Pos. Teamnaam Score 1 Pipquiz Rob 83 2 The Suit Ups (Denise de Corte) 82 3 Muggle Masterminds (Martina) 82 4 WhackeNifters 81 5 VictoryRoyale (Jim, Kev, Kay) 81 6 Nora Wopereis 81 7 Zwanst na nie heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 80 8 Yellow Umbrella (Tjeerd / Eva) 80 9 The Mosby Boys/Twan 80 10 FC Merten/- Maarten Hogerheyde 80 11 DeCooleMensenHilde 80 12 How Jenny met my colleagues (Christiane) 79 13 How I Met Je Moeder (Romy Holweg) 79 14 Femke+ 79 15 BACO 1 79 16 Voor de haven (Lobke&co) 78 17 Piuspauwer 78 18 mup special 78 19 Moonneenjan 78 20 Manonna 78 21 Whoo Girls (Anneloes) 77 22 The Slutty Pumpkins - Cora 77 23 The Lusty Leopard (Thiemen) 77 24 Team Fix those Puzzles (Iris) 77 25 Supergeheim 77 26 Mutsketiers 77 27 LoutjeWentje Sebas 77 28 How I Met Your Coronavirus (Kasper) 77 29 How I met your Chromosome (09) 77 30 Glitterpony (Thijs) 77 31 Esther van den Heuvel 77 32 mosbyboys (sander) 76 33 Kippekluif united en kale klets 76 34 De Grietjes (Camille) 76 35 Cat Funeral #Bickel 76 36 Bubble buddies (Inge) 76 37 Team Possimpable-LotteH 75 38 Slagboom(Joris) 75 39 Mike Oxlong 75 40 Los Omnicientos Boberio 75 41 Legen-wait-for-it-and-I-hope-youre-not-lactose-intolerant-because-the-second-half-of-the-word-is-dary75 42 Legen Keizerstad dary 75 43 Josien is The Blitz! (Charlotte) 75 44 De Familie Pauwlll 75 45 Cool Team / Roeland 75 46 Big 5 Em Val (Han) 75 47 The Red Boothill, Pulling them off - Melt 74 48 The naked men (Maarten) 74 49 Suit Up, Swarley! (Debbie) 74 50 Sir Walter Dibs (Tom van der Meer) 74 51 Name That Bitch Maarten Heynderickx 74 52 McRooijen pub (Nina/Maya) 74 53 Let's go to the mall Mais en Femmie 74 54 JuulStef (Juul) 74 55 Graaf Arnulf en de gillende geiten (Mily) 74 56 Ginger Squad 74 57 Generaal Woef (Babs) 74 58 For Fawkes' Sake (Daan, Miek & Jo) 74 59 WOO-gurlsz (Confetii) 73 60 Lepels 73 61 JustAwesomeUnicornfighters 73 62 Jezus ... wait for it ... Quiztus 73 63 How I met your Trivia (Joeri) 73 64 Hauntingly Beautifull (Polling) 73 65 Fernando en de Vissen (Jeffrey) 73 66 Ducky Tie (Or) 73 67 Ducky team 73 68 Delirium 73 69 De Verlepte Pineapples (Remco) 73 70 Bij zijn is meemaken (Caroline) 73 71 The Scubadiver (Annelinde) 72 72 The Possimpible (Tom) 72 73 Schmosby(De drie J's) 72 74 Salambabes 72 75 Rikmellow en Annapad (Rik) 72 76 Oh hi Mark! (Delicatesther) 72 77 Mosby Girls (Anne Boelaars) 72 78 Let's Not Go To The Mall Today (Anne) 72 79 Lasers - Riley 72 80 De capibara's (Linn) 72 81 botenbotenbotenB 72 82 Architects of destruction (Tom C.) 72 83 Zusjes 71 84 Was geht ab (Joost) 71 85 The chicks and the duck (Daan) 71 86 Team Tugboat (Celine, Milou, Rob, Siem) 71 87 Team Swarley 71 88 SHW87C 71 89 PUZZLES (Roos) 71 90 Pretty Bitches minus Nellie 71 91 NOBODY ASKED YOU PATRICE!!!! (Marjolein) 71 92 Nobody asked you Patrice! (Vannie) 71 93 NiNi & NoNo WestSide 71 94 How I Met Anne-Marie (Marlon) 71 95 Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville 71 96 Friends is leuker/Nynke 71 97 Daendelsduifjes 71 98 BressersBoys/Rens 71 99 Blabla captain Joep 71 