A Weekly Newspaper Is Close To The People f tliatii? ®tm ?0 ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWNSHIP ANI) SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE V0L XUI. NO. 21 THURSDAY APRIL'28. 1966, THE HILLSIDE N.J. TIMES ’ “ ' PRICE TEN CENTS 923-9207 Man Arrested Collides With Suspended Year Gas Co. Opens On Seven Counts Parked Auto James Condit, 20, of 91 La- Nicholas A. Dotoli, 21, of License Revoked venthal Ave., Irvington w asar- 531 Conant St., was treated Thomas W. Fuller, 30, of rested_ at 10:20 p.m. Sunday on and released Thursday, even­ 1115 Elizabeth Ave., Elizabeth Plan Emergency seven charges by police here. ing by Dr. Joseph Peyser af- has been fined $500 placed on New Building — ila also was held un two'ad-.. ■ter lils vehicle Had collided three year probation and given diuonal charges by the Harri­ with two parked vehicles In a suspended year in the state son Police Department. Long Ave. prison on charges of assault The arrests all started when Dotoli told police that his and battery on three members alert police observed that Con­ car fishtailed on the wet pave­ of the Hillside Police Depart­ dit s vehicle which he stopped ment and went out of control, ment by Union County Judge Fire Phones m N. Broad St. and Mertz Ave. Patrolman Kenneth Lull ex­ John L. Ard. He pleaded guilty. A network of outdoor emer­ ■A was the car wanted by Harrison plained. gency telephones connected dir­ Police on charges of leaving He was chargedwith assault­ ectly to the .headquarters of the the scene of an accident and de­ Firemen Complete ing Police Lt. Leonard Vipot- Hillside Township Fire Depart­ struction of municipal prop­ sky, Patrolmen Jerome E-Hor- ment will be installed this fall erty. ning and Roswell C. Donah.The by New Jersey Bell Telephone Police went to question Con­ C D . Course altercations occurred Feb. 14, Company. Four members of the Hill­ dit. yhey found that he was 1965 while the officers were in- Hillside Mayor Monroe Ack­ side Fire Department /iave driving a motor vehicle while 'vestigating an automobile ac- erman and acting Fire Chief received certificates from the on the revoked list, had nar­ cideht. Marsnick said the emergency Union County Civil Defense and cotics, cough syrup, barbitur­ reporting telephone • system Diaster Control Council on the Fuller was taken to police ates, alcoholic beverages in a “will save crucial seconds in completion of radiological headquarters and booked on a 'motor vehicle by a minor in contacting the fire department courses. They are Capt. Ed­ drunken driving charge. He was his possession. to report fires 'Sr'emergen- ward Ruhl, Capt. Williahn Gro- found guilty and fined $205 and After a medical examination cies.” eger Jr., Capt. Charles Hor­ his driver's license revokedfor by Dr. Joseph Peyser, -they The Township Committee has Charged him with driving while vath and Firemen Paul Davis. two yeafs. The new $3,000,000 Eliza- signed an agreement with the sent industry to help manufac­ under the influence of drugs or ' l^fhtown Gas Building was of- telephone company to install turing firms to utilize, natural narcotics and being tinder the Pay 6% Interest [(fijlly dedicated last week by some 50 emergency telephone gas In their production. influence of drugs. / call boxes throughout the busi­ 'Governor Richard J. Hughes N. J. Bell Telephone Co. representative Dan Price (left) Elizabethtown Gas also rece­ Polite said that’when they ness, industrial, and residen­ who threw a switch turning ived a scroll from Chester S, confers with (1. to r.) Captain Robert W. Sonntag, Fire asked him to see his driver’s Bond Sale Set tial sections of the township, on' the buildings unique natural Prevention Bureau, Mayor Monroe Ackerman, and Acting Stackpole, .managing director license, a small package wrap­ Ackerman said. The call boxes gat "Total energy" system. Fire Chief Michael Marsnick concerning the network of of the American Gas Associa­ ped in a white cloth and fasten­ For May 3 will be connected to a switch­ The seven story ultra-mod­ outdoor emergency telephones to be installed by New tion, for the company’s role ed with rubber bands contain­ The sale of $278,000 Swim Pool Bonds will take place board at the Hillside Avenue ern structure is the first of- Jersey Bell this fall. in bringing natural • gas total ing a set of home-made nar­ on Tuesday, May 3 at the next Township Committee Meet­ Fire Station, which will be man­ j flee building in the East to ut­ energy to the East. cotics works fell out of his ing in the Municipal Building, Liberty and Hillside Avenues, ned by Fire Department dis­ ilize the gas energy units which perienced firemen who will ask or phoned