frff ffi Indo-Poland Audio-visual s# ffi S$i sgc #$ Co-Production {;atlEs s* ffi ffi str ir{. €w, ffi Agreernent ffi $e. AGREEMENT BETWES$ ?HE GOVERI{MET{T OF TNg REPUSLTC OF TITI}IJL AI{D THE GOVERNMPI{T OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAIYD OlV AUDIOVISUAL CO.PRODUCTIOI{ THE GOVNRNMENT O]T TI{tr RHPUBI,IC OF" IhIDIA AND THE C}OVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND hereinafter referrecl to as the "Parties": CONSIDtrRING it desirable to establistr a k:gal framework for relations regarding audiovisual cr:*procklction, especially the pr6cluction of films for the cinema and television, as rvell as films intended solely fr:r clissemination on analogue or digital data carriers; .,,$ d$$ AWARE that a high qualitv of co-proriuction mav encourage the cievelopment. of enterprises ancl institut.icins w'hich produce, clistribute alcl disserrrnate films ffi and enhance cultrtrai ancl economic exchange between both St.ates; swffi &= I Wi CONVINCED th:rt such exr:hange shail strengthen ii.:l relaticns l:etn'een both t I $.i$ States; t'i..: x i',:l: $ HAVE AGRtrBD AS FOLLOWS: , i: i i;x.: t ffi *m Article l I ffi|l $ tt$s r$.{i 1. For Lhe $ purpose of this Agreemenr.: I w ! i ffi li The term "cr:-procir-rctir:n" $ rneans a set of actions taken by co- producers from b'th states that I result in production a film, * regardless of genre 'i' I le*gth, with o-ulrithout snunds, including ; fiction, animation 'r ancl dacumentar.{ procluct.ions, macle in any fbrmat, I and intenclecl fbr clistribution i iri anlr ulanner, especiaily cinema * screening as its primary fieic{ of use; I I : 1t 'fhe t.erm "Cr:-prclducer" q.ho i means a per$On is a cit.izep nf fhe i Republic of Potrand or the Repui:iic of Inclia, or a legal entitv baseci in lhe territory t of either state *rho is authorised to ent.er into co- producti'n con.tracts I' !i.i[h a vielv t.o organising, ca,,5.,1ng ouf and c.o_ i fi nancing fih-n production: $ $ a I g I t I I l 2. Each cO-production underlaken under this Agreement, after it has fr-rlfrlled all the condil.iuns herein, mr-lst gain approval from the following Cornpetent Au thori ties : 1) In the Republic of lndia * f"he Minisrry of Infarm*tir:n alnd Broadcasting 2) In the Republic of Poland - Lhe Minister nf Culture and National Heritage, 3) Each co-production unclcrtaken under this Agreement shall be ir: acccrdance ra'ith the larv in force in thc Republic of Poland ar-rci in the Republic of India. 4) Unlexs otherwi*e provicled for uncler the laqrs in force in the RepuSlic of Poland and the Republic of Inciia, e;lch co-producr.ion undertaken under this Agreemenr shail be regardeci as a clomestic production in each State-Party in order to obtain all present anci fu1ure belelits conferred upon dome stic proc{ucticns in these tu,n fitates. Nevertheless, such benelits shall be ciue on15, to co_procillcers from the State u'hic} confers these bencfits. Ar-ticlr: 2 The co-producers in either of the tu,o sfates shail satjsty themscrves about each other's capabilit-v, inclucring rheir professronar knou,ledge, organisati*nal capahilitv, fi*ancial backing and professional reputation. Article 3 The financial cr:ntribution r:J each co-proclucer shall be betr,r.een twent_v pcrcenr {2o} ancl eig}rt-v (go} percent of rhe co-producrion budget. The co-producers fr.m each state should make a tangible creati'e and technical cr:ntribution to a co-procl.rcti,n in proportion to their in irs share budget, encompassing rhe total engagement of film makers, actors, technical-production pcrsonnel. laborat<lries ilnd facilities. In justifiecl cases, the ccmperent Authoritles ma!, approvr !l co- prodi-rction which does not sa.tisfv- all of th.ese requirernents. Article 4 1. Producers, directors, screenwriters and actors, as well as technicians and remaining staff engaged in the co-preicluction, must hord polish or Indian citizenship or have their place of abode or permanent residence in one c;f these states, in accordance rryith the deimestic law of each State . 2. In exceptional circurnsta.nces, *rhere ttre co-producti'n requires so, participation of professionals rvho do not ful{il the conditions set out in paragraph 1 may be permitted. This shalr requrire approvar by the Cornpetent Authorities of both the $tates. Article S The competent Authorities ma.y approve a co-production involving, apart from Polish and Indian co-producers, co-producers from third ffi countries which are parties fft to an audiovisuar co-iroduction agreement htr with at least one of ry# these states (murt'aterar c'-production). z,O The minimllm contribution f;.T by a co-prnrlucer in a murtilaterar co- production shoulcr be ffi ten percent ir0%) r:f the co-production,s budget. Article 3 paragraph ffi 2 of this Agreement shalr apply as appropriatc. ffi ffi Article 6 ffi I.I Filming and animation work, including the storyboard, Iayout, key animation and in between as rvell as sound recorcring, shourd be carried out in the Republic of porancr 'r the Repubric of Inclia. 