Kashrus, U.S.A. s I N c E 1 8 4 8 Domaine de Baron ]aquab de Herzog California Selection The respected name of Baron Jaquab de Herzog These \Vines, chosen has been built by eight specially from the superior generations of wine makers. vineyards of California, From the ancient vineyards ore prized throughout the of Central Europe this world for their quality illustrious fumily has no"" ond style. brought their superb wine making traditions to the United States. The Herzog Family Crest is a symbol of unique and distinctive quality. It is your Lying directly to the north sign of excellence. of San Francisco, Sonoma County produces some of the finest wines in California. This delightfully fresh wine is a charming example of the California "blush" style. Declared to be an Its soft mouth feel and zesty excellent to outstanding fruitiness make it an excel­ vintage by The California lent choice to serve as an Wine Institute. aperitif as well as a fine complement to light meals. CHENIN BLANC CHARDONNAY Pale, fresh and fruity, this popular varietal This elegant Chardonnay is a superb has considerable finesse. It may be served example of the Herzog style. Firm yet as an aperitif, with hors d'oeuvres or as a delicate, this wine has a tantalizing companion to light meals. aroma, with subtle hints of fig and sage. Its clean crispness makes it attractive CABERNET SAUVIGNON served as an aperitif and as a fine Traditionally styled with a velvety smooth -,;;:;:,.,, ' accompaniment for poultry dishes. finish and complex aroma of blackberry It and cassis, this Cabernet is a perfect partner for fine cuts of red meat. Available 1987. Baron Herzog Wine Cellars Co., Asti, California A IAST-CHANCE OFFER FROM THEJEWISH OBSERVER SUBSCRIBE NOW, SAVE $39 ANO GET A BONUS ISSUE ABSOLUTELY FREE! Due to sky-rocketing production costs, the single copy price of the Jewish Observer will be increased to $2.50 on October 1, 1986-the first rate-increase in 4 years. However, you can save up to $39 now if you subscribe at the old rates. just order a 3-year subscription today for only $36 (a $75 value) and save $39-an offer that ends on September 30, 1986. Ifyou wish to subscribe for only 1 or 2 years, you may do so-also at the old rates. Check the appropriate box on the money-saving coupon below, mail it to us today with your check or credit card order, and Torah Jewry's only monthly magazine ofJewish thought and opinion, filled with lively reports on happenings and trends in Jewish affairs, will be delivered each month to your door. And, as a token of appreciation, we'll send you the upcoming special Rosh Hashana/ Rabbi Moshe FeinSfein, zt"I Memorial issue, absolutely free! Thejewish Observer, 5 Heeknuin St. 1 New York, N.Y. 100.18 Subscribers outside the USA 1nust add $10 perpearfi:Jreach year ordered to cover air-shipping costs. 0 YES? Rush n1e the special Rosh Hashana/Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, zt"l, Men1orial issup absolutelyffee .Also please enter 1nysubscription for: 3 years {~1t a savings of$39 off the new cover price) $36 Address---------------- D 2years (at a Havings of$23 off' the new covC'r prin.') $27 City) St<lte, Zip-------------- D 1 year (at a savings of $10 off the new cover price') $15 Ofli:>r expires Septe1nber 30, 19B6. Flying High & Coming Home W,n 1967 began. Dani was 1ust a boy of 12. Bright. wide-eyed. and perfect story unsure of where life would lead him. But when summer arrived. things somehow looked different Six days in June offered Dani. as well as all of Israel. a new perspective Suddenly he was 13. a man. A man who saw other men die for their right to live. And the thunderous roar of the jet engines above him. remained forever in his memory By the time he was 20, Dani was brighter. wider-eyed and much less unsure. A lifetime dream became a reality as he passed his final tests and became a pilot for the Israeli Air Force. "Be perfect". he was warned, "there is no room for error" And perfect he was in every mission But the higher he flew, the more he searched. For meaning. for answers, for understanding He began learning TORAH at age 24. and hasn't stopped. After marriage. he enrolled in a Kollel. and some time later he heard about MIFAL HASHAS. An organization that would help develop the Torah leaders of tomorrow by administering monthly exam­ inations and demanding perfection It's been over 2 years now Still bright and wide-eyed as ever. Dani is now sure And every month when he receives the results of the previous exam. along with a moderate stipend. he and his family are proud T,,e has been no room for error for Dani -1 00% on every test That's what he demands of himself That's what MIFAL HASHAS is striving for. That's what leaders are made of r-------- ... --------------------:---------........................ , : Ylsoscher/Zewllll'I Parlnershlp Agreement l 1 1 I WOUid like io betOme a partner in the ~ W()il( ol 'Milal Hasha$ bycontriblJling NAME~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~­ ADDAl'Ss.~.o.....~~~~~~~~~.c...~~~ TELEPHONEo~~~~~~~-'--~~~-'--~ O $150permonttl'asa 91Utal HaTorah* tr $36permortth-asaMol<lr-Torah a $100 pennonthas a Parnes HaTorah, o 18~ month as.a Chai $uppOrtl!r o $50 pet month as a T()l"Meh Torah o s other "The cost d supporting one sehOlar. My and ac contributions to 'Mfal HaShas~ are tax deducfrble Md fflOSI appreciated. , : MIF'AL HASHAS 4606 lf;th Aven~ 0t00klyn, 'N.Y., t204 t71S}436-n90 : !.. ............ - .................................. - .................................... ___ :_...:~ ..............-.;..,! TISHBSERVER TIIE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly 7 except July and August. by the Kashrus, U.S.A Agudath Israel ofAmertca, 5 Beek­ Rabbi Avrohom Teichman man Street, New York. N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid at New York. N.Y. Subscrtption $15.00 per 14 year: two years. $27.00: three years, Escalating Tensions in Israel $36.00. Outside of the United Rabbi Nissan Wolpin States (US funds only) $20.00. $25.00 in So. Afrtca and Pacific countrtes. Single copy: $2.00: for­ 27 eign: $2.50. Send addresschanges to The Jewish Observer, 5 Beek­ Meaningful Protest man St., N.Y .. N.Y. 10038. Prtnted RabbiAvrohom Pam in theU.SA RABBI NISSONWOLPIN Editor 29 Peace Begins at Home Editorial Board Shmuel Shnitzer DR ERNSTBODENHElMER Chairman RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS 31 JOSEPH FRIEDENSON The Shar'abis of Jerusalem RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN Nehama Consuelo Nahmoud RABBlMOSHESHERER Management Board NAFfOLl HIRSCH 39 ISAAC KIRZNER The Tragedy of European Jewry, a review article RABBI SHLOMO LESlN The Chafetz Chaim I The Last of the Numbered I The Holo­ NACHUM STEIN I I I Business Manager caust and its Significance Beyond Belief Holocaust The RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING Murders at Bullenhuser Damm I The Last Nazi I Fateful Months I Soldiers From the Ghetto I The War of a Jewish Partisan I From Kletzk to Siberia I In the Shadow of the TuEJEWISH OBSERVER does not Kremlin I Our Man In Russia I A Path Through the Ashes assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product or ser­ Vice advertised tn Its pages. 45 © Copyright 1986 Second Looks at the Jewish Scene One Straw, How Many Camels? SEPTEMBER 86. VOL. XIX. NO. 6 Because Qf space considerations, no Letters to the Editor appear in this issue. They will be published next month. THESE RAMES COMING OUT OF TEL AVIV DIDN'T MAKE THE HEADLINES We in America are horror struck at the tales of Torah in a yeshiva in Jerusalem, when the most religious strife in Israel. But when the Ponivezer Rosh popular TV and movie idol in Israel is sending his Yeshiva,Horav Schach x"o•'lll/ was asked to explain re­ children to Chinuch Atzmai schools (and spending his cent events, he said, "The more they say no, the more time studying in a yeshiva), we can see the hand of G-d. we will grow." But the answer must come from us too. Israel is still Today we can see it happening. The secular media a land divided. As thousands of new students stream write about synagogues being burned; they don't report each year into our schools, the government budget cut­ even more startling events happening in and around ters are reducing the allocations for Chinuch Atzmai Tel Aviv. In many areas that for years were known as even more. totally irreligious strongholds, new flames are bursting Yes, we are accepting these children. We are bus­ forth - the bright flames of Tor ah. ing them to distant schools. We are cramming them into In Nachlat Yitzchok and Neve Sharet, irreligious existing buildings, seating them two to a seat meant for suburbs of Tel Aviv, they are begging Chinuch Atzmai one, holding classes in the hallways, on the front lawn, to open a kindergarten for 40 children. The same is anywhere. happening in at least 30 other places around Israel. Yet thousands more may be refused. And if more The winds of Teshuva are blowing. They are school buildings were available, we could double our penetrating ever deeper into the heartlands of the enrollment in one year. Imagine another 50, 000 secular state. What strife we are seeing is the frightened Jewish children learning Torah in Israel! reaction of those whose careers and life are built around Each dollar you give today goes directly towards opposing Torah. Yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs are no supporting the Torah learned in Israel by a Jewish child.
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