BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES The Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY 1781 VOLUME XXII NUMBER 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 WWW.BARNESREVIEW.COM THE DECISIVE YEAR OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR What Really Caused the he Treaty of Paris in 1783 formal- and continue to fight on, assisted by Swamp ly ended the American Revolu- Fox Francis Marion and Light Horse Harry tionary War, but it was the pivotal Lee. While luring Cornwallis north, Greene campaigns and battles of 1781 was able to gather new strength and launch a T that decided the final outcome. counterattack, until it was Cornwallis who felt 1781 was one of those rare years in American compelled to seek succor in Virginia. He history when the future of the nation hung by marched his main army to Yorktown on the Chicago Fire? a thread, and only the fortitude, determination peninsula, upon which the American and and sacrifice of its leaders and citizenry ensured French armies and the French fleet all con- its survival. By 1781, America had been at war verged. On Oct. 19, 1781, Cornwallis surren- with the world's strongest empire for six years dered his weary and bloodied army. with no end in sight. British troops occupied In this book, renowned historian Robert key coastal cities, from New York to Savannah, L. Tonsetic provides a detailed analysis of the and the Royal Navy prowled the waters off the key battles and campaigns of 1781, supported American coast. The remaining patriot forces by numerous eyewitness accounts from pri- were hunkered down in the hinterland, giving vates to generals in the American, French and battle only at opportunities when British col- British armies. He also describes the diplomat- umns ventured near. ic efforts under way in Europe during 1781, as But after several harsh winters, and the well as the Continental Congress’s actions to failure of the nascent government to adequate- resolve the immense financial, supply and per- ly supply the troops, the American Army was sonnel problems involved in maintaining an fast approaching the breaking point. The num- effective fighting force in the field. With its ber of Continental soldiers had shrunk to less focus on the climactic year of the war— than 10,000, and the three-year enlistments of 1781: Softcover, 288 pages, #720, 1781—this book is a valuable addition to the many of those remaining were about to expire. $19 minus 10% for TBR subscribers. literature on the American Revolution, provid- Mutinies began to emerge in the ranks, and it ing readers with a clearer understanding of was only the arrival of French troops that pro- to take command of patriot forces in the how America—just barely—retrieved its inde- vided a ray of hope. South, the crafty general was able to turn the pendence from the abyss. In a shift of strategy, the British began to tables. By dividing his own army, he forced the Softcover, 288 pages, #720, $19 minus prioritize the south. After shattering the Amer- British to divide theirs, dissipating their jug- 10% for TBR subscribers. 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BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR.HARRY ELMER BARNES the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY 4 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 O VOLUME XXII O NUMBER 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT REALLY CAUSED THE CHICAGO FIRE? THE FRANKS: FEUDAL OR FREE? BY MARC ROLAND BY RONALD L. RAY One of the greatest tragedies in American history When did the Germans really become Ger- 18 4 occurred on Oct. 8, 1871, when vast swaths of 36man? Author Ronald Ray has been explor- Chicago burned to the ground. But it was not the ing for the real roots of the German people in worst fire in U.S. history. In fact, the events in several recent editions of THE BARNES REVIEW. In Chicago overshadowed a series of wide-ranging con- this issue, he tells us about the emergence of the flagrations that struck the Wisconsin-Michigan- Franks and how this confederation of pagan tribes Illinois area that very same day. Is it possible Mrs. ascended to power, accepted Christianity and be- O’Leary’s cow started them all—or was there some came synonymous with the word “European.” other powerful force of nature at work? ROBERT MUGABE: THE ETERNAL TYRANT EPIC VOYAGE OF THE CSS SHENANDOAH BY HARALD HESSTVEDT SCHARNHORST BY JOHN TIFFANY In this short piece, the author describes the Much of the history of the “Civil” War is con- 42 current situation in Zimbabwe, which was 23 12 centrated on the bloody land battles between once the breadbasket of Africa, but is now a non- North and South, with little attention paid to the functional Fourth-World state. Also included is a naval clashes. But they were equally as important— photo spread of the president’s palace—a Versailles- and raged across the globe. Here is the story of the like dwelling in stark contrast to the cesspool of a Confederate raiding ship that single-handedly all but nation he forces his citizens to live in. ruined the lucrative Northern whaling industry. UPDATE ON URSULA HAVERBECK THE ROOSEVELTS’ SOVIET COMMUNES BY JOHN TIFFANY BY PHILIP RIFE Here’s an update on the ongoing saga of gutsy By now, most TBR readers know that Eleanor 49 octogenarian Ursula Haverbeck, whose out- 18 Roosevelt and her husband Franklin were spoken stance on WWII history and the holocaust rabid socialists. Worse, there were multiple traitors has gotten her a 10-month jail sentence in Germany. in FDR’s cabinet who routinely passed on secret in- 32 formation to Josef Stalin. But few people we’ve ONLY 25,000 DIED AT DRESDEN? talked to know that the Roosevelts went so far as to BY JOHN WEAR set up Soviet-style communes in America in an at- On Feb.
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