2. The filming of scenes in ilre open air or indoors may be performed in a third country if the screenpray or plor r*quir.* ii if polish and Indian technicians are involved in this work. "r,a 3" Laboratory processing shail be carried r:ut in the Republic of Poland or the Republic of Inclia, unless this is not possible for technical reasons. In such a case, the Competent Authorities mav permit the laboratorv processing to be carried out in a third countrr. Article 7 1' The original souncitrack ol" each co-procluction shall be recorded in Polish' Bnglish or an\/ one *f rhe rang,ages dialects of India {languages of the parties}, 'r Dr-rbbed soundtracks in any of these languages may be recordccr in the Republic of poland r:r in the Republic of trndia. A fihn melv be made in m.re th;r"n one the Parties lar"iguarge of versio'. Dialogues may arso be reccrcJed languages in other if rhe screenplay requires rhis. 2. Each Ianguage version of each co_procluction {dubbing or subtirles) shall be proch-tcecl in thc Repubric of polancr and in the Itepublic India, as appropriate. of Anv departures from this rule must. b]'thc Competent be approved *# Authoritii:s. ffi Article I ffi K .1 . Each co-procluction shall be made !p\." in at least two copies picir.rre quality', of good af equal legal valiclity, anri ln two international il$ copies, sound on media rvhich permit inclepen<lent clistribr-rtiorr s Republic in ihe of Poland and the Republic of tnAia it* e* 2' The original N':1; ,e.:gatives, as *,elr as the final version of back_r_rp copies :i and master copy' sha.il be stored i' rhe country of the mqioritSr co- producer or in an.rher prace ffi agreccr upon b*;;" the co-procrucers. 5t Regardless .f the pl;*ce of st'rage, each c' prociucer shor:l<J have guarantf:ecr acccss tr: these materials ffi at an], 1i*a, so that he may make essential .eprorJuctions uncicr terms .."oitions agreed upon betrveen the co-proejucers. ""J 3' At least tu':o hack-up copies of mecrium ancl high-budget co- prr:ducti'ns shtrlr be mirrle. If the co-prccrucers s0 agree, *nr3r one back-up copv and ene copy of the materiars for reprocluction may be made in tire case of co*procructions deemed to l:e r0$, br_rdget cc_ productions bv the Cornpetent Auilrorities. ffi $ffi Article I ffi In accordance rvith the larvs in lbrce in their states, the parties shall: ffi i) facilitate producers: screenwriters, directors, technicians, actors ancl ffi r:ther personncl specified in each co-procluction $]:,i contract to enter and ,ffi briefly stay in their countr\,. *t*iffi 2) lacilitate that the lj.lm equipment and tapes requirerl for cr:-prodr:ction ffi to be brought intr: i:nd taken out of the c<tuntn'. ffi Article 10 No provision of t.his Aglreement shall impl}, that the approval of co_ ffi productian or the graniing of any associated t_:enefits by the Competent Authorities signifies an by any r,f the Gr:vernments 1' a W license, c,ncession, 'brigation Epa.nt permit or similar decision to co-producers or any of.her persons for: the #; disseminarion of a co-production, Neither shall any such prornision irnplv that these Aufhorities consicier il,lt a co-prorJuction justified r:r bear an!' re$ponsibilirv lor it. ffi Article 1 I $$ Ii*. I. If a co-production is exportecj to a third countr..v lvhicl: has quota restrictions, fhe c--o-proclr.rction ffi shall be incrudecr rn the quota of the majority co-producing Sti: te. 2' I{'there is no majorit5r co-producing $tate, tLre co-prgduction shalr be included in the qu'ta of thar state-party which, in the joint opinion of the co-pr{:ducers, }ras bett.er chances of exportr*g tire iilm. In the absence of agreement between the co-producers, the ccl-production shall be inclucled in the quota of the country of ,uvhictr the clirector is a citizen. 3. If one of the srate-parries er:joys an unlimited righr to exporl. its films to a third country u'hich appries a maximum quota of such irnporrs, the co-production, like any other domestic procluction of the State- Party, shall bc the subjecr uI unlimited exports to t.hat c0untry, r.r'ith the approval of rhat State 's Competent Authorities.
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