NEGATION AFFIXES IN ENGLISH Dedy Subandowo Muhammadiyah University of Metro Abstract: This research entitled "Negation Affixes in English". This study is aimed to describe the various negation affixes in English, morphological process, morphophonemic and meaning. The research data were taken from various sources of English grammar book, morphology, research journal and the book which relatees to the research. English grammar books used in this study are written by Otto Jesperson, Marcella Frank, Greenbaum and Geoffrey Leech. The method used in this research is the descriptive-qualitative method. While the data collection techniques are performed by using jot-down method. And the results of analysis are presented in tabular form and descriptive method. The result of the research shows that English has six types of negative affixes which are categorized by the intensity of its appearance, such as dis-, in-, non-, un-, anti- and -less. Based on the function, negation affixes are divided into several categories such as adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs. The morphophonemic affix in- has four allomorphs, they are in-, im-, il- and ir- . While the analysis revealed that negation affixes have some basic meanings, such as ‘not’, ‘without’, and ‘anti’. Keyword: Negative Affixes, English, Morphology Introduction this topic. He sets out three types of Negation is not a new topic opposition of particular interest such which accured recently. It has been as contrariety, privation, and argued since Aristotle came out with contradiction. Aristotle says that the idea about logic. Aristotle clearly contradiction is the primary attaches the greatest importance to opposition, for it is sheer, 135 PREMISE JOURNAL ISSN 2089-3345-Vol.3 No. 2, October 2014 unintermediated opposition. But it is and easily-mastered, negation may and this may be crucial an opposition seem to be a simple concept. However, of statements, not of terms (and so, of the use of negation in our daily lives is things). To be sure, the asserted not as simple as it seems. Like stated propositions are indeed also about above, negation may be indicated by things. But Aristotle insists: gesture and other behaviors, such as, utterance. By gesture, we can show “...what underlies the affirmation and negation is not negation by shaking our head by the affirmation or negation for what underlies is in no way a moving it side to side. But it is not sentence. These things are, however, said to oppose each always the case. In other country with other as do affirmation and negation”. (EvaT.H. Brann different cultures, there are a lot of The way of Naysaying in http://books.google.co.id/books ways to show negation. Another way /the_way_of_naysaying) of negating is through the utterance. Negation is the act or an As we all know, in grammar, negation instance of denying (Rakhmania, is the process to transform an 2009:1). It is the opposite of a positive affirmative statement into its opposite character or quality. Almost as soon as (negative statement). we are born, we can use negation We often use a single word indicated by gesture or other behaviors ‘no’ to say that we do not have the that we reject, exclude or disagree with same idea as what has been said or something. Because it is so common asked. We use ‘not’ also to state 136 PREMISE JOURNAL ISSN 2089-3345-Vol.3 No. 2, October 2014 disagreement but it does not stand negative suffix –less (Dzuganova, alone, as in He is not running or He is 2006:332). not intelligent these come after a be and followed by verb (running) or 1. Negative Prefix dis- adjective (intelligent) etc. Jespersen (1960) writes: "the prefix dis- (from Latin) Affixal negation is a process of besides various other meanings word-formation, by which a new word also has that of a pure negative, as is built from a word stem, usually in dissimilar, dishonest, disagree, through the addition of an affix, either disuse, dislike, disbelieve, at the beginning (prefix) or the end of generally implying contrary rather the stem (suffix). A negative affix is an than contradictory opposition." The affix that opposes or negates a word negative prefix dis- is used most (Dzuganova, 2006:332). The word often with verbs and abstract disagree also denotes negation because nouns, as in the following it is the opposite of the word agree a examples: disobey - disobedience, positive idea which then be added by a disbelieve— disbelief, displease - prefix dis-, indicating negative idea. displeasure. Dis- added to Discussion adjectives makes them negative, The most frequently used e.g. dishonest, disloyal, and negative prefixes are: dis-, in-, non-, disobedient. un- and anti-. There is only one 137 PREMISE JOURNAL ISSN 2089-3345-Vol.3 No. 2, October 2014 2. Negative Prefix in- imbalanced, immature, immediate, The negative prefix in- immedicable, impatient, before added to adjectives means "not" words starting with the letter "l", (incompatible, incompetent, in- changes into il- as in illegal, independent, inorganic, illegible, illegitimate, illogical. The insufficient, intolerant, invalid); allomorphic ir- variety can be and added to nouns means