100 Zittend, wait for it, plassen 70 101 We were on a break - Lariekoek 70 102 The Whoo Girls uit Brabant (LouLou) 70 103 The Interventions (Sanne) 70 104 The Bro-Code (Captain Sparky) 70 105 Team Wehl (Eliene) 70 106 Team Tomatensoep - Sander 70 107 Sushi-Sumi 70 108 SuitedUP23 70 109 Spruit 11 (Bas) 70 110 Puzzles (Bart van Ree) 70 111 Poortje 70 112 Nobody asked you PATRICE!! (Maud) 70 113 MirMarMies 70 114 Maxise 70 115 MarMarMarshall Marianne 70 116 Haaaaave you met ... the winners (Anke) 70 117 District 070 (Chanel) 70 118 De Lorenzo Von Matterhorn's Hilly 70 119 Café Bola (Christiaan) 70 120 Broodje Tarrel 70 121 Yellow Umbrella - Chantal Versluijs 69 122 Weekend at Barney's (De Groot) 69 123 The Solids (Thomas) 69 124 Team BabyShark (Tim & Marie) 69 125 Swarley2020-Robin 69 126 Squaddies 69 127 Sjanne (Anne en John) 69 128 Salt, Pepper and Cumin 69 129 Ranjit & The Captain 69 130 Pyjamaparty (Leroy) 69 131 paulusentomas 69 132 Pabokiddos 69 133 Nuenen Lovers 69 134 letsNOTgotothemall (Rianne) 69 135 In The Macs (Marloes) 69 136 Het begon met een biertje (Jordi) 69 137 Goat in a Boat (Jette) 69 138 FWENTS KWIS TIEM (StijnB) 69 139 Forgone Conclusion 69 140 FC Heineken (Bennet) 69 141 but-uhm (Ernst) 69 142 TiRaMiNe(Net) 68 143 The funk, the whole funk, and nothing but the funk 68 144 team Westbroek 68 145 Swarley (Carly) 68 146 Slotbos (Susi Slotboom) 68 147 Sapo Culiao 56 68 148 Salt, Pepper and Cumin (Jonathan) 68 149 Romy, Jeske, Denise 68 150 Quizzly Bears (Adrienne) 68 151 Of course you're still single take a look at yourself you dumb slut (Maud) 68 152 NienKees 68 153 Mijn vriend kent alleen Barney (Sandra) 68 154 Liquid courage 2.0 68 155 Jeffrey (Ayla) 68 156 Jannes&Wieke 68 157 How I Met Yo Momma!! 68 158 Foreskins-Nard 68 159 Doornrowsje 68 160 Coro..waitforit..na (Ro/Maam/Kat) 68 161 Alles na seizoen 4 was kut (EJO) 68 162 after2amteam 68 163 Zusters van de Klaverhoek 67 164 Xing Haishi Bu Xing (Vera) 67 165 What About The Pineapple?!� (James) 67 166 Victorious secret - Peter 67 167 The Three Cockamouses (Leonie Koning) 67 168 The slutty pumpkins (Balthazar) 67 169 THE NIMMA WOO GIRLS!!! 67 170 Ted & the Mosby's (Linda) 67 171 Team Awesome Bas & Loes 67 172 Swarley's Angels (JTLN) 67 173 Sparkles 29 (Wendy) 67 174 Sneeuwtijgers (Kaz) 67 175 Sjengen070 (Max) 67 176 Quarantainegang - Suze 67 177 Pekeltje 67 178 pastamettomatensaus (Jan) 67 179 Pandemic! At the Disco (Lieuwe) 67 180 Okina Senpuuki (Stijn) 67 181 NOBODY ASKED YOU PATRICE (Aleida) 67 182 No Can Dosville Babydoll - Leiden 67 183 Madelon en Bianca 67 184 KaLe (Bat) 67 185 Hi, leg warehouse? (Laureen) 67 186 Hatongis zonder Stijn (Gerrit) 67 187 Gilmore Girls (reza) 67 188 Eef & Veer 67 189 De Quarantinies 67 190 De Fred Osters (Roel) 67 191 De Eendenmossels / Arthur 67 192 Chili con Leo 67 193 Bang-bang-bangerdie-bangs (Swaan) 67 194 Vier blondies en een goudvis 66 195 Vera Snorfiets (Friso) 66 196 theSHMOSBYS(swarley) 66 197 The Sexless Inkeepers (Tigris) 66 198 The Red Cowboy Boots - Carena 66 199 The Liberty Bell Lickers (Vera) 66 200 The Bosses 66 201 Snackbar Vette Harry Potter (Koen) 66 202 Slutty Pumpkins - Besties before testies 66 203 Sjonnie Malon 66 204 Schoolstraat 66 205 QuaranTexel - Linda 66 206 Quaran...wait for it...taine!