Nov.- Dec. 2008 Irish Water Spaniel Club of America News Inside this issue Presidents Message 1 Secretary’s Report 2 Letters to the Editor 3 Northeast Report 5 Mid-Atlantic Report 8 Southeast Report 10 Mid-West Report 11 Northwest Report 13 Southwest Report 14 Junior’s Column 17 A Very Big Deal 18 Top Producers 24 New IWSCA Members 28 Blastomycosis 29 IWSCA’ 09 Raffle 31 Submission Deadlines 32 Quilt Raffle 32 • IWSCA National Specialty Best of Winners • IWSCA Top Winners Bitch "True" • IWSCA National Specialty Best of Breed BISS Ch Madcap's Brilliant Virtue CD • IWSCA Top Producer • 2x IWSCA National Specialty Award of Merit Sire: Ch Co-R's Wingset Woody O'Blu Max • 2x IWSCA National Specialty Best Brood Bitch Dam: Ch Castlehill's Blazing Madcap UD NA • 2x IWSCA National Specialty Best Veteran Bitch • IWSCA National Specialty Best in Veteran Bred by Betty Wathne and Sweepstakes Dana Vaughan • Freestyle Performer • Beloved and Truly Brilliant Companion Deadline for submission of material for the next newsletter is 12-15-08 send submissions to Jill Brennan at [email protected] IWSCA Board of Directors President First VP Second VP Secretary Jim Brennan Greg Johnson Melissa McMunn Deborah Bilardi 19023 172nd PL SE 2316 5th St NE 3025 Green Valley Rd 1930 Marion Avenue Renton, WA 98058 Minneapolis, MN 55418 Ijamsville, MD 21754 Novato, CA 94945 206-650-9462 612-205-0075 301-831-6974 415-898-6695 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer AKC Delegate Membership Chair Michelle Cummings Susan Tapp Jeremy Kezer 1108 San Antonio Ave. 2 Smoke Rise Court 86 High Street Fullerton, CA 92832 Montvale, NJ, 07645 Amesbury, MA 01913 714-318-8649 201-505-9176 978-388-1295 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Committee Chairs Judges Health/ Illustrated Breeders Education Genetic Concerns Standard Rescue Sue Tapp and Colleen McDaniel Laurel Baglia Dan Sayers Colleen McDaniel Bridget Kvarnlov Top Producers/ Standard Review Constitution New Titles Club Historian Web Site Colleen McDaniel Debbie Bilardi Liz Weaver Florence Blecher Deborah Hughes Newsletter Editors Content Graphics, Layout and Design James Brennan Jill Brennan 19023 172nd PL SE 17147 Weaver Lane SW Renton, WA 98058 Rochester, WA 98579 206-650-9462 206-459-0692 James.f.brennan@boeing,com [email protected] Irish Water Spaniel Club of America Nov. / Dec. 2008 1 President’s Message: Nov-Dec 2008 By Jim Brennan I just came from the polling place after casting my vote in this very important national election. I hope you have done the same. Now you need to cast your vote one more time – on the important issues facing the club. Debbie has already put together the draft ballot and as soon as it is approved she will be sending them out to everyone, and I encourage you to take the time to read the issues and vote on them. If you are undecided on any of the issues, then I would like to sway you toward a “Yes” vote because that is the opinion of the committee members and board offi cers who worked on these issues. If you have any questions on any of the issues on the ballot, be sure to contact a committee member or board member so they can help you with the information you need to make a decision. Bird hunting season is in full swing and my Jazzy and Presley pup are having a ball chasing after and retrieving those pheasants. We have had unusually nice weather here in the Seattle area this fall and it has made for some lovely sunny days and memorable pheasant hunts. But it will be turning cold soon and we’ll be changing over from the orange vests and hats to our camo clothes and waders as the ducks come down the Pacifi c fl yway. Th at, of course, is where the IWS really shines! Jazzy’s favorite pastime is retrieving ducks from our two duck ponds at our ranch in Eastern Washington – and this is the year she will be showing Presley how that skill is perfected! I was a little worried that I hadn’t taught Presley anything about swimming yet, but a couple of weekends ago we were out pheasant hunting and came to a wide irrigation canal with fl owing water. Presley just walked down the bank, entered the water and started swimming across the canal, then up the canal, then down the canal, obviously enjoying this new-found pastime! My worries disappeared – he will be ready to retrieve ducks from the ponds! I should have guessed that it wasn’t going to be a problem since after all, he is an Irish WATER Spaniel! One other great day in the fi eld needs