_ PAENIKO I THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL DIE PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL - ‘ ,.. ... 4 \ ' . II; -- 1 t effirtaI a3ette kr„:44.kF © OttIfittle Rotraitt TN (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper)' 4LIN'l (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) - .-rs...1.-. PRICES: S.A. 75c Plus G.S.T. OVERSEAS: 9k PRYS: S.A. 75c Plus 9c A.V.B. OORSEE: 95c 9 JANUARY 4732 Vol. 234 PRETORIA 9 JANUARIE 1991 OFFICIAL GAZE I It OF THE TRANSVAAL OFFISIELE KOERANT VAN DIE TRANSVAAL (Published every Wednesday) (Verskyn elke Woensdag) Alle korrespondensie, advertensies, ens. moet aan die Di- All correspondence, advertisements, etc. must be ad- rekteur-generaal, Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie, dressed to the Director-General, Transvaal Provincial Ad- Privaatsak X64, Pretoria, geadresseer word en indien per ministration, Private Bag X64, Pretoria, and if delivered by hand afgelewer, moet dit op die Vyfde Vloer, Kamer 515, Ou hand, must be handed in on the Fifth Floor, Room 515, Old Poyntongebou, Kerkstraat, ingedien word. Gratis eksem- Poynton Building, Church Street. Free copies of the Provin- plare van die Offisiele Koerant of uitknipsels van adverten- cial Gazette or cuttings of advertisements are not supplied. sies word nie verskaf nie. Subscription Rates (payable in advance) as from 1 January Intekengeld (vooruitbetaalbaar) met ingang 1 Januarie 1989. 1989. Transvaal Official Gazette (including all Extraordinary Ga- Transvaalse Offisiele Koerant (met inbegrip van alle Bui- zettes) are as follows: tengewone Koerante) is soos volg: Yearly (post free) — R40,00 plus GST. Jaarliks (posvry) — R40,00 plus AVB. Zimbabwe and Overseas (post free) — 85c each plus GST. Zimbabwe en Oorsee (posvry) — 85c elk plus AVB. • Price per single copy (post free) —75c each plus GST. Prys per eksemplaar (posvry) —75c elk plus AVB. Obtainable at Fifth Floor, Room 515, Old Poynton Build- • Verkrygbaar by 5e Vloer, Kamer 515, Ou Poyntengebou, ing, Church Street, Pretoria, 0002. Kerkstraat, Pretoria 0002. Closing Timefor Acceptanceof Advertisements Sluitingsiyd vir Aanname van Advertensies All advertisements must reach the Officer in Charge of the Alle advertensies moet die Beampte belas met die Offisiele Provincial Gazette not later than 10:00 on the Tuesday a Koerant bereik nie later nie as 10:00 op Dinsdag 'n week week before the Gazette is published. Advertisements re- voordat die Koerant uitgegee word. Advertensies wat Ili ceived after that time will be held over for publication in the daardie tyd ontvang word, word oorgehou vir publikasie in issue of the following week. die uitgawe van die volgende week. Advertisements Rates asfrom 1 January 1989 Advertensietariewe met ingang van 1 Januarie 1989. L Notices required by Law to be inserted in the Official Ga- Kennisgewing wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant ge- relic.: plaas moet word: Double column — R5,00 per centimetre or portion there- Dubbelkolom — R5,00 per sentimeter of deel daarvan. of. Repeats — R4,00. Herhaling — R4,00. Single column — R4,50 per centimetre. Repeats— R3,00. Enkelkolom— R4,50 per sentimeter. Herhaling — R3,00. Subscriptions are payable in advance to the Director- Intekengelde is vooruitbetaalbaar aan die Direkteur-gene- General, Private Bag X225, Pretoria 0001. raal, Privaatsak X225, Pretoria 0001. C G D GROVE C G D GROVE For Director-General Namens Direkteur-generaal . K5-7-2-1 K5-7-2- 1 Proclamations Proklamasies - No 4 (Administrator's), 1991 No 4 (Administrateurs ), 1991 PROCLAMATION PROKLAMASIE In terms of section 49(1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 Ingevolge artikel 49(1) van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, (Act 47 of 1937), read with section 82 of the Town-planning 1937 (Wet 47 van 1937), saamgelees met artikel 82 van die - and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), 1 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordon hereby extend the boundaries of Baillie Park Township to in- nansie 25 van 1965), brei ek hierby die grense van die dorp - elude Portion 218 of the farm Vythoek 428-10 district Pot- Baillie Park uit deur Gedeelte 218 van die plaas Vyfhoek 428 102 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 9 JANUARY 1991 chefstroom subject to the conditions set out in the Schedule IQ distrik Potchefstroom daarin op te neem onderworpe aan hereto. die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. a Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this eleventh day of Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die elide dag December One thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety. van Desember Een Duisend Negehonderd-en-negentig. D J HOUGH DJ HOUGH Administrator of the Province Transvaal Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal PB 4/8/2/68/2 PB 4/8/2/68/2 /1243K SCHEDULE BYLAE 1. CONDITION OF EXTENSION OF BOUNDARIES 1. VOORWAARDE VAN UITBREIDING VAN GRENSE DISPOSAL OF EXISTING CONDITIONS OF TITLE BESKIKKING OOR BESTAANDE TITELVOOR- WAARDES The erf shall be made subject to existing conditions and Die erf moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande servitudes, if any. voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is. 