(Marissa) 66 207 Puzzels (Kayleigh) 66 208 Purple Giraffe (Jelmen) 66 209 Panda-wait for it-Droom 66 210 NOBODY ASKED YOU PATRICE! (JoNiMas) 66 211 Nika against the machines 66 212 MoDa 66 213 Mike Oxmaul en Hugh Janus 66 214 Maybe we should start a family together (Mounir) 66 215 Lillypad & marshmellow (110) 66 216 IrisEnMijke 66 217 HowIMetYourBrother (Tim) 66 218 de Jonge Laffe Borrelaars&Co 66 219 Brouwerrangers (Pim) 66 220 BOHV (T.C. van Oversteeg) 66 221 Bobbie, Coco & Jowie (Bob) 66 222 BKS7! Alessandro 66 223 All by my lonesome (Jackie) 66 224 Airport21 (Dennis) 66 225 WeekendAtBarneys (Eef&Bram) 65 226 We are Groot (Judith) 65 227 Van Mierlodiekien 65 228 TURTURKEYKEY (Kris) 65 229 The Swarleys - Jeanine 65 230 The Sam, the whole Sam and nothing but the Sam (&Rach) 65 231 The pineapples (Janneke) 65 232 The Dirty Thirties (Jaco) 65 233 The Blitzes (Shanilla) 65 234 team yellowpants 65 235 SupremeFudge (Joyce) 65 236 Slet Mosby (Daan) 65 237 sjippie (Nel) 65 238 Salt, Pepper and Cumin (Marieke Kuit) 65 239 ranjid-strijders 65 240 Pleuniboo 65 241 PaulusSuitUp669 65 242 Palacinke 65 243 Mosby Girlzz (Chantal & Angela Hemme) 65 244 Lorenzo Von Matterhorn (Nicole) 65 245 It's gonna be legen...... wait for it....... Dierages! (Marieke) 65 246 Iel ganso con la rinonera (Els&Nina) 65 247 Griekenland (Snuif) 65 248 General Knowledge (Ralph) 65 249 Fudge Supreme (MHB) 65 250 Frikandel speciaal met curry (Caro) 65 251 Esmay: have you met Tijn? 65 252 Ermelosers (Sam) 65 253 Boogieboarders (Glen, Mick, Anna) 65 254 Bierologie (Marc) 65 255 Aspergus maximus 65 256 Amaranthos (Joyce) 65 257 030 beter als (Mees) 65 258 yolo swaggins ++ 64 259 Wintervention (Anouk) 64 260 Victoooria 64 261 Vergaande kennis (Emma) 64 262 ToRoMau 64 263 Tipi & Dora 64 264 THE SWARLEY SWAGGERS (Ditte Renger) 64 265 The Gentlemen (Janneke) 64 266 The Barnacles / Jordy 64 267 Team PuzzlesBukkie 64 268 Team awesome (Laura) 64 269 TAK 64 270 Spekgang!(Roos) 64 271 Pamsie United 64 272 Mottimon 64 273 Molratjes-waitforit + aanhang (Amy) 64 274 kaktusdekat 64 275 ibb51donny 64 276 Huize Skål 64 277 Groote Schaarsberg 64 278 GijnPower 64 279 Flügelhorns 64 280 Doesperados 64 281 De biggetjes(Martin) 64 282 DaarGaanWeWeer 64 283 BMW'S (Manon) 64 284 Blum en Kramer 64 285 Bigfudge0174 64 286 Bamibult/-Melissa 64 287 Aggermartinos 64 288 83%AnnaSuus 64 289 4 Beavers are better than 2 64 290 2 Beavers are better than 1 Anthony 64 291 What goes in a Gin and Tonic?? (Esther) 63 292 Vrienden...Waitforit...Frituur 63 293 Vlaardingen_maffia_91_lentin 63 294 The Slutty Pumpkins (Simone Lindhout) 63 295 Ted Lonely (Donut1203) 63 296 Team Sparkles (Pascal) 63 297 Team MÖRBYLÅNGA (Jordy Hehemann) 63 298 Team Leo (Pien) 63 299 Team Bram 63 300 Swarles Barkleys (Gijs) 63 301 Sumbitch (LisaKitty) 63 302 Spoorn 63 303 S.G.B.
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