Rule 50 Complaince

Rule 50 Complaince

CONTRACT EVALUATION FORM woRKs, SERVICES & cooDs SINDH BANK LIM ITED/ADMINISTRATION l) NAME OF THE ORGANIZATTON /DEPTT. 2) PROVINCTAL TLOCAL GOVT./ OTHER SCHEDULED BANK 3) TITLE OF CONTRACT Provision of Courier Services 4) TENDER NUMBER SN DB/C O}(AD MN fi D 197 7 I2O1 8 5) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT Same as above 6) FORUMTHATAPPROVEDTTm SCHEME Competent Authorig 7) TENDER ESTIMATED VALUE Rs.5,895^ 8) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE (For civil works only) e) ESTIMATED COIdPL! ON RIoD (As pER coNTRAcr) r Y"., l0) TENDEROPE}..ID ON T 1311112018 at 1215 Hrs l1) NUMBER OF TE ILD 2 (Attach list of buyers) 12) NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED l3) NUMBER OF BIDDERS PRESENT AT t4) BID EVALUATION REPORT (Enclose a copy) l5) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SUCCESSFUUEI l-s 4't,SwK l5) CONTRACT AWARD pRtCE Rs.46s0. ?-.r-t\ 17) RANKING OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER INEVALUATIdW (i.e. I't, 2n0,3'o EVALUATIoN BID). 1. M/s. Tcs pvr Ltd 2. M&P Express l8) METHOD OF PROCUREMENT USED : - (Tick one) a) SINGLE STAGE - ONE EWELOPE PROCEDURE 1 b) SINGLE STAGE _ TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE c) TWO STACE BIDDING PROCEDURE d) TWO STAGE - TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE --$easr spECIFy rF ANy orHER pRocuREMENT METHoD oF wAS ADoprED i.e. EMERGENCY, DIRECT CONTRACTING ETC. WITH BRIEF REASONS: U3 Competent Authority le) APPROVING AUTHORITY FORAWARD OF CONTRACT 20) WTMTHER THE PROCUREMENT WAS INCLUDED IN ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN? Yes ll/ I lNo 2I) ADVERTISEMENT: Yes SPPRA NIT tD:T00S31 -1 i) SPPRA Website B-OOO9 (If yes, give date and SppRA Identification No.) No ii) News Papers Yes Express Tribune, (If yes, give newspapers Daily Express & Sindhi and dates) Express (25t1012018) No 22) NATURE OF i;i"'llr llrnt. 23) WT{ETHER QUALIFICA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / (Ifyes, enclose a copy) Yes lll lltto 24) WHETHER BID EVALUATION CRITERIA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDER Yes lll llNo (Ifyes, enclose a copy) 2s) W}IETHER APPROVAL OF COMPETENT AUTHOR WAS FOR USING A METHOD OTHER THAN OPEN COMPETITIVE BID 26) WAS BID SECURITY OBTAINED FROM ALL THE BIDDERS? Yes llr' llNo 27) WHETFMR THE SUCCESSFUL BID WAS LOWEST EVALUATED Yes / llNo BID / BEST EVALUATED BID (in case of Consultancies) ll 28) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS TECHNICALLY Yes COMPLIANT? I l/ llNo 2e) WHETHER NAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR QUOTED PRICES WERE READ OUT AT THE TIME OF OPEMNG OF BIDS? Yes lllllNo 30) WHETHER EVALUATION REPORT GIVEN TO BIDDERS CONTRACT? BEFORE THE AWARD OF (Attach copy of the bid evaluation report) Yesllr'llNo 2t3 3I) ANY COMPLAINTS RECEIVED (If yes, result thereof) Yes No No 32) ANY DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE TENDER (Ifyes, give details) ru NOTICE / DOCUMENTS Yes No No 33) WAS THE EXTENSION MADE IN RESPONSE TIME? (Ifyes, give reasons) Yes No No 34) DEVIATIONF TION CRITERIA (Ifyes, give deta Yes No No 35) WAS rT ASSURED BY iHE THAT THE BLACK LISTED? 