Aftermath of Cleveland's MILITANT Civil Rights Fatality Published in the Interests of the Working People — See report page 2 — Vol. 28 - No. 16 Monday, A p ril 20, 1964 Price 10c Fisk Students Hear DeBerry Call for World's Fair Stall-In On Socialism, Civil Rights NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Clifton groups in the sit:in movement. It DeBerry, Socialist Workers Party was this group that filled the candidate for president, stimulat­ breach in the 1961 Freedom Ride Gives Boost to Rights Battle ed a real discussion on socialism by taking over from CORE after and civil rights among Fisk Uni­ the bus-burning and beatings in By William Bundy versity students during his cam­ Alabama. The Fisk-based Nash­ paign visit here. ville movement also played a big NEW YORK, April 15 — The call by Brooklyn CORE for a stall- He was the after-dinner speak­ role in the development of the in to tie up traffic on the opening er at one of the fraternity houses Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitee. day of the World’s Fair here April April 1, was interviewed briefly 22 is giving a great big boost to on the local TV station, and then The discussion at DeBerry’s the whole struggle for Negro appeared before a meeting of evening meeting got right down equality. It has already gained more than one hundred students to brass tacks when a student wide support, including active in the evening. asked: “Are you running as a commitments from militant groups His militant civil rights stand Negro, as a socialist, or just try­ outside the state, and even the had particular interest here. Fisk ing to prove a point?” valuable concrete aid of a key was the birthplace of the Nash­ DeBerry replied that he was trade union in the city. ville sit-ins in 1960 — one of the running as a Negro who had The call — like last month’s most effective student action learned from experience what it school boycott — is also further means to live in a ghetto, to be separating those in the movement segregated and discriminated who mean business from those against. who don’t and welding together a As a result of his experience in new, more militant leadership for the civil rights and labor move­ the struggle. And it has already ments, he continued, he had shaken up the capitalist power learned that capitalism is the root structure from New York City’s source of Jim Crow and that the City Hall to Washington more most effective way to fight Jim than all the “appeals to con­ Crow is to make it part of the science” put together have done. fight against capitalism and for In spite of the irresponsible ac­ socialism. NEW YORK PROTEST. One of the recent demonstrations by tion of CORE National Director As a Negro socialist, he said, Puerto Ricans at East Harlem police station protesting police James Farmer in suspending the he firm ly believes that the goal of brutality. High point of protest came when two cops killed two Brooklyn chapter, support for the human freedom — whether Puerto Rican prisoners in patrol car, claiming one pulled a gun. Brooklyn call includes the follow­ through seperatism or integration ing: Now the cops have been cleared. See story on page 3. — will not be achieved under Gloria Richardson of Cam­ capitalism. He said he was con­ bridge, Maryland, says the Cam­ vinced th a t the developing con- U.S. Intervention in Vietnam bridge Nonviolent Action Group is ciousness of the Negro people sending 200 cars to the stall-in would orient them toward a fun- “because we believe this is an demental change. adequate way to protest the civil But, he added, to really get The Going Is Getting Rougher rights filibuster.” Stanley Branche, someplace, the Freedom Now chairman of the Chester, Pa., movement must take the political By Art Preis Committee for Freedom Now is road and do it in opposition to APRIL 10 — The American peo­ New York Timas indicates that sending cars. Clifton DeBerry (Continued on Page 3) ple are becoming more and more Khanh is unlikely to meet with Brooklyn CORE chairman Isiah disturbed about U.S. intervention more success than his predeces­ Brunson announced support from in the Vietnamese civil war. Their sors, who also enjoyed the un­ the City-wide Committee for Inte­ disquietude is reflected in part in reserved admiration and acclaim grated Schools headed by Rev. Friends Urged to Help Raise the demand recently raised by of Washington and its unstinting Milton Galamison, and from the Senators Wayne Morse and Ernest material aid. Mississippi Relief Committee head­ Gruening for immediate with­ First, the Viet Cong forces ed by Rev. Kinloch. Socialist Workers Party Fund drawal of all U.S. armed forces struck at a militia training cen­ The Manhattan and Bronx chap­ from South Vietnam. ter just 15 miles southwest of ters of CORE have protested the By Marvel Scholl Saigon, wiped out or captured all “illegal suspension” of Brooklyn Fund Director An editorial in the March 27 New York World-Telegram, w hich its forces and seized 115 U.S.