MaylJune 1988 Volume 15, Number 2 7 hi3 STEREO NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION '?%$!& m BA ?IheSocietv everal noteworthy trends suggest change of comments and suggestions The Society Sit might be timely to explain on each picture we circulate. Treas- The Stereoscopic Society has been anew just what The Stereoscopic ured bonuses are the lifelong friend- in operation since its formation in Society is and does. NSA member- ships and comradery established England in 1893. It was created so ship has increased appreciably in with some of the most interesting that interested stereographers could the past several years and there people one could hope to know. improve and advance in their hobby seems to be growing indication that The making of stereographs is not through mutual aid and interchange a higher percentage interested in new, of course. It began shortly after of ideas. Its main format is and has contemporary stereo and its applica- the invention of photography prior been the circulation of members' tions are included than was once the to 1840. The basic principles neces- views via postal folios. The Ameri- case. Still, inquiries regarding Socie- sary to the making of a quality can Branch was formed in 1919 and, ty membership have remained fairly stereograph have not changed since through good and lean times, has constant, reflecting perhaps that that time, though discovering those survived until the present where we some review of basic information principles did not always come easi- find it enjoying robust health. About about the Society is in order. ly. The main differences between ten years ago, the American Branch Stereo Photographers then and now are in the techniques affiliated with the National Stereo- and technology available to help aP- scopic Association and since that The Stereoscopic Society is open P~Ythose principles in making con- time NSA membership has been a to NSA members who are contem- temporary stereo views. In the prerequisite in joining the Society. porary stereo photographers work- Stereoscopic Society we aid each Some objection to this has been ex- ing in transparency or print formats. other in understanding and apply- pressed by a very few potential Our main activity lies in enjoying ing the basic principles in an effort members but the many benefits to each others efforts by circulating to nuke stereo views as good as they the Society of the affiliation far out- our stereographs in folio boxes via can be. Many oldtime commercially weigh any disadvantages. We feel lJPS or the Postal Service. The produced stereo views seem to have that there is mutual benefit in our membership at any time spans the been made without benefit or regard ties to NSA. We do maintain frater- range from novice to expert stereo- for many of the niceties required in nal ties to the home branch in En- graphers . some of our best view- top grade stereography, indicating gland and to the Australian and makers today entered the Society that a fuzzy knowledge of basic ste- New Zealand branches of the Socie- asking the most basic questions. We reo principles was the rule among ty, although they have been separate do enjoy sharing each others' work practitioners more often than it was entities for quite a few years. and are continually seeking to im- the exception. prove our results through the ex (Continued on page 34) @Copyright 1988 by the STEREO, NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION \ %/ - J.. "-. 4 Volume 15, Number 2 MayIJune 1988 IN THIS ISSUE NSA Board of Directors NSA Adds New Directors. ....................................2 CHAIRMAN by T. K. Treadwell Louis H. Smaus MEMBERS "Third Eye" Catalog Available .................................3 Paul Wing "Some Remarkable Phenomena": Professor Wheatstone and his T.K. Treadwell Inventions .................................................4 NSA Officers by William Brey PRESIDENT T.K. Treadwell North America's Historic Buildings: North Carolina State Capitol. .I5 by Neal Bullington SECRETARY John Weiler Anschluss! ........................................ TREASURER by Richard C. Ryder William Eloe VlCE PRESIDENT, REGIONAL AFFAIRS NSA Convention Celebrates Cincinnati's Bicentennial. .... Tom Rogers by John Waldsmith VlCE PRESIDENT, MEMBERSHIP PatWhitehouse .................................. Donato Bracco by Paul Wing GENERAL BUSINESS MANAGER Linda S. Carter The Vaterlandlleviathan ....................................-32 Eric Beheim Stereo World Staff EDITOR John Dennis REGULAR FEATURES ART DIRECTOR Mark Willke Editor's View .............................................. .2 CONTEMPORARY STEREOSCOPY David Starkrnan Letters ....................................................3 William Shepard Paul Wing Newviews ................................................ 16 LibraryReport .............................................31 Theunknowns ............................................ 35 Stereo World 1s published olmontnly by the Natlonal Stereoscopic Assoc~atton,Inc Annual dues $22 tnlrd class US. 530 first class US. Canada, and forelqn surface. Classified ................................................ 