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE 2. TITELVOORWAARDES The erf shall be subject to the following conditions im- Die erf is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes op- posed by the Administrator in terms of Ordinance 25 of 1965. gele deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965. (1) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour of (1) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut, 2 m breed, vir the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal pur- riolerings- en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van poses, along any two boundaries other than a street boun- die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense uitgesonderd 'n dary, as determined by the local authority. straatgrens, sons deur die plaaslike bestuur bepaal. (2) No building or other structure shall be erected within (2) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor- the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rooted trees shall noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen grootwor- be planted within the area of such servitude or within 2 m telbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut of thereof. binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. • (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tempora- (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal rily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such ma- wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onderhoud terial as may be excavated by it during the course of the of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage werke as wat hy na goeddunke noodsaaklik ag tydelik te mains and other works as it, in its discretion may deem plaas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwituut grens necessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toe- the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any damage gang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde doel, onder- done during the process to the construction, maintenance or worpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed removal of such sewerage mains and other Works being made wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of verwydering van so- good by the local authority. danige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander werke veroorsaak word. Administrator's Notices Administrateurskennisgevvings Administrator's Notice 8 9 January 1991 Administrateurskennisgewing 8 9 Januarie 1991 RANDBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1074 RANDBURG-WYSIGINGS10EMA 1074 The Administrator hereby in terms of the provisions of sec- - Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepalings tion 890) of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance, van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning 1965, declares that he approved an amendment scheme, be- en Dorpe, 1965, dat hy 'n wysigingskema synde 'n wysiging ing an amendment of Randburg Town-planning Scheme, van Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema 1976, wat uit dieselfde 1976, comprising the same land as included in the township of grond as die dorp Sundowner Uitbreiding 13 bestaan, goed - Sundowner Extension 13. gekeur het. Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema word filed with the Executive Director of Community Services, in bewaring gehou deur die Uitvoerende Direkteur van Ge- Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, Randburg, and are open for meenskapsdienste, Pretoria, en die Stadsklerk, Randburg, inspection at all reasonable times. en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. This amendment is known as Randburg Amendment Scheme Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Randburg-wysigingskema 1074. 1074. PB 4-9-2-13211-1074 PB 4-9-2-132H-1074 56/890605N 56/890605N I I STALE KOERANT, 9 JANUARIE 1991 Administrator's Notice 9 9January 1991 Administrateurskennisgewing 9 1991 DECLARATION AS APPROVED TOWNSHIPPROVIN VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP0JaRnpuarie In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning and Townships Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan- Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Administrator ning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), verklaar die hereby declares Sundowner Extension 13 Township to be an Administrateur hierby die dorp Sundowner Uitbreiding 13 approved township subject to the conditions set out in the tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die voorwaardes Schedule hereto. uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. PB 4-2-2-7683 PB 4-2-2-7683 SCHEDULE BYLAE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE APPLICATION VOORWAARDES WAAROP DIE AANSOEK GE- MADE BY E P BUILDING SOCIETY PROPERTY DE- DOEN DEUR E P BUILDING SOCIETY PROPERTY VELOPMENT COMPANY (PTY) LTD UNDER THE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (PTY) LTD INGEVOLGE PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1965, FOR PERMISSION DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1965, OM TOE- TO ESTABLISH A TOWNSHIP ON PORTION 352 (A STEMMING OM 'N DORP TE STIG OP GEDEELTE 352 PORTION OF PORTION 53) OF THE FARM BOSCH- ('N GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 53) VAN DIE PLAAS - KOP 199-10 PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL, HAS BEEN BOSCHKOP 199-IQ PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL, TOE GRANTED GESTAAN IS 1.
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