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S69.00. 0UTSllJI' OF THE lJNTTEI) STATES (l !S HJND.S DRAWN ON A lJS nANK ONLY) 515.00 SIJHCHAHGt: Pfll YF.AR. SINGLE COl'Y S3.50: Ot!TS!Dt·: NY AREA $3.95; f"OHUGN $4.50. Noted in Sorrow POSTMASTER: St-:NIJ ADDRESS CHANGES TO: THE JEWlSll {)BSE!lVER We note with sorrow the petira (passing) of Rabbi 42 BR01\IJWAY. NY. NY 10004 Yisroel Don Taub 7"0lt, the Modzhitzer Rebbe, on 20 TEI. 212-7!H-.9000, FAX 646•254-1600 PRINTED IN THI-: USA Sivan, June 16, in Bnei Brak. Rav Yisroel Don, son of the lmrei Eish of Modzhitz, RAl\!J! NISSO'.\' Wo!.l'!N, Fditor J was born in Warsaw, in Teves 5688/1928 and lived there l:dltoria/ /3oard IN THIS ISSUE RABBI JOSEPH Eu AS. Uwirmrm until he was aged eight, when he and his mother moved RABIH AB!lA BRl!DNY BUILDING THE THIRD BEIS HAMIKDASH to Bretz Yisroel to join his father who had relocated there JOSEPH l'R!E!H;NSON RA!Hll YrsnOEL MF.Ill KlRZNE!l 6 THE FATAL FACTOR OF 5ELnSHNESS VS. a year earlier. RAn111 NossoN ScHF.RMAN Rav Yisroel Don married the daughter of Rabbi THE POWER OF A f.Etv Tov, PHOF. AARON TWf'.llSKI Shmuel Aharon Shedrowitzki 7'"1!, the Bialystoker Rebbe, Rabbi Sh/omo Furst, i'i11111dcn also from Poland, where he was one of the heads of based on lectures by Rabbi Chai1n RABBI MOSHE SIH:RU~ l."L Agudas Yisroel, and subsequently became the deputy N'"o~7v Mm1ogcmc11t lkxmf Pinchas Scheinberg chairman of Agudas Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel. NAl'TOU HIRSCH, JSAAC Knv:NFR, 10 THE REALITIES OF M!rCHLOKES, The Jmrei Bish was appointed Modzhitzer Rebbe in RABBI SHI.OMO LESIN, DAVID SINGER, NAC!ll!M STUN Rabbi Eliyahu Meir K!ugn1an 5707/1947, after his father, Rav Shaul Yedidya Elazar 7"0lt. was niftar, and lived in Tel Aviv, as did many other Mrmaginy !:di/or 16 REFLECTIONS ON ACHDUS AND AHAVAS RABBI YoSl'.f c. GoUJIN(; Chassidic leaders at that time. The lmrei Eish served his YISROEL, Rabbi Yoe/ Chonon Wenger PUBLISHED BY com1nunity in this 1nanner for 37 years, until he was '\GUlJAr!I ISllAF.1. 01' AMERl('A 19 To TOUCH A STONE, To FIND A niftar, in 57 44/1984, and Rav Yisroel Don was asked to fill 11.S. TitAl)F. DtSTlllB\ITOR HEART, Marsha Smag/ey his place. Rav Yisroel Don continued living and teaching FELDMEIM PllllLlSllERS !rn8 Airpor/ fxrrntivc f'urh in Tel Aviv, until 1995, when he moved to Bnei Brak. N111111ct. NY10954 21 "NOTHING 1s HARD IF You W1LL 1T": He served as Modzhitzer Rebbe for 22 years and was BHtTISH Rr·.PRESENTATTVI·: consulted for guidance and counsel by people from all M.T BIBEi.MAN TRAVELS WITH RABBI AARON LEIB Cmsrrnor U!orhs sectors, and worked tirelessly to bring understanding ,\fount /'/casanl Hill 5HTEINMAN N"P'?'V, /.om/on F'!i gl\i'I:: t:NCl.A.IVD between people in disagreement. He was also a member Shlon10 Gottesman FIU:NCH 11Er1n:SENTAr!Vf of the Agudas Yisroel Moetzes Gedolei Ha Torah. RABBI BAMUERGl'.ll 32 THINKING ABOUT DARFUR: Rav Yisroel Don was the fifth generation after the JH !Xmlr·mrd ltiix/111m s7ooo Metz. n?ANcr A PERSONAL REFLECTION, founder of the Modzhitzer dynasty, Rav Yechezkel of tSRAELt RFl'HFSENTATIVE Yonoson Rosenblum Kuzmir. He followed in the footsteps of his holy forbears INTNL. MEDIA PLACEMENT in composing niggunim that were sung at the Modzhitz /'OH 71.95 I .97 la_ffi:I Rnad 36 A TRIBUTE TO RABBI MENACHEM ]erusolem .94.14-0. !SRA/.! tishen in between his ardent divrei Torah, inspiring MANIS MANDEL ',"~t, ll~.U;IAN £tEPRESENTATIVI·; appreciation and emulation around the world. After the MR. E. APTE!{ Rabbi Shimon Finkeln1an /,rmqe Kievil~lr. 29 levaya, it was announced that his oldest son, Rav Chaim 2018 A1111iffp. B/JCllJM Shaul, a son-in-law of the Alexander Rebbe'>·>rr, would s<H1ni An~1cAN i~i.:p~~~~.~;~";~~~ THE JEw1s11 OBSERVER uoios NOT AssuME succeed hin1 as Modzhitzer Rebbe,and that his other son, , Ponoxs1s52. ~:;::·.;(~:;~~~1.· 1 ~:··~;R:;;~1-~:~~,;~~. ~::;~: :]~:>~~-~~r'.~ Rav Moshe Pinchas, a son-in-law of the Lubliner Rebbe, Racdmc, Johminnbllf-q 1 i 2124 sou111 AFRtcA. would be the Rav of the Mozhitzer comn1unity. I I1 © COPYRIGHT 2006 I AUSTRAi.JAN REPRJ-:SF.NTATIVE PHoTo C1n:orrs: I DR. A. DINNEN M M 0 > 7J/3irngah~Jad JUNE 2006 VOLUME XXXIX ICllAEL ORDECHAI OHF(IACES5AN044) 1 LmwHillNSWwnAUSTRAl/A-~ 5- - -------------- ~M~MowrnY(l'A<" .,) ________________J ---··----·--==-i.. ------ I RABBI SHLOMO FURST How to Rebuild the i Beis Hamikdash The fatal Factor of Selfishness vs. The Power of a Leiv Tov Compiled from the sichos (discourses) of Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, ~"P":>v.
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