326a eggs of the midwater spawning fish are almost transparent and are often spawned in areas where predation pressure is likely to be low. For example, female paketi {Pseudolabrus celidotus) appear to prefer to spawn in deeper waters where the densities of planktivorous fish are relatively low. Pelagic larvae are also transparent. Some.such as the sunfish (Mola mola) develop protective spines at this stage. Fish eggs and larvae are usually eaten in large numbers, mainly by the plankton feeding fish. It has been estimated that only about one in every million eggs spawned survives to reach maturity and breed itself. LIFE HISTORY AMD . REPRODUCTION Age and growth GENERAL FEATURES: Unlike other vertebrates fish continue to grow throughout their lives (indeterminant growth) . They all follow the same general pattern - initially growth is rapid until the fish reaches the size at which it becomes sexually mature, then growth continues but at a decreasing rate. So far only one exception has been found among the fish of the Reserve. The leatherjacket (Parika scaber) exhibits a determinate growth pattern, the fish growing to certain size after which there is no evident increase in length. Within a species the growth rate of an individual fish varies, not only with age as described above but also with location and season. These variations are usually ultimately associated with temperature and/or food. Fish in the warmer parts of their range usually grow faster than individuals of the same species in colder regions. For example, the mottled blenny (Forsterygion varium) grows to reach 80mm in length in less than one year in the Reserve, but they take three to four years to reach this size in southern parts of the South Island. The quality and quantity of food available to each fish also affects growth rates and probably explains differences in growth between local populations and between males and females of the same species. Male yellow-eyed mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri), for example, tend to spend longer periods of time 327a compared to the females, on the sandy-bottomed spawning grounds and consequently have a slower growth rate than the females which return to the good feeding areas immediately after spawning. The presence of other fish of the same species, or of another species but with a similar diet, can reduce the amount of food available to each fish. The low growth rates of snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) in some locations in the Hauraki Gulf are thought to be due to the occurrence of high densities of gurnard (Chelodonichthys kumu) which eat similar foods. Food availability is also probably responsible for the density-dependent growth patterns exhibited by some species, e.g. at high population levels paketi (Pseudolabrus oelidotus) individuals grow slower than the fish found in areas with moderate to low population levels. In temperate regions most fish grow faster over the summer and autumn, when the water is warmest and food is generally plentiful. Growth tends to slow down over the winter and spring. At this time of year the water is cold, food is less abundant and as this is the breeding season for most species, individuals may spend less time feeding and much of the energy derived from the food is used in gamete production rather than to increase body size. LIFE SPAN: The maximum life span of the fish in the Reserve ranges from 2-3 years for many of the small benthic fish (e.g. the tripterygiids and clingfish), up to 60 years of the red moki (Cheilodactylus spectabilis) and snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) . Little is known, of the ages attained by the sharks and rays. The characteristic life span of a fish species can vary with location. Fish in areas where growth is slow often live longer than members of the same species from areas of rapid growth. For example, the mottled blenny (Forsterygion varium) lives a maximum of three years and may reach 115mm in length in the Reserve; however, in southern populations the same fish live for over six years and grow to a maximum size of 200mm. MATURITY: A fish reaches sexual maturity when its gonads ripen for the first time. Maturity appears to be related to a critical size, below which the effort of reproduction is probably not worthwhile. Thus fish in different populations may mature at different ages. For example, in 328a the Reserve paketi {Pseudolabrus celidotus) mature in their first year at a size of about 100mm. However, at Wellington where waters are colder, the population density higher and growth rates are slower, the fish do not reach this size and do not mature until they are in their second and third years. AGING: Age can be fairly accurately determined in temperate bony fishes from various parts of their bodies such as the scales and ear bones (otoliths). Definite seasonal patterns of growth cause annual marks to appear on these structures that can be read like the rings of a tree. When examined closely under a microscope fish scales consist of a number of concentrically arranged rings. Each ring represents new material which is manufactured in the dermis and added to the scale from time to time. During periods of rapid growth the rings are well separated, but when growth is slow the rings are very close together and form a broad dark band, or growth check. A similar principle applies to the otoliths. These structures grow by deposition of calcium layers onto the outer surface. The rate at which this material is laid down varies with growth rate, and when examined the otoliths appear to consist of a series of dark and light alternating concentric bands. Usually only one growth check appears each year, hence the age of the fish can be determined simply by counting the number of dark bands. If spawning does not coincide with the seasonal period of slow growth, another smaller mark may also appear on these structures. Other bony structures such as opercula bones, vertebrae bones and dorsal fin spines can also be used to age fish. Scales are the most preferred aging tool as they can be collected without killing the fish which can then be returned to the water for further observation or resampling. However, scales may also be misleading, as those lost from the fish are usually replaced and are not suitable for accurate age determination. Otoliths and other bony structures may require a great deal of preparation before the rings can be 5 read8. Breeding MODES OF REPRODUCTION: The reproductive organs of a fish usually exist as a pair of 329a sac-like structures which lie along the dorsal surface of the abdominal cavity. They are connected by ducts and open to the exterior through the cloaca. Male reproductive organs, the testes, are usually pale and creamy in texture and are often referred to as 'soft roe1. The female's ovaries (1hard roef) are yellow or pink with a granular texture. During the breeding season they are greatly enlarged and individual eggs may be clearly visible. The condition in which fish possess either ovaries or testes is known as gonochorism. In some species each individual possess both male and female genital tissue - a condition termed hermaphroditism. Two types of hermaphrodites exist: (a) Simulataneous hermaphrodite - the fish functions as a male and female at the same time. (b) Sequential hermaphrodite - intially the fish is either male or female and then later in its life it changes to the opposite sex. Most fish in the Reserve are gonochorists, except some of the serranids, all the labrids and the odacid, the butterfish (Odax pullus). All the hermaphrodites in the Reserve follow the same pattern; the fish are 'born1 as females and later change sex to become males - protogynous sequential hermaphroditism. The reverse situation, that is the fish change sex from males to females (protandrous sequential hermaphroditism) does occur in some sparids; however, it has not been found in any species in the Reserve. Fertilisation, the penetration of an egg by a sperm, can occur in two different ways: The eggs and sperm are shed into the water and fertilisation takes place externally, or the sperm is introduced into the female and the eggs are fertilised internally. Usually the two gametes (the eggs and sperm) come from two different fish (cross fertilisation). However, simultaneous hermaphrodites can conceivably fertilise their own eggs (self fertilisation), although this is apparently rare. Reproduction without fertilisation (gynogenesis) is also known to occur in fishes. Populations of the Amazon mollie (Poecilia formosa) from Mexico and Texas, are usually all female. Males do exist but are very rare and play no significant role in reproduction. The females do mate with males of a related species but their sperm do not fertilise the eggs. Apparently, the attempts of the sperm to enter the egg are all that is required to stimulate the development of the egg into an embryo. This mode of reproduction has also been found in some wild 330a goldfish populations (Carassius auratus) . Internal fertilisation is typical of the sharks and rays. The males in this group possess claspers which act as the intromittent to introduce the sperm into the female. Comparatively few teleosts have internal fertilisation of the eggs. Sperm are usually introduced into the female through a simple provided by the prolongation of the cloaca. Some of the bony fish in the Reserve reproduce in this manner (e.g. the scorpionfish, Soorpaena occrdinalis; piper, Reporhampus ihi and the crested weefish, Cristioeps aurantiaous) . Fish in which the eggs are internally fertilised are usually divided into three groups: (i) oviparous - the eggs are released soon after fertilisation, e.g.
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