- CORE and announced individual On March 1 the Socialist Work­ pie — Negro and white — every seeks to w hip up popular fervor supplied weapons, the main source participation of their members in the stall-in. Malcolm X and ers Party launched a fund cam­ day of the year, election time or for the slaughter of the insurgent of all the Viet Cong arms. Thirty- H arlem Rent S trike leader Jesse paign to raise a minimum of $20,- not. peasants of South Vietnam, com­ six hours later 300 guerrillas am­ 500. The drive w ill run until June We must depend entirely on plains bitterly because “Of all the bushed an equal number of gov­ Gray have announced support. 1. The first scoreboard is on page working people, our own mem­ wars in which the United States ernment troops 50 miles south­ John J. DeLury, president of Sanitation Men’s Local 831 of the 4. bers and friends, for the contribu­ has had a hand, there probably west of Saigon. When either the Republicans or tions which make this work pos­ has been none as unpopular as the Teamsters Union, declared April Near M ain Base 14: “We’re not going to scab on Democrats want money from their sible every day of the year. No one in Vietnam.” anyone fighting for freedom or supporters they hold $100 a plate contribution is too small, none Nevard observes that these Viet One of the major reasons for civil rights.” He says if the city dinners which are short on food too large. Every penny is spent Cong successes, th e ir “ boldness” this is increasing awareness that tries to have Sanitation men haul and long on propaganda. They ap­ to spread the message of a so­ and “ audacity” so near to the Washington is backing an utterly away stalled cars April 22, the peal m ainly to the boss class and cialist society where want and governm ent’s m ain base, illu s ­ corrupt and brutal ruling class of 10,000 members of the local w ill generally get what they go out hunger w ill be eliminated; where trates “the relative freedom of rich landlords and militarists “stay home for the day.” for. For instance, in the recent everyone w ill have good medical operation” exercised by the rev­ against the opposition of the over­ In making its call for action, New Hampshire primaries, it is care; where there w ill be no wars whelming majority of the Viet­ olutionists in the most populous (Continued on Page 3) reported that Lodge, the non­ or threats of wars; where each namese people. area of the country. Their ability campaigning winner, spent an child w ill be assured a good edu­ Washington’s latest military to fight so successfully is based on their popular support. average of $1 a vote for his cation; where the standard of liv­ puppet dictator in South Vietnam, p lu ra lity ; Stassen, an also-ran, ing can be raised to the highest General Nguyen Khanh, was re­ “The guerrillas’ control of the Don't Miss Speech local population gives them ad­ spent about $32 a vote. W hat limits for everyone. cently described by Tim e maga­ By Malcolm X Rockefeller and Goldwater spent We don’t ask anyone to attend zine as “ the ‘strongman’ whom the vantages in the gathering of in­ formation and in troop conceal­ Our next issue w ill feature has not been revealed, but it is $100 a plate dinners to finance U.S. desperately wants to sell to the text of the speech de­ reported that a total of 7 m illio n our work because those from his own people.” He has already ment,” reports Nevard. “These advantages negate to a large ex­ dollars was used by all the con­ whom we seek support could not suffered what the Associated Press livered by Malcolm X to the testants! afford it. We just ask everyone on April 9 called a “major set­ tent the benefits the Government Militant -Labor Forum in That is the kind of money the who reads this to dig into his or back.” troops derive from United States- New York April 8. (See re­ capitalist parties are able to com­ her pocket and be as generous as supplied communications and port on meeting, page 8.) Vietnam Heartland transportation equipment.” mand. What is even more inter­ possible.
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