 50 26.0 2.0 28.0 S 2000 Kirov oblast: SAC: Total B 7.00 - 12.99 418 8204032 68 74 1139 * SAC by city: Kirov B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 70 69 9 SAC by city: Kirovo-Chepetsk B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 47 62 71 10 SAC by city: Kumeny B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 59 80 11 SAC by city: Slobodskoy B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 77 64 12 Kirov city: SAC B 7.00 - 15.99 1646 2.2 0.9 3.1 * Kirovo-Chepetsk city: SAC B 7.00 - 15.99 696 5.5 0.6 6.1 Kumeny city: SAC B 7.00 - 15.99 360 9.7 2.8 12.5 Sboboskoy city: SAC B 7.00 - 15.99 692 5.3 0.6 5.9 S 2000 Ak-Dovurak: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 121 215 1191 * Chadan: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 108 123 Erzin: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 112 127 Kyzyl city: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 68 172 Sut-khol: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 114 91 Teele: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 85 186 Tyva republic: PW F NS 78 0214034 5 60 117 13 Tyva republic: SAC: Total B 8.00 - 11.99 482 32.9 2.9 35.8 * SAC by sex F 8.00 - 11.99 262 34.7 4.6 39.3 SAC by sex M 8.00 - 11.99 220 30.9 0.9 31.8 SAC by sex and age F 8.00 - 8.99 68 26.4 1.5 27.9 SAC by sex and age F 9.00 - 9.99 64 29.8 3.0 30.1 SAC by sex and age F 10.00 - 10.99 86 38.4 3.5 41.9 SAC by sex and age F 11.00 - 11.99 44 50.0 11.4 61.4 SAC by sex and age M 8.00 - 8.99 40 32.5 0.0 32.5 SAC by sex and age M 9.00 - 9.99 87 24.1 0.0 24.1 SAC by sex and age M 10.00 - 10.99 66 37.9 3.0 40.9 SAC by sex and age M 11.00 - 11.99 27 33.3 0.0 33.3 SAC by location: AK-Dovurak B 7.00 - 17.99 481 42.6 SAC by location: Ban-Tayga B 7.00 - 17.99 214 23.8 SAC by location: Chadan B 7.00 - 17.99 191 42.4 SAC by location: Erzin B 7.00 - 17.99 489 33.4 SAC by location: Kyzyl city B 7.00 - 17.99 214 36.0 SAC by location: Sut-khol B 7.00 - 17.99 385 40.0 © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration RUSSIAN FEDERATION (THE) Last Updated: 2006-12-28 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 S 2000 Tuva republic: PW F NS 78 21.0 14.5 35.5 1191 S 2000 Berenzniak: SAC B 10.00 - 11.99 88 53 4178 * Dnega: SAC B 10.00 - 11.99 98 29 Kargopol: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 57 82 Karpogory: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 117 40 Koriazhma: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 115 50 Novodrinsk: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 135 43 114 Pinega: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 95 58 Plesetsk: SAC B 9.00 - 11.99 87 69 Shenkursk: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 124 72 Velsk: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 128 68 Verhniaya Toima: SAC B 8.00 - 10.99 87 43 Viled: SAC B 8.00 - 11.99 125 66 S 2000 Ezhvin: SAC B 8.00 - 12.99 98 98 4179 * Obiachevo: SAC B 8.00 - 12.99 114 114 Syktyvkar city: SAC B 8.00 - 12.99 90 90 Vizinga: SAC B 8.00 - 12.99 160 160 Komi republic: SAC: Total B 8.00 - 11.99 453 25.7 3.1 * SAC by sex F 8.00 - 11.99 269 23.8 4.1 SAC by sex M 8.00 - 11.99 184 27.6 2.0 SAC by sex and age F 8.00 - 8.99 90 20.1 2.2 SAC by sex and age F 9.00 - 9.99 87 29.9 6.9 SAC by sex and age F 10.00 - 10.99 42 19.0 4.7 SAC by sex and age F 11.00 - 11.99 50 26.0 2.0 SAC by sex and age M 8.00 - 8.99 36 30.6 2.7 SAC by sex and age M 9.00 - 9.99 66 28.8 3.0 SAC by sex and age M 10.00 - 10.99 43 27.9 2.3 SAC by sex and age M 11.00 - 11.99 39 23.1 0.0 S 1999 Sakhalin oblast: SAC: Total B 7.00 - 12.99 418 10 23 2932 8 62 78 1185 * SAC by region: Aniva B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 79 SAC by region: Kholms B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 92 SAC by region: Makarov B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 51 SAC by region: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk B 7.00 - 12.99 NS 117 14 S 1998 -2001 Saratov region: SAC B 6.00 - 12.99 654 38.2 4029 * © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency The database on iodine deficiency includes data by country on goitre prevalence and/or urinary iodine concentration RUSSIAN FEDERATION (THE) Last Updated: 2006-12-28 Goitre Urinary iodine (µg/L) Notes prevalence (%) Distribution (%) Prevalence (%) Age Sample Grade Grade TGP <20 20-49 50-99100-299 >300 <100 Median Mean SD Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 1 2 S 1998 -2001 Saratov region: SAC B 6.00 - 12.99 2040 35.8 4029 * L 1991 -1996 Bryansk oblast: SAC/Adults B 5.00 - 20.99 501 70.0 1238 * © WHO Global Database on Iodine Deficiency NOTES RUSSIAN FEDERATION (THE) Reference no 5323 General Notes: No description of sampling; translated from Russian; same data reported in reference No.
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