ISSUE 132 JUNE 2009 How does one man a Navy in the 21st Century? The Long Journey Home The Story of the Unknown HMAS Sydney Sailor Marine ‘refuges’ may be the key to coral reef recovery following climate change A Bright Flame: The Leadership of Admiral Sir Bertram Home Ramsay RN Visit to BRNC Dartmouth A transcript of the Keynote Address at the Fleet Air Arm of Australia AGM Maritime Law Enforcement JOURNAL OF THE Beyond the Littoral Shipyards: Australia and USA Email: [email protected] Fax +61 8 9410 2564 Tel: +61 8 9410 1111 WWW.AUSTAL.COM Issue 132 3 Contents How does one man a Navy in the 21st Century? 5 The Long Journey Home The Story of the Unknown HMAS Sydney Sailor 9 Marine ‘refuges’ may be the key to coral reef recovery following climate change 15 A Bright Flame: The Leadership of Admiral Sir Bertram Home Ramsay RN 16 Visit to BRNC Dartmouth – CDRE Harry ADAMS prize 21 A transcript of the Keynote Address given by Commander Nat Gould RAN (Rtd) at the Fleet Air Arm of Australia AGM 23 Maritime Law Enforcement Beyond Front page: New South Wales Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione APM, challenges the Royal Australian the Littoral 29 Officers and Navy led by Rear Admiral Nigel Coates prior to entry to the City of Sydney, during the Royal sailors from the Australian Navy Freedom of Entry Parade. Royal Australian Doctrinal Innovation in the Royal Naval Navy begin their 14 March 2009 company from HMAS Ships Sydney, Air Service: Samson, Longmore, and Freedom of Entry Darwin, Newcastle, Anzac, Ballarat, Williamson 35 Parade down Navy makes history in Freedom of Stuart, Manoora, Kanimbla, Success, George Street, Entry Parade Sirius, Diamantina, Hawkesbury, Sydney. Visions from the Vault 47 Yarra, Norman and Gascoyne along ydney Central Business District was with Collins Class Submarine HMAS Sa sea of white on Saturday 14 March Farncomb and Navy land establishments Style Notes for Headmark 48 2009, as approximately 4,600 Royal HMAS Kuttabul, Waterhen, Watson, Issue Number 132 Australian Navy personnel marched Penguin, Harman, Albatross and ANI Online Guide 49 Printed by Everbest through the city’s streets. The Freedom Creswell. Over 150 Australian Navy Printing Company of Entry Parade involved the ship’s cadets also took part in the parade. Australian Naval Institute Info 50 ISSN 1833-6531 ATI - AUSTAL - AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE CREDIT UNION Design & DTP: - BOOZ ALLEN & HAMILTON FRIEND - EDS - KBR - LOPAC ANI Membership Application Form 51 Diane Bricknell - RAYTHEON AUSTRALIA - SAAB [email protected] Journal of the Australian Naval Institute THETHE COMMONWEALTH COMMONWEALTH NAVIES: NAVIES: 100100 YEARS YEARS OFOF COOPERATION COOPERATION TheThe sixth sixth biennial biennial King-Hall King-Hall Conference Conference will willbe heldbe held inThe Canberra sixth biennial on 30-31 King-Hall July 2009. Conference The conference will be held will in Canberrain Canberra on on30-31 30-31 July July 2009. 2009. The The conference conference will will bebe organised organised by bythe the Sea Sea Power Power Centre Centre - Australia - Australia with with assistancebe organised from by the SchoolSea Power of Humanities Centre - Australia and Social with assistanceassistance from from the the School School of Humanitiesof Humanities and and Social Social Sciences,Sciences, University University of Newof New South South Wales Wales at the at theAustralian Australian DefenceSciences, Force University Academy. of New The South King-Hall Wales Conference at the Australian DefencehasDefence become Force Force Academy. a significantAcademy. The The King-Hallevent King-Hall in theConference Conferencenational hasand becomeinternationalhas become a significant asea significant power event communities in eventthe nationalin the for national andits wide-ranginginternational and seadiscussioninternational power communities of seatopical power navalfor communitiesits historicalwide-ranging andfor discussion itsmaritime wide-ranging strategicof topicalissues.discussion naval The historical ofconference topical and naval is maritime open historical to strategicthe and public, maritime issues. and previousThe strategic conferenceeventsissues. haveThe is openconference attracted to the a public,is wide open range and to the previous of public,naval eventshistorians, and previous have attractedacademicsevents ahave wide and attracted range retired of a navaland wide serving historians, range militaryof naval academics personnel, historians, and as wellacademics as interested and retired lay people and serving from Australia military personnel,and overseas. as retiredwell andas interested serving military lay people personnel, from Australia as well as and interested overseas. lay people from Australia and overseas. The theme of the 2009 conference is ‘Commonwealth Navies:The theme 100 of Years the 2009 of Cooperation’. conference Inis 1909,‘Commonwealth Australia, ThewithNavies: theme the 100ofencouragement the Years 2009 of conferenceCooperation’. of of the is British Commonwealth In 1909, Admiralty, Australia, Navies:decidedwith the100 encouragementto Years acquire of Cooperation. a modern of of ocean-goingthe In British1909, Australia,Admiralty, fleet; one with The Commonwealth Navies: decided to acquire a modern ocean-going fleet; one The Commonwealth Navies: thewhich encouragement would not onlyof of protectthe British local Admiralty, ports and decided shipping to acquirefromwhich enemya would modern incursionsnot ocean-going only protect but also fleet; local support portsone which theand Royalshippingwould Navy not 100 Years of Cooperation onlyinfrom protectits enemydetermnation local incursions ports to and retain but shipping also command support from enemyof the the Royal sea.incursions Navy 100 Years of Cooperation in its determnation to retain command of the sea. butOther also memberssupport the of Royalthe Empire Navy in followed, its determination and over the 2009 King-Hall Naval History Conference nextOther 100 members years theof thevarious Empire Commonwealth followed, and navies over the have 20092009 King-HallKing-Hall NavalNaval HistoryHistory ConferenceConference to nextretain 100 command years the of variousthe sea. Commonwealth Other members naviesof the have 30-31 July 2009 Empireroutinely followed, sailed and together over the in bothnext 100peace years and the war various and 30-31 July 2009 withroutinely a remarkable sailed together degree in of both interoperability. peace and war Arguably and 30-31 July 2009 Commonwealthwith a remarkable navies degree have routinelyof interoperability. sailed together Arguably in boththe peace most andsuccessful war and international with a remarkable grouping degree of its of type, Commonwealththe most successful naval international cooperation grouping can also ofbe its seen type, as the interoperability.precursorCommonwealth to moreArguably naval recent cooperationthe intitiatives most successful can such also as international be the seen US Navy’sas the groupingMaritimeprecursor of its Partnership.to type,more Commonwealth recent intitiatives naval such cooperation as the US canNavy’s alsoMaritime be seen Partnership. as the precursor to more recent intitiatives such as the US Navy’s Maritime Partnership. GENERAL INFORMATION GENERALVenue: INFORMATION Venue: Venue:Adams Hall, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra ACT.Adams Hall, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra AdamsACT. Hall, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra ACT. Registration: Registration: Registration: Registration will be at no cost, however, the number RegistrationRegistration will will be beat noat nocost, cost, however, however, the thenumber number of ofdelegates delegates will will be belimited limited by theby thesize size of the of thevenue. venue. Earlyof delegates contact willwith be the limited Sea Power by the Centre size of - theAustralia venue. is Earlyrecommended.Early contact contact with with the the Sea Sea Power Power Centre Centre - Australia - Australia is is recommended.recommended. (Registration includes lunch and light morning tea) (Registration(Registration includes includes lunch lunch and and light light morning morning tea). tea) FURTHER INFORMATION FURTHER INFORMATION SeaSea Power Power Centre-Australia Centre-Australia ConferenceConferenceSea Power Co-ordination Centre-Australia Co-ordination Cell Cell DepartmentDepartmentConference of Co-ordinationofDefence Defence Cell CanberraCANBERRADepartment ACT 2600ACT of Defence 2600 CANBERRA ACT 2600 Tel:Tel: (02) (02) 61276514 61276514 Tel: (02) 61276514 Fax:Fax: (02) (02) 61276521 61276521 Email:Fax: (02) [email protected] 61276521 Email:Email: [email protected] [email protected] AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE THE UNIVERSITY OF FORCE ACADEMY NEW SOUTH WALES Issue 132 5 How does one man a Navy in the 21st Century? L MIEUTENANT ICHAEL NEWMAN The reality, however, is that the previously mentioned ‘old sailors’ are not a product of their time but are in fact a product of the profession they have chosen. At the risk of degenerating into a “chicken or the egg argument” at this point, I am simply suggesting that the profession of arms (and more particularly the navy life) espouses a certain lifestyle that is attractive to the adventurous and fun-loving in our society irrespective of the century in which Dealing with o ask a Warrant Officer to tell you I have heard countless stories they joined. As such, the RAN finds different what has changed in the RAN of Command teams (indeed whole itself in a difficult
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