The Magazine of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities Winter 2008 SPECIAL REPORT: INFRASTRUCTURE HERITAGE HELPS BUILD COMMUNITIES 2007 CONVENTION RECAP Manitoba's Age-friendly Initiatives • Update from Broadway F EATURES Age-Friendly Manitoba Initiative 13 Heritage Makes Cover: Manitoba's bridges are part of this People issue's Special Report on Infrastructure. Happy 15 Municipal Leader is published quarterly by the Association of Manitoba Municipalities. Please address inquiries to: 1910 Saskatchewan Avenue W. Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0P1 Phone: (204) 856-2366 Fax: (204) 856-2370 Special Report: e-mail: [email protected] Infrastructure 19 Internet: www.amm.mb.ca Note: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the AMM or its Board. Publication management and production by: 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K4 Ph: (204) 985-9780 Fax: (204) 985-9795 www.kelman.ca 2007 e-mail: [email protected] Convention Managing Editor: Terry Ross Art Design/Production: Andrea Ardiles Re-cap 42 Advertising Manager: Cindy Robin Contents may not be reproduced without the express consent of the publisher. EPARTMENTS D AMM Mission Statement President’s Report .............................4 Meet Your Provincial Department ....22 The Association of Manitoba Executive Director’s Report ...............5 Legal Corner ...................................39 Municipalities identifies In Brief .............................................6 Insurance ........................................40 and addresses the needs and concerns of its MMAA Report ...................................9 Candid Camera ...............................49 members in order Municipal Profile .............................10 MTCML ..........................................52 to achieve strong and effective Upcoming Events ............................11 Reach our Advertisers ......................54 municipal government. Winter 2008| Municipal Leader | P RESI D EN T ’ S R EPORT AMM Board Convention of Directors sets stage for EXecUTIVE President Mayor Ron Bell, significant Town of Birtle anniversary Vice-President, Rural Ron Bell, President Councillor Doug Dobrowolski, RM of Macdonald Vice-President, Urban nother Convention has come and Conservation Districts Program: Frame- Mayor Shirley Kalyniuk, gone and I have to begin by thank- work for the Future. This document is Town of Rossburn Aing the entire AMM delegate body causing a great deal of concern for munici- for acclaiming me to serve another term palities. With the Planning Act still a fairly DirecTOrs as President of the Association. I truly recent development, municipalities are appreciate your goodwill and encourage- now faced with a mandate that could affect Councillor Ralph Groening, RM of Morris ment and I plan to work as hard, if not local planning to an even greater extent. harder, on your behalf over the next year A consultation process is in place, and Mayor Melvin Klassen, as I have over the past three years. the AMM intends to fully participate in Town of Altona I’d also like to congratulate Urban this process. I cannot stress enough how Vice-President Shirley Kalyniuk and important it is for YOU, our members, to Reeve Alice Bourgouin, Rural Vice-President Doug Dobrowolski also participate. This is an initiative that RM of Rosser on being re-elected and acclaimed, respec- could have extremely far-reaching effects tively. The three of us have served as your on our local planning activities, and every- Mayor Randy Sigurdson, Executive team for one year now and I one involved needs to take action. Town of Arborg truly appreciate the O f c o u r s e , confidence shown in we will keep you Reeve George Harbottle, our leadership. What informed and up- RM of Alexander We have become the experience has a truly unified to-date on this issue. Councillor Art Rempel, shown us, I think, is In the meantime, City of Steinbach that we are going in organization. you can view the the direction that our discussion docu- Reeve Roger Wilson, membership wants us ment and download RM of Birtle to. Together, we will continue to move a feedback form at www.gov.mb.ca/ forward on the many issues you raised waterstewardship/agencies/cd/index. Mayor Eileen Clarke, during Convention. html. Remember, you have an important Town of Gladstone In fact, we began moving forward even role to play in this dialogue, and it is before Convention adjourned, by meeting imperative that you have a say. Reeve Robert Misko, with Premier Doer and members of the In closing, while it is always exciting RM of Hillsburg Provincial Cabinet on November 29 just to begin a new year, it is especially true of prior to the Ministerial Forum. This is an this year, as 2008 represents the 10-year Mayor Rene Maillard, Town of Ste. Rose du Lac annual meeting that gives us the oppor- anniversary of the AMM. This is such a tunity to discuss the most critical issues highlight for all of us, as it not only rep- Councillor Alan Ransom, raised by our membership