12196 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 24, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SURVEY OF TREMPEALEAU space station has been designed. Federal Mr. Speaker, the Committee on Ways and COUNTY ON THREE TOPICS OF dollars have been committed to this project. Means and the entire Congress owe a debt of NATIONAL INTEREST TAKEN Do you agree or disagree that the U.S. gratitude to Carole for her fine work. We will should be spending more money on the BY MEMBERS OF THE EIGHTH­ NASA program? miss her and we wish her all the best. GRADE CLASS OF THE BLAIR Percent JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Strongly agree........................................ 10 Agree........................................................ 26 HON. STEVE GUNDERSON Undecided ............................................... 30 VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATIONS OF WISCONSIN Disagree................................................... 28 WEEK Strongly disagree................................... 6 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I want to finish by commend­ Monday, May 23, 1988 ing these bright young students and all of HON. JOEL HEFLEY Mr. GUNDERSON. Mr. Speaker, all of us those constituents whose efforts help us to OF COLORADO here in Congress are fully aware of the impor­ represent those we serve. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tance of keeping in touch with our constitu­ Tuesday, May 24, 1988 ents. With frequent trips to our districts, meet­ TRIBUTE TO CAROLE Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to ing with visitors from back home, and the daily MeGETTRICK mail, a great deal of our time and effort is in­ join my colleague MARY ROSE 0AKAR today in vested in learning how to better represent introducing a resolution designating February those we serve. Without that knowledge, it HON. DAN ROSTENKOWSKI 19-February 25, 1989, as "National Visiting would be impossible to do our jobs. OF ILLINOIS Nurse Associations Week." That is why I am pleased to submit to my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At a time when Congress and the public are colleagues the results of surveys taken by Tuesday, May 24, 1988 becoming increasingly aware of the benefits three eighth-grade students from the Blair of home health care, it seems appropriate to Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI. Mr. Speaker, it is honor those who were instrumental in estab­ Junior High School in Blair, WI. Through pro­ with a great deal of sadness that I bring to the lishing this system-the visiting nurse associa­ cedures similar to those used by professional attention of my colleagues the retirement of tions. pollsters, Matt Larson, Karla Ausdreau, and one of the finest staff persons ever to serve Many of my colleagues may recall that simi­ Amy Appel have compiled data on the views on Capitol Hill. On May 31, 1988, Carole lar legislation was passed in the last session of their Trempealeau County neighbors re­ McGettrick will be leaving the Hill after more of Congress, and I encourage you to do so garding United States protection of Kuwaiti oil than 25 years of distinguished service. again this year. When the previous proclama­ tankers, whether or not Olympic athletes Carole first came to Washington from her tion was signed by the President, it marked should be paid, and if the United States native Missouri to join the staff of Congress­ the first time that visiting nurse associations should spend more money on the NASA pro­ man Frank Karsten. In January of 1969, she had received the public recognition they de­ gram. joined the staff of the Committee on Ways served after more than a century of service to I want to commend these students for their and Means, where she has served in a variety millions of Americans. hard work and imagination in preparing and of positions. In 1974, when subcommittees executing these surveys. I know their efforts were first established in the committee, she By proclaiming National Visiting Nurse As­ have already helped me represent the Third came to the Subcommittee on Health, which I sociations Week, we pay tribute to the pio­ District more effectively, and I'm confident chaired. In 1979, I asked her to come with me neers in public health who instituted home that they will also help my colleagues assess when I assumed the chair of the Subcommit­ care 102 years ago. And we demonstrate our the views of rural America more accurately. tee on Select Revenue Measures. And in thanks to the thousands of women and men The results: 1981, she joined the full committee staff. who have followed in their footsteps, bringing LARSON. Since early August 1987 the U.S. Carole is the institutional memory of the care to infants, teenagers, the middle aged, Navy has 20,000 men and 25 ships in the committee. Over the years, her knowledge of the elderly, the disabled, and the infirm. These Persian Gulf. Do you agree or disagree that committee procedure and House rules has as­ home health care professionals tirelessly have the U.S. Navy should protect Kuwaiti oil sured the smooth transmittal of legislation carried out the VNA mission of providing tankers? from our subcommittees, to the full commit­ home health care services to everyone who Percent tee, to the Rules Committee and on to the needs it, regardless of ability to pay. Strongly agree........................................ 18 House floor. At one time or another, every From their origins in Buffalo, NY, where a Agree........................................................ 50 home health care nurses program was found­ Undecided............................................... 16 staff person on the committee has come to Disagree................................................... 16 her desk with the plaintive cry, "How do I do ed by a society matron with funds collected Strongly disagree................................... 0 this?" And Carole has always known what to from her Sunday School class, visiting nurse AusnREAU. Other countries allow their do. associations have expanded to 504 organiza­ Olympic athletes to treat their training as a Carole's love for the committee is also re­ tions serving urban and rural communities in job by providing them with housing and flected in the work she has done overseeing 47 States. Today, VNA skilled nurses, thera­ living expenses. Do you agree or disagree the restoration of the committee's meeting pists, and other health professionals provide J that the U.S. should also provide housing rooms. The Committee on Ways and Means is medical care, physical, speech, and occupa­ and living expenses? the longest standing committee in the House. tional therapy, rehabilitation services, prenatal Percent Carole's efforts have been instrumental in pre­ and postpartum care, nutritional counseling, Strongly agree........................................ 12 serving the history of the committee. and other health-related services, as needed, Agree........................................................ 22 to nearly 1 million home-bound patients. Undecided ............................................... 36 I want to pay tribute to Carole's family as Disagree................................................... 18 well. Her husband, Tom, and her three chil­ In addition, volunteers from each community Strongly disagree................................... 12 dren, Molly, Tommy, and Kate, showed a assist the VNA's by delivering Meals-on­ APPEL. Recently NASA's administrator, wealth of patience over the years on those Wheels to patients, reading to them, running James Fletcher has proposed to the White many late nights when Carole stayed to work errands, and generally serving as patients' House a plan for a space station launched on a conference committee or make sure we companions. The volunteers help cheer and by the U.S. Already an unmanned mini- filed a bill on time. comfort patients and try to make chronic and e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. May 24, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12197 acute illnesses more bearable. Volunteers immunizing the developing children. VNA's co­ embroidery for all the parts of their costumes. also provide respite for frequently overbur­ ordinated social and health care for needy These costumes have been on display at the dened family members. families and individuals. Visiting nurses provid­ American Museum of Natural History. Their communities also assist VNA's finan­ ed, and continue to provide, home health care I am glad to honor the Polish American Folk cially, either through direct contributions or services to immigrants and to virtually every Dance Co., which is dedicated to monitoring through local foundations and charities. Medi­ ethnic group and culture in the United States. their Polish culture and traditions and have cal professionals oversee the quality of VNA From the beginning, visiting nurses have played an extensive role in the preservation of programs and to ensure that patients who been activists, who have recognized that seri­ Poland's cultural treasures. The company's ef­ need care receive it. It is this strong communi­ ous health problems required bold solution. forts are a part of what continues to make ty support, both fiscal and physical-in the These so-called foot soldiers in the struggle America great through its diversity of culture. form of volunteers-coupled with the commit­ for improved public health continue to operate ment to quality care for anyone in need, that in the forefront of home medical care. Visiting distinguish
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