MAP OF UNIQUE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURES (ICTS) GOBIERNO MINISTERIO DE ESPAÑA DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD MAP OF UNIQUE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURES (ICTS) GOBIERNO MINISTERIO DE ESPAÑA DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD FOREWORD panish science and technology The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Spain is a country of science, technology, and have reached a considerable has promoted, in conjuntction with the Auton- innovation. We participate in many of the level of excellence over the last omous Communities, an updated ICTS Map most important global infrastructure sites and Sthree decades. The number of approved on 7 October 2014 by the Council we are capable of competing for large inter- researchers has multiplied, we are now able of Scientific, Technological, and Innovation national projects. Reading through the pages to attract and retain talent, centres have been Policy, a coordination body for scientific and of this book will allow you to get an idea of created for highly-competitive research, and technological research in Spain. Thanks to a our scientific and technological capabilities. I companies have emerged that are capable productive collaboration with the Autono- invite you to get to know our Unique Scientific of tackling projects that require cutting-edge mous Communities, we have joined forces to and Technical Infrastructures, the ICTS, prod- technology. Our position as tenth in the world foster ICTS capacities, avoid redundancies, ucts of the effort of the scientific and techno- in scientific production, eighth if we consider and boost their industrial use. logical community. the journals with the greatest impact, reflects the quality of our science. Criteria of maximum scientific, technology, and innovation quality, submitting infrastruc- The growth that has characterised Spanish tures to independent assessment by top-level R&D over the last thirty years would not have international experts, have been taken into Carmen Vela Olmo been possible without facilities and infrastruc- account to create this map. The map lists Secretary of State for Research, Develop- tures of first international level. Research of the most representative facilities of Spanish ment, and Innovation excellence must rely on an advanced network science, unique in their fields and with a very of infrastructures and scientific equipment, like high investment, maintenance, and operat- the Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastruc- ing costs that the Spanish Central Adminis- tures (ICTS) are. Access to these advanced tration and the Autonomous Communities, infrastructures is an essential asset to achieve often through their dependent entities, jointly and maintain leadership in research, increase sustain in an exercise of public shared respon- specialised training capacity in R&D, captur- sibility. The mechanisms to access these infra- ing talent and develop highly competitive R&D structures are public and transparent, and business activities. ensure that proposals of maximum scien- tific and technological quality also obtain top priority in its realization. 3 01 02 INTRODUCTION ASTRONOMY AND OCEAN, LIFE, AND ASTROPHYSICS EARTH SCIENCES p.10 p.16 p.32 03 04 05 HEALTH INFORMATION AND ENERGY SCIENCES AND COMMUNICATION BIOTECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGIES p.52 p.72 p.84 06 07 08 ENGINEERING MATERIALS SOCIO-ECONOMIC SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES p.90 p.96 p.112 ReDIB - CIC- Javalambre Astrophysical RES - MareNostrum y biomaGUNE Observatory MinoTauro (BSC-CNS) MAP OF (OAJ) RES - CSUC NANBIOSIS - CIBER- RES - Caesaraugusta (UNIZAR) RES - Altamira (UC) UNIQUE SCIENTIFIC BBN MICRONANOFABS - SBCNM ELECMI - LMA MARHIS - GTIM-CCOB MARHIS - iCIEM AND TECHNICAL RES - Magerit (CesViMa) RES - Finis Terrae (CESGA) NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN IOT - CNAG FLOTPOL MICRONANOFABS - Canfranc Underground INFRASTRUCTURES IOT - COS CT-ISOM Laboratory (LSC) AS CB (ICTS) ELECMI - CNME EU RLASB - CReSA GA NA ALBA Synchrotron RLASB - CISA National Research Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre on Human LR Laboratory ReDIB - TRIMA-CNIC Evolution (LRB) (CENIEH) CA NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN National Fusion Pulsed Lasers Centre Laboratory (LNF) AR (CLPU) CL Aerial Research Platforms (PAI) Spanish Academic and MA TYPES OF ICTS Research Network (RedIRIS) Gran Telescopio ICTS WITH A SINGLE LOCATION CANARIAS (GTC) NANBIOSIS - CIBER- DISTRIBUTED ICTS BBN CM CV Canarian EX NETWORK OF ICTS Observatories (OOCC) IB NANBIOSIS - CIBER- Coastal Observation System BBN - CCMIJU Oceanic Platform of of the Balearic Islands the Canary Islands (SOCIB) (PLOCAN) RES - Tirant (UV) FLOTPOL RES - LaPalma (IAC) MU MICRONANOFABS - NF-CTN Calar Alto RES - Atlante (ITC) AN SCIENTIFIC FIELDS Astronomical NANBIOSIS - CIBER-BBN Observatory ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS (CAHA) IRAM 30m Radio OCEAN, LIFE, AND EARTH SCIENCES telescope FLOTA - BIO Hespérides RES - Picasso (UMA) HEALTH SCIENCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ANTARCTICA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Doñana Biological Reserve Yebes Spanish Antarctic (RBD) Observatory ENERGY IC Station Juan Carlos I Plataforma Solar de (BAE JCI) ENGINEERING Almería (PSA) Spanish Antarctic MATERIALS CE ML Station Gabriel de National Accelerator Castilla Centre (BAE GdC) SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES (CNA) INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION he term Unique Scientific and • Complex experimental research infra- NATIONAL CONTEXT Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) structures designed to create, reproduce, refers to facilities, resources, or and study physical, chemical, or biological There is a clear connection between the ability Tservices for the development of phenomena of interest. of a country to create knowledge and inno- top-quality cutting-edge research, as well as • Large experimental research infrastruc- vation and its economic and social devel- the communication, exchange, and preserva- tures for the engineering and develop- opment. For that reason, policies regarding tion of knowledge, the transfer of technology, ment of new technologies for application science, technology, and innovation constitute and promotion of innovation. They are unique in a variety of fields. a fundamental element in the development of or exceptional in their fields, with a high cost of • Infrastructures necessary for facilitating modern societies. In the same manner as its investment, maintenance, and operation, and access for scientists to natural environ- neighbouring countries, the Government of are of a strategic importance that justifies their ments that provide and exhibit unique Spain periodically plans these policies. Arti- availability to all actors in the field of R&D&I. conditions for research. cle 149.1.15 of the Spanish Constitution lists the • Advanced technology that provides hori- promotion and general coordination of scien- The ICTS share three fundamental character- zontal and fundamental support to any tific and technological research as one of the istics: field of science and technology sole responsibilities of the State. – they are infrastructures with public owner- – they are open to competitive access by In this context, and under Law 14/2011 regard- ship, meaning that they belong to or are users in the entire research community, ing Science, Technology, and Innovation, the managed by public entities, whether they from the public as well as the private sector. Spanish Central Administration created the are under the authority of the Spanish “Spanish Strategy for Science and Technology Central Administration and/or the Auton- The ICTS are located throughout the coun- and Innovation” in the year 2012. Additionally, omous Communities. In any case, they are try and are displayed on the “Map of Unique it took into account the participation of social mainly financed by public funds. Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS).” agents and an extensive group of independent The first Map of ICTS was agreed upon at the experts belonging to the scientific, technolog- – they are unique, meaning that they are the III Conference of Presidents, held on 11 Janu- ical, and business communities. This Strat- only one of their kind, including: ary 2007. This Map was in force until 7 Octo- egy regards R&D&I activities from a general • Large pieces of equipment that allow the ber 2014, when the Science and Technology perspective for the period from 2013 to 2020, observation, analysis, or interpretation of Policy Council (CPCTI) approved the current phenomena of interest. Map, composed of 29 ICTS that bring together a total of 59 facilities. 12 INTRODUCTION and considers that the use of the “Map of EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL vation; and (iii) To reinforce the coherence Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastruc- CONTEXT of national and European policies in terms of tures (ICTS)” as key to the development of the infrastructures. Spanish Science, Technology, and Innovation The instrument of the European Union (EU) to System, as well as its integration into the Euro- promote and support R&D&I is the Framework The EU funding Programming Period 2014- pean Research Area. Programme that, for the period 2014-2020, is 2020 reinforces the role of ex ante evaluation. known as Horizon 2020 (H2020). The devel- This evaluation is one of the requirements to The outline of the scientific policy listed in opment of the State Plan 2013-2016 coincided receive European funding and actually is a the previously-mentioned Strategy is made with the debate and creation in Europe of previous, exhaustive planning of the activi- specific in the state plans. In this manner, the H2020, and with the reflection on the
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