Inventory of Supplemental Information presented in relation to each of the main figures in the manuscript 1. Figure S1. Related to Figure 1. 2. Figure S2. Related to Figure 2. 3. Figure S3. Related to Figure 3. 4. Figure S4. Related to Figure 4. 5. Figure S5. Related to Figure 5. 6. Figure S6. Related to Figure 6. 7. Figure S7. Related to Figure 7. 8. Table S1. Related to Figures 1 and S1. 9. Table S2. Related to Figures 3, 4, 6 and 7. 10. Table S3. Related to Figure 3. Supplemental Experimental Procedures 1. Patients and samples 2. Cell culture 3. Long term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) assay 4. Differentiation of CD34+ cord blood cells 5. Bi-phasic erythroid differentiation assay 6. Clonal assay 7. Mutation and sequencing analysis 8. Bisulphite sequencing and quantitative pyrosequencing 9. Human SNP genotyping 10. Strand-specific cDNA synthesis and PCR 11. Chromatin Immuno-precipitation (ChIP) 12. Immunoprecipitation and western blot 13. Colony genotyping 14. shRNA generation and viral infection 15. Retrovirus generation and transduction 16. Study approval 17. Statistical Methods 18. Primers list Supplementary References (19) 1 Additional SGK2 families 2 3 4 ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ C/G C/C C/C C/G C/C C/G ♀ ♀ ♂ ♀ C/G C/G C/G C/G T T C T G C T A G A T T C T C C T A G A T T C T C C T A G A T T C T C C T A G A T-Cells T-Cells T-Cells T-Cells Additional GDAP1L1 familiy 2 ♂ ♀ G/G A/A ♀ G/A A C A C G G T G Erythroblasts Figure S1 - . )4126 ;-,,-</ L%)K$L( O"I' "=#+(L( L%)K$L # # # # " " ! ! !! # " $"" # ! ! ! ! $ # ! $ " ! !# $ ! # # ! " " # $ " " " "6@4:7EG=H# "6@4:7EG=H# ?6-JGE=H# K3-7@GE=H# K)GE=H# *4,NGO-EGE=H# +K)H!GE=H# / )-E-F16 L%)K$L( O"I' PBQPR )( PBQPR )( # # # # ! $ " "" ! ! $ " "" ! #!!! " $ " $ # !!! " $ " $ ! ! 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