TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA November 13, 2001 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to order 2. Minutes: Regular Council Meeting October 22, 2001 3. Minutes: Organizational Meeting October 22, 2001 PUBLIC HEARINGS/DELEGATIONS 4. Public Hearing: Bylaw 1268/2001: A Bylaw to amend the Land Use Bylaw by the addition of a Direct Control District (DCD); to provide for housing development for Senior Citizens where the residents do not occupy self contained dwelling units 5. Bylaw 1268/2001 6. Public Hearing: Bethany Care Seniors Care Center; Bylaw 1267/2001; A Bylaw to redesignate Lot 2, Block Z, Plan 922-2352 (4620-47 Avenue) from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Direct Control District (DCD) 7. Bylaw 1267/2001 8. Youth Support Services Advisory Board: Proposed Youth Center to be located on Lions Park 9. Red Deer & District Community Foundation: Executive Director Janice Wing in attendance re: Agreement to establish the Sylvan Lake Town & Area Community Foundation Fund PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 10. Newport Square: Landscaping of Storm Pond; Report from Development Officer (full landscape plans will be available at meeting) 11. Hewlett Park Stage 6: Storm pond and outlet structure; request to move security requirement to Stage 9 WORKS & UTILITIES 12. Ronald Boyd: request for speed limit signage in Willow Springs & diversion of construction equipment ADMINISTRATION 13. Bylaw 1270/2001: A Bylaw to appoint Chief Administrative Officer B. Woodward 14. Highway 11 Twinning: Town of Sylvan Lake Transportation Study; correspondence from Alberta Minister of Transportation 15. Central Alberta Victims Assistance Society: request for Disaster Plan amendment 16. Chamber of Commerce: request for formal Agreement with respect to responsibilities for the Tourist Information Center Town of Sylvan Lake Regular Council Meeting Agenda November 13, 2001 Page 2 MISCELLANEOUS 17. Parkland Community Planning Service: Appointment of Councillor to Board & invitation for representative to attend Annual Meeting on November 22, 2001 18. Red Deer John Howard Society: Youth Residential Center; request for support 19. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada: request for permission and support for cyclists on June 22 & 23,2002 20. Alberta Children's Services: Family Violence Prevention; Month of November; request for proclamation FINANCE 21. Curling Club: Arrears for taxes and utilities; staff request to transfer to Accounts Receivable 22. Utility arrears: request for transfers to tax roll 23. Cheque Distribution Report: cheque numbers 36745 - 36920 OTHER 24. information Items 25. Reports & Inquiries 26. Facilitative Workshop 27. Adjourn UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS November 13 Council Orientation/Regular Councii Meeting - 5:00 P.M. 14-17 AUMA Conference - Edmonton 15 Community and Social Development 21 MPC 21 Li brary Board March 26 Sylvan Lake Management Committee 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY OCTOBER 22. 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7:00P.M. COtJ'NCIL CHA:.\1BERS Page 1 of3 Present: Mayor B. Lambertson; CIr. B. Dyrland; CIr. W. Elgersma; CIr. T. Iverson; CIr. H. McLean; Clr. T. Parks; CIr. J. Wilson-Down Also Present: Acting Town Manager H. Dietz; Development Officer A. Gamble; Director of Works & Utilities J. McAlister; Director of Recreation S. Barnes; Director of Community & Social Development M. Cmtis; Recording Secretary J. Kurylo Call to Order: Mayor B. Lambertson called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. Minutes: Regular Council meeting ofOctober 09, 2001 MOVED by Clt. 1. Wilson-Dnwn that Council adnpt the minutes ofOctober 09, 2001 as presented. CARRlED UNANIMOUSLY Sign Bylaw Council was presented with recommendations frQIll Bylnw Enforcement for #1066/95; Amending amendments to the Sign Bylaw #1066195. The amendments would pennit Bylaw #12691200 I; realty "Open House" signage. File #0130-20/SIG, Bylaw Enforcement Officer D. Kyllo wa:I in attendance to ad.dress conceID5 of Council. Discussion was heard regarding the permissible hours in which a sign may be posted. Further discussion was heard .egarding onforcement and penalties. The proposed amendments with respect to penalties specify that: "where the By Lm", Officer has reason to beli~e that any person 1Jro contravened any provision ofthe Bylaw, he may remove the signage;" it was nmed that .in addition to this amendment. the Sign Bylaw' has a penalty clause which provides that anyone in contravention of the Bylaw'is liable to a penalty of$150.00. MOVED by Clr. J. Wilson-Down that Council give fIrst reading to Bylaw #1269/2001, being a Bylaw to amend the Sign Bylaw #1066i95; the amendments are to include realty "Open House" signage as permitted signage from 8:00 a.ilL to 8:00 p.rn. '7 days per week. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by ClI. T. Parks that Council give second reading to Bylaw #1269/2001. CARRIED UNANlMOUSLY MOVED by elI. T. Iverson that Cowtci1 proceed to third and fmal reading of Bylaw #1269/2001. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED by CIr. B. Dyrland that Council give third and fmal reading to Bylaw #1269/2001. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Lions Park COlUlcil was presented with the render received for the Wasliroom Facility at the Washroom Tenders; Lions Park in the amount of $68,039.56 which substantially exceeds the File #2830·20/LIO: budgeted amount of$20,000.00. MOVED by CIr. J. Wilson-Down that Council postpone awarding the tender and construction of the washroom facilities pending presentation by the Youth Support Services Advisory Board of a design for the Youth Center; ar which time Council will consider this matter funb.er. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Mark Pavelich's Council was presented with information regarding a proposed Triathlon for July Triathletes World; 21, 2002. The Recreation Board has approved the concept inprinciple. Triathlon; Summer 2002; MOVED by CJr. J. Wilson-Down that Council approve the Triathlon in File #2820-20rrRl: principle pending receipt of further infQllJ11ltion regarding the course; and further that Triathlon organizer Mr. Pavelich he advised to contact the R.C.M.P. and Bylaw Enforcement to address any conccms. CARRIED l}NANIMOUSLY TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY OCTOBER 22, 2001 REGVLAR COUNCIL MEETING 7,00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 2 of3 KinderCare Lease Council was presented with a Lease Agreement from the Town to KinderCare Agreement; for a twenty-year tenn. File #0150-501KIN, MOVED by Clr. B. Dyrland that Council adopt the Agreement as presented. CARRiED UNANIMOUSLY Natural Gas Council was presented with a request to participate in a natural gas Agreement Aggregate Program; negotiated by the ALIMA together with a summary of the Agreement prepared EDron Direct Canada; by Acting Town Manager H. Dietz. File #0150-601ENR MOVED by Clr. T. Parks that Council approve the Natural Gas Aggregation Agreement with Enron Direct Canada Corporation to Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and that the Utilities Standing Committee negotiate the remainder of the Agreement, such Agreement not to exceed the: tenns and conditions as presented, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY To'iYIl Accounts: Council was presc::nted with the Town accounts and cheques to be issued #36610-36744. MOVED by Clr. 1. Wilson-Down that Council approve the Town accounts for payment as presented. CARRiED UNAl"IMOUSLY Other Account: Council was presented with the OtherAccount ofSylvan Lake Value Drug Mart in the amount of$345.84, cheque #36731. MOVED by CIr. T. Iverson that Council approve the Other Account for payment as presented. CARRiED In favour: Clr. B. Dyrland CIr. J. Wilson-Down Mayor B. Lambertson CIr. W. Elgersma ClI. H. McLean CIr, T. Iverson Abstained: Cii. T. Parks Information Items: Mayor B, Lambertson asked if there were information items to be discussed. Sylvan Lake & Watershed Stewardship Society: correspondence regarding Underground Water Study. MOVED by Clr. T. Parks that Council direct staff to submit a letter of response indicating that the Town would be agreeable to the study being conducted next yea;-. CARRIED UNANTh10USLY Parkland Community Planning Service: Invitation to Calgary tour; November 1,2001 :\'lOVED by Clr. 1. Wilson-Down that Council accept the invitation to the Calgary Tour for any Council and Planning & Development staff that wish to anend. CARRiED UNAl'ThlOUSLY Alberta Minister ofTransportation: Twinning ofHighway 11 to the intersection of Highway 781. COlJD.cil agreed that a copy of the correspondence should be available for the next meeting of Heart of Town/Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club, Centennial Legacies Grant Program: correspondence to Honourable G. Zwozdesky. It was noted that all money allocation has been deferred to next yea<. 2 ,, TOWN OF SYLV.<\J.'l LAKE :VIONDAY OCTOBER 22, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NO P.M. COUNCIL QIA,W3ERS Page 3 of3 Remaining GENERAL Information Items: 1. Knutson's Ambulance'. Monthly repon for September 2001 2. Recreation and Parks Board: Minutes ofSeptember [I, 2001 LOCALIREGIONAL 3. Sylvan Lake Regional Sewage System Feasibility Study; correspondence from Summer Village Administration PROVINCIAL 4. Alberta Minister of ),.funicipal Affairs: Municipal Sponsorship Program; Public Access Study MO\lED by Clr. J. Wilson-Down that Council accept the remaining information items as presented. CARRlED UNANIMOUSLY Reports & Inquiries DEVELOPMENT OFFICER A. GAMBLE: 1. Delta Energy Industrial Subdivision.: advised that the Letter ofCredit will expire on October 31, 200I and that contact has been made with the Developer to address minor deficiencies. CLR. J. WILSON·DOWN: L WelComed new Council members. 2. Aquatics Center Ground Breaking: presented Council with photos from the ceremony. 3. AUNlA Convention: MOVED by Crr. J. Wilson Do\VD that Council direct staff to arrange direct billing with the hotel for meals. CARRIED UNANJMOUSLY 4. Remembrance Day Ceremonies: Mayor B. Lambertson agreed to be present at the wreath laying ceremonies. ACTING TOWN MANAGER H. DIETZ, 1. Chief Administrative Officer: Brian Woodward's start day is 05 November 2001. l\1AYOR B. LAMBERTSON: I. Pleased to be holding office, looking: fonvard to a good term. 2. Councillor Orientation: will take place at 5:00 ('.m.. p'rior to the Council th meeting on November 13 • • CLR.
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