added to some words beginning "without, lacking" (inaccuracy, with the consonant "r", e.g. inattention, incompatibility, irrational, irregular, ir- relevant, incompetence, innutrition, irreligious, irresponsible. (The insufficiency, intolerance). We Oxford Encyclopedic English have not found any verb negated Dictionary). by means of in-. According to the rules of 3. Negative Prefix non- Latin phonology the prefix in- can The prefix non-, which have four basic forms (called means "not", comes from Latin allomorphs), e.g. indecent, impos- non. The prefix was used primarily sible, illogical, irrational in Roman law terms, which were according to the beginning adopted into Old French and then consonant of the word to which it into English. Non- can be added to is added. Before the consonants /b/, almost any adjective. Some /m/, and /p/, in- becomes im-: examples include non-active, non- 138 PREMISE JOURNAL ISSN 2089-3345-Vol.3 No. 2, October 2014 breakable, non-defensive, non- strictly written with hyphen, today specific, nonessential, non- it is more and more written interrupted, non-irritating, and together with word it negates (very non-productive. Non- also com- frequent in American English), or bines with many nouns, as in both varieties are used (dzuganova, nonentity, nonresident, and non- 2006:334). violence. It never combines with According to Randolph verbs. Quirk et al (1985) the negative pre- It is interesting to note that fix non- means "not" or "absence the great majority of non-formed of something" and can be used adjectives are morphologically with adjectives, adverbs and nouns, complex words. Most of them end e.g. non-academic, non-economic, in -al, -ible, -ic, -ing, -ous, etc. nonessential, non-existent, non- This may be connected with the alcoholic, non-fatal; nonsmoker, fact that many simplex adjectives non-reader; non-essentially. It is (such as small, long) have obvious also used to form a neutral simplex antonyms. negative sense when a form in in- The spelling of the prefix or un- has a special sense or non-varies. In the older texts, usually unfavourable connotation dictionaries, textbooks, and other e.g. noncontroversial vs materials the prefix non- was uncontroversial; non-effectivex 139 PREMISE JOURNAL ISSN 2089-3345-Vol.3 No. 2, October 2014 ineffective; nonhuman x unhuman productive type are unbelievable, x inhuman. unacceptable, unachievable, unadvisable, etc. 4. Negative Prefix un- "Un-" is the native English It also attaches to adjectives prefix used for negation. The made of participles, as in un- negative prefix un- chiefly attaches bending, unending, unfailing, to simple adjectives with a native unfeeling, etc.; unborn, basis, e.g. unclean, uneven, unfair, unemployed, unfinished, unseen, unwise, unafraid, unfit. Many unstressed, untouched, unsaid etc. derived adjectives also take this Less frequently, this same prefix prefix. Denominal derivatives are attaches to nouns: unacceptance, chiefly characterized by the unbelief, unconcern, unharmony, suffixes -ed, -y, -ly, -ful, -al, -ish, - unhealth, unheroism, (i)ous, -worthy. Examples are: unintelligence, uninterruption, unprincipled, unlucky, unmotherly, unluck, unsuccess, unsatisfaction, unfaithful, unconditional, unrest, etc. unselfish, unceremonious, and Some words that take the untrustworthy. Deverbal un- prefix in their adjectival form derivatives are likewise common. may have a noun form that uses the They are all formed with the suffix negative prefix in-. Such -able. Some examples of this very combinations include: unable vs 140 PREMISE JOURNAL ISSN 2089-3345-Vol.3 No. 2, October 2014 inability, uncivil (ill-mannered, rude) vs incivility (lack of 6. Negative Suffix -less politeness), unequal vs inequality, The only negative suffix in unjust vs injustice, unstable vs English is the suffix -less. It comes instability. from the Old English word leas, meaning "without". In Old English 5. Negative Prefix Anti- and Middle English, -less was Negative prefiks anti- is often used to convey the negative derived from the Greek which or opposite of words ending in -ful, is used to denote the opposite as in careful - careless, colourful - of something. In general, anti- colourless, doubtful —doubtless, attached to nouns and fearful —fearless, fruitful —fruit- adjectives, such as anti- less, helpful - helpless, hopeful - submarine “against the hopeless, meaningful - meaning- submarines”, anti-aircraft less, useful - useless. ‘describes weapons, equipment or activities that are intended to destroy or defend against enemy aircraft’, anti-terrorist, antisocial, anti-clockwise Conclusion “direction opposite clockwise”, There are six affixes as and antifreeze. negation markers in English; dis-, in-, 141 PREMISE JOURNAL ISSN 2089-3345-Vol.3 No. 2, October 2014 non-, un-, anti-, and –less. There are ir- variety can be added to some words only two afixes that categorized into beginning with the consonants /r/. native English; un- and –less . Affixes Prefix in- has various meanings such dis- (Latin) found in adjectives, verbs as, not, opposite of , without and and abstract nouns.
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