to be mentioned – my friend Paul Price came down from Calgary with his IWS’s for a day of pheasant hunting with me over in eastern Washington. He brought Torin, Meara and Maggie-the-pup and I brought Jazzy and Presley-the-pup and we hunted them together. It was absolutely fantastic to walk behind the seasoned hunters Torin and Jazzy and see them work the cover and fl ush birds with the pups close on their heels. Torin fl ushed one bird right over the top of Paul’s head and I almost split my gut laughing while watching him try to get a shot off at that bird without falling over. We’ll laugh about that one for a long time to come. Th e day of hunting was very successful and we closed it with pictures of Jazzy and Torin holding pheasants and us holding our guns – See the picture of the proud and tired hunters on the side bar! Th e newsletter editor has established schedules now for the regular deadlines for input to the next copy of the newsletter and they are published in the newsletter for your benefi t. If you make your deadlines, she will get the newsletter out right on the published schedule. Also, if you really want to help get the newsletter out in a timely manner, please consider getting your newsletter in electronic format instead of paper. Th at will save all the printing, stuffi ng, labeling, stamping, and mailing the paper copies which is so time-consuming and expensive. I am still doing it all as free labor but I’m rapidly burning out and will need to hire it done soon, so the more people who opt for the electronic version, the longer I can go without Irish Water Spaniel Club of America 2 Nov. / Dec. 2008 burnout and it will cost less when we do have to hire it out. To change to electronic delivery, just send an email to Jeremy Kezer, our Membership Chairperson at: [email protected] and let him know you’d like to either have an electronic copy of the newsletter emailed to you or you will download it yourself from the fi les section of Rattails. But in any case, have your name removed from the hard copy mailing distribution list. And I will thank you from the bottom of my worn-out fi ngers and wrists! Th ere are a lot of other issues before the board to be dealt with such as the upcoming health survey, web site litter listings, a code of ethics, the AKC group realignment vote, the Westminster breed information request, the WebVet.com breed information request, the need for a PR/Communications offi cer, awards/trophies issues, and the HOF/ROM implementation – so you can see we have plenty on our plate to deal with at our monthly board meetings. As always, if you have questions or issues about the club operations, be sure to contact a committee or board member – we are here to serve you! Have a great and safe hunting season with your curly ones! Secretary’s Report: October 2008 Board Minutes By Deborah Bilardi Th e newsletter is being proofread at this time. An online copy will be available shortly and the mailings will begin after posting to Rattails Only List. Th e Proposed Breed Standard was sent to the Board and passed. I am preparing a sample ballot for the Board’s approval and will send it out ASAP to the membership. Th e Board approved sponsoring a ribbon through http://bestjunior.com/. We are researching the facts now. It looks like it will be a $15.00 investment for the 2008 Best IWS Junior Handler. Th ere are 3 juniors in the running now and we hope to have more juniors join the fun. Susan Sarracino-Deihl was approved to replace Jennifer Weaver as Midwest Representative. Hannah Loonsk was approved to replace Stephanie O’Reilly as Mid-Atlantic Representative. Th e Health and Genetics Committee is working on a survey about IWS health concerns. A member of the Breeders Committee suggested another format for the survey. Th e Board voted to support the Health and Genetics Committee in their choice of survey. Th e 2008 Nominating Committee is Gregory Johnson, Sharon Moreland, and Helen Howard. Th e alternates are Amy Loewen and Mindy Garbarino. Mindy is not confi rmed at this time. October 15 is the date the Nominating Committee is to convene as per the By- Laws. Debbie is to put together a Club calendar to be printed it the newsletter and posted on the Rattails Only List. Th e Board approved sponsoring a Meet the Breeds Booth at the AKC/Eukanuba Show. Th e Board thanks Sally Lewis and Lois MacDonald for handling this for the Club.
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