38 $40 international air mail. All memberships a6based on the publ~sh~ngyear of Stereo World, which begins in Calendar .................................................. 4 0 March and ends with the JanuarvlFebruarv issue of the next year. All new memberships kce~vedwill commence with the MarchlApril issueof thecurrent calendar year. When applyingfor membership, pleaseadvise usif you do not desire the back issues of the current volume. Material In this publication may not be reproduced without written permtsslon of the NSA, Inc. National Stereoscopic Association (Memberships, renewals, address changes, classified ads, display ads) PO. Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214 Stereo World Editorial Office (Letters to the editor, articles) 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 "Newviews" Editor David Starkman PO. Box 2368, Culver City, CA 90231 ront Cover: "The Unknowns" Editor he device that started itall-Charles Dave Klein 14416 Harrisville Rd., Mt. Airy, MD 21771 rheatstone's original stereoscope, in- troduced to the world 150 years ago, "3.D Movies" Editor June 21st, 1838. The story of Wheat- Bill Shepard 17350 E. Temple Ave., #399 stone and the invention of the stereo- LaPuente, CA 91744 scope, as well as the controversy that was to surround it, is told in detail in Stereoscopic Society, American Br. "Some Remarkable Phenomena- Jack E. Cavender, Corresponding Secretary 1677 Dorsey Ave., Suite C Professor Wheatstone and His lnven- East Point. GA 30344 tions" by William Brey in this issue. From a ,full ,frame slide pair by Paul MEMBER, INTERNATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC UNION I Wing. wo very different anniversaries was to quickly result in the "reunifi- time consuming effort than would T are covered in this issue, as cation" of Germany and Austria any ordinary color publication. Ste- both reach significant year numbers (Anschluss) within the German reo World's Portland production early in 1988. Reich. staff of two was needless to say 150 Years Ago Under the control of Nazi Party overwhelmed, but since we didn't Chief Photo Reporter Heinrich Hoff- know the extent of what we were June 21st is the 150th birthday of man, the Raumbild-Verlag stereo getting into, we didn't stop to think the stereoscope and its introduction firm commemorated the event with of how most publications would to the world. On that day in 1838, a book and set of views. Com~lete have a staff of at least a dozen or so Charles Wheatstone presented his with a foreward by Coring, it pro- people involved. paper, "Contributions to the Phys- vides a glowing account in word and It was similar learning experience iology of Vision-On Some Re- picture of the occupation, the Nazi for several of the departments at markable, and Hitherto Unob- troops and officers, and the scenic Wy'east Color Inc., where color served, Phenomena of Binocular attractions of Germany's "new prov- separation and preparation work Vision" to England's Royal Society. ince". Since the take-over was blood- was donated. A sizeable rush of The term "remarkable" was no less, it was relatively easy to regular commercial jobs at the same hollow boast. The concept of the manipulate the stereo coverage to time allowed only short bursts of stereoscope was truly remarkable in create what now stands as an in- concentration on this unique pro- a number of ways. First of course structive example of soft-sell ject, but the results were impressive was its obvious potential for propaganda. Especially with the sce- at every step of the way. reproducing and extending human nic views, one needs to keep in mind The list is long, but everyone who binocular vision. The nearly perfect the purpose for the existence of contributed in any way to the color synchronization of its timing with these images-for use in a book in- issue should consider themselves the emergence of photography was a tended to provide a convincing thanked again here, including Art coincidence, but one which at the historical record and justification of Director Mark Willke for his origi- least could be called remarkable. conquest. Richard Ryder's feature nal design and layout and for stick- The "hitherto unobserved" part is provides a detailed historical back- ing to his high standards through easily as remarkable as anything ground to the Anschluss and the ef- various last minute glitches and else about the idea. For years, great fort to glorify it in stereo. changes. Enough material had to be minds had devised instruments to left out to fill several future color magnify, reflect, and distort Colorful Thoughts" I I sections, not to mention all the images-but all for one eye at a From the feedback so far, most readers seem to feel the March/April worthwhile things waiting out there time, or two acting as one. While we haven't even seen yet. We can't some had realized the function of color issue was well worth waiting for. Most also express a wish for quite promise color as an annual binocular vision, Wheatstone was event, but it's probably safe to say the first to make the logical jump to more like it. Reproduction of some of the old color processes, especially there will be "more" in future a means of using both eyes for issues.
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