36) WAS A VrSrT MADE BY ANY OF SUPPLIER'S PROCURING AGENCY TO TTM PREMISES IN CONNECffOr.r Wf IF SO, BE ASCERTAINED REGARDTNG DETAILS TO FINANCING ROAD; (Ifyes, enclose a copy) 37) WERE PROPER SAFEGUARDS PROVIDED ON THE ANCE PAYMENT CONTRACT (BANK G UARANTEsErt.lz IN 38) SPECIAL CONDITIONS, IF ANY (If yes, give Brief Description) {/ , lbignature & Official i#:g!s/,,,,. Y',ffiilffi:li LltwtTED r '// I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY reryrT@ Tele: 021-920 3t3 Courier Service S.No Company Name AMOUNT DEPOSITED 1 300 2 ffi 300 Total INMtuoworsffiEEDMoilMBENErRBHWo (!, *.o.r-** SnvonBANK r lTr r l5\'l.r l II ! POWER TO THE PEOPLE l-lgril+ulll S NDB/C OK/ADMIN /TD197 7 I2O I 8 Dated: 25lq/i1 M/s. TCS (Pvt.) Ltd UE. E-37 . Block-6. PECHS. Karachi. Subject: Contract Award-Provision of Courier Services Dear Sir, The management of Sindh Bank Limited is pleased to award the subject contract to M/s. TCS (Pvt.) Ltd, in accordance with terms and conditions mentioned in our tender dated25ll0l20l8. Please acknowledge. Sincerely, For & behalf of Sindh Bank Limited, o {t-u 1 . (R) Shahzad Begg P/FIead of Administration Division SINDH BANK I-IMITED : HEAD OFFICE V.$r +92-ttt-333-225 PHONE : +92-21-359293i0 +1r ilt rrr rt6 q:tLU ?lP.r.rgqe. FEDEMiloN HousE " - +92-21-35829394 +qr ft 16t/9rr. :Ai d,rz,r, g o tti#bK Y.j#i., H;;onon +qr il r6|l17q ,i1lo?'ta,JfOi,/rU ilt, ;'ffi3,',?f*','-ti1,, +7f ft r6AZ.6t. ,rf gdl, z ot,.- - t!,,/, rj&, ir, 6 ; A rg)ty ffiE^, {K GtowcB -fo -f.t tI a,soau I -- Name of Procurin8 1 | Agency I Sindh Bank t-tu. sNDB/COK/ADM N lr o / 977 / 2OL8 Provislon of Courier Services Single Stage One Envelop gldding procedure 191531. Tender Published & SppRA S.No. ::!?. 1e-ooos r*p, lzshol20r8l Totrl Bid Documents Sold Technlcal Flnancial / Bid Opentng Date & Iime 8 at 1215 l"lrs. No, of bids qualified Bid(s) ReJected ,.* Detalls on the ebove as glven below: Quoltied / Dtsquolilied Nome of Flrm or ln Ronklng ln (omprlson wlth Reosons S. IVo. fotal Cott otfercd lor tems of Estlmoted Bldder lcchnicol/ by che Elddu cost aueptoncc/ Remarks Eliglblltty cosl (Rs.s,E9s/-) rcJectlon lnspcctlon 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M/r. TCS Rs. 12tt4.43/- 0I. lpvtl ld Lowert Accepted- Qualifled Rs,4,550.57 Ist Lowest [td, below the Evalu.ted Awar.d of €stlmated cort Qualllied Bidder Contract M/s. M&P Rs,45.31/. below 02. Express Loglstics . 2d lowest Qualifled Bs. 5,E49.59 z-nd Lowest the (pvt) nd, estlmated Evaluated cost Qualified Btdder .'-r-'Yl'lbl,5vl'l6u'rllglgLtl|l|Ld|/r|nanc|aIEvaluatlonottered|nthetenderdocument,ru/"rAccordtngty going by the rechnical/FinirrciafEGlGiffioffered tn the Qualified Bidder provision for of Courler Servlces to Shdh Bank Llmlted. Lt. Col. (Rl Shahrad Saeed Jamal Chief Flnancial Offlcer Syed Muhammad Aqeet Chlef Manager, IDBL tGrachl TYPE OF PROCUREMENT AOMIN / 11l CONSULTANT / MEDIA ,,1 TENDER NAME J/t',>,ui':r t',tt. ,(' &lt[!t, Q.r.r r/r.. ) /- U' TYPE OFTENDER SN.TCIC Si(EEOT.IE ENVELOT SINGTE STAGE.IWO ENVELOPE i ' TWO STAOE /TIAD STAGE.TWO E}ryELOPE OPENING DATE tlltrlgtt* OPENlNG TIME J,?lt'fiour> 'ArreruonrucE (MEMBER pc) Hcdd of Adminirtratioo Chlol Finrncht Oflicer Chicl Manegcr IDBL, Ksrrcil NAME ATTENDAN.E (REps. oF BTDDERs) l-lqo ..