16762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE September 11, 2001 Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, reserving H. CON. RES. 223 attacks, including the passengers and crew the right to object, and obviously I will Resolved by the House of Representatives (the of the four aircraft, workers in the World not nor do I intend to object, but I Senate concurring), That the rotunda of the Trade Center and in the Pentagon, rescue want to reserve the right to object so Capitol is authorized to be used at any time workers, and bystanders; on September 12, 2001, for a prayer vigil in Whereas these attacks destroyed both tow- the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. NEY) can ers of the World Trade Center, as well as ad- kindly explain the purpose of the con- memory of those who lost their lives in the events of September 11, 2001. Physical prep- jacent buildings, and seriously damaged the current resolution. arations for the vigil shall be carried out in Pentagon; and Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, will the gen- accordance with such conditions as the Ar- Whereas these attacks were by far the tleman yield? chitect of the Capitol may prescribe. deadliest terrorist attacks ever launched Mr. HOYER. I yield to the gentleman The concurrent resolution was agreed against the United States, and, by targeting from Ohio. symbols of American strength and success, to. Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, House Con- clearly were intended to intimidate our Na- A motion to reconsider was laid on current Resolution 223 permits the use tion and weaken its resolve: Now, therefore, the table. of the Capitol rotunda for a prayer be it f Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- vigil in memory of those who lost their resentatives of the United States of America in lives in yesterday’s tragic act of ter- GENERAL LEAVE Congress assembled, That Congress— rorism against the United States. Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- (1) condemns in the strongest possible This country has suffered the most mous consent that all Members may terms the terrorists who planned and carried terrible and horrific terrorist attack in have 5 legislative days within which to out the September 11, 2001, attacks against its history. Although we still do not revise and extend their remarks and in- the United States, as well as their sponsors; know the full story, these unspeakable (2) extends its deepest condolences to the clude extraneous material on the sub- victims of these heinous and cowardly at- acts of brutality strike at the very ject of H. Con. Res. 223, the concurrent heart of our society. Our heartfelt tacks, as well as to their families, friends, resolution just agreed to. and loved ones; prayers and sympathy go out to all The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (3) is certain that the people of the United who have been directly touched by this objection to the request of the gen- States will stand united as our Nation begins tragedy and their families. tleman from Ohio? the process of recovering and rebuilding in Prayer can now be the source of uni- There was no objection. the aftermath of these tragic acts; fication and peace for a Nation that is (4) commends the heroic actions of the res- f beginning the healing process. The ro- cue workers, volunteers, and State and local tunda in our Nation’s Capitol is a sym- EXPRESSING SENSE OF SENATE officials who responded to these tragic bol of unification. House Members, AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- events with courage, determination, and Senators and the American people have TIVES REGARDING TERRORIST skill; ATTACKS LAUNCHED AGAINST (5) declares that these premeditated at- historically gathered there for solemn tacks struck not only at the people of Amer- occasions. It is, therefore, fitting that UNITED STATES ica, but also at the symbols and structures of the people’s representatives from both Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I offer a our economic and military strength, and bodies gather together there today. No joint resolution (H. J. Res. 61), express- that the United States is entitled to respond matter what the troubles in the world, ing the sense of the Senate and House under international law; you can have peace with God and you of Representatives regarding the ter- (6) thanks those foreign leaders and indi- can achieve it with prayer. rorist attacks launched against the viduals who have expressed solidarity with the United States in the aftermath of the at- My fellow colleagues, please join me United States on September 11, 2001, and the millions across the country tacks, and asks them to continue to stand and I ask unanimous consent for its with the United States in the war against and the world as we remember those immediate consideration pursuant to international terrorism; who died in a senseless and cowardly the following order: (7) commits to support increased resources act of terrorism. May their memory Debate on the joint resolution shall in the war to eradicate terrorism; serve as a reminder that the American be limited to 3 hours equally divided (8) supports the determination of the Presi- spirit lives on and cannot be extin- and controlled by the majority leader dent, in close consultation with Congress, to guished. and the minority leader; bring to justice and punish the perpetrators Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, further re- After opening speeches, the majority of these attacks as well as their sponsors; serving the right to object, I, of course, and leader and the minority leader each (9) declares that September 12, 2001, shall concur in the Chairman’s characteriza- may yield the remainder of his time to be a National Day of Unity and Mourning, tion of the resolution. the chairman and ranking minority and that when Congress adjourns today, it It is appropriate that we authorize member of the Committee on Inter- stands adjourned out of respect to the vic- the use of the rotunda of the Capitol, national Relations, respectively, who tims of the terrorist attacks. the center and heart of this Nation’s may control that time; b 1500 Capitol, to remember those who have The previous question shall be con- paid the final price for living in free- sidered as ordered on the joint resolu- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. dom and defending freedom. tion to final passage without inter- LAHOOD). Is there objection to the re- Our democracy, of course, will not vening motion; and quest of the gentleman from Texas? crumble in the face of this disaster. Following passage of the joint resolu- There was no objection. Our democracy will endure this test tion and upon receipt of a message that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- and emerge stronger and more dedi- the Senate has passed an identical tleman from Texas (Mr. ARMEY) and cated to freedom and justice through- joint resolution, the House shall be the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. GEP- out the world. considered to have passed the Senate HARDT) each will control 90 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman We do this to honor and remember joint resolution. those of our fellow citizens, those who The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from Texas (Mr. ARMEY). Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield live among us who perished yesterday, Clerk will report the joint resolution. and those whose lives have been forever The Clerk read as follows: myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, this is a time when we changed by grievous acts of cowardice. H.J. RES. 61 Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw should choose our words carefully and Whereas on September 11, 2001, terrorists deliver them deliberately. my reservation of objection. hijacked and destroyed four civilian aircraft, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Speaker, this resolution is a res- crashing two of them into the towers of the olution that shows our utter contempt objection to the request of the gen- World Trade Center in New York City, and a tleman from Ohio? third into the Pentagon outside Washington, and our total resolve after the acts of There was no objection. D.C.; yesterday. America was attacked yes- The Clerk read the concurrent reso- Whereas thousands of innocent Americans terday, Mr. Speaker, an evil, cowardly lution, as follows: were killed and injured as a result of these act of war against the American people September 11, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 16763 and against the lovers of freedom be compelled, not even tempted, in the less terrorists and made into instru- across this globe. face of this catastrophe to change its ments of mass destruction. It is, Mr. Speaker, because of the course. We salute the incredible, wonderful, goodness of the American people that No, Mr. Speaker. We will stand to- heroic rescue workers, medical per- they find it so impossible to under- gether with the great nations of this sonnel, firemen and firewomen, police- stand such acts of barbarism. It is, Mr. world who love civilization, democ- men and policewomen, who literally Speaker, because of our commitment racy, freedom, and decency; and we ran back in the buildings that crashed to peace and freedom and love that we know they will stand with us at this around their heads in order to save the do not understand how people can do time. lives of others. At this very moment as these things. Mr. Speaker, we will stand against we meet on the House floor, countless But, Mr. Speaker, there are things tyranny, as we have done. Do not un- rescue workers are still fighting tire- the American people do understand. We derestimate us in our resolve. This lessly to find people who might be alive understand the heartbreak of the fami- great nation of heroes, who throughout in the rubble and trying to bring life lies of those victims of this atrocity its entire history loved freedom so back to them, and hundreds of indi- who lost their lives.
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