directly into police Other speakers at the ded- pocket. at 8 p.m. The sealed proposals for the purchase of the patchers around the clock. provide on site power for el­ for specific details of a firein headquarters , where they are 1 ication ceremonies included The arresting officers In­ bonds will be received, publicly opened and announced by Emergency reporting tele­ ectricity, air •''conditioning, order to send the necessary passed on to the two fire sta­ Vincent G. Kling, architect of cluded Sgt. Robert Thauer.Pa- the Township Committee at this time. phones will be located inside heating, elevator operation and equipment immediately to the tions. the new building, who presented trolmen Roswell C. -Donah, The bonds are of the denomination of $5,000 each and the red call boxes marked “FIRE” scene. other needs. The emergency reporting Elizabethtown's president, John Roberi J. Manzo and Anthony last three maturing bond will be $1,000. Interest will be according to Fire Commiss­ A special telephone number, Mors than 1,000 guests at system will include telephone' Kean, with a gold key to the MesstacL at the rate of 6%, payable semi-annually on May 1 and Nov. 1 ioner Robert Diamond. which can be dialed directly the reception on the 5th floor building, and Mayor Thomas lines into the Fire Chief’s of­ Condit was held without bail. The bonds are guaranteed by the Township. Diamond said when a tele­ from any telephone in the town­ fice and the Fire Prevention (Of the building heard the Gov­ Dunn of Elizabeth who praised phone inside a call box is lif­ ship, will be provided for the Bureau at the municipal build­ ernor praise Elizabethtown’s the company’s decision to build ted off the receiver* it will management-for their efforts Fire Department, Sonntag said. ing as well as into both fire' the new headquarters in Eliza­ Argument Against Apts. automatically set off a bell Calls reporting fires are now to make the new power-system beth. lot Killed stations and police headquar­ and a flashing light on the handled by telephone operators ters. a reality in New Jersey and their The reception was attended Fire Department’s switch­ success in helping to create , by many state, county, and local Who Pays The Tax board. A teletype machine will a new image of modernity in officials as well as several hun­ By Truck print the exact time of the call |the- Elizabeth business district. dred members of the Elizabeth­ funeral services were con­ Load In Hillside? and the location of the call box.' Gov. Hughes also hailed Eliz­ town Gas “Sidewalk Superin­ ducted Sunday afternoon in E. As soon as the dispatcher an­ Break Ground abethtown’s efforts to attract tendent" group, composed of Bernheim and Sons Memorial The following dramatized article was prepared hy James swers the call, recordiftgTtquip- new industry to New Jersey and area businessmen and civic lea- Chaptel, Newark for Gary Dia­ I’. Whitlock, of 214 Exeter Way, to forcefully present Hie ment will tape the conversation. their engineering aid to pre­ Continuedon Page 7 mond, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. results of a survey and analysis he made recently, lie is Fire Captain Robert Sonntag, Paul Diamond of 478 Conant St. concerned with the wlstfom of adding more apartments to head of the township’s Fire Pre­ vvho was killed shortly after 10 For New Lab the Hillside tax structure and hopes that this presenta­ vention Bureau, said the switch­ a.m. Saturday in Conant St. by tion, which is the first of two parts, will stimulate en­ board will be manned by ex- Don t Mention It a truck operated by Robert B. lightened discussion by the residents of the community. Sleeper of 324 Conant St. Mr. Whitlock is president and is an active member of the Police said the truck was Hillside Homeowners Action Association Inc. The editor Progress Club Power Of The Press traveling west in Conant St. of the Times invites communications on the subject in­ when it struck the boy. The People do read the newspapers and the Hillside Fire Depart- volved. father rushed the child to Beth Calls For Senior |ment has the oroof. “ Bobby, Bobby, how many Israel Hospital, Newark,where Last week’s newspaper announced that a new telephone-number times do I have to call you? he was pronounced dead at Citizen Housing 192 >-6464 to 923-6469 has been approved by the New Jersey Bell Supper is on'the table. Hut 10:20 a.m. lek’phone Co. for the Hillside Fire Department when the new down that paper!" The Hillside Progress Club, Born in Irvington, the child "But, Ma. It says here that at their April meeting unani­ system is completed. moved here two years ago.
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