-l !.]+rcr-.--. TOTAL BIOS ACCEPTED FOR EVALUATIOil 2 TOTAL BIDS REJECTEO REMARKS 1 Hcrd of Chlef Finance ' I -{ .thq Chief Menager, IDBL: # Lt ,St-r-lDF{.H{;1..g1 -fr- ATTENDANCE SHEET BID OPENING - llr1 FoR sEtEcnol or J-r'i t3t\{ r*{& I S.No Company tUame Name of Contact Company Company Slgnature No. Address Representative N6D. tor- - al Tcs l65 l 1ilrA ot ,*-rtc' *nz to3 7r>qnqtf,.t _tl,n lrr'r1s,ttt llzt-li rt'N tt.t'i t, W7 *i {., 1. n14 i,' li,.)F*sl .] rl tir:'J -l * tY in {kt*r<trr i illttttf Ji _ K.x-rl.ll t14 '\ \ \ :- \- \ \ \ \ Head of Admlnlstrailon Chief Financlal Officer Chief Manager (tDBL) Group Business Head Sindh (R) Courier Services Serial No; Bidder 2.6, 5 Eligtbiliq- Ciiteria SNDB Shtll crnlu{h proporslr uting rbe fo[orrilg eligbilir-r,oirrtra. s. Dcrcrlptiou: f otel \IrrE Reuar\: lrrrc[ucrt of rclcr.rar Eridcorr trIarls Obt*incd 1' oidtucr ia rlch cl:t i: .ln:rchrd orldrtory. Il <*r of ,7 uou.cor.oplieuce to ulrh dllr:u rr srill bc rrardril t lrnlr prascntly on c[rantrt Lin 30 J BanI: acd. rbsr.c .'l,rud lERot Dta anacbtd A (lor rountxrE ol aa(h !ilI 20 dulv itrued A,otl er<b rorremgl Brol &r'"la l'ear trc mrndrroryl lor ilrppu o, l5 3 Brnl.: ald rbor.c l0t 5-l rals'rnt tEm, h.vinl tlE slrl[ 8. rpccillcatiotr.r bcen offarud in thc tsdil humbe. of ofKar h cidal 20 100 ud rbori CoilFq'proiL rntb irl.t ts dln! Capitrl r.fritorl E vtt couplur ileorl of odcer abur lrdcrrl ldministntion rr'rsb ter r&lrtrei.t p4[CL- ?aflito]i., t0 [00 egd rf,ovr lgdrinc amhrn l Wtb/Compur., bared TrxL r0 Yc: (oEplrE Dalau c rnd TIe(a t cility oftha Ir) shigmcntt with 14./7 cill cctrtar t€ni(cr { Yaar, in luJrnc$ 5 ierr: rr.d rbore 20 !.TllcenrEiariffi- D W lr:o(ponEoo CoEprut Rcr.uurtiou Lrnr r LeEgr o, t0 f crr., rud lbove D.( h:rdoa o, Cogrll.BreEalr ofBuitla.s ir nquirrd .o br rtElorad Artalo Ya.dy IUrn Ouai in 0u lo rrcrrg: of Audn A,?on orE Lltt, yrart 20 E 70 l0 M rod Bansl fort*t drm l,ren rbot e prt re:r l0 Ol lr rrtngc of 10 If rsd rbovr prr yor Total ]Lrrks r00 tat Qualifierl / DisqualiEerl {L4 lle,q Alhsr Iqb{l :ru }f[r,tAt,r(Idain Dilshnd l.lussnin .{dn,inistration Divlsion Operrtions Khan Dlvision Finance Divlsion Sisnature - ( I HEAD OF ADMIN 2 CIIIEF FINANCTAL OF}.ICER 3 CHIEFMANAGER, TDBL Courier Services Bidder M6 t) 1.6.5 Ellgibiltr-\' Cdreria $NDB eball ertluate ltupouls ulrrg rlle follorring eligrbitr6.ctirara 1. Dcrtriprioor Tora I lI r rl- RruarL: .lllt(lru.or of rcJerlli Eridcurr IIarkr Obtailcd lidtucc ^:" iq crrL cn:c t! .{r rachcd rnrudrtory. Io crsc of trt uol-or.oplirnrr te raarB .{grrsurr will bc rrterdtd I llaB pr.r.dUy on rjn q,\k 30 J Bails ord rborr Jlu'lrd lclrort ro ba rtt!<lf,6 fror countiDg Dt arch br l D+,u dul1,i*urd toocrch €oEr.rus{ Baol lot thf ycrr N\(\d tor*;;; li 3 Badc rEd ebovc O&"r*"o"*f t0 I s-l 8.

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