directly with resents 10 years of growth, it represents RM of Morton the Premier. Our number one issue was, what we have become over the past decade not surprisingly, fiscal balance – a leading - a truly unified organization. The AMM Councillor Maxine Chacun, issue throughout Convention. We used the is one of the few municipal associations Town of Virden opportunity to raise a number of other hot- that represent ALL municipalities – north button issues with Cabinet as well. You to south, rural to urban, province-wide. It Councillor Oswald Sawh, can view the complete position paper we is that spirit of partnership and coopera- City of Thompson presented to Premier Doer on the AMM tion that makes it such an honour for me website at www.amm.mb.ca. to serve as your President. Councillor Russ Wyatt, One issue that has arisen since Conven- City of Winnipeg tion concerns the Conservation Districts Dale Lyle, (CD) Program in Manitoba. On December President of the Manitoba Municipal 19, I received a discussion document from Administrators Association Manitoba Water Stewardship, entitled | Municipal Leader | Winter 2008 E XECUTIVE D IRECTOR ’ S R EPORT Wrapping Contact the up one year, AMM Staff Joe Masi, unwrapping Executive Director 856-2360 the next [email protected] Joe Masi, Executive Director Linda Hargest, Director of he AMM 9th Annual Convention has you have missed the first session, don’t Administration & Marketing come and gone, and by all accounts worry – it is only the first of three excel- 856-2361 T it was a resounding success. A total lent sessions we have scheduled for you [email protected] of 970 delegates attended, making it our this year. For more information, contact second-largest attendance in Brandon our Events Coordinator, Donna Belbin, at Tyler MacAfee, to date. We had a full slate of excellent [email protected], or visit our website Director of Policy & Communications speakers, both policy-related and motiva- for complete details. 856-2362 tional, along with seamless and efficient We will soon be taking registration [email protected] resolutions sessions. for Mayors, Reeves and CAOs meetings As you know, the participation of our online also – these are coming up in mid- membership is crucial to the success of an March. Visit the AMM Events Calendar at Elicia Funk, event of this magnitude. The board and www.amm.mb.ca for dates and locations. Administrative Assistant staff of the AMM collectively feel that Those of you who attended Convention (Board & Administration) this year in particular, the contribution will also be aware of our new logo – and if 856-2365 of our members was extremely positive. you did not hear about it there, you will see [email protected] An air of optimism and spirit of working evidence of our new “look” throughout this together for a common goal was evident magazine and on virtually everything else Lynne Bereza, throughout the entire Convention. This, we produce. This logo is the first initiative Communications Coordinator in my opinion, only helped to improve an in a year-long celebration of our 10-year 856-2366 already top-notch agenda, and will give us anniversary, which we officially kicked [email protected] momentum as we move forward with our off just prior to adjourning the Convention. lobbying efforts in 2008. Watch for further details on other events The next item on the AMM events throughout the coming year. This is indeed Patti De Baets, calendar is the first education session of an exciting milestone for our association Finance Coordinator 2008, Communicating for Results: From and one we could not have reached without 856-2367 Conflict to Cooperation, on Tuesday, Janu- the ongoing support of our membership. It [email protected] ary 29, 2008, at the Clarion Inn & Suites in is this support, and the spirit of partnership Winnipeg. Priti Shah is an articulate and I witnessed during Convention, that truly Erika Rempel, enthusiastic presenter who has been doing drives us to do the work that we do each Administrative Assistant public speaking for more than a decade day. Thank you and I wish you all the best (Policy & Communications) and who brings a diverse personal and in 2008! 856-2369 professional background to her presenta- [email protected] tions. If you haven’t registered yet, time is indeed running out. Log on to our website at www.amm.mb.ca to register online. If Rachel Philippe, Senior Policy Analyst 856-2371 [email protected] Donna Belbin, Events Coordinator 856-2374 [email protected] The AMM fax number is 204-856-2370 Winter 2008| Municipal Leader | I N B RIEF FULL FRONT DOOR ACCESS SELLING NAMING RIGHTS employment and training for people receiv- TO MANITOBA LEGISLATURE TO WINNIPEG’s civic buildings ing welfare. Other employers can receive The Honourable Gary Doer, Premier of Man- Mayor Sam Katz recently announced up to a 50% wage subsidy to provide on itoba, recently announced that the Manitoba that the City of Winnipeg plans to sell the the job training.
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